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Author Topic: A letter to Folians temple.  (Read 348 times)

Guardian 452

A letter to Folians temple.
« on: March 21, 2005, 12:59:00 pm »
*Enzo hands this letter to Plenarius shortly before he and Brisbane leave for Voltrex*

Plen,I know you will have other things on your mind *he winks*. But I ask you to please deliver this letter to Folians temple on Voltrex.

Thanks and enjoy your time away.... you two deserve it.

*Enzo smiles and pats Plen on the sholder*

*The following letter is addressed to Folians Temple, Voltrex*

Priests of the Longstrider,

The lands of Dregar and Mistone are lacking a solid presence from The Prince of Wolves.

I bring you tidings of good news this day. I have begun raising funds to have a shrine honoring the Prince of Wolves to be located on Dregar.

I have spoken to King Waylend of this matter and pending some completed tasks I believe the good King will grant a parcel of land  in the Forest of Mists. My fellow friends of the wood and fellow members of the Princes' Wolf pack seek a place to pay homage to Folian. Secondly I believe the presence of this temple will further strengthen those who seek to defeat Bloodstone and his forces.

I ask that you send a representative from the temple to Dregar. So that we can meet and discuss this matter in person, I can show you what has been planned and what needs to be done.

If you could please send a letter back to me, or verbal reply by way of this letter carrier Plenarius Ashaley, stating who would be comming and when. Then I know who to expect and will have preperations made for your arrival.

Until then, May the Longstrider watch over and protect you.

Enzo Reynolt
2nd Lieutenant of the Wolfswood Ranger Corps