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Author Topic: Pathfinder Anu-pilinn  (Read 162 times)


Pathfinder Anu-pilinn
« on: October 06, 2005, 05:47:00 am »
*Path Juggles a couple raw emeralds in one hand, over the pond behind Hlints' bank, thinking what a sultans time he could have had with a couple fortunes like that fer at least a month back in thee days when cutting a nice fat purse or entering some loud-mouthed, rich merchants house and emptying his so called secret hidy-hole, to then blend back into those sweet shadows, was all that he needed to think about...he then sighs with a bitter-sweet smile and no one can hear him say softly:* Why did ye dissapear so Mamil, why the dreams if ye are dead like father, why bring me to this world where I'll most likely die, myself? *He sighs and catches the stones in one hand, trying to crush them without realizing it...they glissen in the sunlight reminding him of his mothers eyes when she was laughing...with quickness that even surprises him the emeralds dissapear from sight, as does he, seconds later.*


RE: Pathfinder Anu-pilinn
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 10:06:00 pm »
*Path at his desk in his house in Leilon, writting a letter to the other Freelancers Founders*
Gold has asked me more then just questions on the way of shadows as well as joining our guild, seeing how The Mother as taking a wee bit too much of a liking to me as of late, will be mainly trying to train him and crafting.  Prehasp she'll forget I exists or at the very least her cold touch be forgotten by me in a few weeks.
I do think he'll make a fine addition to our Guild as well as our strike force or he'll die training, either way we'll know.

*Signed:* Path

*he drops a few drops of running wax and pushes his guild ring crest on it, sealing the letter.  Calling his hawk to him, he bids him to take the letter to the temporary Guild House in Hlnt*
And NO! booze before t'is delivered!
*He yells out to the hawk as it flies out of the window*

