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Author Topic: poisonmaking question  (Read 574 times)


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    poisonmaking question
    « on: December 02, 2006, 04:46:11 pm »
    is poisonmaking a tradeskill in and of its own or is it part of alchemy.  I have not been able to find any crafting books related to poisons, but have been able to find some for alchemy but was informed that poisonmaking was its on tradeskill, any help would be appreciated.  and if its allowed you could point me in the direction to these poisonmaking books if they exist.


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 05:26:02 pm »
    Its all its own trade skill.Just look in the Craft hall.


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #2 on: December 03, 2006, 05:07:53 am »
    There are no poisonmaking books, silly. Poisonmaking's illegal. ;) And of course you shouldn't DO any poisoncraft by buying a poison extraction tool from Semli, then going to the Poison Crafting Table just past the Tailor's Table in the Hlint Crafthall with a few empty flasks and your poison sacks...



    RE: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #3 on: December 03, 2006, 08:00:30 am »

    Just be warned though. After experiencing most crafts, I can honestly say poisonmaking is the most difficult one to start in.


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #4 on: December 03, 2006, 09:20:23 am »
    You're right about that, Filatus. Though I should amend my statement about its illegal nature.

    MAKING poisons isn't (I believe) illegal. However, using them is.


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #5 on: December 03, 2006, 03:16:11 pm »
    Stephen_Zuckerman - 12/4/2006  4:20 AM

    You're right about that, Filatus. Though I should amend my statement about its illegal nature.

    MAKING poisons isn't (I believe) illegal. However, using them is.

    I don't know if this is the forum to be discussing this, but ARE they illegal?

    Where does it say that usage of poisons is illegal?

    It probably has been discussed to death already but Filatus reminded me ... poisonmaking does seem, ummmm, a little unbalanced? Takes forever at low levels to gather the sacks and i've never found them super, super useful in combat. At high-ish levels combat is normally over so quickly that the effects of the poison don't normally have a huge effect on the battle outcome. I have been applying it to arrows, does it last longer on melee weapons?

    Also, it is a very difficult product to sell due to it's 'alleged' illegality.

    Not a whinge, but it seems that the tradeskills tables reflect this limited utilty as the highest level poison makers in the lands are SO much lower level than all the other crafters? Yes, I know that this reflects the restricted nature of it's use but even so ... Just an observation!


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #6 on: December 03, 2006, 03:27:54 pm »
    I'd personally be happy if they just lasted longer on weapons...

    As to its legality or lack thereof (is legality even a word?)... It's not canon - that is to say, I've never seen anything explicitly stating that it's illegal to process, use, or sell poisons, but then again, I've never seen anything expressly stating that slaughtering commoners is illegal, either.


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #7 on: December 03, 2006, 07:14:50 pm »
    I always thought that some think it is not moral to use poisons. It is illegal to put poison in someones tea to kill them but is it illegal to use poisons as antidotes?


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #8 on: December 03, 2006, 07:59:47 pm »
    Poisons themselves are not antidotes... Unless you consider life a toxin worthy of combating. Now, you can process and study them (that's why Pyyran doesn't bother veiling his poisoncrafting hobbies), but you can't USE them on anyone, or sell them for anything other than medical or scholastic purposes. At least, that's how I've RPed it, lacking any canon...

    As for the morality of poisons? Heheheh. There've been long-winded debates about it, IC and OOC, and it boils down to this: Those who study them will continue studying them, those who use them will continue using them, and those who oppose either will continue opposing either. Ad infinitum until all are dead or in jail.


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #9 on: December 03, 2006, 10:12:30 pm »

    Anyway, my CNR suggestion is/was;

    (a) More places to find lower level type sacs.
    (b) Poison lasts longer on weapons.
    (c) More clearly define the legality of it's use so as to enable sales to non-crafters in a more open manner.



    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #10 on: December 04, 2006, 06:40:39 am »
    Pseudonym - 12/4/2006  1:12 AM  (c) More clearly define the legality of it's use so as to enable sales to non-crafters in a more open manner.  
     Like a Chaotic character is going to care about legality in the first place?  And some Neutral characters may see this as a case of, "well, I can see why they say that, but every once in a while..."  I still like the idea of adding "hollow point arrowheads" to the CNR recipes, which would allow fletchers to have "plausible deniability" because those arrowheads could be filled with anything... okay, not just anything, but it could be poison, alchemist's fire, acid flask, or holy water.  The duration of enhancement would be permanent (until the arrow/bolt is used), but weaker than the full version of the enhancement, i.e.:
      Alchemist's Fire: +1 damage (fire)
      Acid Flask: +1 damage (acid)
      Holy Water: +1 damage (divine) vs. Undead
      Poison: 1 point ability damage, save DC -2 from full strength version
      [/list]The positives are clear: more reasonable ways to use certain alchemical products while providing convenient "cover" for those who want to use poison.  The negatives would include requiring new toolset items for each combination of wood type, arrowhead type, and flask type as well as determining the balancing of how many arrows to enhance per flask used.


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #11 on: December 04, 2006, 01:04:39 pm »


    Re: poisonmaking question
    « Reply #12 on: December 04, 2006, 02:43:42 pm »
    Faldred - 12/5/2006  1:40 AM

    Pseudonym - 12/4/2006  1:12 AM

    (c) More clearly define the legality of it's use so as to enable sales to non-crafters in a more open manner.

    Like a Chaotic character is going to care about legality in the first place?

    I meant more from the buyer's perspective. If it's not illegal, my LN character would have no issue buying it from a crafter, but if it was illegal then he wouldn't. Maybe other 'neutralies' feel the same way?


    Sab Kaylag

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      Re: poisonmaking question
      « Reply #13 on: December 04, 2006, 03:58:06 pm »
      I've read a few of the other discussions on posion (though im new so i'm not really experienced) but i don't think it's illegal just looked down upon.  Sort of like drinking you can drink and in public but in many places (work school etc.) it's not exactly the best idea.  (drinking is more socially accepted than my vision for posion but i just couldn't think of anything else)

      Edit: just think of Paladins and other characters like that as mormans or Jahova witnesses (can't spell sorry) so that they would never do it and would constantly look down on those who do (may even leave a group because of it) but its still allowable

      P.S. again it wasn't a good example but just trying to show an inkling of my idea if you get it and can think of a better example please do.  *puts foot in mouth to keep from talking more*


      Re: poisonmaking question
      « Reply #14 on: December 05, 2006, 03:11:42 pm »
      I believe it depends on the region.  I was under the impression that the sale of poison is expressly forbidden in Hlint - so probably Hampshire as well, though I'm not sure about, say, Leilon - and certainly Prantz would forbid it utterly, and possibly even make possession illegal.  However, I suspect sales could be made if in lawless regions, or, say, Hlint's unpoliced and extensive undercity.


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      Re: poisonmaking question
      « Reply #15 on: December 05, 2006, 04:56:27 pm »
      If it's so illegal they really shouldn't put a poison making table in the middle of the craft hall should they?

      (I played around with making it for a little while because I had some venom sacks but I got too embarassed when people passed by seeing me work there)


      Re: poisonmaking question
      « Reply #16 on: December 05, 2006, 05:38:51 pm »
      Well, you see, once it was put in the crafthall, the Craftman's Guild of Hlint just had to keep it up, not knowing what it was...

      Our tax (well, certification badge) money at work, guys!


      Re: poisonmaking question
      « Reply #17 on: March 18, 2007, 11:36:13 pm »
      Just a reminder about this skill ....

      Pleeee-eeease *whiney voice* ...  to last just a little bit longer on the weapon?


      Re: poisonmaking question
      « Reply #18 on: March 27, 2007, 12:44:44 am »
      I remember reading Hallow Wraith sacks were not craftable because the poison was permanent ... they can just be thrown away? No plans?

      Just wanted to ask before I did visit the trashcan ... they are, afterall, a lot of work for a lil' old level 14 rogue to obtain! :)


      Re: poisonmaking question
      « Reply #19 on: March 27, 2007, 01:06:46 am »
      Yeah! last longer on the weapon would be nice. My CN dwarf Jal gets poison vials from Gork, any advantage in battle and so on. Btw, the hollowed arrowheads sounds like a cool idea.

