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Author Topic: Douglas Evenhammer - Deep Dwarf Fighter/Weapon Master  (Read 521 times)


Douglas Evenhammer - Deep Dwarf Fighter/Weapon Master
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:18:23 am »
Classified Information

File: 603
Name: Douglas Evenhammer
Race: Deep Dwarf
Class: Fighter/Weapon Master
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 105
Gender: Male
Deity: None
Rank: Private
Codename: Doug

An even tempered old solider who’s only ambition is the mastery of his war hammer.

A middle aged deep dwarf with a sturdy build and wrinkled gray skin, neatly trimmed black moustache, bald head and brown eyes. He walks with a crisp military clip and his gaze is clear and steady when viewing both friend and foes. Most notably he carries an army issue war hammer with him at all times.


Douglas Evenhammer is a veteran of the initial battle for Prantz. He enlisted with the Rael invasion force as a private and is once more a private. His primary skill and only ambition appears to be mastery of his warhammer.

During the starvation riots of 1408, when plague swept through his unit, Douglas achieved the rank of acting Sergeant. He was instrumental to quelling the riots in the docks of Seawatch Fort. With a reduced strength unit of six men he was able to enforce an embargo of a newly arrived merchant vessel that had previously docked at Hurm. In the incident report, acting Sergeant Evenhammer wrote that he “knocked back all rioters who attempted to board the merchant vessel in search grain with an 8lb hammer”. After the incident Douglas was the prime candidate for Sergeant of the Seawatch Fort dockyard unit. However, he declined to apply and the position was awarded to a more ambitious deep dwarf.

Private Evenhammer has been posted to almost every battalion in the Rael Army, except for the Allra, and has received unblemished if unremarkable reports from all. His experience in the structure and nature of the Rael Army is complete, and he has been an asset to each unit he has served. He is well liked by both military and civilians within the Army. His lack of ambition and constant redeployment has allowed him to avoid most of the local politics and infighting. He is also surprisingly tolerant of the lesser races and is often selected for crowd control and guard duty in delicate situations. To take advantage of this Private Evenhammer was given advanced training in the Elven language. His willingness to accept this training and rapid mastery of this lesser language in a period of 10 year was noted by his tutors. They recommended further study in additional languages.

It was because of this recommendation that private Evenhammer was recalled for re-education. During clerical testing it came to light that private Evenhammer was no longer devoted to Sulterio. Further psychological profiling revealed that private Evenhammer has a LN personality type, unusual but not unheard of for a deep dwarf. This personality profile explains his lack ambition and overt fraternisation with the lesser races. Questioning in the Prantz information extraction facility revealed that despite not worshiping Sulterio, private Evenhammer is loyal to Rael Kingdom and the Rael Army.

Given his background it is recommended private Evenhammer be redeployed as a Deep Agent. His code name is Doug.

