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Author Topic: Sanctus Mortis CDQ  (Read 564 times)


Sanctus Mortis CDQ
« on: January 28, 2014, 10:45:15 pm »
Seeing if it would be possible for an aspiring cleric of Corath to try to unseat the current Sanctus Mortis (The high priestess, if I am correct) and take the possition in the church. If so, my Corathite Xera would be seeking a CDQ to accomplish this.And a side note for another possible CDQ... if a character were to persue lichdom as a way to achieve immortality, would they be allowed to stay with the player or would the undeady-ness, or would they be turned into a NPC?


There's defintely the
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 11:52:48 pm »

There's defintely the possibility of such things, however it would likely be a multi-session series of cdq's, possibly WLDQ(?) especially for so new a character.  But definitely it could be something to aspire to.



Teo wrote:And a side note for
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2014, 08:55:06 am »

Quote from: "Teo"&nid="10162623"

And a side note for another possible CDQ... if a character were to persue lichdom as a way to achieve immortality, would they be allowed to stay with the player or would the undeady-ness, or would they be turned into a NPC?

Lichdom is attainable for a PC, but at that point, the player loses all control of the character and it becomes an NPC. 

Speaking purely from a technical and administrative perspective, Layonara simply is not set up for undead PCs.  There are a lot of reasons this is the case from a mechanical perspective, but there are other considerations as well.  Among them, a lich PC would quite likely be hunted and stalked by other PCs who would seek to destroy them permanently, which could/would happen should someone get ahold of the lich's phylactery (see also: permadeath).  They would not be allowed in populated areas. A lich PC would find their freedom of play severely restricted, such as being unwelcome/attacked on pretty much every quest, if not by PCs then by NPCs. The list goes on.

So yes, it's attainable, but it is an Epic-scale sort of undertaking and probably either requiring a WLDQ or something pursued after a successful WLDQ, and as I said, it would make the PC unplayable.  Immortal in way, yes, but unplayable all the same.



Alright, I will start
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2014, 09:00:22 am »

Alright, I will start concidering a CDQ series for the Sanctus Mortis position. And as far as a lich being hunted to be destroyed and not being able to go in populated areas, could there be an item like the lich skin that would give the illusion of bein alive that would be good enough to pass off as living?



Well, even if your character
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 09:33:26 am »

Well, even if your character becomes an NPC in the end, until then, it'll be an incredible story and journey! Go for it!



Trying to unseat the Sanctus
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 09:40:51 am »

Trying to unseat the Sanctus Mortis is definitely at a WLDQ sort of thing, and I'll give you fair warning, if you try for such a goal, your character will certainly be marred in ways she can never come back from. Note, I keep using the word "try." That's because even mentioning the deed should make you tremble. ;)



Teo wrote:And as far as a
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2014, 10:46:34 am »

Quote from: "Teo"&cid="2752956"

And as far as a lich being hunted to be destroyed and not being able to go in populated areas, could there be an item like the lich skin that would give the illusion of bein alive that would be good enough to pass off as living?

In a word: No.

In more words: Not going to happen.

To explain: This is the classic "having your cake and eating it too" scenario. A lich is an ECL4 character template and is ridiculously powerful when taken all together (and please, no mechanical dissections). Without meaning to sound snippy, such a request is basically saying "I want all the goods that goes with being a lich without any of the negatives." Whether we're talking about dark elves, orcs, or whatever, the choices a player makes regarding a character's template will often come with burdens as well.  A lich is worse than a dark elf, in that respect, in that not only is its appearance distinctive but its very existance is both unnatural and formed from unspeakable evil.

A mystical "device" that sidesteps these burdens essentially removes them.  We have one WL who has an item from his WLDQ that temporarily transforms his appearance away from that of a dark elf into something that can be seen in public.  It only lasts a short period of time, limited use/day, etc.  It does not last a long time, so it does not act as a permanent disguise, and it was earned. If we allowed liches to be playable, lichdom would in fact be the WLDQ reward, so adding another super-powerful able to not only mask appearance but also change unlife into life, as far as detection goes, would be too much.

The matter of appearance though is secondary. We really would have to add in whole new systems to support undead PCs, and this is something that isn't going to happen.  The RP of liches and their nature is not very compatible with Layonara as it presently is. Spell systems, death system and several other considerations are not in place to support a player-controlled lich (or any other form of undead/unliving template). Lichdom is the endgame for a PC; it is not nor will it be in the NWN incarnation a playable option for PCs.



Also, if anyone's interested,
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2014, 10:48:45 am »

Also, if anyone's interested, the lich matter was discussed about 3 years ago due to a thread on this very question posted by EdTheKet:

Also, an interesting (if muuuuuuch older) discussion on this from 9 years ago:



Alright, thanks for that link
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2014, 03:28:59 pm »

Alright, thanks for that link and the information!



Dorg, I love how you can
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2014, 10:49:25 pm »

Dorg, I love how you can reference antique threads with a grace. I kind of remember that dicusion from way back then. LOL!

Good stuff!


