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Author Topic: A strange note  (Read 328 times)


A strange note
« on: November 04, 2004, 12:21:00 pm »
What a strange note.  After the defender of Storan was put to rest and his remains searched I found a peice of paper with a reference to a weapon of power that is appears Storan is having his minions search for. 
  A weapon that is deadly to the undead!  I must consult with others in town, Perago for sure as he is of a good heart.  He may have heard something of this weapon or know of one who has.  This would be a wonderous weapon to weild in Vorax's name against the legions of undead.
  It seems from the note that the weapon's location is unsure but with an intelligent undead abomination searching for it I must search for it myself and not let it fall into the hands of an undead to be lost forever.