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Author Topic: Infusing Table Receipe Suggestion  (Read 143 times)


Infusing Table Receipe Suggestion
« on: April 20, 2007, 06:54:08 am »
I know the balance issues and troubles that have gone into this tradeskill before I even suggest this. I also feel it needs a new overhaul in the future, but I am not going into that. I am suggesting a current balance issue that IMO has been needed for some time.

With that aside, I think that infusing needs to have a 5th level druid spell gem/wand and 5th level cleric spell gem/wand to go in line with the current Firebrand spell gem/wand.

I suggest for the cleric to put in either Circle of Doom or flamestrike. Neither of these spells will be over powering in a wand, it will simply give a cleric the ability to level up their infusing on par with a sorceror and wizard.

For the Druid spell I suggest inferno. Again this will allow a druid and cleric the same leveling abilities/advantages that a sorceror and wizard currently have. After all there are staves that only a druid/ranger can make due to the requirment for the spell camoflague memed to make the staff.

