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Author Topic: level requirement oddity  (Read 134 times)


level requirement oddity
« on: July 13, 2009, 07:58:10 pm »
Quote from: Leanthar


Code: [Select]
E\\S     0   1-2     3     4
      ---   ---   ---   ---
0   |  10    11    12    13
1-2 |  13    14    14    15
3   |  14    15    16    17
4   |  17    18    18    19

I just want to make sure of something because this seems peculiar.

If you check this out, at level 17 you could get a level 4 elemental enchantment and a 0 2 enhancement. Then at level 18 a 4 enchantment and a 1 or 2 enhancement. But just beside it it states level 18 for a 4 enchantment and level 3 enhancement.

Is this right?


Re: level requirement oddity
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2009, 08:47:06 pm »
I don't necessarily think that's peculiar, unless I'm missing what you're saying... you could always check, creating an item in the toolset, to see what the level requirement should be.


Re: level requirement oddity
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2009, 10:03:27 pm »
I think these charts were made empirically, using actual in-game results.  

So yes, it may seem weird, but it's all from Bioware's math on how valuable it considers the various item properties.

