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Author Topic: Alex Rockheart - Deep Dwarf Cleric  (Read 483 times)


Alex Rockheart - Deep Dwarf Cleric
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:09:02 am »
Classified Information

File: 604
Name: Alex Rockheart
Race: Deep Dwarf
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 55
Gender: Male
Deity: Sulterio
Rank: Initiate
Codename: Humble
Domains: Earth and Evil

A charismatic and ambitious battle priest of Sulterio.

Before you stands a handsome Deep dwarf with black eyes, neatly cropped gray hair, smooth skin, cleanly shaved face and warm brown eyes. He is blessed with a pleasant and powerful voice. He wears the mushroom amulet of Sulterio on a chain around his neck. When armoured for battle he wields a war hammer and shield, clearly marking him as one of the Chosen of Sulterio.


Alex Rockheart was trained in the art of war under battle cleric Martalo De'Ferrum in Prantz. Alex’s father was also a battle cleric and had a long military career in the underdark, working for various factions, but never climbing to a great rank. His father sent young Alex to the temple in Prantz to give him the education and opportunity to achieve greatness in the new world. Alex grasped this opportunity and his personal ambition has known no bounds. Alex was a driven and diligent student and was one of the first battle clerics to graduate from the new temple in Prantz. The following is an except from Alex Rockheart’s permanent record.

Alex Rockheart is for all appearances is a likeable and amiable student of Sulterio. The truth, however, is that he is an ambitious and driven individual. He feels the touch of Sulterio strongly and the poison of hatred runs deep within his veins. When he first arrived at the temple as a young dwarf it bubbled and boiled to the surface frequently. Most notably Alex was the instigator of vigilante group that involved eight other students who were also lodging at the temple’s barracks. This group was involved in late night outings, targeting and beating lesser dwarves. At least five lesser dwarves were seriously injured from these incidents and one untidy death had to be re-explained as accident. These incidents were embarrassing for the Rael administration and ran counter to the public perception Lord Rael wishes to present. Alex, despite all his charms and charisma, was not able to avoid the disciplinary action that followed. He and his fellow student-vigilantes spent a month in re-education. He has since learnt discretion and patience. He may still be involved in the occasional vigilante indicants that still occur in the city, but there is no longer any evidence of his involvement.  

Two years ago Alex spent a rotation in the Adamanitum Guard. While stationed at fort Rael his battalion were involved in several a war-game exercises. During these exercises Alex’s skilled oration was inspirational to his unit’s performance. He received a commendation from his unit commander.

Recently Alex has petitioned for rapid advancement and higher duties. Given his background it is recommended Alex Rockheart be redeployed as a Deep Agent. His code name is Humble.

1. I have read the information on Sulterio and I will play Alex Rockheart as a faithful priest of Sulterio to the best of my abilities.

2. It is action not words that pleases the Brooding One. However, it is through words and powerful oration that Alex leads and inspires his fellow deep dwarves into action. Alex is always doing and never passive: fighting, mining, working metal, orating, and rooting out seditionists. As a battle priest Alex prays each day upon rising so that Sulterio will better know the sound of his voice, lest his prayers go unanswered in the heat of battle because Sulterio did not hear him over the uproar.

3. Alex wears darkened full plate and carries a shield and hammer, the favoured weapon of Sulterio. His ambition is to forge a suit of adamantium full plate to wear in honour of the Adamantine One.