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Author Topic: A Change in the Wind...  (Read 245 times)

Lalaith Va'lash

A Change in the Wind...
« on: January 22, 2005, 01:55:00 pm »
*  Lalaith quietly sits on top of a dangerously steep cliff with her feet carelessly dangling over the edge.  She rests her tired head in her glove covered hands which are propped on her legs. She sits alone, just thinking about the events of the past few days.  The wind loudly wips and howls to her as she intently listens.  She pushes her hair out of her eyes continuously as the wind blows it into her face violently.  She lays herself back onto the soft grass covered ground to avoid the constant wipping of the cold night winds.  Stairing straight up into the cloudless darkness of the sky one single tear rolls down the side of Lalaith's pale cheek.  Suddenly the wind stops completely. "I know this"  she says as if talking to someone or somthing "something has changed" she quietly repeats herself "something has changed" She tightly closes her pale eyes as if to block out the entire world.  Quietly she whispers to herself "If only it were that easy".  *

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2005, 01:35:00 pm »
*Sitting beside a beautiful calm blue lake, waiting for the guide that just brought her to find almonds, Lalaith pulls out a small black leather bound book.  She begins to write down the location of the almonds, and other things she recalls seeing on her trip.  However, as she watches the sun play across the slight ripples in the lake she begins to write somthing completely different . . *

*In Flowing jet black script the page reads*

"It has been three long nights since the eve when I last fell.  Somthing changed within me that night.

 But this 'somthing'  I can not quite place.  I feel as if there is a part of me, perhaps a part of my

soul even, that has been taken from me.  But I do not know for sure.  Sometimes I begin to think that I

am on the wrong path in my life.  But I can not tell for sure.  I wish I could look within myself and

understand, But things like this are never as easy as that. "

*Lalaith slowly closes the book and then closes her pale eyes.  She listens quietly to the soft bellows of the wind while awaiting her guides return*



Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2005, 03:44:00 pm »
Angry shadows stir wildly in the small bedroom.  The shadows pull from the corners of the room converging around a figure in the bed.  Lalaith tosses and turns restlessly in her sleep.  She wakes in a cold sweat with burning tears streaming down her pale elven skin.  She opens her eyes and looks down to her now bare left hand.  “Was it a dream?” she whispers.  Her hand is empty, there is nothing.  “No not a dream” She manages to stutter between her cries.  The room blackens in an impenetrable darkness. 
   Slowly Lalaith rises from the bed pulling robes around her.  Pushing sweat-dampened hair behind her ears she makes her way to her bookshelf just outside her bedroom door.  She pulls a small black diary from one of the shelves.  Lalaith turns clasping the book to her chest under her arms while her eyes continuously search the shadows as they dance around the room.  She makes her way through shadow to the edge of the room where a single candle burns.  The candle’s light is nothing but a faint glow in the restless darkness of the shadows; its light scarcely penetrates the shadows. 
   Leaning against the wall Lalaith slowly slides down almost collapsing into sitting position, the diary still clutched in her arms she pulls her knees into to her chest.  Her head bowed into her chest, tears from her eyes sparkle slightly on her cheeks in the dim candlelight as it struggles to pierce the shadow that Lalaith pulls around herself.  The room is dead silent except for the erratic breathing of the small elf as she tries hard to calm herself.
   “Lia Ceela what happened?” she whispers looking up, as if expecting an answer from the shadows.  But there is no answer, nothing, only silence and the faint sound of her breath.  Lalaith closes her eyes tightly as visions of her wedding ring, L' Ze'zhuanthen Ssussun, vanishing from her finger play very cruelly over and over again in her mind.
   Slowly Lalaith opens the diary she holds in her arms; it is the diary of shadows, a journal of the accounts of an elf of the family of shadows from many years ago.  She flips through its pages to find old letters she had saved between the pages of the diary. 
   Timidly she opens one of the notes left behind, wondering if the magic of the shadows is still held within it. ((Credit for the shadows images goes to Stormspirit.))
   As she touches the letter shadows move across it, forming small pantomines of magic.  It seems the magic is not completely gone from the letter, the shadows dance across it as she unfolds it watching. 
   The first fold shows a shadowy woman crying comforted by a distorted haze of sight and sound, the shadow moves around her, concerned and confused by her tears.   The second fold slowly comes free, darkness streaks from corners of corners of the room to form gentle traceries, hands touching and lips meeting with ethereal wisps of smoke moving in between.

  third the page, shadows spreading from all corners to form a cavern, a woman and endless drips of dark rain The image flows forward, the female figure breaking free of an inky black web that surrounds her, the male stepping forward from the faceless multitudes.   The final scene before the note is revealed is simply and shows two people atop a mountain of great height. Snowflakes of shadow whip in the breeze and every so softly form around the pair, coming together in the shape of a ring.  
   As the last scene is revealed tears once more stream down Lalaith’s cheeks.  The drops land on the letter creating water spots, and washing away portions of the writing.  “What happened” she whispers once more, her strained voice abruptly breaking silence as her sadness transforms into anger.  She replaces the note in the book and closes it firmly, holding the journal in her hands tightly her knuckles begin to whiten.  Exhaling deeply she releases the book letting it fall into her pack.  In these moments something changes within Lalaith.  Determination set in her features she grabs her pack and sets out to find out what happened.  Lalaith silently slips into the shadows and is gone.         

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2005, 04:24:00 pm »
*In jet black script on the page of Lalaith’s journal the following is written *
“Its has been days now.  Nay, it has been weeks since my ring has been taken from me.  I found from a friend that Veldrin was the one who had taken it, my own husband did this, he took my ring and the gems that contain the knowledge of the gift of the Tol.”   *her pen pauses a moment leaving an ink blot on the paper*
“No, but it wasn’t him, he is no longer himself…  tricked by another, Veldrin is no more now.  I am widowed.  He has undergone the purge of the drow.  Veldrin or what he was..  is now gone from this world.  All his love turned to hate.  It could not be any worse.  In my heart I am not sure what has really existed.. and what is to come…
 After speaking with Connor and Kobal my suspicions grow leaving me to think that all this was planned from the start.. but perhaps I am just bitter.  Hate grows in my heart as well.. hate for the drow, hate for what continues, hate for that bastard Ramanon who led Lia Ceela to this and …” *the writing trails off*
*The writing continues on the next page, it is still in Lalaith’s hand, but it looks as if it was written some time after the previous entry*
“I spent time in the rain again.  It is clensing, but it was cold.  I listened to the sound of the wind and tried to listen to my own heart.  My heart aches and burns with feelings that I used to feel when I thought of my father, but this time it is ten fold.  Connor tells me not to let these feelings consume me.  But how do I do that exactly?  Nothing is ever as easy as it sounds.”     

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #4 on: May 30, 2005, 07:26:00 am »
*Flowing jet black script graces the page, the tone is sad*
When visiting Ozlo a group of us were assigned a task.  A task like many that was not to be easy at all.  A task that so far has lead to me falling to my death in battle more times than I wish to recount and a task that has left me with gruesome nightmares night after night.  But, a task that if completed could make a large difference in Layonara.  A task that could mean the difference between a better world and one ruled by Blood.
Sadly, I am bound to say little about the reasons we need to do this.  Many think I speak in riddles, but it is only to keep safe this chance.  I fear the consequences to myself, and to the world if I were to say more.  So many don’t understand this.  So many don’t listen!  That damn red headed elf for one..  I don’t think she realizes how delicate the situation is.  How we stand on the edge of a blade carefully balancing and if we were to stray the tiniest amount from our tests or tasks or even say the wrong words ALL would be lost.  I can count at least three times now when her actions may have endangered our whole purpose.  Just the other day she argued for what seemed like an eternity over something that was so simple. 
We were set with one test.  We were to bring back the wish, a female elf, from the corridor of air back to the tower, and nothing more.  Finally in the end the wish asked once more if she should just wish us all back to the tower, like I had originally asked her to do.  Talan, likely sick of the arguing that would have continued told her yes, and we were back at the tower, with the wish.  We had completed our test for air.  From the tower the wish was also able to complete what Rev has wished her to do, so we all walked away happy.  I hate to think though what may have happened had we let Rev have her way in the first place though.  It likely would have been fine.  But.. We could NOT take that chance.  Not when the fate of world rests in our hands.
We have our final test soon.  It will be the test of fire, and likely the most difficult of the four tests.  I can only hope that the arguing between party members would stop.  It’s a shame that so many are so damn stubborn.  Even a leader needs to know when keep their mouth shut and follow.  However with that said, I understand why Talan is stubborn.  He like me was there with Ozlo this last time, and he has been to speak to Ozlo before.  He understands what I feel, if not more and likely has the same thoughts that I do.  I guess only time will tell what will happen, for now I hope for the best and will continue to do what I can to help.          


Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2005, 09:09:00 pm »
*Lalaith climbs the rocks up a small hill to the place she used to go outside Haven Castle.  She sits quietly as she looks off into the distance her hood swaying slightly in the wind.  She carefully pushes her hood back allowing it to fall on her shoulders, and the wind to blow across her face*
*She pulls out a small black book, leans back into the shadows created by the hills surrounding her and begins to write*
"With a grand success comes many failures..  Many changes have happened as of late, its hard to know where to begin..
We were able to obtain each of four gems that Ozlo had instructed us to, this would lead us to a major success for Layonara.  We were able to bring back something that had long since left these lands.  It was a beautiful day, but a sad one as well.  Sad for me at least for many reasons.. However, the one that comes to my mind now is that one, who once called me sister, would barely look at me that day.
It started since Veldrin was purged by the drow and left me.  It has been hard to remain stable and even harder to understand.  Kat and Connor once dear friends to me continued to speak with him and seemed to learn many things of what was once and what is to come.  I’ve tried hard to not let it hurt me, but I continue to fail…
A while ago Connor requested an audience with Katrien, Yashilla, and myself.  He wished us to review what we knew of past events, and to reveal any secrets that we each still held.  But what a lie that seemed to be..  I felt more like I was being questioned.. being asked to answer things that I didn’t have the answer to.  Being looked at with eyes of distrust and pity at once… Except for Connor’s eyes.  Connor’s eyes were honest, always so honest, so genuinely caring .. How could I have been so wrong??"  
*Lalaith pauses and looks up to the wind, sadness and anger in her eyes she presses her lips together slightly and continues to write*
"so wrong, so wrong?.. " *the ink seems to flow from Lalaith’s pen* 
"Connor that day revealed what he said was his final secret to me.  But I did not even know he held a secret, and I never expected it to be what it was..  I couldn’t take it any more.. the distrust of me in Kat’s eyes, the pity from Yashilla.. and what Connor revealed.. wet tears on my cheek my hand had gone instinctively to the hilt of my hidden sword as I slipped into the shadows from my seat. 
The room was so small, I remember thinking I couldn’t hurt them.. I just needed to get out.. I felt like the walls were closing in..  I had stumbled out the door, barely breathing, lost in what seemed like a dream, in a surreal world.  Thankfully even as I fell the shadows came to my aid, they kept me hidden from their eyes and I escaped..  somehow I escaped..
Escaped… the word seems so appropriate,  but from what was I running?  From my own fears of what is to come, from my own fears of knowing the truth of what once was… from the burning eyes, from the secrets and lies, from my hate, their hate, from the instinct within me that tells me there is a simple way to end this all..  It didn’t matter I needed to get out.
Eventually I found myself in the rain, the wind strong the rain stinging against my bare skin as it whipped in the tumbling winds.  How ironic it all was. 
Regaining my strength, I pushed thoughts away.. Composing myself I headed out to darkness of my path alone… but I am not alone."
*Lalaith looks up from writing and glances down to the dirt road that cuts across the green grass of the valley trimmed with small rolling hills and houses, its not been long since she traveled this road with companions.  Thoughts of these companions enter her mind as she continues to write*
"In all the darkness I have found many who look on me different than others have seen me before or for some time.  Some with a certain sadness that seems reflective of my own, and others with an intense curiosity… viewing me almost the way that Lia Ceela once looked at me.  But perhaps that is not correct, perhaps what I saw never was?  I know now.. I know better.. I need to be careful.  Trust needs to be earned and it can’t be so easy. 
Of my new companions many of them are drow, am I drawn to them out of the emptiness I felt when Lia Ceela left? I don’t know.. they seem to mean good, but it still frightens me at times.... Veldrin seemed to mean good as well.  What if it happens again?  What if others were right about this race?  But that’s ridiculous .. or is it?
As hate began to become a part of my normal emotions, I did what I can to combat it.  I understand there is a delicate balance in oneself, and it can’t be shifted to far… but it’s a constant struggle to find that balance within me."
*Lalaith exhales deeply looking at the words on the page*
I have watched Plen and Bris much lately as we’ve traveled.  They talk about balance in the world and in nature.  I have watched Plen sacrifice a part of himself to raise a fallen who followed an enemy of Katia.. Part of me admires him for that.. part of me doesn’t understand it.  But I want to learn more from them.
But Balance…  
What is it exactly, how does one obtain it?  I have never done things that were good for the sake of doing good, but I did not prescribe to evil either.  That is balance.  The day I held my blade to Ramanan’s throat, while hiding in the shadows.. what part of balance was it when I threatened to take his life.  I wanted to end his life badly that day, to rid the world of him.. I hated him… As my blade slit across his throat spilling his blood made my heart race in such a way I never felt.  Exciting.. but frightening.. was it wrong?  I didn’t care.  He lived anyway… though I have not seen him since.  
In all this though the shadows have not left me.  They continue to teach me, to grant me gifts as I walk their path.  I have used them for many means and each time I can depend on their protection and concealment they are my companions who do not seem to pass judgment actions.. they are my comfort."
*She sighs slightly looking up at the rising sun, the night has passed and the light begins to make shadows dance about in the valley below her as the trees blow in the wind.*
"Sombody told me recently that I must have seen some strong winds in my life.. but in truth, I think the strongest are still yet to come."

*Lalith Gently closes the book and stares off into the distant sky briefly.  She pulls her hood around her head with one hand as she drops her journal into her pack.  In a moment... she is gone.*


Lalaith Va'lash

A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2005, 07:53:00 pm »
*Lalaith sits quietly outside of her home in Ranger’s Vale.   She looks up to the tree and the forest surrounding her deep in thought.   She pulls out her small black book and begins once more to write*
The winds in my life seemed to have shifted once more.  Something different.. something strange happened today revealing a new path to me.   Just as I left Seilwood forest, I was on the road to Hlint where Celgar stopped me and said he needed to speak to me.   At first I found this very odd, however as he told me about an artifact called the blade of shadows, things began to make more sense.  Something I have heard of in rumor and legend but obviously didn’t know much about.  He said that only one who walked the path of the shadows would be able to recover the blade.  The blade he said was now in four pieces hidden.  Celgar confessed that he only knew of two that may be able to recover it, and that was Lue and myself.  I didn’t say so, but I can think of a third. 
*Lalaith looks up instinctively searching the shadows around her..  A cold wind leaves tiny bumps on her arm as it blows by.  She shivers slightly and looks back to her writing*
I know that if the third were to find and re-forge this blade much would be at stake, too much.  I cannot let that happen, it would not only be the downfall of many but myself included.
As suggested by Celgar I sought Ozy for answers.  On talking to Ozy however I am afraid I am faced with more questions.  He told me the history that he knew of the blade and how it was formed.  He said that the drow once and still seek the blade to use it as a powerful weapon.  He had told me that the drow, knowing Lue followed the path of the shadows sought her to find the blade for them.  As it seems however, she was unable or unwilling and the drow grew restless and unfriendly, now threatening her life should they find her.  I feel she will not be found until she wants to be.
Ozy, also mentioned another.  He said, “They selected one other but that one was abandoned when I took a personal interest in insuring they didn't bother her” 
I had asked him who this other was and he said I could figure it out or ask Celgar to tell me quickly enough.  When I asked Celgar he simply looked at me and said “Isn’t it obvious?”  He then repeated he only knew of two whom walked the path of the shadows that may actually be able to recover the blade, Lue and myself.  I stated that the obvious answer isn’t always the correct one, and he said only that it sounds to him like it is somebody that I know.
Could it really be me that Ozy talked about?  And if so, what is his interest that made him want to keep the drow away from me?  Is it simply to find the blade?  Or is there something else? 
I really don’t like to presume to think it was me that Ozy insured the drow would not bother on this, but I cannot think of any others.. at least not yet.  Either way I now set myself with a task.  With the instruction of Ozy and my own need to learn more I will soon travel to the great library on Volrex and find as much as I can about the blade, I only hope after me research I can figure out what else to do and maybe keep the blade out of the wrong hands.
*Lalaith calmly looks to the shadows surrounding her as she closes her book once more and tucks it safely away.  She exhales deeply, closing her eyes briefly before she steps once more in the shadows and disappears*

Lalaith Va'lash

A Change in the Wind: Shadows Blade
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2005, 09:52:00 am »
*Lalaith pulls out her small journal and slumps tiredly down by a tree in Krador*
  “Its been a long night”  *She says as she pulls out a quill and begins to write*
  It seems finding Shadow’s blade is going to be much harder than I anticipated.  I spoke to Triba and Lue about this and heard yet another version of the same story.  Each time I talk to another, the story of the blade, what it is and where it could be is strikingly different.  If I piece all the similarities together I am pretty sure on the history and the creation of the blade and nothing more.  After the early history is when each persons story changes… 
  *Lalaith looks up into the starlit sky and pulls a cloak around her seeking warm, she shifts slightly up against the tree and continues to write*
  I suppose if I hear the story enough times from different people, there are bound to be other similarities.  But none seem to know anything for sure.. it seems to be all speculation, rumors and legends, which although interesting.. are hardly anything to go on.
  I think it is best then to continue with my original plan now, and at least search the library on Voltrex.  The elves there may not want to talk about the ranger and his blade, but the library is big and given time I am bound to find something with merit, I hope.  With Owen’s help, and others perhaps we can create a cover when we search the library..  If the elves really don’t want us to find information on it, as Ozy suggested they didn’t, then I will have to keep my search quiet. 
  As for my other quest for information on this blade..  we shall see how that plays out.  Everything seems to be in line, and I think I have the agreement of those involved to arrange a certain trade in order to gain information.  Perhaps luck will be on my side in this. 
  *Tiredly Lalaith closes her journal and replaces it in her pack.  She rests under the tree a few moments looking up into the stars and listening to the gentle blowing wind.  Gracefully she stands and steps into the shadows of the night to head home*    

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2005, 01:22:00 pm »
*Lalaith sits quietly on the floor in her house, all is dark but the light from a single candle.  She flips through the pages of her journal and glances at the date of the last entry* 
“I suppose its been quite a while now.. Much has happened, but this time.. the winds have been for the better.”
*Lalaith writes a few words across the top of her journal in drow that translate as “The rain washes all”*
*She looks at the words quietly a moment then begins to write*
I do not believe in all cases that everything can be forgiven.. However, I have come to realize that in some cases there are things that need to be forgiven and perhaps even forgotten.  I’ve realized this before long ago long before Talan and I arrived in Layonara, when Talan and I closed the rift between us, after everything that has happened with our family.  Its funny how one can forget those lessons learned though.    
After I had left home many years ago, and Talan had sided with my father and refused to come with me.. I thought then, we would never speak again.  I had hate in my heart then, hating my father.. and even hating Talan for his choice.  Life after that was done out of need.  Taking what I did and living how I did with a need to survive.  All my time walking in the shadows and traveling mostly alone because I felt I could trust nobody. 
Years later Talan and I met once more..  leaving home I suppose to only further his shining career and please our father, he eventually ended up to where I was passing through.  Although he had not seen me yet, he learned of my whereabouts through mutual acquaintances and began sending me small tokens that reminded me of the teachings we endured together in our childhood.  I knew then he did not carry the same hate in his heart that I had in mine, but I didn’t want to endure the pain it would take to rekindle our lost memories.. and forgive.
If it had not been for the simple words of a wise friend.. I may have never understood the truth of what Talan faced in the choice I had forced him to make so many years ago.  I may have never forgiven him and would certainly not have the closeness we have and not be where the wind has taken me now.
My friend, Hutan, a Gurath from another land was the first that I began to call a friend at that point.  After a bad run I was left with no gold, and little possessions and he came to my aid.  Carefully he led me to a guild of thieves where he helped me purchase a specific pair of Armour and boots that would keep me safe.  It felt strange to have somebody care about me again, I didn’t care though I needed the things and he had the means that I didn’t.  Soon though he found out about Talan, and that’s when he sat me down and talked to me. 
I will never forget the way the fire felt that day as we were camped out in a small field by the north junction.  Even the warmth of the fire could not warm my heart, what I felt would be cold forever.  Hutan looked at me and told me that talking to Talan was going to hurt, there was no way around that, but it was going to be worse if I didn’t talk to him.  Only he didn’t say it quite like that.  He asked me what happens to a wound; if when we are hunting in the forest I get hurt and don’t take care of it right away.  I said, it would leave a scar.  He said no.  First, it will get infected.  He compared Talan and my relationship to the wound, saying it was infected.  Next he said that when a wound gets infected the only way to make it better is to open it back up and clean away the infection, and that this hurts very much, but its something that needs to be done.  Eventually I agreed and set off to find my little brother once more. 
Talan and I fought terribly at our first meeting; we were at each other’s throats and yelling, until it started raining.  It was calming in a way.. and the rain gave us time to seek shelter and a fire, where we were able to dry our boots and talk, calming down.  Slowly as we talked and I was able to slip my feet into warm dry boots, my memories began to slip back to me as well.  Fond memories of a childhood, and a relationship that Talan and I once had.  In time, all was forgiven; Talan and I have traveled together since then, learning from one another and taking care of each other, getting each other into and out of trouble.  I had learned to forgive..
I suppose I forgot the lesson I learned however.. until now.
This time around it was with Connor.  Although not by blood, Connor is also my brother in a way.  Feeling deceived and angry when I learned of Connor’s secret, I slipped back into my old habits, thoughts and feelings.  My heart, already heavy with the burden of losing Lia Ceela, could not take what Connor had showed me.  The result was rather sad as I ran from him, and let ill feelings consume me once more.  A constant struggle then.
This time around it was Owen helped me.  Listening to my story and telling me the things I needed to hear, to be able to seek out Connor, to speak to him once more.  I didn’t realize it then, but Owen, in his own way told me something much like Hutan had twenty some years ago.  I am thankful that he did.
I have again learned much about forgiving and the mistakes made, and the misunderstandings that can result from them.  Connor and I forgave each other, both sorry for the pain, and ready to move on. 
I do not believe that the rain really washes all, because in the delicate balance of the world evil exists, But I’ve learned again that those like Talan and Connor, those that are family, and close friends cannot be pushed away at a distance, no matter how hard the wind blows. 
*Lalaith looks at the words she wrote as the ink dries.  She closes her journal, her hands lingering on the cover a moment before she slowly tucks it in her pack.  She glances at another book in her pack, a different leather bound journal and smiles slightly in a memory.  She thinks about the other journal and the words written.  She thinks about the past, her past, and how they are intertwined.*
“Someday” *she whispers quietly as she closes her pack*
*She leans forward and blows out the candle, gray smoke from the candle swirls about Lalaith slightly as she rises and disappears into the shadows*

Lalaith Va'lash

« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2005, 05:48:00 pm »
*Deep into the dark night a shady figure makes its way between the trees.  The wind blows calmly, covering all footsteps.  To most, it is nothing more than the passing of a shadow…*
*Traveling through Ranger’s Vale Lalaith approaches her house and notices that the door is open.  She quietly slips into the shadows and slowly enters her home, her eyes actively searching the shadows in the corners of the rooms as she does.
Lalaith shivers slightly as a breeze from outside blows in the open door behind her sending her a chill and leaving goose bumps on her bare arms.  Suddenly the wind picks up and blows the door closed.. Startled, Lalaith jumps slightly, her head immediately snapping to face the sound of the door.  She stands very still and listens ….*
“Talan?”  *She calls out but there is no answer*    
*Continuing to walk with in the comfort of the shadows Lalaith makes her way quickly through the house, searching..   but there is no one*
*Calming a bit, but still curious to the open door.. Lalaith checks the chests in the house to find everything still there.  Everything is as it should be.  Stepping from the shadows Lalaith proceeds to her bedroom, pausing at the bookshelf a moment she runs the tip of her gloved hand across the shelf, making a mark in the dust.  Its been a while since she has been home.*
*As she reaches her closed door… Instinctively Lalaith’s right hand moves to the hilt of her shorts word and she pushes the door open with her left one…  She sighs slightly as she realizes the room is empty..*
“Talan probably just didn’t latch the door tightly”  *speaks to herself quietly as she relaxes her hand to her side*
*Lalaith then stops suddenly as she enters the room, her eyes narrowing to what looks like a dark cloth on the bed … as she steps closer.. she realizes its not a cloth..  Lalaith reaches down and touches it gently.. *
“Spider silk..”  *she whispers as her eyes once more scan the room*
*She turns her attention to the silk.. looking at it for a long time.. her face contorts slightly as she realizes the silk makes symbols…  no.. it makes words.  She gasps slightly as she suddenly she recognizes the language of that of the dark elves*
*Reading the message*
“We need to talk..   seek me out in Port Hampshire,   Whisper”
*Lalaith spins around her hand on her sword*
“Who are you?  Who is there?”  *crys out slightly, but there is only the wind to answer*
*Quickly and deliberately Lalaith steps into the shadows making her way out of her room.. out of the house and into the woods…   she is gone*


Lalaith Va'lash

A dream and a letter
« Reply #10 on: September 22, 2005, 08:30:00 pm »
*Her body sore and tired, Lalaith enters her home… Its been a long trip.  She thinks about the pieces of the blade that have been found, or what they think is the blade..  and she thinks about the many questions that still remain unanswered. *

*Slowly Lalaith pulls robes from the armoire, wrapping them around her as she makes her way to her bedroom.  Exhausted she crawls into the bed, seeking a much-needed break.  Becoming comfortable.. Lalaith closes her eyes…. *

*Lalaith opens her eyes to see darkness..  There is nothing but darkness as far as she can see.  She watches as thick shadows swirl around her.  She stirs.  Lalaith places her hands at her sides, and they fill with her covers, she is still in her bed.  She spins slightly in the sheets, her eyes searching in the darkness, something isn’t right about the shadows.  The dim glow from the candelabra by her bed is absorbed into the shadows, its as if no light can pierce the thick black veil that surrounds her*

*Stepping from her bed Lalaith is surprised by the sensation under her feet.  Its not the cold, hardwood floor she expected..  instead its soft, damp and cold….    Grass?  She thinks, as she kneels down touching it with her bare fingertips, and confirming her thoughts..  Lalaith runs her hand in the cold wet grass, looking around still, confused by the place she now is….*

*Then, as if from no place, she hears something.. standing abruptly, Lalaith  instinctively moves her right hand for her short sword, but it is not there, she has no weapon.. Lalaith backs away slightly, peering into the darkness as her eyes begin to take focus on a figure.  And then an elf appears…*

*Recognition overcomes Lalaith’s face, her features softening slightly as he approaches her from the shadows…

Quiet words are exchanged..  but panic over comes his face, as he looks past her..  Lalaith spins quickly around as she sees this, looking behind her, there is a shadow…  She watches the shadow take on a humanoid figure, and then just as quickly the shadows begin to take on the humanoid figures, surrounding the two. 

He seems to panic, mentioning regretting contacting her..  Lalaith questions him as he backs away, seemingly afraid of the figures surrounding them..   Then in a fear strained voice Lalaith calls out to him, telling him to wait…   Her eyes locked on the glowing eyes just behind the elf… 

In the darkness a creature of shadow looms, red burning eyes black shadowy wings.  the elf turns back, and the creature fades before his eyes focus on the darkness, he sees nothing and continues backing away..

Lalaith lunges forward, grabbing after him, trying desperately to stop him, but somehow she misses him and stumbles to the ground instead…. Looking up she screams after him, almost begging him to stop.. but its too late. *

*The shadows and darkness close in around her, and its dark once more…   “Its too late…”   The elf’s words to Lalaith echo in her mind…. as she finds herself in her bed once more… tossing in her covers, and tangled in the sheets, Lalaith  nearly falls out of the bed.  She finally stops, shivering slightly as the sweat on her skin evaporates, giving her chills.  Lalaith slowly steps onto the hardwood floor…   She glances at her sweaty palms, and then her eyes look around her, she is back to her own room. *

*Lalaith closes her eyes, his face, filled with panic, burns into her mind.. his voice, ringing in her ears…   


“A dream?” She questions, her strained voice breaking through the silence..  But it seemed so much more real than a dream…

Then with out much more thought Lalaith pulls her packs together and quickly readies to travel…

Pulling up her hood as she steps into the shadows, she again sets off from her home. 
This time she journeies quickly through the night, not stopping to rest.  The elf’s panic stricken face haunts her memory and his voice rings in the sound of the wind as she travels.  She does not stop, until she reaches the docks… then she begins to write…*

*With ink as dark as the shadows, on plain parchement* 
  I hope this letter finds you well. 
 As I wait for the tides to change in the water and the boat
 in Karthy docks to ready, I write to you of a change. 
 It seems I can no longer wait to obtain enough passes to Voltrex
 to have you come along with me.  There is no time, and it may
 already be too late.

  As time runs short, I fear a life is in danger more
 than I suspected, and worse with him he would take
 all the information he has uncovered. 
 *her pen seems to dig a bit deeper into the parchment* 
 The information that they now seek him for. 

I have no choice but to go alone. 
  I don’t know when I will return; I don’t know what I will find. 
  I am sorry I can’t say more, but I fear in writing
 this that I have already said too much.

May the shadows keep you safe
  *Before the ink on the final letter has time to dry, Lalaith folds it and adds it to a small stack of letters.  Written in crisp black ink on each letter is a name…
  *Lalaith quickly hands the letters to a nearby messanger, she hands him gold, and gives him careful instruction before she boards the boat. 
There is no way for Lalaith to tell what this trip to the Elven continent will bring for her, especially with her making the journey alone…   
But .. even with that, Lalaith feels that with everything she knows..

she has no other choice….*

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A Change in the Wind...
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2005, 11:18:00 am »
*Lalaith enters her home in ranger’s vale.  The vacant and cold house seems to send chills to her as she pushes past the open front door.  It is dark.  Running a gloved hand along a chest in the entryway, she glances at her fingertips as dust is lifted from the hard wooden crate**Her eyes scan the rooms and the emptiness, her are features hidden by her hood, but her body moves with an exhaustion that could only come from months and travel* *Slowly Lalaith makes her way to the next room, lighting a candle carefully, she positions herself on the floor.  While trying to take some warmth and light from the candle she keeps it close to her.  The rest of the room is dark; the only light is the candlelight that flickers on her face as she carefully pushes back her hood.  Her pale eyes are saddened, her features set with confusion and perhaps worry* *Lalaith pulls out a small journal from her pack; flipping through the pages her eyes scan the words as if reading what she had written in her past.  She flips each page gently, tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she gets to the first blank page in the journal.  Pulling out a quill, in inks as dark as the shadows that now play in the room around her… she begins to write*  Days..  weeks.. months…”  “Many journeys have set between me and the times I’ve last been to this place in Ranger’s vale.  Traveling to Voltrex to find the Ranger, saving him, on my own…though it seemed beyond hope at times. ".. *Lalaith pauses writing a moment, recalling the dark druid arrows knocked and aimed at her back*  "Then traveling to a place with no shadows whatsoever ".. *She again pauses, this time remembering trying to call the shadows to conceal her, only to be left visible to fall to her death*..  "Then finding the light, and deciding to bring her into our world"..*She presses her lips together a bit as she finally writes*.. "… and later, most recently.. traveling in a place with no light and only shadows to find…..”         ..
 *Her pen stops completely, she presses her eyes closed tightly.  Shivering slightly she lays her quill down briefly.  She exhales slightly, her breath quivering and her eyes still closed she presses her lips together a bit more.  The thumb on her left hand fumbles slightly with a ring on her finger.  The scarlet of the ruby in the ring glistens faintly in the light.  The touch of the glossy metal on this ring seems to calm her, even if only a bit.  She opens her eyes and looks at what she has written, almost timid in her movements she picks up the quill again.  Her eyes looking up from the book and searching the shadows around her as she does.  She sighs slightly and resigns not to write what may be on her mind, she turns the page and starts to begin anew, but even then she can’t seem to find the words to write*  

*Based on her expressions, her thoughts seem to tumble a bit over an idea, one could see it in her eyes, the confusion, and perhaps even fear that these thoughts give her.  She sets the quill aside and closes her book.*   “Maybe he was wrong about them”   *Her shaken whisper echoes into the emptiness of the dark in the house.  She shifts slightly and moves her hand to gently touch a shadowy cloak that graces her shoulders*    “Or maybe it is I that am wrong?”     *Lalaith holds her breath for a brief moment.  The question she asks seems to comfort her a bit, as if that is what she truly wants to believe, that she is wrong*        *She reaches to her journal, and opens the book once more. She pens a few words on an empty page.  Her words, mere thoughts, that out of context wouldn’t make sense to anybody*             “…Had they not been angered at Plen’s question, I may have never thought that they were who the ranger had spoken of.  Had Plen not used that *the word is underlined* particular choice of words, it would have never confirmed the ideas that I held from the times we entered the place of the shadows.  I do wish Vin had not repeated everything so thoughtlessly.  But, how could he have known?  He didn’t know any better.  I fear for the outcome if both the ranger, and myself are right on this.”    *her pen presses into the paper a bit as she writes the next line*  "I fear worse the fate of those whom I would tell what I know"   ...
*Lalaith swallows slightly, she tucks the journal away into her pack, she blows out the candle before fading away into the shadows.*

Lalaith Va'lash

« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2005, 06:08:00 pm »
*Slowly from the cot where she rests, Lalaith reaches to her pack and pulls forth her small journal.  Her little brother’s words echoing in her head, along with all the words they have now spoke makes it difficult for her to find rest.*

*Slowly and quietly Lalaith begins to write*
“We leave in one hour…”

“Despite all the warnings in my head and the warnings from the Ranger, I told Talan everything that I knew.  I only now hope it was the right thing to do.  I only now hope they can’t get into to Talan’s mind like they did the ranger’s.”

*Lalaith pauses a moment and looks up, from her cot where she lays, to her little brother resting in his bed on the other side of the room.  She sighs a bit and looks back down to the page*

   “I couldn’t have hidden it from Talan had I wanted to.  He knew something was wrong before, but when I backed away from the Shifter it confirmed it to him.  I felt like I had no choice.  I couldn’t bare this alone any longer…  It was tearing me apart inside, as it was, knowing the things I had heard, and being unable to tell anybody.  *she presses the pen a bit deeper* Even though I tried! I tried to tell them, I did, I really did.  But, they don’t listen…. The fools, they really wouldn’t listen to me.  However, why should they?  I am nothing but a shadow to most of them.  My only hope now is that I am wrong.  Wrong about all of it.. or at least some of it.. Anything that would make things seem better than they look to me now.  Anything at all that would be a beacon of light in ….

*Lalaith’s words seem to trail off, after getting a bit messier in her script.*

*She furrows her brow slightly re-reading her last sentence, and then looks up as if suddenly realizing something. *  “Hope”  *she whispers quietly to herself*  “What did she tell us…..”  *rubs her face slightly in thought*  “Without light.. There is no hope”

*Lalaith begins to write again, her thoughts seemingly scattered*
  “Perhaps we have more hope than we thought.  Although it may not be much… “
   “We will know more soon though.  For good or for bad Talan and I leave soon…  We leave in one hour, we will speak to him *underlines the word*  My only thought now when we make this journey…..  I only hope we are not making a huge mistake.”

Lalaith Va'lash

Missing Pieces
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2005, 05:59:00 pm »
*Stepping through the door of her home in Ranger’s Vale, Lalaith lets some of her packs slide off her shoulders hitting the floor with a loud thud, which breaks the silence.  She closes the door behind her, and leaving those packs at the door she slowly enters what is meant to be the library in her and Talan’s humble home. * *She looks around a bit, her ever-searching eyes once more looking to the shadows in her silence.  Upon seeing nothing unusual, Lalaith pushes her hood back to reveal her seemingly tired features. She takes a seat in her familiar place on the floor, and lights the nearby candle that she keeps there.  The candle flickers in the darkness, its little light struggling to pierce the shadows that seem to converge and dance around Lalaith. * *With her head in her hands, rubbing her face slightly Lalaith lets out a small sigh.  As her breath escapes her mouth it is clear that the sigh is one of frustration.  Lifting her head, she carefully tucks her hair behind her ears, and looks off into the darkness for a moment.* *Lalaith pulls a small journal from her remaining pack, and then removes the pack from around her and pushes it aside.  Flipping to the first blank page, she begins to write* I should be happy.  *Her pen pauses a moment and she swallows slightly, obviously deep in thought.  *  I should at least be happier at the news that Talan and I learned…  At least for now.  But how come I cannot be? Me..  me of all people in Layonara should be happy. *she presses her lips together slightly*  I heard exactly what I wanted to hear, what I needed to hear.. and yet.. Something still doesn’t sit right.    The information I had learned from The Ranger, Alwainn was wrong.. or at least an important part of it was deemed to be incorrect by he who Talan and I sought... But pieces are still missing… And who knows what the truth really is?  …  Who does one trust in times like these?  Who does one trust when there is a war such as this at our very gates?  When there is destruction and death, and the threat of a reign of power at our doorstep?  ….. *she furrows her brow slightly as she writes*  If in the end you make an unlikely ally, to defeat a powerful enemy, only to bring a new and greater enemy into power, *pauses*  ….who wins?    Can you learn to embrace something that you feel is so very wrong, in order to bring about what some feel is the greater good and the right thing to do?  *she shakes her head as she writes*  How does one find balance in this?  Do those that seek balance ever let evil win, so that there isn’t too much good in the world?  Can one just blindly avert their eyes from something, a threat, because that is what is needed right now? …. Can I?   *she sighs slightly* Talan promised we wouldn’t go blindly into anything.  And I trust him.  *Lalaith looks at her last words a moment*  But how does one enter into something like this, in any way but blind… if they do not have all the missing pieces.....

Lalaith Va'lash

Waiting in Silence
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2006, 08:20:31 pm »
*The shadows swirl a bit in the room around Lalaith and then settle into place as she pulls her journal from her pack. Half expecting it to be a bit dusty she brushes her hand across the cover before opening it.*
 *she writes*
 "I wait.
 After speaking to Kavil a bit about what happened in the place where we met the shadows, I decided I could no longer keep my silence of my fears, and what was learned from he whom Talan and I went to visit after the Shifter spoke to us near his tower. I've sent Plen a letter telling him I wished to speak with him..
 Plen had promised me once, when we were all very tired and frustrated on that long journey that he would always listen. I just needed to tell him. My only hope is that it still holds true now…
 For though I am filled with things to say and want to pass on what I know before its too late for it to matter, it is and always has been nearly impossible to get people to listen to me.
 Perhaps they see me as nothing more than a shadow, which at times may be true. Perhaps they don’t see me at all. Or is it that they don’t trust me? There are reasons I myself can understand for all these things.
 It doesn’t matter anyway. I’ve nearly given up on trying to speak to the masses. But if I can get through to just a few people, or if I can be showed that I am wrong *a slight ink blot on the page* then I will be more at ease.
  Until then, I wait. Wait for a sign, a letter, something from Plen to tell me that he will listen… or something from another that gives me hope. "

Lalaith Va'lash

Retreat to The Shadows
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2006, 08:46:31 pm »
*Lalaith sinks down into the comfort of a small-secluded area in the woods. The shadows play across the grasses. She listens to the sound of the crickets as a small but thought filled sky passes her lips. *
  *Pulling her journal and quill from the depths of her pack, Lalaith flips through the pages to the first blank page, upon which she writes*
  Perhaps I waited to long to send the letter? No, it wouldn’t have matter either way. My companions were right on this. The things that were set in motion were set in motion long before…. Before I ever even returned to Layonara. Moreover, there are those too stubborn in their ways to even consider taking a second, or a first look at the path’s they choose.
  So, who was I to think I could stop this? Would it have mattered if I had? After all, it only would have postponed the inevitable. Does it matter that things happened this way? Probably not – and that is my only salvation.
  But, either way, there is still hope in the end that things will not end in the destruction at the hand of an enemy. There is still hope in my heart, and in the others like me that something can be done to alter the fate of the world to be a brighter, more balanced one. But will our cry be heard when the time comes?
  With the Amulet in their hands I watched the group head towards the shifters tower. Standing and trying to speak out in front of the masses, they must think me insane. With my Brothers to either side of me I called for them to wait… I looked to Connor and Talan for help, my own tongue seemingly against me, as I could not find the words I needed to say. I held onto Talan, and I looked to Plen, maybe they would listen to Plen, I thought. But, I could see it in his eyes, there was nothing which we could say that would change their minds.
  The moments after that are all completely a blur. My own weight seemed to crumple down on me, so many eyes watching me as if they could see right through me. Nevertheless, there I stood outside the comfort of the shadows trying to speak… They asked for an alternative to giving the amulet to the shifter, I will be honest, I had no other idea what to do with the cursed thing, but the shifter waited so long already, what would have been another minute, another hour, another day??
  What would have been the cost to take a second look at the path we chose? To hear everything. Apparently to them the cost was too great, to have a little more patience and the willingness to listen. I think they asked why we spoke as we did… but as I looked on at them I could tell they had the patience of an ant. What did they want me to do, sit them down for tea so I could tell them my story? I laugh at the thought.
  The things that I would say couldn’t be said in a mere few words. It is not a single answer to a question like that. It is a series of events, a series of conversations and pieces of information shared from friends, trusted allies, and even one whom I KNOW that they would all trust. But for them to look at me and ask me.. why? How the hell was I supposed to answer? No, there was no answer. And with that, they left. They had no other choice
  *she sighs slighlty*
  Though I do wish now I had just stayed in the shadows where I belong. Speaking did not do me any good then, and in fact will probably reflect on me much worse, breaking their trust in me even further
  *As Lalaith looks at her last line her pen digs a bit deeper into the paper*
  Trust. Yes, Lalaith, another laughable thought. They do not trust me… and the worst part is, in most cases, I do not even understand why.
  But, if being the ONE to challenge the narrow-minded thought process that says there is only one way of doing things, there is only one way to win the war, and that we should automatically trust every single being we meet, whom we know NOTHING about … is enough to warrant being distrusted FINE. Do not trust me. I really don’t care….*Lalaith’s hand shakes a bit as she writes. She leans her head against the tree behind her, trying to calm herself. The shadows about her swirl angrily as if being guided by her emotions. She takes a few deep breaths, and continues*
  I will not try to speak like that again. To those who I know, those who I trust and have the ability to trust me in turn… I will speak to them and them alone if they are willing to listen… for it is in them my hope rests.
  I don't even care if what I have to say is beleaved in whole, in part, or not at all. All I ask, as that we use caution in our dealings, there is enough evidence to at the very least warrent caution... and for us all to take a second look at why we do things, to question.
  Just the other night, something Plenarius said, gave me hope once again. It gave me hope by the fact that it didn’t matter that the amulet was given to the shifter, and that things as they seem now, were not always that way, nor do they always have to be that way…
  I dare not think on this further now though. My mind is too flooded as it is.
  *Before her last line of ink even has the chance to dry, Lalaith closes her book and fades into the darkness of the shadows, where she belongs*

Lalaith Va'lash

A Whisper
« Reply #16 on: January 30, 2006, 08:20:04 pm »
Likethe mostsubtle of change in the soft blowing winds,
  From the shadows comes a whisper forthe one who listens.

Lalaith Va'lash

A change in the wind
« Reply #17 on: February 24, 2006, 10:06:01 pm »
*With her face in her hands Lalaith sits quietly alone beside a small pond. Her demeanor is more tired than sad, this becomes clear as she lifts her head and glances into the waters beside her. On the surface of the gentle wind rippled water, Lalaith sees her own reflection. Despite the shadowy veil that cloaks her features as her hood blocks the light of daybreak, a bit of a smile can be seen in her reflection. A smile, that for a very long time has not graced her elven features*
  *Exhaling deeply she pulls on her hood with both of her hands, turning away from the image in the water. She presses her lips together, and closes her eyes, sitting very still, and very quiet for a long time, as if listening*
  *The shadows around her rouse slightly, fading and darkening like the ebb and flow the sea as she breaths calmly in an almost meditative state*
  *Then, after a long while… with a definitive sigh and a slight look of frustration expected when you can’t find something you seek, she opens her eyes and the shadows fall easily back into their places*
  *Slowly, Lalaith slides her journal from her pack, and begins to write*
  It seems again the winds have brought change to my life. It is in times when we least expect things like this to happen, when we are least prepared, and nearly unaware…
Then it happens. I still do not know how.. but, no longer do I walk a lonely path. I’ve friendship, companionship, love even. Feelings once lost and dead to my heart that I never thought I could feel again. Still, even in happiness there are things that set wrong with me.  *She swallows slightly as she writes, her train of thought swaying a bit*
  What is ever the point in feeling happiness, if all the while to lose that which makes you happy is what you fear the most? I never really feared the loss of Lia Ceela, of Veldrin, because he promised me forever, eternity, and I believed him. Then he suffered their purge and was gone. Now ,he is living no more than a lie, a life of hatred, or is he?….even though I hate him, I will always love him, how could I not? After everything…
  But, For so long I’ve lived on a simple strand of hope that he could be brought back, but.. is hope alone enough?
*She sighs slightly as the words she pens make little sense to her*  I never feared the loss of Owen either, but soon after our last conversation, he too left. I blame myself though for his loss. I never meant to hurt him as I did. Even as we drifted apart he promised me help, promised to be there.. Somehow I found myself in the shadows, alone again.
*She glances at the words on the paper briefly*  Then as if by a dream, I was given a gift. A chance. Somebody so like me, yet.. so different. With a simple gesture he offered his hand to pick me up from the ground. My choice would have always been an easy one before… in years past I would have used my gift to summon the shadows around me, disappearing before his eyes into the shadows of the night. Telling him the hope in my heart was enough to keep me safe, keep me going. But I didn’t. Not this time…because though hope is needed in things like war and battle, hope is in reality cold, hope is an unrequited love that will not keep you warm at night, and not make you any less lonely…
*Her quill pauses once more as she writes*  Perhaps I know exactly what happened… but does it matter how things happen? What matters is that it did? *she sighs slighlty* I just wish. that I knew…
  *As the last ink begins to dry on the page, beofre finishing her thoughs, Lalaith closes the book. She tucks her journal safely in her pack, tying it tightly. Slowly she stands, gracefully, and in one fluid motion her figure fades into the shadows of the early morning. Once more she is gone*

Lalaith Va'lash

A change in the wind
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2006, 10:25:06 pm »
*Carefully and deliberately Lalaith pulls her journal from her pack. The worn journal is cracked with age, and the pages are tattered. It has seen a lot. As the small elf leafs through the pages, the pages of her past, her uncontrollablegust of strongwind blows across the skies.The wind and the shadows intertwine in sort of an elagent dance across thenight skies.*
  *Lalaith looks up, her face tear soaked, confusion in her eyes.*
  *Suddenly the wind blows strongly, blowing the small book shut in her hands. She clutches it to her chest as she fades into the shadows,and once more, she is gone*

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: A change in the wind
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2007, 07:35:29 pm »
  The night is dark and dawn’s arrival is still many hours away. Tree leaves rustle as a passing Twilight Harvest breeze skirts through the treetops near Ranger’s Vale. The air is cold and crisp. Above gray clouds blanket the obsidian sky, even the shimmering light of Orn would be difficult for most to travel by this night. Below shadows converge on the ground. Seemingly restless they roll over one another as if rippling waters disturbed by a mass wading through them. For a brief moment a slender figure is seen emerging from the darkness. It is as if the shadows through an intricate and beautiful dance have weaved together to form this vision. At once however the vision is gone. It appears as if nothing has moved save the leaves in the wind, and simple shadows cast by what moonlight manages to escape the clouds, are all that fall to the ground.
  The wind picks up, blowing swiftly again. This time two quick flashes of light can be seen a bit further in the distance. Something gleams brightly as it catches the moonlight just right, before fading deep into the shadows, leaving once more for all to be at calm rest.
  A few moments later this flirtful dance with shadows finally comes to an end. Lalaith steps from the shadows, her slender elven figure pulling away from the darkness to reveal her pale elven skin in the moonlight. Her axe blades glisten a bit in the light, similar to the flashes seen before. Lalaith ties them tightly into her sheaths hiding the precious metal. With her eyes lingering on the blades she fingers the longbow on her back briefly while drifting deep into thought. Pulling the bow from her back she runs her gloved palm down the finely crafted mahogany. She holds the bow tightly in her hands, her mind lingering on past thoughts. Lalaith has come a long way since her return to Layonara so many years ago, and she has changed so much…
  In her thoughts, she watches the shadows; slowly they begin to move, taking on shape, taking on form… She sees two figures in the shadows. She watches carefully and begins to remember…
 *Original Character Bio*
  Talan and Lalaith Va'lash were raised by their father, Arandil Va'lash, a noble and the commander of the elite archery regiment of the city guard. Neither knows much about their mother, her origins, or present whereabouts. Arandil raised them from a young age to follow in his footsteps as warriors and leaders of men.
  Lalaith, angered and wearied by the growing controlling nature of her Father decided to leave her father's home at an early age. Pretty much cast out of her family for her choice not to "follow in her father's footsteps" Lalaith took to the roads to find her own path in life. Having little to nothing except the clothes on her back and her bow, that she had been taught to use when family actually meant home to her, she took a less noble path in life hiding in the shadows and resorting to thievery as a means of survival. She watched others on the streets and learned to pick locks and set and unarm traps and gradually learned to hide in the darkness of the shadows going unnoticed to the untrained eye. Lalaith further developed her skills enabling her to bypass many dangers unseen and has begun to discover powers within her that she is still unclear where they may have come.
  Curious and restless Lalaith has wandered many lands often just avoiding dangers and experiencing many with death. Until recently Lalaith wandered alone avoiding contact with others whenever possible and developing a very cold outlook on life. However, by chance or by fate, Lalaith reunited with her brother Talan who had set out to further his shining career. It was a clash of dark and light at their first meeting but slowly the rift between the siblings began to close as Lalaith's memories of their friendship as children began to warm her cold emotions. Lalaith will never abandon what she has learned on the streets and still seeks answers to the powers with in herself, but for the time she travels with her brother Talan learning from him and picking up his interest in rare items and trade.
  Talan and Lalaith now travel together and roam across the lands. They have recently arrived in Layonara, which seems, on first inspection, a land quite different than they are used to.
  *End Original Submission*
  Lalaith’s eyes watch the shadows, as the figures of herself and Talan seem to melt away into the multitudes of darkness. As she watches a small sad smile crosses her lips. She thinks back to all the memories that her and her little brother had shared since being reunited. The two have fought side by side in the littlest of things, such as saving the Hlint crypt from the attacks of a vampire, too much larger, when they helped to destroy a Bloodpool and fought beside the Longstorm. Lalaith’s main motivation back then was in protecting her little brother. Perhaps she felt guilt from when she had left him so many years before? Either way it didn’t matter… truth be told, it was always Talan who protected her anyway…
  The wind picks up, blowing lightly. Lalaith shivers slightly and small goose bumps begin to dimple her bare skin. The shadows once more begin to take on form in front of her eyes, as the wind reminds her of a time high in the mountains, an image forms in the shadows, an image of her…
Lalaith sits in silence on top of a dangerously steep cliff with her feet carelessly dangling over the edge. She rests her tired head in her glove-covered hands, which are propped, on her legs. She sits alone, just thinking about the events of the past few days. The wind loudly whips and howls to her as she intently listens. She pushes her hair out of her eyes continuously as the wind blows it into her face violently. She lays herself back onto the soft grass covered ground to avoid the constant whipping of the cold night winds. Staring straight up into the cloudless darkness of the sky one single tear rolls down the side of Lalaith's pale cheek. Suddenly the wind stops completely. "I know this,” she says as if talking to someone or something "something has changed" she quietly repeats herself "something has changed" She tightly closes her pale eyes as if to block out the entire world. Quietly she whispers to herself "If only it were that easy"…  Lalaith furrows her brow slightly watching the image of herself play in the shadows. Her body involuntarily shivers as she remembers the biting cold she felt that night. A cold like no other change in the wind had brought to her life. This was the first time Lalaith felt the Soul Mother’s icy fingertips plucking away at the strands of her soul, unfortunately it was not the last either. Finally beginning to understand the power of the bindstones and the reach of the Soul Mother, Lalaith vowed that she wouldn’t fall needlessly in battles, she was given the gifts of the shadows for a reason, and with this she should be able to protect herself.
 A light breeze echoes through the trees, still gripping her bow in her fingers, Lalaith continues to watch the shadowy apparitions. As the spire of mountains displayed in the shadows begins to melt Lalaith recognizes the form it takes. Nearby the lake in Krandor two figures sit speaking in low voices…
Cole looks into Lalaith’s eyes in such a way that many would easily be able to see his budding young love for her. “There will be those that need to fight this” He can be heard saying as a light breeze drifts through the air. Lalaith looks back to him, her features may be shaded by her hood, but her voice is stern and her meaning clear “It is not my war to fight” she retorts back to him as the two continue to speak about the recent drow attacks on Hlint. As their conversation continues a dark figure appears at the edge of the scene, cloaked in red and black he remains unnoticed to the two. His leering glare watches them briefly before he extends his left hand out, with short bow in hand. Suddenly a quiet snap as he releases an arrow knocked in the string, then quickly draws and shoots another. Dark red blood begins to soak Lalaith’s clothing where the two arrows pierce her chest. She stumbles and falls foreword, the world going black as a deadly poison pulses through her veins.  Lalaith swallows hard, her throat becoming a bit choked as she remembers the feeling of the poison seeping into her blood. She rubs slightly the back of her neck where the small tattoo of a spider remains after that fateful day. Glancing back to the shadows image she watches as Cole lifts her limp body from the ground and carefully but hurriedly carries her back to the healer in Hlint. Those two arrows changed Lalaith’s life more than she could have imagined. However, it was in the war with the drow where Lalaith found her love Veldrin, she found herself united by a gift to a brother, Connor, and a sister, Katrien, and she truly began to understand just what gifts the shadows granted her.
  The vision of Cole carrying Lalaith dissipates as warm breeze blows through the air scattering the shadows. Slowly the scattered shadows join becoming many flowing waterfalls. As the shadowy water pours down it converges in the center forming an island. Full of flowers Lalaith recognizes the place as Az’atta’s Grove. She looks on the image with sad eyes…
Red and yellow flowers speckle lush green foliage giving energy and life to a small island in the middle of a lake. Around the island several waterfalls rush into the lake wetting the many faceted rocks below and spraying mirages of color onto the rock walls that surround. On the island Lalaith remains focused on the kneeling figure before her, as she presses her lips together slightly and struggles to catch her breath, one can tell her heart is full of joy as he speaks in soft sincere tones… “Lalaith, you have captured my very essence in yours, stopped time and moved my heart to a place of pure joy that I thought I would never know. My soul is yours, life is yours. For an eternity in rain, will you be my all. Would you marriage me?”  For a moment tears begin to form in the corners of Lalaith’s eyes. She watches the scene as Veldrin places a ring on her own finger. Despite her once cold outlook on life, Lalaith had fallen in love with Veldrin, their union sealed in Az’atta’s Grove deep in the Underdark. Through their time together Lalaith learned much about her gift of the shadows, and the three gifts of the T’ol that she carries within her. Someday those gifts might continue to allow her to make a big difference in the world, someday…
  As she continues to watch though the shadows begin to stir angrily about. Lalaith bites her lower lip slightly, instinctively knowing what the shadows will show her next, but unable to turn away despite the pain she has known. The vision appears of Lalaith’s small room in her home in Ranger’s Vale…
Angry shadows stir wildly in the small bedroom. The shadows pull from the corners of the room converging around a figure in the bed. Lalaith tosses and turns restlessly in her sleep. She wakes in a cold sweat with burning tears streaming down her pale elven skin. She opens her eyes and looks down to her now bare left hand. “Was it a dream?” she whispers. Her hand is empty, there is nothing? “No not a dream” She manages to stutter between her cries. The room blackens in an impenetrable darkness.    Slowly Lalaith rises from the bed pulling robes around her. Pushing sweat-dampened hair behind her ears she makes her way to her bookshelf just outside her bedroom door. She pulls a small black diary from one of the shelves. Lalaith turns clasping the book to her chest under her arms while her eyes continuously search the shadows as they dance around the room. She makes her way through shadow to the edge of the room where a single candle burns. The candle’s light is nothing but a faint glow in the restless darkness of the shadows; its light scarcely penetrates the shadows.
  Leaning against the wall Lalaith slowly slides down almost collapsing into sitting position, the diary still clutched in her arms she pulls her knees into to her chest. Her head bowed into her chest, tears from her eyes sparkle slightly on her cheeks in the dim candlelight as it struggles to pierce the shadow that Lalaith pulls around herself. The room is dead silent except for the erratic breathing of the small elf as she tries hard to calm herself.
  “Lia Ceela what happened?” she whispers looking up, as if expecting an answer from the shadows. However, there is no answer, nothing, only silence and the faint sound of her breath. Lalaith closes her eyes tightly as visions of her wedding ring, L' Ze'zhuanthen Ssussun, vanishing from her finger play very cruelly over and over again in her mind.
  Slowly Lalaith opens the diary she holds in her arms; it is the diary of shadows, a journal of the accounts of an elf of the family of shadows from many years ago. She flips through its pages to find old letters she had saved between the pages of the diary.
  Timidly she opens one of the notes left behind, wondering if the magic of the shadows is still held within it.
  As she touches the letter shadows move across it, forming small pantomimes of magic. It seems the magic is not completely gone from the letter, the shadows dance across it as she unfolds it watching.
  The first fold shows a shadowy woman crying comforted by a distorted haze of sight and sound, the shadow moves around her, concerned and confused by her tears.  The second fold slowly comes free, darkness streaks from the edges of the room to form gentle traceries, hands touching and lips meeting with ethereal wisps of smoke moving in between.  The third page, shadows spread from all corners of the room to form a cavern, a woman and endless drips of dark rain The image flows forward, the female figure breaking free of an inky black web that surrounds her, the male stepping forward from the faceless multitudes.  The final scene before the note is revealed is simply and shows two people atop a mountain of great height. Snowflakes of shadow whip in the breeze and ever so softly form around the pair, coming together in the shape of a ring.
  As the last scene is revealed tears once more stream down Lalaith’s cheeks. The drops land on the letter creating water spots, and washing away portions of the writing. “What happened?” she whispers once more, her strained voice abruptly breaking silence as her sadness transforms into anger. She replaces the note in the book and closes it firmly, holding the journal in her hands tightly her knuckles begin to whiten. Exhaling deeply she releases the book letting it fall into her pack. In these moments something changes within Lalaith. Determination set in her features she grabs her pack and sets out to find out what happened. Lalaith silently slips into the shadows and is gone.
  With a slight sigh Lalaith closes her eyes tightly. The vision fades and the shadows calm, resting naturally on the ground in front of her. Since then Lalaith had learned that is was Ramanon Vensk who deceived Veldrin causing him to undergo the purge of the Drow and to steal her wedding ring. Lalaith is still unsure if she believes that, that is all that happened, she sits quietly beginning to recall a spring day so many moons ago… Slowly her thoughts manifest themselves into silhouetted forms as the shadows lift from where they naturally lay. Softly at first, the forms pulse like the beating of the wings of a large bird, finally they unite into the image of Connor’s familiar, Ember…   Stepping from the shadows Lalaith follows Ember to where Connor stands. She approaches him quietly; she is soaked from the rain. Turning to him she brushes the remaining water from her clothes. Connor looks to her with sadness and concern in his eyes, his eyes glance down to her bare left hand and up again. He breaths deeply before he speaks “Lalaith...does the name, Elamshin mean anything to you?” Frowning slightly, Lalaith answers in reply “Elamshim Laralweki.” Hot tears begin to roll down her cheeks as Connor tells her about Ramanon’s deception and the fate of the one she knew as Veldrin.
  Some time later as the sun begins to set over the water at Blackford Castle, Katrien arrives to greet the two. Her attempts at comfort are futile, as Lalaith sits with her knees to her chest and her face buried while lost in her sadness. Lalaith’s sadness turns to anger however when a note is received, and soon a meeting ensues.
  Ramanon approaches the group cloaked in invisibility. Upon hearing footsteps, Lalaith quickly slips into the shadows, hiding as he approaches. “She is here” Connor remarks coldly as Ramanon inquires to Lalaith’s whereabouts. “I need to speak to her” Ramanon’s voice floats from the air, as he remains invisible. His tone is even colder than Connor’s and is heartless…
  The conversation continues with Ramanon explaining the fate of Veldrin, and his perception of what had occurred. At that point angered and frustrated Lalaith asks for her ring back, which Ramanon was supposed to receive from Veldrin to give to the council. Tempers flair and an argument begins, somewhere in the chaos cloaked in shadow Lalaith manages to get behind Ramanon. She remains motionless her cold sharp blade against his neck.  
  Lalaith swallows hard and her pulse begins to race slightly just as it had that day. Her breath catches in her chest and she intently watches the image blur in the shadows, her hands form in tight fists. The arguing, the confusion, a pair of shadowy silhouette appearing at the crest of the hill, and then in a pivotal moment the image is clear as crystal: Lalaith slitting Ramanon’s throat as he turns away to escape invisibly.
  The red streaks of blood on Lalaith’s short sword darken into inky black traceries as slowly once more the shadowy ghosts of her past fade into the darkness around her. Lalaith had not pressed her sword deep enough to kill Ramanon that day, but it left a scar to remember her by, and in a peculiar sort of way, it left Lalaith comforted in knowing that despite the hatred and vengeance in her heart, the shadows were not fleeting.
  With a slight sigh, the last streaks of inky black disappear from the image Lalaith watches. The winds seem to have stopped and the air around Lalaith feels very heavy. She takes a deep breath to stave off the slight feeling of suffocation before she looks back to the shadows. The darkness seems to have thickened and a new image has formed…
 Sitting in bed, Lalaith opens her eyes to see darkness. There is nothing but darkness as far as she can see. She watches as thick shadows swirl around her. She stirs. Lalaith places her hands at her sides, and they fill with her covers, she is still in her bed. She spins slightly in the sheets, her eyes searching in the darkness, something isn’t right about the shadows. The dim glow from the candelabra by her bed is absorbed into the shadows; it is as if no light can pierce the thick black veil that surrounds her.
  Stepping from her bed Lalaith looks surprised by the sensation under her feet. It is not the cold hardwood floor she expected. Instead it’s soft, damp and cold…. “Grass?” She whispers, as she kneels down touching it with her bare fingertips, and confirming her suspicion. Lalaith runs her hand in the cold wet grass, looking around still, confused by the place she now is…
  Then, as if from no place, she hears something. Standing abruptly, Lalaith instinctively moves her right hand for her short sword, but it is not there, she has no weapon. Lalaith backs away slightly, peering into the darkness as her eyes begin to take focus on a figure. Then an elf appears. It is the ranger Alwainn.
  Recognition overcomes Lalaith’s face, her features softening slightly as he approaches her from the shadows. Quiet words are exchanged. However, panic over comes his face, as he looks past her. Lalaith spins quickly around as she sees this, looking behind her, there is a shadow… She watches the shadow take on a humanoid figure, and then just as quickly the shadows begin to take on the humanoid figures, surrounding the two.
  He seems to panic, mentioning regretting contacting her. Lalaith questions him as he backs away, seemingly afraid of the figures surrounding them. Then in a fear strained voice Lalaith calls out to him, telling him to wait… Her eyes locked on the glowing eyes just behind the elf…
  In the darkness a creature of shadow looms red burning eyes… black shadowy wings. The elf turns back, and the creature fades before his eyes focus on the darkness, he sees nothing and continues backing away.
  Lalaith lunges forward, grabbing after him, trying desperately to stop him, but somehow she misses him and stumbles to the ground instead. Looking up she screams after him, almost begging him to stop. But it’s too late
  The shadows and darkness close in around her, and its dark once more… “Its too late…” The elf’s words to Lalaith echo in her mind as she finds herself in her bed once more… tossing in her covers, and tangled in the sheets, Lalaith nearly falls out of the bed. She finally stops, shivering as the sweat on her skin evaporates, giving her chills. Lalaith slowly steps onto the hardwood floor. She glances at her sweaty palms, and then her eyes look around her, she is back to her own room
  Lalaith closes her eyes, his face, filled with panic, burns into her mind. His voice rings in her ears…
  “A dream?” She questions, her strained voice breaking through the silence. But it seemed so much more real than a dream…
  Then with out much more thought Lalaith pulls her packs together and quickly readies to travel.
  Pulling up her hood as she steps into the shadows, she again sets off from her home.
  This time she journeys quickly through the night, not stopping to rest. The elf’s panic stricken face haunts her memory and his voice rings in the sound of the wind as she travels. She does not stop, until she reaches the docks…
  The ebb and flow of the sea at the docks resonates in the pulsing of the shadows in front of Lalaith. Inspired by a vision, or perhaps more, Lalaith had rushed off to meet the ranger Alwainn, a friend from her training in her earlier days. The ranger plagued by the shadows that haunted his mind was nearly at death’s door by the time Lalaith reached him in Ulambree on Voltrex. With a bit of luck, and using the skills she knew best, Lalaith was able to aid the ranger, even if only temporarily. Once in a conscious state, the ranger charged Lalaith with a task. A task that would take her to a place like no other she had ever seen. A place where no shadows fell. Lalaith glances around the forest briefly, her mind deep in thought of this place, her pale brown eyes filled with a mix of wonder and fear. She takes a deep breath and focuses once more as the small pantomimes continue in the forest shadows Sudden bursts of energy radiate outward from a great glowing creature as it attacks Lalaith and her companions. With sword and spell they each advance on it trying their best to dissipate it before it puts them to an unnatural rest. Suddenly, however, the glowing form concentrates its energies on Lalaith. Startled briefly by its overwhelming power and radiant visage, she shields her eyes as she steps back, her boots sinking slightly in the sand. Taking a deep breath Lalaith focuses, calmly looking to call shadow to her aid - but something is not right. Frantically now, her eyes search around for the tiniest of shadow to blend with, but there is none! She tries quickly to flee from the entity… but the soft depths of the sand fail her escape. The massive power overcomes her, sucking the last breath from her slender Elven form. With a sudden rush of burning pain throughout every fiber of her being, everything goes black to her, and Lalaith's body falls lifeless in the sand. Clenching her jaw slightly, the muscles in Lalaith’s body tighten as if recalling the burning pain of the Radiance Quasi-elemental. For the first time, in a long time, Lalaith had a sense of complete vulnerability as she searched for the shadows, to realize there were none. She recognized then how much a part of her the shadows really were, and what it would be like to live in a world without them…. But, what of a world of only shadow? Lalaith pauses a moment in thought. A light breeze tumbles around her form, sending a small shiver down her spine. After Lalaith had fulfilled her promise to Alwainn he spoke to her of an enemy of destruction and shadow, an enemy greater than Bloodstone whom should not be forgotten. Constantly conflicted by this, Lalaith strained to understand the true nature of these shadowy creatures he spoke of, and the true nature of the shadows themselves for that matter. In time Lalaith had the opportunity to meet those that Alwainn spoke of.
  The shadows around Lalaith begin to swirl, becoming increasingly dark and slightly unnatural looking. Slowly an image forms in the darkness, an image of a sundered land.    The land looks eerily similar of the Dragon Isles off the coast of Mistone, there is what seems a massive dragon claw mark etched into the facing of deep chasms. It is as though the very face of the planet was ripped away from the fabric of Layonara and placed in an unknown realm. The shadows swirl about on the land as the winds echo strange unsettling words of torment, betrayal, sadness and anger. A group of wearied and well-traveled adventurers looks on.
  Two figures, shadows in their own right stand out from the group. The deep Gnome Vin and then Lalaith, both dancers, they appear to be in some sort of understanding and sharing of the anguish in the wind, it is as though they might have even welcomed the communication to help ease it. The rest of the travelers however seem to fight the continued frenzy of emotion blowing in the breeze and rising from the emptiness of the deep chasms. Lalaith speaks softly remembering the words she has heard, "...And here it has sundered. I speak of this very city... find what I speak.. And return...”   Lalaith tears her eyes away from the shadows, the vision of this place fading quickly into the blackness of the forest floor as she looks away. Holding her bow to her chest now, she wraps her arms around it, and herself, trying to stop from shivering. The Lumbral Ruler had wanted the group to feel what his people felt, to show their history, illustrate where they had been and why... The witnessing of the Sundered Lands was an etched marking in all, like your own name, something that could never be forgotten. He wanted them to open up to this pain to truly understand them. While, to some it may have been just another simple loss of innocence, to the hearts and minds of Lalaith and many of her companions, the revelation of past wrongs bore a large blanket of guilt and even fear. Could they ever repair what had happened? Will the council's return be fraught with feelings of vengeance and recovery of what was lost? Would they ever be willing to forgive? If not, what were the consequences...
  Lalaith closes her eyes tightly, the look on her face likened to that of when you feel an ache deep in the pit of your stomach. Lalaith had tried to speak to the others about the things she knew, the things she heard and saw, but none would really listen. Lalaith doesn’t solely blame them though, at the time, to many she was nothing more than a shadow, a dark figure hiding in the back, listening and watching in silence. However, recently, Lalaith has come to realize just what shadows are capable of, and so starts a new path, with a single goal in mind. No longer will this shadow be cast idly in the back of groups… Lalaith knows her destiny brings much more than that. With the stars flown to rest, and the last glow of Orn fading into the lightening skies over Rangers Vale, the sun begins to peek above the horizon. The fogs start to burn off in the warming beams of the great volatile orb, and the birds begin to sing lightly. After spending many hours watching the small shadowy pantomimes of her past, Lalaith once more slips quietly into the shadows, her form blending into the darkness as she disappears, and then like a simple change in the wind, she is gone…
  Her destiny awaits.
  //almost a year old, but thought it fit in her CD thread as good as a good start to writing for her again.

