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Author Topic: Aidan and Ausir  (Read 383 times)


Aidan and Ausir
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:42:26 am »
Ausir Stargazer
(8yrs, 8 months)

Wow! It was such a great day! Aunt Kee came to visit us and she and mom talked and talked and talked. It was booring, Aidan didn't care so much since it was just us walking around in Llast. Dad took the two shorties to the Toran Temple. Aunt Kee gave us a neat looking wooden sword that looks like hers and Mom's. And mom said if we wanted to learn how to use them they will both teach us how to use them!

Aidan Stargazer
(8yrs, 8 months)

Went out with Aunt Kee, Mom and brother today. Geesh, I love them and all, but they just all talk to much. I've been practicing to try and listen better to things that are harder to hear like Ma can do. I like when we go camping, when we visit the cities not so much. Not sure if I want to learn with the wooden blade we got today. Maybe I can switch it for a bow or something. If only the shorties stop getting into our stuff.
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Lance Stargazer

Re: Aidan and Ausir
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2012, 02:05:41 pm »
( 14 years old )

Ausir Stargazer

The boy is slowly becoming a man, making for strong muscles, observant eyes, rash of behavior and quick of action. The man has worked with several weapons along his studies. The shorties are our responsibility, and that Lil Ell is so strange. The pride of our family they say. It’s odd to see Dad and Mom with a little girl like that, well more time to dedicate to ours studies. There are lots of things to work on.

Aidan Stargazer

The nimble boy is becoming faster each time he runs as he tones his body. The forest is his second home and playground. The rapier at easy access, already he is quick with the draw with it and quicker at using it. He practices his skill using his quick mind and feet. He uses looking after his big family part of his practicing. Aidan has learned a lot from his mother, where to look and where to see, what to look for and above all how and where not to be. The shorties are too loud; taciturn he likes to be on his own, studying the terrains as a falcon looking around.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Aidan and Ausir
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2012, 05:42:38 pm »
(14 and half years old )

Ausir Stargazer
Well seems that we are grounded for a month,, what injustice, the guy so deserved what happened, and there was no way we going to hide after doing the right thing, stealing for the shorties,  who do you think he is, Aidan and i gave him a lesson he hopefully won't forget and yet we are grounded, well at least The shorties are good, I had to recieve the first hit but then Aiden really hit him right where the sun doesn't reach on him. Then well.. we gave him the beating he won't forget soon.

Aiden Stargazer

Grounded for helping the shorties .. great and they are free to go to the aunt ilsareans for candies next week and we'll stay for the week for that, Speaking of unfairness, I told Ausir taht we had to run and hide before someone else's saw us but oh no..he had to tell mom and dad right?  well to be honest they would have learned of it anyway, the good thing of that is that the bully won't bother the shorties again, Ausir really got a good distsraction for me to give him the fist strike, yet I know he may be able to do it as well , -almost- as good as i did, yet he is tougher,  something that i've learned to use in favor on our ... *ahems*  accidents, Thanks to mom to teach us to hit where it hurts. and well for teaching us about the forest as well.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Aidan and Ausir
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 11:21:34 am »
(18 years old )

Aidan .

How dared he ... He left following some kind of odd dream of his and let us alone here, I am finding myself working in the field, with the famine its hard but guess its a way to pay for the mainteinance, I do feel that my skill with the rapier is not strong enough, alas, I'd wish my brother were here to help, has been one year since he departed and no news from him, I don't know him anymore, i mean yes, we always had kind of a connection, twins after all, but leaving us as that was kind of selfish, Mother doesn't say anything but she misses him and worries. And with Orn being so close to dad on the temple, I have to see upon my old lady, She is kind as wild , but One can find her sweet tooth, she loves us all.

The rapier lessons are still on the work though, Next time I met with my brother i am soooo going to beat him for leaving us as that.

