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Author Topic: CNR Gathering  (Read 408 times)


CNR Gathering
« on: June 17, 2010, 05:01:46 pm »
I started this thread based on CNR gathering discussion origionally posted here:

I'm still trying to get a better feel for what the Team wants the end result to be for CNR gathering.  However, from what I've read it looks like there is both a "time spent over a CNR area component" and a "number of times you harvest CNR component".  From my reading, it seems that it is not out of the question that a particular CNR area (emeralds is what I'm really thinking of right now) can by harvested at least twice within the current 30 minute rule.  Granted you'd have to be very precise about when and where you rested, you'd have to kill creatures as quick as possible, work crazy fast to chip at the CNR, and God forbid you try to add some RP into that.

So, my point is then if two passes is possible for the ultra skilled and quick, why not just say the rule is 2 (two) passes for all CNR?  That way you don't have people looking at their watches and worrying all about some 30 minute timer which is not condusive to RP and can really take you out of the immersion.

I would propose the following rule then:

2 (two) passes for all CNR, and keep the 60 minute looping rule in place.  CNR not falling within the 2 (two) pass rule would be plants and sand type CNR (aloe, wheat, barley, sand, clay, etc); these would fall only under the 60 min looping rule.
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Re: CNR Gathering
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 05:26:24 pm »
I say make it even simpler.  Let's just make it easy.  One pass only.  Add another vein if you want, but cut out the problems with people trying to twist the rules however they want.  One pass of cnr.  You go down, you get it, you go out.


Re: CNR Gathering
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 05:37:25 pm »
Agreed with what Alatriel said if we're talking about high level stuff (emeralds, mithril, yew); other CNR should still be two I think


Re: CNR Gathering
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 05:54:21 pm »
What does the team want for CNR harvesting? We want folks to go out, Roleplay their way through the areas in question and be mindful of the time and then move on when it is appropriate to do so. We want people to consider in the back of their minds that the point of this server is more RP then 'stuff.' We also want folks to be considerate that other people may be moving into the area in the near future and they'd like to have some CNR available as well. I'm certain most of you have experienced the times where you've needed a few items and have gone to collect them yourself only to find repeatedly that there is nothing there.

We will not be nailing down any particular number of passes.

Despite the fact that there is evil alignments approved on this server, it is still a family server and one where we require our members to play fair. We also want RP to be the primary goal, not getasmuchstuffasyoucan.

There is no need to nail it down to a hard coded number at all. Let common sense be your guide. Let your RP carry you where it will, within the guidelines of the server. These guidelines are present to protect the community as a whole.

I guarantee that if you are using common sense, keeping in mind the rules of the server and enjoying yourselves, no one is going to get into trouble and everyone is going to have a good time. The GM team is not sitting around hunting people waiting for them to mess up. We, frankly, have better things to do with our exceptionally limited time. If we happen to notice something that seems off we will investigate. That's not the same thing as hunting. I reiterate again, there is no reason to pound in stone more rules on an already rule heavy server. No one enjoys Rping inside an iron box. No one enjoys reading rules! No one enjoys having to memorize them so that they don't have to live under a shadow of 'omgpleasedon'tletmegetintotroubleforthis.'

If you've been in a single CNR area for longer then 30 minutes, don't harvest the CNR. If you have been there for a long time, but not 30 minutes, but you think the clearing and harvesting will take you over that minute limit, make an alternate plan. If you are one minute over by the reckoning of an outside GM, we will not be banning you from the server or anything ridiculous like this. We probably won't even notice! If you didn't get what you needed in that 30 minute time frame, come back later. Seems to me that's as good a reason as any to together for RP at a later time.



Re: CNR Gathering
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2010, 06:06:40 pm »
*picks himself up off the ground, straightens his jaw and wipes the blood from his lip*

Sorry, I was just trying to suggest a rule that was easier to understand, promoted better roleplay and had more consistent results.


Re: CNR Gathering
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 06:25:35 pm »
I pretty much agree with all that Rowana just said.

The rule as it is now is very simple. Spend no more than 30 minutes camping the same CNR.  There are no exceptions, special cases or modifying conditionals. It is short and to the point. It efficiently covers all cases, regardless of CNR type, regardless of CNR level, regardless of location and regardless of what's guarding it, if anything.

To go with the suggestion by davidhoff might free people from looking at their watches, but it would require players and GMs to look at the rule book and ask, "OK, now...for this kind of CNR, it's X passes...." and so forth. And what about cases where there's more than one type of CNR in a given area? What if they have different stipulations on number of passes? This would add more complexity, not less. Easier to understand, perhaps, but harder to remember and more cumbersome to enforce.

But if the community overwhelmingly wants us to give a number, then I'm inclined to go with Alatriel's suggestion of a one pass maximum, whether it's Emeralds in the Deep or Rice in Krandor.  One pass.  Of course then, we're into the question of "When can I make another pass?" and we're all back to looking at our watches.

