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Author Topic: A job for Postmaster Vale  (Read 444 times)


A job for Postmaster Vale
« on: July 21, 2004, 09:05:00 pm »
Well Here I am in Fort Himlad and what did I get for all my troubles for coming down here and delivering a letter??? 4gps? Thats all? Travel almost across the world, almost died twice for 4gps .......Note to self "Never ever ever...EVER! deliver mail for that man again!" Now I am stuck in this stupid Point Harbor with no way to make money and the dockmaster isn't going to give my papers back...Note to self " Make sure you have money for the return TRIP!" Nice place except for the Rakshasa that are down here and something they call a Vork! . Maybe someone will come that might be able to help until then I am stuck down here.. Sometimes I really question my logic.......


