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Author Topic: A Letter to the Public:  (Read 316 times)


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A Letter to the Public:
« on: July 24, 2004, 06:24:00 am »
This is a general announcement, ter tell folks that I'm going ter be semi-retiring from public crafting.  I've been working the hammer fer more years than I care ter admit, and I've recently realised I've accomplished nearly everything I've set out ter do.
  I've mastered nearly every craft I've set out ter master, the only thing left fer me I feel is some armor work, so I'll be turning my attention ter it here shortly, and once I feel that I've done my best for Dorand, I'll be crafting only fer Him.  I've bought a place out near the Citadel and all my goods I craft will be placed inter that place as a giant altar to Him.
  I may occasionally sell something, if I feel that it is fer the best, but mostly I'll be staying out near Lar and crafting fer Him.
   Soon I'll be forming the Hammer and Pick officially. The current plan is ter be operating out of Pranzis, since its the largest city and trade hub in the world.  I've been in contact with some of the worlds best crafters, and nearly everyone I've spoken ter has agreed to sign on as the Master or Mistress of thier craft. I'm still hoping ter speak ter a few others, but I'm getting on in age, and well...I don't move like I used to.
  So... I guess that's it.
  Ta'karsh Blacklung, Hammer of Dorand
    //Basically I'm going to be semiretiring Ta'k for a while.  I never really envisioned him going Epic.  So I'll probably get to level 21 and just stop adventuring perhaps.  I dunno. I've hit level 20 in many crafts, and while the cap is now 22, I find 20 a much more appealing number for me so I think I'll stop at a place I like instead of some imaginary cap that's floating out there.  Eventually I hope to see my name slide off a lot of the craft lists to let others hold the top slots.  I'm going to probably finish up armor working and then hang the hammer up for a while. I'll still play him on occasion, he has something important he needs to do at some point... but other wise...