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Author Topic: Among the people  (Read 4732 times)


Among the people
« on: December 26, 2012, 08:27:53 am »
 I have done as you asked and tried to keep a low profile yet serve the Lord Protector.  In the process of doing so, I have run across many of the same adventurers you spoke of in your own journeys. Protector Storold was one such person and he was most helpful in resolving several tasks around Center with both advice and with his magic.  I have also befriended a priestess of Katia, a gnomish woman named Fern.  She is the opposite of myself in that she is very shy, but her prayers saw myself and a couple of others through some dark journeys.  Finally, there are the Toranites with whom I feel the greatest affinity.  Your friend, Lady Daniella, trained her people well.  Sir William Leox and Mari both are beacons of light in this dark world and I am glad to call them friends.  In short, I am doing well, if poor in true, at least I am rich in companionship and faith.
 Oh, in regards to the fire at the Hempstead fields store, there is a kindly orc investigating do not judge him by his looks.  The Dragon has shown me the truth of his heart and he means well.
 Yours with the Gold,
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2012, 08:36:11 am »
 A small disaster befell our group as we tried to resolve the bugbear problem outside Mariner's Hold.  Fern, Mari, and an elf named Vulcan were with me and we did well enough initially until we were forced to charge into the main bugbear lair wherein more of the creatures than what we scouted appeared and slaughtered us.  When we finally managed to stand under the bindstone, we swore to return to rid the island of the foul creatures leader.  When next I see you I have questions regarding some personal matters I must discuss.
 Yours with the Gold,
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2013, 09:14:20 am »
Jo worked the knot of dirty blonde hair patiently, teasing out the snarl right above Mari's ear where her cowlick made a turn. "Now, sound it out and put the letters in that sound right, Mari." He told her , pausing, to point with the shell brush at the letters she was putting to paper. "Not perfect, but then never let perfect be the enemy of good enough, hmm?" He smiles and continued his ministrations with her hair.  Like her , it was a mess, but a good mess, it felt and looked full of life whenever he worked with it and his efforts were weilding some results, finally.  The curling locks were fuller and shone in the sunlight of the clearing they were camped in.  "Would you mind if I tried something different, Mari?  I want to put a small braid of this," He gave the offending lock a gentle tug abover her ear, making her squirm, "a place to go that won't be in your eyes when you fight, okay?"  With her nod he finished his work and she finished her very short letter.  Still it was something.  "We'll get this to the courier soon as we can, Mari."
 Jo finished and moved around to view his work facing Mari directly.  "Here, take a look in this bowl of water and let me know what you think."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2013, 09:54:34 am »
"I think I wish someone'da showed me that when I was littler. Gonna be a lot easier ta wear under the helmet."  Her letter is rolled and tied with deft fingers; she's done that much enough times in her military career to make it look natural.  The military may march on it's stomach but command rolls on parchment wheels.  "Thanks Jo, ken ya teach me that when we got time?  I'll be round Llast for a few weeks at least."


Re: Among the people
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2013, 11:20:08 am »
Nodding, "Of course, Mari, and I'm glad to hear you'll be stationed at Llast for a while." Jo looks around thinking then grins, "I've got it, you can practice braiding on your helm, the one with the hair on the top!  Right now, we'll get this letter off straight away, your father will be glad to see it I think.  Um, Mari..Do you think I could meet him, your Father? I'd like to if you don't think he'll take offense?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2013, 01:03:52 pm »
//quick reference only post.
 =Paladins of Rofirein===
Rofirein's holy symbol is that of the compass and shield. Always remember this, for Rofirein is both thy protector and thy guide.  
  • Thou shalt believe all that Rofirein teaches, and shalt observe all his directions.
  • Thou shalt defend the Church of Rofirein with all thy might.
  • Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.
  • Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.
  • Thou shalt make war against the Infidel followers of Pyrtechon without cessation and without mercy.
  • Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy duties of Justice, in line with the Teachings of the Church of Rofirein.
  • Thou shalt never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word.
  • Thou shalt be generous, and give largess to all that have need.
  • Thou shalt avoid avarice like the deadly pestilence and shalt embrace its opposite.
  • Thou shalt keep thyself chaste for the sake of her whom Rofirein has chosen for thee to love.
  • Thou shalt only step foot in Temples dedicated to Rofirein and his Holy allies, unless thy enemies seek sanctuary in an unholy temple, in which case it is thy duty to cleanse the place of their filth.
  • Thou art a Paladin of Rofirein, one of his beloved few. Remember this in all that thy do. As one of the few Paladins of the Holy Order of Rofirein, it is your task to root out evil, injustice and tyranny wherever thee may be.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #6 on: January 09, 2013, 11:52:05 am »
"Braidin' my helm?"  A grin then a laugh.  "Never thought of that, but it's a right good idea.  You ken come meet my pa and my uncle, sure, but they're gonna put you ta work I promise if ya don't keep busy in town."


Re: Among the people
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2013, 11:57:13 am »
Jo grins in response, then shows her how to do a simple braid of the horse hair on her helm. "There." He undoes the braid. "You try it. As for work, Father never let us go a day without chores of some sort, he said it built character, although I suspect he made us do them to get the work done." Jo laughs a little. "I figure the best way to know someone is either to fight them or work with them myself. I'll look forward to it. A wheelwright is your father's profession, is that right?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2013, 12:31:02 pm »
"Best in Trelania, least I think."  The horse's hair on her helmet is stiff but with a few misstarts she twists a serviceable if sloppy braid, then works it free and starts again.  "Makes carts too, sleds, all that."  Another braid, fatter than the first, is tied off and left to dangle over the right side of the iron helm.  More confidently she sweeps up hair in the center and twists.  "Uh, Jo...if ya visit, Pa's gonna ask me 'bout another fella and so I better tell ya now, I got a you're a friend?  Ausir.  Ya met him already, in the spider caves.  Ya said once I should tell ya if there was anyone else, an' it's not like there is since we're all just...friends, ya know?  But Pa's gonna ask an' so ya don't have any surprises..."


Re: Among the people
« Reply #9 on: January 09, 2013, 12:52:33 pm »
Jo pauses then points out her mistakes in the first sloppy braid, more to give him some time to think than to make any real corrections. "Um, that's right Mari, Thanks for telling me." His voice is a bit hushed as he says this. "Truth is, I've been given some good advice from friends and I think being your friend right now is more important than worrying about well..kisses and stuff. We're both have a duty and vows to live up to first, don't we?" He searches her eyes a moment, the braiding forgotten waiting for her answer.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2013, 12:57:37 pm »
"I think bein' friends is the most important thing, it's what lasts longest anyway.  An' we don't neither of us know what Toran or Rofierin have in mind for us anyway, least that way."  She stretches out her hand to place it over his.  "My heart's tuggin' two ways, so it's better we don't rush, 'cause I ain't lookin' ta pull any stunts like my ma did.  That all said yer a right fine man Jo an'' I hope ya still want ta meet my Pa."


Re: Among the people
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2013, 01:12:20 pm »
Jo places his other hand on top of hers"I do, Mari" He coughs, "I mean I still want to meet your father, he sounds like a good man. As for Ausir, I don't want to stand in the way of your happiness, ever, Mari.  I mean that."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Among the people
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2013, 02:04:03 pm »
*at letter addressed to Sir Daniel Poetr and Lana Poetr of 189 Wayfare*
 Sir Daniel, Lana
 Purpose, it's what drives us forward. The monument in Auderia has shown me the meaning of sacrifice. Those Knights died for reasons beyond themselves, and I truly grieved for the suffering you and others endured. I do not know if I am chosen for glory. No, I have come to understand the all too familiar feelings of terror, fear, doubt and sorrow, yet I will fight for what I believe in even if it means my death.
 The old druid, Maran, offered me a chance to fullfill that purpose and we did so, driving the white fire of the Dragon deep into the crypts of Krandor then to Storan's old tomb. The Undead were waiting and gave pitched battles about the hills leading to the tomb. Once inside, the group, encountered another evil, a creeping thin voice that filled our heads. Rasa laughed and was slain by a darkness that appeared suddenly in our midst. We made our retreat from that cursed place after Rasa was called back to the living. My hand still shakes at the retelling on parchment.
 As a servant of Rofirein, I am not officially part of any order, yet I must strive always to live within my vows and the Gold's tenets. In seeking to understand this path further I have asked Mari to vouch for myself to her commanders. I hope the Toranite command is willing to take in a chosen of another faith. I have much to learn. Until I am able to write again.
 ps  Don't worry overly for my own safety, I have taken to traveling with a Katian priestess named Fern.  She looks after me when my head gets too full of foolishness.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Jo sits in center singing a
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2013, 11:30:53 am »

Jo sits in center singing a silly song while strumming his guitar.

Never lick a toad!

There are some things you should never do.

Like eat something you find on your shoe!

Don't take a nap in the middle of the road,

and don't ever lick a toad!

Don't lick a toad, don't lick it!

You'd be better off to just kick it!

Better yet just leave it alone...It wasn't bothering you.

Don't lick a toad! Don't lick it!



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Sir Daniel, Aylana. I met a
« Reply #14 on: August 29, 2013, 10:58:33 am »

Sir Daniel, Aylana.

I met a woman of some mystery last night who claimed to know you, Mister Reid, Ty, and Charlie all.  She wields two curved exotic blades and favors dark purple colors and black.  Her eyes disturbingly remind me of a dark elf in that they are large and strikingly violet hued, but she seems to be a human woman of some fifty years.  Niamh joined us but refused to help me identify this woman so I appeal to yourself.  Rofirein's insight into her character revealed not a thing, but my own judgement is one of a mixed soul, light and dark.  She took great delight in both teasing me and attempting to scare me with her manner, but then was most helpful in repairing Niamh's worn boots.  If you can identify her please send a return letter as soon as you able.  One other bit of information , she referred to herself as a Striker, someone who leaps into the fray.

My other duties recently include helping resolve some conflict stirred up by our ancient enemy in Brenuth.  It seems a Brother Strife was in collusion with some mercenary deep dwarves and was encouraging attacks against the Grannocian giants of the region.  The small group of adventurers and myself were able to convince both groups we sought the truth and investigate.  We uncovered the plot in Ulgrids itself and will be departing for Krashin to bring more of these instigators of chaos to justice.


Yours in the Gold,



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Sir Daniel, Aylana I finally
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2013, 01:36:10 pm »

Sir Daniel, Aylana

I finally discovered who the mystery lady was, one Tyra Dragonheart.  You were right, Sir, she does have a reputation for being a little odd. 

I passed Charlie while traveling through Center.  He told me he was traveling to Auderia with Katelyn to attend some manner of carnival there.  If the rumors I'm hearing are true, this carnival's highlight the practice of putting a prisoner to death!  I'm hoping to run into Charlie soon, but I'm not counting on it.  I'd like to hear more of how it all worked out.  I've been on a leave of absence from the Siphe Garra due to a quiet time on the front.  I came back to Mistone for some rest and found myself involved on some strangeness.  I'm sure you've heard some reports, but fire pits have grown to monsters and attacked folk, winds and water from creeks and ponds are doing the same.  Fern, myself, and few others have travelled to the Grannocian Temple near to Vehl to ask for help in understanding what is occuring.  Your old friend, Andrew, is leading us.  I can't say I'm entirely comfortable being led by a Ilsarian, but I know you think fondly of him and I must say, he's a competent if somewhat quirky leader.  I'll write again as soon as I am able.

Dutifully yours,



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Sir Daniel, AylanaI've been
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2013, 08:59:11 pm »

Sir Daniel, Aylana

I've been busy tracking down information on liches, seeking help from the Shining Hand in Llast.  I've not had much luck.  The Toranites tolerate the Lord Protector, not much more and being a soldier with the Garra Siphe hasn't helped either.  I did manage to find out a few basic facts about Liches and how they survive with their souls in a phylactory which I hope to use.  Do not worry, the Gold is still with me strongly.



Journal entry

Water - Moselle - Lagoon

Air - Phoon - Mistral

Earth - Maia - Jahun

Fire - ? - ?

Our party has a pair of rings, but they seem to contain the souls of these beings and something else, a corruption.  We are still not certain how to release them safely.  I suspect , if called upon, the Great Dragon would enable me to destroy them with a holy blow, but I hope not to have to resort to such a drastic measures.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


//a note - Brothers of
« Reply #17 on: January 10, 2014, 09:09:53 am »

//a note - Brothers of Strife

Brother Blizzard is making snow in Auderia.

Last seed is being broken.  Zalagor Cinder comes to unleash havoc.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Jo checked his appearance in
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2015, 12:52:46 pm »

Jo checked his appearance in the shine of his tower shield for the third time, running a hand through his wavy black hair in nervousness.  Sighing he swung the shield to his back and stepped round the corner of the Toranite Temple in Llast.  Ahead, a man, Mari's father worked on the corner of a wagon.  A much younger man was helping lift a multi spoked wooden wheel onto a well greased axle. "Steady, a bit to the left, now in."  The older man said as the wheel slid into place, he drove a round peg into a hole clearly meant for such a purpose at the end of the axle - locking the wheel in place.

Jo advanced, "Morning sir!" The older man glanced up and a flash of sunlight nearly blinded him off of Jo's shoulder armor.  The older man grimaced, and held up a grease smeared hand to shade his eyes.  Maybe the extra shine wasn't a good idea after all.  Jo thought.  No help for it. 'Attack through it' the voice of one of his instructors from Vehl said in his mind.  He squared his shoulders under the heavy armor.  "I'm sorry to disturb you sir, but I have some business to discuss.  An order and something a bit more personal."  Jo leveled a gaze at the older man's assistant. 

Mari's father, Jo mentally kicked himself for not getting the man's name, looked at the assistant and gave him a small nod, "Off you go, Anton.  We'll be fine here.  Why don't you go check in with that girl you're so sweet on?"  Turning to Jo, he managed to look unimpressed and curious at the same time.

Jo  drew forth plans for a wagon handing them over, "I'm in need of a special wagon, for hauling timber, stone, and the like.  It'll need special wheels, ones that can handle the strain of rubble, tree roots, rough ground. Think you can help me, sir?  I'm willing to pay whatever it takes, although, I might not have the full price right away."  He finished, his voice shaking slightly.

"Alright, I'm a wheelwright lad, not a magician, but I think," a glance at the specifications, "I can make something that will work. What's your other business, Jo Poetr ?"  The man missed little, Jo thought.  Good thing I'm nothing if not honest.

Jo stood up as straight as his six foot two inch frame allowed, eyes straight and focused, chest out, "I want to ask you sir." he paused as the man's name came to him, "Owen MacMurray, I formally request your permission to court your daughter, sir."  He finished in a long rush of words, formal as they were.  By the Dragon,  that was harder than fighting the yard master at Vehl Temple.

A frown, consternation lines formed on Owen's forehead, he started to say something, then stopped, then looked away a few moments.  Jo felt sweat building all over his body, another minute and his padding would be soaked through.  Finally, Owen looked back at him, "She's my little girl, Mari.  I'll always see her as that, you follow?" Owen said quietly finally seeming to take in Jo's trappings, the heavy golden armor, shield, blade, stirrups,  the golden dragon amulet on his chest."  Owen settled on Jo's face and the lines on his forehead relaxed.  "I'll tell you what, let me talk to Mari bout it first and give you an answer then?" The older man offered not unkindly.

A nod from Jo, "Alright sir, that's fair.  Although, I should tell you I came to you first, she might feel um, well awkward with your talk." Jo relaxed slightly and turned to go. "Thank you for your time, sir. " A pause, "Just so you know, I've always thought of Mari as my squad leader until fairly recently.  I have a lot of respect for her as a leader and a soldier.  Great Dragon watch over you and yours."  Jo marched off.



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Jo left word with the Center
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2015, 09:11:40 am »

Jo left word with the Center innkeep that he would be staying in Vale and gathered his things.  Stepping outside he whistled sharply for his warhorse and rode for the portal.

(a day later)

Jo took stock, an entire village of rubble, some of it burning, a few handtools, not much food.  Luckily, Mister Reid had said the Angels would be bringing supplies.  His camp consisted of a bedroll next to the Katian stone.  He sighed and went to work chopping at a still smoldering pile of logs and rubble.  Vale was home now, better make the best of it.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde