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Author Topic: Stronger crafting tools  (Read 172 times)


Stronger crafting tools
« on: February 13, 2006, 10:00:46 am »
I was thinking of ATS and the items that we could craft.
There you could make things such as pickaxes,woodcutter axes,etc from many diffrent metals.
The stronger the metal the longer they lasted.
Id like to see some new CNR recipes for said tools made of diffrent metals so they last longer.
I have seen iron and bronze pickaxes but they cant be used to mine.

That would be a good thing to add IMO.


RE: Stronger crafting tools
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2006, 10:56:23 am »
Here's the problem with tool breakage as it currently stands....
  For some reason (and it's something I will be looking into when time allows) the percentages for breakage are somewhat finicky, and small changes can have much greater effects when actually running in game. At the beginning of the year, we saw what a very modest increase in tool breakage chances did to tool breakage, and such chances have been reverted to their previous levels.
  If I remember correctly (and I can't check right now) the percentages for breaking tools is actually quite low, and getting it any lower would be making them nearly unbreakable.
  At this time, there are much bigger fish to fry, but eventually I hope to have much finer-grained control over tool and spawn breakage. When I get a chance, I'll post the tool breakage percentages, but I think they're really quite around a 1% chance each time they're used.


RE: Stronger crafting tools
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2006, 10:58:41 am »
*dreams back* Remember when we had a patch update with increased breakratio back in v1 Layo, had to carry around 18pickaxes or somethhing to be sure to get atleast one vein :d