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Author Topic: Ox tries to return items when full but items not returned to inventory  (Read 573 times)


Bioware name:  DavidhoffCharacter:  Corky EmbercrackleDate: March 7thishReproduced: didn't tryGM Witness:  NoDescription:  I tried putting some platinum ingots in my ox, and the ox said it was returing the items because it was full, but I never received the items (three ingots of platinum) in my inventory.  I have logs and I took a screeny.  I'll try to post the screeny below: edit: ok I think I got the screeny included as an attachment2nd edit:  Oh, I want to mention that I didn't have a firm count of the total platty ingots I had on my possession before I tried to load them on the ox, so I can't confirm if indeed I ever lost any, because they might have all made it to the ox and when it said it tried to return the three maybe they might still be on the ox?  Sorry if that's confusing :) Wanted to post this incase there is a problem with the oxen eating like goats.Davidhoff


It looks like the
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2015, 06:48:18 pm »

It looks like the ActionGiveItem didn't fire to transfer the ingots back from the ox to you however they're still on your ox though. You currently have 43 items on your ox. This can happen at times when you try to jam things in too swiftly. 

I wouldn't advise players try to keep jamming things on their oxes to attempt to fit more than 40. This will cause me to rethink oxen altogether and generally put me in a bad mood.