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Author Topic: On the Knights of the Wyrm  (Read 123 times)

Black Cat

On the Knights of the Wyrm
« on: November 04, 2008, 03:03:09 am »
My Halfling paladin is coming to age soon, and I have a question:

- In the Lore page for Rofirein, it is stated that each candidate spend at least for 4 years as an initiate. Are those to be IG years (I mean from the time the char is actually created and played) or can they be counted for those before.

I.e. my char will have spent about 10 years at the Academy in Western Gate, training to be a Knight (Paladin). Will these count towards he's initiate time?
If so, then he'll bear a Shield with the Rofirein's symbol right ahead, and "Knight Errant" will not equal "Initiate" as I stated here, but will be another step towards being accepted into the ranks of the Wyrm.


Re: On the Knights of the Wyrm
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2008, 03:18:22 am »
I'm in no way the most reliable source here, but from what I have seen from others going for the knighthood. It is IG years. I remember Daniel having more than his share of rps with Jennara.


Re: On the Knights of the Wyrm
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2008, 09:12:54 am »
Jennara was never officially part of the Church before she was tested to become a Knight (though she was a faithful member of the laity), so I'm not sure the stuff on the Rofirein page necessarily applies to becoming a Knight of the Wyrm, even though it's written that way.

As an opinion, I think the ten years in training and the in-character and mechanical actuality of being a Paladin means your character is past the stage of being an Initiate, so would have been granted a shield and would be able to take steps toward whichever path was appropriate.  Someone more official can tell you if that works, heh.


Re: On the Knights of the Wyrm
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2008, 10:54:51 am »
Dezza is the GM that generaly handles the Knights of the Wyrm events and requests.  He would be the one to chime in here and direct questions too I think.


Re: On the Knights of the Wyrm
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 01:48:11 am »
Your characters previous years in training would be included here. The Initiate rank is for the clergy and not the Knights of the Wyrm.

The Knights are the Military arm of the Church if you like. To become a Knight you must indeed go through the initiation ceremony (CDQ). You must apply in writing to a High Justicier and the Divisional Commander(ie Reus is High Justicier in Fort Vehl, Sir Breten Parth is the Divisional Commander for Mistone).

Once formally accepted to attend the initiation you go through the ceremony and are asked to face a number of tests and questions. Based on your answers you may be either; not accepted, accepted as a Squire or accepted as a Knight of the Wyrm (lowest rank apart from squire).

So...after all that..first step is to submit your letter to the relevant authorities, then apply for a cdq with a GM. (In the past when I've done them I have opened up the cdq to others who wish to apply as well and run a group cdq event.) But..any GM can do them as there is a set format to follow for the initiations.

One final note is that if you are not accepted you cannot apply again...(except in exceptional circumstances or for exceptional reasons) :)

