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Author Topic: question that may sound selfish ;)  (Read 116 times)


question that may sound selfish ;)
« on: February 16, 2008, 10:51:57 pm »
Would it be alright if a player ( me in this case ) would go look for a GM to help set up trips for a selected group of characters ?

For some time now i had the idea to try and set up something to gather the Knights and clergy of Rofirein to start work together in the name off good .

My vision of how that could be done keeps returning to the same point how ever , and that would require a Gm giving orders to safe/free/inspect places .

I am well aware that rp wise i could set up something myself by calling people together and roam the lands , but am running out of ideas how to prevent it from becoming a " bash-fest " with-out a goal to work towards .

Since this would be for Knights and clergy of Rofirein and their closest and most trusted friends i understand if people would frown upon this request .

But never asked is always a NO , so i thought i better ask and have a small chance on a YES :)

// p.s : any GM with time in the weekends ..feel free to offer your help ;)


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2008, 11:00:44 pm »
I think that it is kind of request is not really wanted because if it was the GMs would be innudated with requests from players 24x7.

What you are looking for is probably a GCDQ.


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2008, 11:19:49 pm »
Quote from: Tanman
I think that it is kind of request is not really wanted because if it was the GMs would be innudated with requests from players 24x7.

What you are looking for is probably a GCDQ.

I am looking for a way to realistically show the world that Rofirein-followers do their best to ensure order and law in the world .

My understanding is that part of the duties of Knights are investigate and handle situations that threaten that in the world .

Reports of vampires roaming Mistone in my eyes would set the church to hand out orders to investigate that , as Mistone largely accepts the laws of the Rofireinites i think .

A faith like Rofirein , depending on rules and reports and acting upon those , would give out orders to investigate in those kind of cases i think .

If that is any kind of CDQ , then i guess it would be FCDQ ( F stands for Faith in this case )


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 11:25:01 pm »
Couldn't you run a GCDQ for that?  I mean, you don't need to go onto Quest for the GCDQ and you could have it focus around the conflict you'd want to investigate and such, but remember you need to cooridinate with the proper DM and other Rofies too  ;)


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 11:43:17 pm »
Quote from: ShiffDrgnhrt
Couldn't you run a GCDQ for that?  I mean, you don't need to go onto Quest for the GCDQ and you could have it focus around the conflict you'd want to investigate and such, but remember you need to cooridinate with the proper DM and other Rofies too  ;)

Well ...since i'm not looking for anything as big as a GCDQ would be ( in my eyes ) i think it would be overdone .

Rofireinites should investigate EVERY lawlessness , ranging from shoplifting to kidnapping and murder i guess .

I am looking for small side-quests like capturing the cattle thief or finding the missing son/daughter of some one .

The small tasks that would help show the people that the bureaucrats of the Rofireinites ensures that orders are given out to the right persons and that there is no difference between the " epic " criminal or the petty thief as-far as Rofirein is concerned .

Its the small things like ensuring the safety of a small village for instance , that would help the world to see that Rofirein is there for any one matter the true they do or do not posses .


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2008, 12:15:28 am »
Quote from: jan
Well ...since i'm not looking for anything as big as a GCDQ would be ( in my eyes ) i think it would be overdone .

Rofireinites should investigate EVERY lawlessness , ranging from shoplifting to kidnapping and murder i guess .

I am looking for small side-quests like capturing the cattle thief or finding the missing son/daughter of some one .

Well there are some quests already that deals with this sort of things... However the solutions offered are often the one I like to call whack-the-villan-untill-he-is-no-longer-a-threat, rather than sending people to trial for their crimes. There have been a few examples though like the trial of Saidia Pepperin, the trial of the people who was involved in the shapeshifter thing in Spellgard and the trial of Khuren. However there could be more, but well sometimes it is just easier to kill the bad guys and call it a day ;)
I would actually say that for this thing a CDQ/GCDQ would be a good option, another thing would be some player taken innitiatives on the matter as I have done for Lucinda every now and then. I know it is rather hard to catch criminals without having any criminals out there but you could gather the rofi characters behind you in a stronger organisation and share information so that in the event of a criminal running loose in place X there would be something happening from the rofi side.

Quote from: jan
The small tasks that would help show the people that the bureaucrats of the Rofireinites ensures that orders are given out to the right persons and that there is no difference between the " epic " criminal or the petty thief as-far as Rofirein is concerned .

Its the small things like ensuring the safety of a small village for instance , that would help the world to see that Rofirein is there for any one matter the true they do or do not posses .

Well the thing here is, does "people" really believe that? Most adventures does but that is highly likely because most adventures aren't lawful in the first place. So they don't see the golden dragon as overly good because he seems to be limiting some freedoms they wish to have.
For the general population, well without knowing too much I would guess that the people who live in relatively lawfulish goodish places like Hempstead(LN) or somewhere else where the laws seem to work they would probably not think about the church of rofirien as being a corrupt one as the representatives there would probably be nice enough and not corrupt. Where the people living a place like Kartherian(LE) would probaly have experienced some rather corrupt legal authorities and would believe that the golden one is rather corrupt to support the law since the law seems to be a matter of your purse rather than what is right.


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2008, 12:32:11 am »
Heck, as Shiff about whats gone on in Hemp lately...  He's got a quest for you  ;)


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2008, 03:36:19 am »
Quote from: Pibemanden
Well there are some quests already that deals with this sort of things... However the solutions offered are often the one I like to call whack-the-villan-untill-he-is-no-longer-a-threat, rather than sending people to trial for their crimes. There have been a few examples though like the trial of Saidia Pepperin, the trial of the people who was involved in the shapeshifter thing in Spellgard and the trial of Khuren. However there could be more, but well sometimes it is just easier to kill the bad guys and call it a day ;)I would actually say that for this thing a CDQ/GCDQ would be a good option, another thing would be some player taken innitiatives on the matter as I have done for Lucinda every now and then. I know it is rather hard to catch criminals without having any criminals out there but you could gather the rofi characters behind you in a stronger organisation and share information so that in the event of a criminal running loose in place X there would be something happening from the rofi side.

While i know that some quests are touching on this , i found out that they are at times that i cant make it .

Furthermore i'm not looking for a long quest since i think that misses the point that i would like to make .

The idea behind it is to spread the word that Rofirein followers care about EVERY one and are not too big to help out Mister X with his missing cattle ( which might only take half an hour RL to solve )and are willing to help out King Y with his troubles in his Kingdom as well (which might take 3 sessions of 3-4 hours to solve ).

Quote from: Pibemanden
Well the thing here is, does "people" really believe that? Most adventures does but that is highly likely because most adventures aren't lawful in the first place. So they don't see the golden dragon as overly good because he seems to be limiting some freedoms they wish to have.
For the general population, well without knowing too much I would guess that the people who live in relatively lawfulish goodish places like Hempstead(LN) or somewhere else where the laws seem to work they would probably not think about the church of rofirien as being a corrupt one as the representatives there would probably be nice enough and not corrupt. Where the people living a place like Kartherian(LE) would probaly have experienced some rather corrupt legal authorities and would believe that the golden one is rather corrupt to support the law since the law seems to be a matter of your purse rather than what is right.

The reply i made above explains a bit i think .

I'm not talking about adventurers , but rather about the ruling fractions in towns and the people living in the lands .
Right now i see pleads for help on numerous things , but haven't seen any request for help or aid on the Rofirein forum or on the Inn's forums directed at Rofireinites .

Since in my understanding Rofirein law and rules are reasonably accepted in the lands ( again , by the common people and the councils of towns ) in my eyes it would be logical if they DID ask for Rofireinite help .

Showing the world with small interlude quests that the Rofireinites CAN unite and help out ( no matter how pitty or big the problem ) would strengthen the feeling of safety and further the feeling that the laws are there for a good reason . ( or at-least TRY to help out ;) )


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2008, 03:47:29 am »
This would still fall under a CDQ I would say.


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2008, 12:43:54 pm »
I think what B is asking here is to coordinate impromptus where Rofies would be more involved. Ie kidnappings, rescuing someone that is trapped somewhere, a bank in some town being robbed, death threats being handled around and the temple being notified and sends people to investigate. Not necessarily bashing fest, but things that would need more investigations.


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2008, 01:17:19 pm »
Yeah...which is not unlike a CDQ (which shouldn't be bash-fests anyway), as they require GM interaction, setup, etc.

Another option is to work with the GM running such events in an "offline" sort of sense, which is something I do/have done due to my general inability to make every significant quest that might overlap my character. Most times, the GMs are pretty accommodating.

Just a thought. :)


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2008, 01:25:02 pm »
I think the reticence i see is for the time limit on the cdq's. Totally understandable with what the Gm's have to do beside running quests and their RL, but might be why he doesn't want to go that way.


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2008, 02:22:42 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
I think the reticence i see is for the time limit on the cdq's. Totally understandable with what the Gm's have to do beside running quests and their RL, but might be why he doesn't want to go that way.

True , i know their time is limited and i find asking them ooc for workarounds with them puts pressure on them and i don't want that .

They all are working hard and deserve their "free " time ;)

That is why i said under the first post that if a GM has time he/she is free to set-up something .( preferably Sunday's or Saturday's , mornings for me : 9-11 AM GMT as-many as possible Rofirein chars can attend *winks and runs * )


Re: question that may sound selfish ;)
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2008, 02:49:09 pm »
I'm sure that if a GM has time and inclination they might, not just for Rofis but for anyone, but there's a danger in it becoming a habit and taking up more time.

It should also not be used as a way around CDQ time limits...

It should also not be used as a way to request XP, as things like this, if done, should be handled as CDQs in that they don't give XP.

I just had an event like that for my character yesterday, which amounted to a couple hours of GM interaction with nothing but the time spent as a reward (i.e. no XP)....which is perfectly fine.

But again, it all boils down to GM availability and willingness, and that the practice does not degenerate into a "GM on-call" kind of situation....because that is why we put the clamps on CDQs in the first place. Players abused the system, and GMs couldn't run scheduled quests.