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Author Topic: Housing question  (Read 453 times)


Housing question
« on: May 11, 2008, 01:05:16 pm »
So who is the housing authority? Is there a GM I can send a PM to to ask a couple big housing questions?  Namely I am intersted in buying and its  alot of money.  I do not want to mess it up.  I have a couple techincal questions and a few availabliity questions.

Thanks for any help in advanced.



Re: Housing question
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2008, 01:31:57 pm »
Is there a reason you can't ask them openly in this thread?


Re: Housing question
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2008, 03:16:45 pm »
Cause I don't want everyone to see how foolish and newbie I am?

But with that said.  Are there any houses for sale that are not in a dwarven run locale?  I guess I should ammend that, that I low level character can get to.

Did I see that houses can be moved? How far can they be moved?
Can houses be built in open spaces? What ever the requirments for that?

Can I attempt to purchase the farmhouse in the Hempstead fields?  Is that techincally possible from the non-player side of it?

If it is possible, can I get a ballpark figure, so I know when I can actually talk to the powers to be about it?

In any case I would like housing to accomidate about 6 players/characters.  Most of which are currently new.  I do not wish to rent, just like real life, renting is throwing money away.

So what can who tell me? I know its a handi-cap to start in a world that has already been running, but even with that said.  I am hopeful that there is something out there without being raked over the coals by those already that own everything.

All of perimeters are loose, but I'd rather list them than not.


Re: Housing question
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2008, 03:52:39 pm »
A reasonably low-level character can get to Prantz quite easily through existing housing portals made available by various organizations.

Houses cannot be "moved" per se - the door that leads to the interior of the house can be changed to a different door, but it's not a trivial thing to do.  Building a "new" house where there wasn't one before requires a module update, would be extremely expensive, and may simply not be granted because of the hassle entailed in doing so.

Purchasing the farmhouse in the Hempstead fields is... well, I won't say "impossible", but we'll say that the bar to doing so would likely be a CDQ at least, and being approved for such a CDQ may simply not happen.  If it turns out to be possible, it would be significantly more costly than any house currently on the market.

Best bet as to finding houses is to go to every real estate office you can find.  Given the desirability of housing, it can be scarce, but there's usually a place or two up for sale.

So, while you may chafe under Rael's rule, it may be the way to go, at least for now. :)


Re: Housing question
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2008, 07:03:56 pm »
Thanks for answering Darkstorme, even if i don't thank you for the answers themselves. =)

*sighs* I do not have to like owning a house under dwarven rule do I.  Just do not see a elven druid ever sleeping through the night there.

How many rooms are in the prantz houses? If ye know.

Can you point me to real extate agents...which cities they are in for which areas?  Hemp has nothing. Hlint has one on Lor/Lyn (not low level friendly and dwarven again.) I know Lerigard is out.  I am going to go run in circles see, if I am missing anything. But I think the one Lyn and Prantzes are the market at the moment.

Thanks again.


Re: Housing question
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2008, 08:08:59 pm »
To add a bit to the answers above...

We're no longer "building" any new houses for anyone on either server for any price, with the possible exception of new guild halls.  As Darkstorme indicated, a house can be "moved", but there is a substantial cost (gold and materials both) involved in doing so, because they involve module changes.  So for your question in buying one of the houses in the Hempstead fields, as there are no housing interiors attached to them would involve buying an existing house and putting in a request for a move.

We will most likely not entertain running CDQs for the sole purpose of buying a house.

Incidentally, have you checked up around Dalanthar?


Re: Housing question
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2008, 11:53:04 pm »
thanks to you both again.  

No I have not checke dout Delanthar, I am told that you you take the stormcrest portal you are there? near there?  But I guess I am too newbie to of been and remembered.  

And if I had a house I coudl in theory have the door to it put in at one of the vacant/nonexistant houses in the fields?  Does the possessed house have to be close to it? what happens to the odl house, does it effectivly turn into a hous elike th eone sin the fields, visually there but lackign an interior?

And can you ball park a figure of what it would cos tto do such?  200K 400K 1 million?  not trying to hold you to anything, just want to see if its practicle and how much money i'd have to save to bother begining the process.

Thanks a ton for the answers already.


Re: Housing question
« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2008, 12:48:35 am »
You should look at the most recent few requests here:

There's not really a limit to where a door can be moved, as long as it's an existing, unused structure on the same server.  The old house structure would then become "inert" so to exterior without an interior connected to it.


Re: Housing question
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2008, 05:45:05 am »
A quick glance for the actual cost of buying a house and moving the house would be 2 * 175000 = 350000 trues and a heavy amount of CNR (low level to mid level CNR, so nothing too fancy).

The price would be far cheaper with a cheaper house... but as far as I know, those 175000 (or more expensive than that) houses in Prantz are the only ones left on the market, for the moment.


Re: Housing question
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2008, 10:49:01 am »
Okay, so on the information provided below, I have purchased a house on the west server.  151 Lyn.  Looks like it use to be a banned player's house.  Price wise it was a deal 50K.  Location wise it's a disaster.

I would like retie the house to one of the structures in the hempstead fields. (A druid living on a farm....hmm wonder how I feel about that..better than a city!)  I would also like to expand the house, but do not need to do such now.  Or more aptly put, is it easier for whoever handling it to do it all at once?  If so, I will raise the funds for all of it at once, to make it as easy as possible.  I think doubling the size will be good.  And as far as floorplans, I have a very basic desire, after that I'll take whatever is pregenerated to once again keep it as simple and easy as possible.

So which should I ask for: just to retie now and worry about the expantion later.

Or ask to have them both done in one swoop?  Which is the preference of the powers that have to go through the hassal?

Once that is answered all I have to do is post on the right thread, and follow the instructions there and get the required CNR and True?

Everyone has been extremly helpful.  Hopefully I have not been too annoying yet.



Re: Housing question
« Reply #10 on: May 12, 2008, 12:11:37 pm »
Remodels and/or relocations are dependent upon the timing of module updates, so doing things piecemeal doesn't help you much in terms of timing, and yes, it's easier to do both at once.

RP-wise, I'm not sure why a druid would want a large house regardless of location.  For the move, the resources required include lots of wood planks, which means a substantial need for cut trees...again, an odd thing for a druid.

In any case, the process starts here:


Re: Housing question
« Reply #11 on: May 12, 2008, 12:42:39 pm »
Once again, my thanks for the information.  And I represent a few people (maybe half a dozen,) its not just my desires.  Would love to have a nice woodsie place, but that was sold over a month ago and for 400K.  And at this point beggers cant be choosers.  I mean I was about to live in Prantz!!! And by the gods, I disdain that place in play.  But after a server has been running you take what you can get and are happy about it.  The rest you work out the best you can.  Guess I'll start collecting branches as its on an hour timer, because we don't chop trees.


