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Author Topic: Jillian Stuart - A Journal  (Read 2474 times)


Re: Jillian Stuart - A Journal
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2012, 05:37:56 pm »
Life is an endless sea of meetings.  I swear I have a constant headache these days.  It is my duty though.  Miss Daniella has asked me to be her advisor and body guard.  I have a lot of catching up to do, but it is necessary if I am going to be any good at offering advice.  

Miss Daniella seems to be very set in her decision to help Lord Siphe keep his new lands upkept and his people fed.  I feel odd helping a former enemy, but I have to trust Miss Daniella.  Toran obviously has put his faith in her, and she hasn't led me astray yet.  I did finally hear a valid reason for why we are helping them other than Miss Daniella's gut though.  A vote.  Plain and simple.  We need their vote to keep bad things from happening.  That I can understand.

In addition to my endless hours of meetings lately, I did sit in with a meeting that included Beacon Bael.  I like him.  This comes as a shock to me, because when we were training him, I thought him a pain in the rear.  I wonder if that is what my teachers thought of me.  As I watch him behave, a lot of his behaviors remind me of myself.  He's... quirky.  I think I might have let Miss Daniella see a bit too much of the part I try to hide when among the more serious of the Toranites.  I've simply spent too much time along in crypts over the years.  My mind goes funny places and I have whole conversations with myself that make me chuckle.  Of course, this makes those around me think me mad.  Bright side about Beacon Bael, he just finds it amusing and thanks Toran that I am his Captain.  

I am actually supposed to see Riley soon, so I am going to wrap this up and get ready.

