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Author Topic: Ritual of Change  (Read 113 times)


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Ritual of Change
« on: April 25, 2008, 09:12:21 pm »
I am relatively new to the world of Layonara, and have not yet created a character, nor submitted a request to create a character. I have been looking at the Ghostwise Halfling race and I am quite intrigued, however, I am a bit confused by the "Ritual of Change". In the lore for the Ghostwise, it states that most Ghostwise adventurers are undergoing the "Ritual of Change" although there are a few exceptions.

What exactly is the "Ritual of Change"? It mentions that one is unable to reach an inner balance. Could you elaborate a bit. Are they depressed, or do they just feel out of place and are searching for something more? It would really help my background if I could understand a bit more about this.

Any information you would be willing to share would be most appreciated.

Thanks, and keep up the magnificent work.


Re: Ritual of Change
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2008, 01:41:37 am »
Hello, welcome to Layo and thanks for your question - there is not a great deal written on the Ghostwise themselves, though they have featured in some quests along with a lot of halflings in general.

I would say "yes" to both halves of your question. They might not be depressed necessarily - though one might be depressed if one felt out of place in one's isolated home. Rather, the ghostwise clans live in total seclusion, at odds with the rest of the world and interacting very little with it... they do not renounce the gods, yet do not worship them, either. Their guidance is from their ancestors and the wisdom of inner balance, taking no part in the activities of the outside and being seen but rarely... hidden, silent, able to communicate with body language and gestures... I realize you have seen this information, but I reiterate it both for those who have not, and to simply emphasize the way of life that one may find himself at odds with, to better understand why a ritual may occur to send those out into the world so that they can learn what the rest of the clan already understands.

It could be slightly similar to a farmer's son leaving his family against their wishes to go off adventuring, for example - and yet very different at the same time. For Ghostwise, it is not just "my family's preferences" or even "our way of life" but rather it is the Way of life. The breath of the spirits and wisdom of the elders, the hand that doesn't stir the pot of war and chaos that the other races make for themselves. They stand outside and are at peace with that even while being a bit feral. For whatever reason, someone - most likely the young - is not. It is of course not limited to the young, though. I could imagine an elder clan member that say, witnessed something gravely disturbing, or interpreted a piece of advice from the ancestors that was somehow at odds with what felt right... even just a sense that something lays outside for him, or being a part of something that marked him and he found he could not easily fit back into the place he had filled for so many years...and so he undergoes the ritual of change to seek balance for what is troubling him.

It could be for several reasons, but rarely would a Ghostwise abandon his tribe in secrecy and anger to find a new life, nor would they be strictly forbidden from leaving...after all, a brother at odds with himself is at odds with his tribe and his environment. So most cases you have discontent, perhaps a constant yearning towards wanting to see what is outside before agreeing that to avoid it is the right choice... perhaps a rare and unexpected encounter with someone that was an outsider planted a seed... perhaps a tragedy occurred that made them wish for vengeance and they found they could not stay... there is no particular mood you would need to write for one. It is just "something" that makes them need to leave, whether they chose to do so or it was advice given to them by someone who could see and understand it was needed for the individual and thus the whole.

So... ritual of change... "I don't fit here right now. Why?" "Find the answer, and come back."

It would naturally not take place before they were named at their coming of age. I hope that made sense and helped some, but some others may have more information if it is needed. Likely in fewer words, also!


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Re: Ritual of Change
« Reply #2 on: April 26, 2008, 02:43:49 am »
Thank you very much. Your response has been more than helpful. :)