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Author Topic: Andrew Reid - Letters Home  (Read 7288 times)


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #160 on: April 18, 2012, 12:49:27 pm »
It comes to this.  

"My son, you have dark elf skin for your tattoo."

He can't process it.  He can't articulate his thoughts, not even to himself.   It's not his skin?

He is sitting up, he doesn't remember moving, staring at the black bug carved on his left shoulder.  The inked wings flutter in time with his stomach it seems.  Father Xander watches his face before speaking.

"I have studied this since you first brought it to my attention, extensively.  I thought it would be healed in conjunction with a cleric of Ilsare."  The aged elf wipes his hands absently on a towel as he speaks, looking at his patient with a firm kindness honed over centuries of healing.  "What I missed is what's made it so difficult to treat.  This is not ink, it is skin grafted into your own.  We must physically remove the graft, and the surrounding tissue, for you to return to normal function."

He is staring at it again.  He feels how his eyes are wide, his jaw a little slack, he can imagine his expression and yet do nothing to change it - is the moth wiggling, there on his shoulder?  Does Raina feel that too?  Andeux?  "Are you able to surgically remove this, Father? Can you...I'm certain Minu and Kat will fact, I'd be surprised if Minu didn't insist."

"That is the tricky part."  The towel is draped precisely over the clinic bay divider and the elf moves with measured steps to the tables, opening leather cases of instruments, lifting, examining, selecting, discarding.  From the patient's horizontal position on the cot it is deeply unnerving to watch.  "I will not be able to tell until I get in there to see for myself. This is not normal and very rare."

He looks at the moth again.  It's moving, now he is certain.  Breakfast is one short esophagus away from the floor.  He still can't wrap his head around it.  Not mine?  Something else, someone else's?  ""  He sounds like an idiot yet he can't stop twitching.  Who has his skin?  Father Xander returns with only a needle on a long handle; the patient speaks to calm his own nerves.  "I will provide whatever you need...Ilsare protect me..."

"Well."  The needle is dipped in alcohol, held to a flame.  Father Xander holds it out, not blowing on it nor dousing it but letting the metal cool in it's own time.  "This will be tricky as I do not know how deep the skin goes, has it spead...I'm not sure.  You may lose more then you expect."

Ilsare's holy symbol pierces his neck as it has for months now.  He takes it up anyway, knowing the pain to come, welcoming it as proof his Goddess has not forsaken him.  Questions form, race to his mouth...will the surgery be dangerous to you or Minu?  What if it doesn't work?  What damage my shoulder, what if I can't play?  Oh Ilsare, what if I can't play Bella?

... and they die on his tongue.  None of this is Father Xander's concern.  He will do the best he can and the patient can ask for nothing more.  He hums his prayer as the moth burns and his necklace prickles, then bites, then stabs; Please, Ilsare, let me heal enough to play.  It is all I ask.  Please.

"Whatever you must do, Father Xander."

The elf has been watching.  "That it affects you with pain is what worries me.  I will do my best...let me study it a bit more before we start. I'll need you to lay down and be as still as you can be."

He is flexing the fingers of his left hand and moving his left arm, focused on the shoulder joint; the cradle for Bella's rest, the most stable point on his body.  The pivot for the arm that moves fingers up and down over strings, plucking and holding...

"Yes, Father."  The arm movements stop.  He lays flat.  Deep breaths...deep breaths, the same breathing he uses to warm up for a performance and to keep his lungs in top singing conditions.  From the diaphragm, slow and full.  Father Xander begins to prick the shoulder, starting from the mocha-colored skin father away from the tattoo, observing the skin's reaction and his patient's, then moving in.  And again.  And again.  Quiet murmurs as he works, observing and taking his time.  The patient's pain tolerance is high, much higher now, and the pricks don't register as much...until they hit the Mark and he winces and struggles to stay still.  Muse, it hurts more than his own flesh!

A tiny cough.  Father Xander lifts the needle, they both look out of the bay.  Clarisse is standing at the end of the cot.  Neither of them heard her come in.

"Can I help?"

The healer waits for the patient to speak, but the white brows touch and the grip on the needle tenses.  The patient notices.   "Clarisse, I would say yes but there is magic involved here, and we don't know enough to be certain it's safe.  This time I have to say no.  But, if you would please go get your mother and Kat...I'd like them here."  He looks at his caretaker as he finishes, and the elf gives a succinct nod.  Clarisse bites her lip but doesn't argue.  So much like her mother.

"I'll look for them."

"Thank you, Flames."  Her nickname wins a little smile - he is the only one who calls her that.  The elven girl walks out, already too old to run everywhere as children do and with a poise that hints at the woman she'll become.  Despite his worry and his pain he smiles.  Minu will come running when she hears what's happening here.  The needle comes down again, probing a wing-tip, and with a shudder that twists his gut, the patient waits.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #161 on: April 22, 2012, 01:50:41 pm »
Feet echoed from the hall.  Light hurried steps, Minu; longer, slightly heavier steps, Katelyn.  Good...good girl, Flames...

"Miss Katelyn. Clarisse just told me. I see she found you too?"

"Yes, she did."

"I can't let Father Xander do this alone.  Andrew is stronger than he looks."  Thank you for the vote of confidence, love, but not really.  "And I know he will feel better having us with him."

You're right about that.

"Yes, I hope we can help.  Andrew's will is strong, too.  He will do his best to be still, I'm sure."  Try?  Yes.  Succeed? ...

Father Xander set the needle down and stroked his chin, held up a finger, and left the bay heading toward Minu's door to the clinic.  From the ceiling, the tinny drone of a single insect.  It was him, the cot, the ceiling, the cases of shiny metal cutting implements, and the conversation he was eavesdropping on.  Minu hushed her voice but he knew what timber to listen for.

"Depending how deep they have to go.  I have asked Michael to keep the inn quiet and lock the doors so we are not disturbed."

Kat wasn't bothering to be quiet - an early warning to him perhaps?  "If you really think he'll need to be restrained, perhaps we should tie him to the table.  Neither of us is very strong."

"I had not thought of him having to be restrained.  I hoped a sedative to help him sleep maybe but we will see."

"I assume Father Xander will have his own surgical tools.  We may need a fire though, for heating cauterization irons."  Restraints?  Irons?  He was about to become a very bad patient...

"You are right.  Let us see what we have to work with, and what Father Xander has found out so far."

"All right."

Minu walked in ahead of Kat.  He could hear her taking a deep breath, sensed her worry immediately as he lay there, feet hanging over the edge of the cot, shirt pulled down over his shoulder and tattoo exposed.  She started to speak just as Jetta stepped from around the bay to the right.  He hadn't heard Rook enter the room; not a whisper, not step.  That made him a little nervous.  

His Chief of Security met his eyes for a shaved second.  Point taken.  "So, what's the situation?"

"That is what we are trying to find out from Father Xander."  Minu moved to the side of the cot and he pulled out his warmest, most reassuring smile for her; Jetta and Kat exchanged looks, or at least he thought they did.  His spectacles were in his other jacket.  Everyone was fuzzy.

Minu smiled back.  "How are you doing My Love?"

"...I think you'd better ask Father Xander that..."

"I seem to have loaned out my rope and lost it.  Do you have one, Jetta?"  Kat stood by Jetta and for a moment, through eyes distorted by parental heritage and age, they looked sisters.

"Rope?"  He tried to look up without moving anything but his head, in case Father Xander had done something to him.  Muse, he hoped they was teasing.

Kat wasn't.  "It might be good to have one handy."  

Minu chimed in.  "Well, we weren't sure the situation so we had been talking over possiblities."

Possibilities.  Like losing his arm, being disfigured, or they not being able to remove it and he being stuck with this bloody thing until...until...

What was important to him?  

Music?  Absolutely.  It was his life.  But.  His arm burst into flames every time he prayed, Alazira's consecration of his necklace made it feel like a crown of thorns around his neck, and as important as music was, it was not more important than the Lady who blessed him with it.  He looked at the tattoo, then back at the ceiling.  Would he give up the ability to play for Ilsare?


Yes, he would.  If She asked that of him, he would.

Jetta's silky voice drew him back to the moment.
 ", it's not something I usually carry unless I know I may need it.  I guess I could run to the craft merchant and buy some rope... I'm sure Andrew will reimburse me later."

Minu's face was apologetic.  "If it comes to it Love.  For your own sake.  It may be wise to give you something to help you sleep."  She was trying at least.  He reached over to squeeze her hand as Jetta drifted toward the main clinic doors.

"I'll be back with some rope.  Extra rough hemp rope ought to do..."

Kat was watching he and Minu now.   "I'm thinking he may need to be conscious to define the extent of the contamination."

Conscious?  While having his skin fileted from his body?  Fat chance.  He stopped humming as Rook's words registered.

"Did she say extra rough?  You guys are kidding around with me, right?"  No one spoke.  "Right?"  

Kat smiled.   “I think she is.”

"Oh, Love of course we are."  A minute pause.  "I am not sure of Jetta though.  I never know when she is bluffing."

"I am not comforted."

"You know her better than I do."

"Which is why I'm not comforted."  Light, flippant, smiling and joking...his mind was slipping away, wondering where his Other was, wondering if this would work, humming under his breath.  He listened to his heart and shivered at the rattle of tension around his core.  He remembered, as the voices in the clinic floated by, flashes and bits of being bound to a tilted table.  A dark elf female moving toward him, sashaying, red eyes raking over him in eager anticipation of his pain.  The black glowing instrument she held, it wasn't exactly a knife...he didn't want to remember this.  He had to remember this.  A black hand stroking his left shoulder with a sensual swirl of fingers, unexpected gentleness - until her nail stabbed down into the joint and her teeth bared in a smile as he was unable to stifle a cry.  He will restrain himself.  He will not cry out, he will not give them what they want - the glowing edge slices his flesh and his will evaporates at the pain.  He is screaming, begging Ilsare to save him against a chorus of dark elf voices, and each time he says Her name the fire turns him inside out...

"...will be as careful and gentle with you as we can be."  Minu gave him a kiss on the cheek and he was in the clinic, still shivering.  He realized he'd been chatting through his memory.  He could not remember a thing he'd said.  Before he could ask there was a clearing of a throat, a polite alerting to someone's presence.  Father Xander allowed Kat and Minu a smile and set a largish jug on the table near the surgical instrument cases.  

He put his head down and lay still.  The ladies greeted the healer, but the old elf looked at him.

"Are you ready for this?"

He didn't have to think.  "I won't ever be, so might as well do it now."

"You have the option of living with this.  I believe it will not get any worse then it already is."

""  Sitting up to shrug his shirt off completely he bared his brown, hairless, marginally muscled torso to the room.  Well, to Kat and Father Xander, since Minu was well aware.  "No, because they can track me, and because it interferes with my connection to Ilsare."  Saying Her name was a needle jab to a nerve cluster.  Father Xander raised an eyebrow.

"You may not be able to use your shoulder if this goes wrong."

Quietly.  "I know."  He hummed a bit of prayer and wondered what it would feel like for worship to not hurt.  "If I have to choose, I'll choose Ilsare..."

The Aeridinite nodded, eyes grave but satisfied.  "You have made a knowledge based decision.  That is all I require.  You know the risks now and we have witnesses to the fact."

He studied the ceiling and listened to his heart.  He was terrified.  Ilsare's Heartbeat never sounded so comforting; life, the chorus of emotions and wants and needs blending to waves.  Life goes on.  Kat and Minu were discussing spells for the surgery and this time, he heard Rook come in.

"You're in luck today Boss.  The shop didn't have a good selection of really coarse, itchy rope... so I got a coil of plain old not-so-bad rope for you."

He had to grin a little.  "I'm very glad, Jetta."  Rook dangled the rope at him with a slow smirk, Minu and Kat were deciding on who would cast a spell of endurance on the patient, and Father Xander raised his voice to get the attention of the room.

"Wait. We need to go over what I require from everyone."  That got their attention.

"Yes, please."  Kat turned her attention to Xander.

"Yes Sir."  Minu folded her hands and waited, happy as she always was to be doing Aeridin's work.  Rook just raised a brow and looked at the old elf.

"Jetta, I need you to make sure Andrew does not move while we operate."

"That's what the rope's for, isn't it?"

"I just need to make sure we are all on the same page here."

"You may still need to hold him still."  Minu eyed the security chief.  "Try your best not to hurt him Jetta."

"Okay...we could probably have him drink some Frostbeard Ale too...that'll knock even a half-giant out."  

Which in fact it had.  Dubbel, wasn't it?  Yes.  He was feeling a little more centered and flipped Rook a grin.  "She fears my burly biceps.  I can tell.  Also, no ale.  No drinks."

Father Xander continued as if he'd never been interrupted.  "Secondly I need you to douse the area with Ilsarian holy water while we operate."


"Yes you. You are the only one not a cleric.  We can not use it properly.  Best if a non-cleric do the job."

"If you say so."  An exquisitely bluffed shrug of nonchalance - she'd never intended to be part of the actual surgery.  Surprise, Rook.

"I have some of the water.  I was able to get some while I was doing my research."  Father Xander moved over to the clay jug hunkering on the table and handed it to Jetta who had her hands out; the sag in her shoulders let him know the thing was full.  He wondered where the Father had gotten it and smiled inwardly, humming.

"Kate, I need you to cauterize any bleeding we find.  I do not want any of the tainted blood to go back on Andrew."

"All right."

"Elohanna I need you to hold the tattoo while I cut it away. Once it is removed I need it burned so best we get a brazer in here for burning the tattoo and for cauterizing."

"Yes Father."

Kat started toward Minu's office entrance.  "I'll get one from the kitchen."

"Andrew, I'm going to ask you to do something very painful.  Focus as much as you can on Ilsare."  

Oh, my Muse...  "Yes, Father."  Deep breaths.  He began to hum, a pale sound in the back of his throat not from lack of enthusiasm but so not to interrupt vital communication of those who would have knives in his body.  He slide his right hand around his self-made holy symbol as he did.  Immediate pain; his body stiffened as if struck by lightning.

"Let her be your strength Love.  Have faith in her."  His wife pressed a feathery kiss to his cheek.  There was heat from the floor, a thump, and the clinking of metal onto metal.  "We are here for you Andrew."

"Should I start with the holy water yet?"

"Andrew I will ask that you lay down on your belly on the floor.  In case you start to move I do not want you to fall.  This is going to be very painful and I need you to stay awake and concentrate on Ilsare."  At the healer's words he slipped from cot to floor.  Kat sat by a wide, low, brass warming brazier and fed it charcoal.  A bead of sweat traced his hairline.  Then another.  Bracing himself, he pulled some words to mind for an impromptu to Ilsare.  He always felt especially close to Her when situations inspired song from him.

Father Xander knelt by him.  "We need to clean the area and my knife first."

He rolled his shoulder so the tattoo was easily accessible, and felt Rook's knee, tentatively, left of his spine.  "Oh bother... you do know I'm not very strong physically, right?  I don't think I'd be able to hold him down."  Father Xander again continued as if no one else was speaking around him.  His tone was equal parts patience and unquestionable instruction.

"Please pour the holy water on my knife and on the tattoo."

Song was coming to him; air, shapeless in his lungs, danced past the jittery sculptor of his throat and tongue to emerge sharpened or flattened into notes.  "Love is truth and She is Love, the one who saves me daily..."

"Tie him down then."

"I'll help you Jetta."  Through his song he heard Minu cast a spell; Rook's knee settled firmly and her other followed.  Holy water splashed into his hair as she poured over Father Xander's surgical knife.  A second later the Ilsare-blessed water sloshed across the moth, biting into the jet-black skin - the room spun, the moth burned - it was moving, he felt it...he struggled for breath right as his Chief of Security put her full weight on him.  It wasn't actually that much, she was as lithe as a jungle cat, but...


"Can you breath Tashe?"  Minu missed his sudden smile.

"Oh geez!  I'm not that heavy, wimp."  Rook sounded annoyed.

"I need you to wash away any blood while the wound gets cauterized."  Still patient, directing them as if they were bright but easily distracted schoolchildren.  Well, maybe they were.  He grunted as Rook shifted.


"Like hells!  I haven't even had any in the last month!"  Having given himself a reason to smile, he waited for the next instruction, the pain from the holy water settling into a steady throbbing stab.  Kat said something to the Father; he could not see Minu from his vantage on the floor and it didn't matter because Jetta doused his left shoulder with more holy water and he bit his tongue hard enough to draw blood.

"I hope this stings."  He couldn't see her fierce smile but he heard it in her voice.  Focus, Tashe...Ilsare...

"Love is truth and I live love, in all the things I see..."

The next line queued up but didn't make it past his lips as Father Xander slid the surgical knife into his skin, deep, and the severing of flesh registered in his brain.  He was still singing but no sound came out - stay with Ilsare, it's not as bad as in the Deep, it's only surgery...Ilsare, I am here, hear me...

Jetta said something in what might as well have been dragon.  His shoulder was warm and wet and then a red-hot brand touched the pulpy flesh under his skin and the wet slowed into a sticky trickle.  It wasn't as bad.  It wasn't as bad.  He could stand this, for Ilsare...sing...the holy water splashed over his shoulder again and he let out a yell.  Muse!  Please!

They were pouring and wiping, the knife marching in a circle around the moth-shaped skin graft and spiraling closer - each cut leaving him light-headed, an icy snake winding through his gut.  Sing, dammit!

"Love it truth and love what keeps me free..."

Hot iron again.  Kat's legs blocked his view and he squeezed his eyes shut, sucking in breath for the next line to his Lady.  He sensed Minu near his head and wished very much she'd hold his hand even though he know she could not.  Warm blood, hot iron, nerves screaming, it wasn't too much yet - not for Ilsare -

Father Xander severed the edge of the tattoo and cut underneath.  He was on the tilted table, the glowing edge carving away his skin and once again he let out a pitched, strangled wail - ILSARE!  MAKE IT STOP!  Backlash, worse than before, the full weight of his devotion to Lady Love igniting his blood with equal measures of agony.  His right leg started moving, rolling and thumping, completely out of his control.  When the next gout of holy water ran under the tattoo he strangled out another scream and dug his nails across the unyielding floor, leaving scratches in the varnish.

"Pray, Andrew.  Your Lady will help you."  Kat.  Then Minu's sweet voice:

"Think of all the blessings She has given you Andrew."  He couldn't get enough air out of his lungs to sing, so he mouthed a prayer.  Warm and wet from his shoulder, warm and wet from his eyes...Ilsare, I live to create in your name; Ilsare, the heart of my inspiration, the heart of my family, the heart of my music; Ilsare, the Heartbeat that moves the Song of Life, hear my prayer...

"This will not do. Elohanna take this flap here and lift up please. Keep lifting while I cut.  Jetta keep pouring the water. Till it runs out."  Dizzy...searing heat, sizzling, floating but not in a nice, special-cigar way, rather in an empty, sick way...

"Of course, I'm on it."  He was soaked from holy water and from blood.  Father Xander was past being delicate and was cutting the tattoo out of his shoulder like the elf was filleting a trout.  His mouth worked soundlessly for a second, then he found the breath to sing a little more of the devotional.

" truth...ahh!...and Love's"  His head was expanding and his core was ice.  There was a squelching sound from his shoulder and a tugging that felt like it was pulling on his pectoral...he felt really, really funny...he was really wet, wasn't he?  Muse, his stomach hurt...

...with a tiny pop inside his skull, he slipped into blackness.

"Wake up sweetheart.  Come on.  Stay awake."  

Huh?  Where -

Bile in his throat and he smelled ammonia.  Minu pulled her hand away, holding a small ampoule.  Gah...he tried to raise his head and immediately dropped it.  The ice was still in his gut.  His shoulder still burned.  He felt terrible, everywhere.  He really wanted to go to sleep.

Voices; Father Xander and Kat.  "Come on Andrew, keep concentrating."  "Stay still, Andrew!  Pray!"  


Jetta ignored his scream and was singsonging to him as if he were a cute puppy.  "Think about pretty Ilsare now."  Pretty Ilsare - gorgeous Ilsare, whom he fervently hoped he could spend eternity with, when the bindstones and healing potions finally failed to stall the inevitable - the knife cut deep, a sawing motion inside his shoulder.  Sing for Her.

"...Love's Lady is the very best of me..."

A whisper from his back.  "You can do it Boss, just a little while longer..."

Minu was humming along with him, there were three short taps with the cauterizing iron, and a sudden reprieve from fresh pain.  Father Xander rocked back a bit.

"This is not good."

"What is it Father?"

"Err?  Now what?"


"Stop the cauterizing."

"The holy-juice too?"  He tried to turn his head to look and Jetta mashed his cheek to the floor.  He gave up and sang in the lull.

"Wings on my shoulder...too close to the flame..."

Father Xander sounded agitated for the first time.  "Burning hands...who has it?"

"Would Alchemist's Fire do?"  Rook, by the Muse, don't set my Inn on fire to save me!

He struggled out another line of the song he wrote specifically as an apology to Ilsare for being such a baka yaro.  "Want to share the pain but I'm the...the only one to blame..."


"Some things never change..."  I'm sorry, my Lady.  Please forgive me.

"Keep the water going...slowly...keep it wet."

The sloshing had slowed to a thin stream.  "This jug's getting a bit low...are we going to have enough?"  Please Ilsare, let us have enough!

Minu broke in.  "I can call the blessings Father."

"Do it please."

"Wings on my shoulder...engraved with black and inky hate..."  He had regained some voice in the brief reprieve.

Rook sounded annoyed.  "Focus on Ilsare, Andrew, not the bloody moth."

"Would like to change my mind but it's way, way to late...some things never change..."  She'd have to hear the whole song to understand.  Really, he was the least wise cleric Ilsare ever had, he was lucky She put up with him...Minu cast her spell onto Father Xander's hands at the elf's request and there was more light and heat.  Fire.  It was always fire with him; passion's fire, burning bridges, going up in flames...or smoke...

"There are no angels in the Deep, no seraphs perched by my ear, it's not Ilsare's voice I hear, Leperdoptera..."

"Gods that song is creepy.  Don't you have anything more uplifting about Ilsare?"  Rook's snappish tone was grounding, strangely.  There was one long slice and a tug, more sizzling - he was in that fuzzy place that you went to when injuries were bad, very bad - and suddenly his shoulder was cold.  He heard the knife set down.

"Wings on my shoulder, savage pinpricks in fleshy ego, would love to take the thorns off but I crossed that bridge long ago...some things never change.  I'm crying out Her name...setting myself on fire to pray..."

Five heartbeats without new pain, then ten.  "It's gone Andrew."  Father Xander sounded weary.  Minu pulled off the gloves and stroked his face, sliding wet, black hair off his cheek and eyes.  Jetta stayed where she was and Kat replaced the iron she'd been using into the brazier.  The insect was still bumping itself into the wooden ceiling in a desperate attempt to reach a sun it could not see.

Kat broke the silence.
 "Is it safe to heal him yet, Father Xander?"

"He needs to naturally heal."

"Yuck."  Jetta, there, and then Minu brushed her hand through his hair.

"It's gone Tashe."

"...Ilsare, thank you..."  It was gone.  It was gone.  The relief in his wife's voice was perfectly in tune with the lightening of his soul.  He was still in pain but it was a good pain, a clean, honest pain.  He hummed, and listened, and opened his heart to the Resonance.  He could hear only joy.

Jetta shifted her weight to his left side and looked into the jug of holy water.  Is that where they put it?  Kill it, my Muse, with all the devotion that water represents.  Drown in a puddle of love, bug!  "Eww...did it just move, or am I seein' things?"

"The tattoo needs to be burned on a holy alter of a good deity."  Discussion on where to properly cleanse the tainted flesh.  He barely heard it.  They wanted to heal him, once again Father Xander was adamant - no magic, no prayers.  Nothing that could give the taint fuel to flare again.  He had to heal entirely on his own.  He still hadn't seen the damage.

The floor was comfortable.  He could sleep right here.  Someone stood and picked something up.  Someone was going to Center to...oh...Kat was taking the tattoo to destroy it in Prunilla's alter.  Thank you, Katelyn.  Such a sweet girl Lana raised.  He was glad she was here.

"The sooner it is burned the better."

"I'll do it now."

Minu put a gentle hand on his.  "Thank you Katelyn.  I'll stay here and watch over Andrew. Aeridin speed you."

"Yeah...get rid of that thing.  It''s...just bad."  Okay.  Now if Rook sounded that spooked, he was glad he hadn't seen the chunk of his former flesh.  She was rarely that easy to heebie-jeebie.  "It okay for me to get off him now?"

Yes, please.

Father Xander shifted position, looked at Jetta.  "Yes."

Jetta gave him a slap on the rump as she stood off him.  "You'll be better in no time, Chief."

"Let's bandage him up and get him on the road to recovery."  The Father and Minu wiped and patted dry his shoulder.  It hurt.  It hurt exactly as it should hurt.  Nothing else hurt.  He took up the necklace that had slipped from his hand, created in the pain he had spent the better part of a year trying to live through, and flinched from memory.  

No pain.  The metal was warm in his hand.

"Hey...I just realized, this doesn't exactly fall under Buckle security procedures.  I should get a nice bonus for helping with this."

Minu's fingers were light and swift over his shoulder.  "Did you not say that there was nothing normal about working for us?  Doesn't that mean that everything falls under your job description?"

"Nope.  Let's see...where's his key-ring, I'll just take what I think is fair out of the safe and we'll be settled."

"Well, not much to do but let time do it's thing."  Father Xander rose on creaking knees.

"We will see him up to bed to rest comfortably unless you think it best we keep him down here for now?"

The Father moved to the right and looked at him.  "How do you feel Andrew?"

"Down here would be more sterile, wouldn't it?"

Minu nodded.  "Yes it would, Jetta."

He didn't answer the healer's question right away, but tried to sit up.  Moving dragged a moan from him, partly from the position he'd been in and mostly from what he assumed was a gaping hole in his shoulder.  He tried pushing up with his right arm; no good.  The ice-snake in his gut wasn't quite gone yet.  He rolled on his right side, drew his knees up, and rolled back on to them, then used his right arm to straighten...mostly.  His left arm throbbed uselessly and dangled like a marionette with broken strings.

"Take it slow Love."  He flexed the fingers of his left hand - thank you, Ilsare, they moved.  Not exactly on command but the numb felt like that from an extended time in an awkward position, not a loss of sensation.  Even now pins and needles were starting to prickle.

Father Xander noted the hand movement with a satisfied nod.  "I need to rest."

"Thank you Father Xander..."  Really, thank you wasn't even close to enough.  He owed the man.  A lot.

Minu flashed the Father a huge smile.  "Father Xander you have been amazing."

"Any time.  I learned a lot from this."  To him.  "Keep praying as often as you can. it is the best way to keep the taint away."

That will not be a problem.

"Remember you have to heal naturally, love."  He wanted to kiss her.  Tell her how much her being there had meant - that he never wanted to be cut into without her there to speak for him...but later, later.  Now was not the time.  He only looked into her eyes for a moment and projected a wave of emotions toward her.  Ilsare, if you could someday let her feel this...

Father Xander turned toward the door and he moved his right hand over to sneak a peek under the bandage.  He didn't know the elf could move that fast - before his hand touched cloth, delicate fingers wrapped around his wrist.

"Faith, Andrew."

" much is gone?"  Xander kept his gaze, eyes steady.  He dropped his hand.  "Yes, Father."  The elf let go, bowed to them.  "Good day, I'll be in my chambers."

"Good night Father. Rest well."  Minu turned to him.  "It's going to look bad right now.  It has to have time to heal.  And you Mister Reid have to slow down and let us help you."

"Yes, love."  In a test of strength, or perhaps more accurately a show of machismo, he rose to his feet and swayed almost immediately.  Light-headed spinning...hands directed him backward and down onto a cot.  Compared to the floor it was like laying on a cloud from Ilsare's heaven.  Jetta examined the bandages.

"A chunk of flesh like that cut out isn't going to look good, ever, I don't think...but it's in a spot you can keep covered so it shouldn't be too bad."  Was his mercenary security woman trying to comfort him?  He smiled, the dizziness buzzing around and making him blink.  Minu draped blankets over him.  People were talking.  He was talking and yet his voice was coming from far away.  The little snippets of conversation his fading consciousness wove together were like music.

"...triple bonus for the comment regarding my weight..."  ", Katelyn..."  "...welcome...nerve damage?...stonebound...slowly...give it time...pretty is his life...he'd find a way...burned up...moved on it's own you saw too?  was touching it, creepy get some rest..."


He'd been lying awake for a hour.  There was no escaping his pounding shoulder; the chewing root and tea Minu gave him didn't even touch his "discomfort".  He wanted a cigar from the box in the bottom of his desk drawer but she put her foot firmly down and no amount of cajoling on the naturalness of them would change her mind.  Not in the clinic, she said.  Absolutely not.  Yes it would help the pain, no it was not medicine, yes it was natural, and no, she would not get him one.

It wasn't like he could hop out of the cot and fetch them himself; he could barely stagger to the chamber pot unescorted.  The morning dragged on.

He drowsed and prayed.  Father Xander changed the bandages, Minu brought him soup and sat there until he ate enough that she was satisfied he would not starve in the next few hours.  Kat had a long return trip and he prayed for her too, that she came to no trouble in destroying that evil wad of tissue.  He must give her a bonus for her work.  Jetta came by once to update him on security, then took the rest of the week off to travel.  Someone had finally shoo'ed out that annoying insect.

A chair scraped on the wood floor.  To his right, thank the Muse.  Clarisse sat and put on a bedside smile.
 "How are you feeling?"

"Better now, Milady.  The taint is gone."

"It's safe to help now?"

"Oh, absolutely."

"So...what can I do?"

He thought on that.  Really, he was in recovery, and aside from changing bandages and keeping clean his body needed only time and a quiet his life didn't usually afford him.  Her hands were on her lap; her feet didn't touch the floor yet, although she was an elven teenager.  She tipped her head at him and smiled again.

"You know, there isn't much you can do for my shoulder but there is something you can do for me."

"Mother says I am not to bring you any cigars, no matter what."

Dammit.  "Ah, well.  I wasn't going to ask for that anyway."  ...  "Actually, what I would like is my sketch pad and charcoals from...Muse, where did I put them?..."

"They are under the vendor ledger on the right side of your desk."  

How did she DO that?  Minu did the same thing.  It didn't seem to matter what he was looking for, they knew where it was.  Spooky.  "Yes, there, thank you Flames.  I wish to record something before my memory of it is too far removed for accuracy."

"I'll get it!"  She hopped off the chair and walked out.  No noise from the main room.  It was a nice day, he was told, and the food kitchen was outside on trestles covered with netting to keep the bugs off, so the Inn could remain closed while he rested.  Minu's insistence.  His wife was taking no chances.

"Here, Andy...what are you going to draw?"

He jostled the sketchbook to a fresh page and laid it on his lap.  "The moth."  He couldn't draw this way, he needed it tilted up...there, propped on his leg would work.  She was silent; he glanced over and she looked upset.  "What's wrong?"

"That was evil, Andy.  Why would you want to draw it?  You risked your whole arm to get rid of it!"

"Because...I'm not the first person they've carved, Clarisse.  I won't be the last I'm sure.  If I wish to help Raina, and my double, and anyone else they've desecrated I must record what I know and make sure it gets to the right places.  Father Xander will have a full accounting of my experience to share with his church and I will send the same to my Lady's as well, and..."  He grumbled.  "Aragen, your mother insists."

She nodded and tipped the sketchbook up as it slid.  "That makes sense."

"Thank you - you can do me another favor if you wish.  Keep this sitting upright, I can't even use my left arm for ballast right now and the book keeps slipping - just like that, tilted a little toward me...perfect."  Drawing her legs to her chest, she held the edge of the book.  He closed his eyes first and traced the outline with a fingertip - that fingertip had a much better memory than his eyes.  Then using a fine-tipped charcoal he did the same, opening his eyes to see what his tactile memory had created.  Clarisse sat and asked him questions about the moth - what kind was it?  He didn't know.  Why didn't he draw more?  Well, it wasn't really his medium but...the chatting relaxed him.  Better than any special cigar, that child.  They talked and the moth shaped on the page, for posterity.



Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #162 on: April 28, 2012, 11:09:25 pm »
Raina sleeps, exhausted from being exhausted as her rest since the Deep has been constantly disturbed by horror dreams and peering red eyes.  Minu sleeps, exhausted from an ill-advised scrying, exhausted from being scryed upon.  He frowns which something he does not like to do for vanity reasons.  Thank the Muse Clarisse's room, formerly Ty's room, is right next their bedroom; he is running between both rooms and checking on both women.  He is the protector of dreams tonight.

Raina moans; he puts his right hand in hers and whisper-sings, offering her solace if she can hear it.  He is determined she will sleep.  If not well, at least enough.  She has agreed to the surgery based on his trust of Father Xander and he knows she is terrified.  Fair enough; he was too.  He still wonders how much function he's lost in this second week post surgery when he can barely lift let alone hold things or play instruments, and yet he knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was the right decision - for him.  He prays, for the twentieth or thirtieth time today, that is the right one for her as well.

"Can't I just live with it?"  

The sleeping half-elf woman's moans ease, whether by his vigil or some other means he does not know.  No, Raina, you can't just live with it.  The traveled, witty, sometimes cutting and always vibrant woman he calls friend is mummified under gauzy wrappings of sleep deprivation and increasing paranoia.  In her place is a tired puppet of her former self, unable to even bring a story to mind.  This cannot stand.  By Ilsare, this cannot stand.

Her breathing steadies and tension across her shoulders relaxes.  It is time to check the other room.  Slipping his hand away, he heads for his marital bed and his wife who lies in a marginally more restful state, slumbering herself as she has continued to do since her recovery from the Green Dragon Cult taint.  She can still revery and does, but perhaps lying with a human at night has changed her habits; perhaps the taint or poison or disease or whatever it was has left her unable to rest adequately without actual sleep from time to time.  They don't know, but as always, they adapt.

Minu seems alright.  He doesn't like that she slipped off to scry the dark elves without telling him she was ready to try; he likes less that the waters of their new scrying pool rippled at her efforts.  He likes least of all the feeling that engulfed him, pushing at his very soul, when he first came upstairs – and the heartbeat of magic that pulsed in the room as the love of his life sagged over the pool with blood running down her chin, oblivious to her lack of protections and her danger.

Nope.  No, sir.  Don’t like it one bit.

Watching her reminds him of that and more.  Moments of the last week, her acting as therapist and his first hesitant attempts to use his left arm.  The stretching exercises; the wrist-curling; the lifting, or the intent to do so.  An episode in the kitchen sticks in his mind.

"I tell you what love. Why don't you try to use your arm to eat some?  You can also knead the dough to make bread.  It will help too."

And he'd tried.  He'd scooped rice, fish and vegetables in a bowl - with his right hand - and used the slender sticks that he was raised to believe were cultured utensils, unlike the barbaric forks and knives that he has since mastered the use and manners of.  With his right hand, it was like writing, or plucking strings.  With his left...well, the hand worked fine.  He was able to raise it over the lip of the butcher block and to the bowl, but a single spear of broccoli did him in.  One green stem with but two smallish bundles of darker green florets, such a miniscule weight, and his arm swung down, sticks catching the edge of the bowl and flinging vegetables out.

"Slowly, love."

Easy for you to say.

"If you need to use your other hand to help a bit with the movements."  His arm wobbled and if his shoulder could scream he'd have been deaf - a mere inch and his left arm gave up and fell straight.  Stars and song...stars and bloody song!

"It's okay Andrew.  We will take it just a bit slower."

"I can't, it's just...there is no muscle power, it's just not there, it's like...there is nothing connecting the arm anymore...I've lost the arm, haven't I?"

"No you haven't!  If you had you wouldn't be able to even lift it as far as you have."

"I wondered if She would ask for it."

"Andrew come on now!  You know better!"

"I don't."

"You do too!"

"All I know is I have a bloody huge hole in my shoulder joint and I can't even lift a pair of sticks."

"Listen, Andrew William Reid!  Your shoulder muscles need work.  It is going to take time. It will not heal itself in one bloody day!"  If stamping her foot wouldn't have made him laugh, she probably would have then.  But she didn't use his full name often and he had to concede in retrospect that she had a point.  And, if he were perfectly honest, he was a lousy patient.  He hated being sick and he hated being hurt and he hated being unable to do what he wanted when he wanted.  

But that was, she slept, her jaw hanging just a little open.  So innocent, so sweet, and if only those who felt he'd married the nicest person on the entire planet knew how, in that kitchen while he was in the middle of his self-attended pity party, she'd moved the bowl of food, knowing he was hungry, and forced him to push his arm along the block using only his left shoulder to get it.  Well, forced perhaps wasn't the best word; she didn't put a sword to his throat.  She didn't have to.  She knew exactly how to get him to do something when his stubborn streak was rearing.  And do it he had although pushing one's hand across a smooth surface was hardly a victory worth writing home about.

She was right, though.  Yesterday was better; he'd been able to raise the arm barely two finger's worth, but more than once.  Today, three finger's worth, twice, once to prove to Raina that he was healing.  He'd finally sneaked a peek under the bandage too.  He could not think of any other scab he'd had in his life as large as that one.

Raina; time to check on Raina.  It was going to be a long night, they were thirty minutes off witching hour still.  He changed rooms to find his friend once again shifting, although silently.  Hand into hers, sitting close, imagining himself a Knight against the black, white and red demons of her nightmares; his love was his sword, and they would fall back at the might of Ilsare's bardic Protector.  He whispered this to the sleeping woman as they had whispered stories back and forth for months in the Deep.

"And as they edge in, bloody-eyed and hungry for pain, I step beside you; your pipes and my song together take form, a rapier built of fat cats going down alleys eating birds.  Of course it's a rapier, it's my story."  A laugh rises in his throat; he knows her well enough to answer a comment she would have asked, had she been awake.   "They fall back a step at the music and the power of an emotion that was bargained out of them millenia ago.  They cannot understand..."

He continues in a whisper that seems loud in the darkness.  Can she hear him?  Does it matter?  She knows he's here.  Minu knows he's here.

They are here.  That is all that matters.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #163 on: May 08, 2012, 10:53:35 pm »
William Reid
2 Clay Ward

Dear Father

Mother wrote and told me about your health.  I have been wandering this inn, and checking on patients of our clinic, and healing from my own surgery, and trying to out-work the feeling in the pit of my stomach when I think of you being ill.  

Twenty-five years of letters to your wife I have written and only a handful to you.  Only a few.  I am sitting at my desk remembering you sitting at yours while you ran numbers and calculated costs.  How all the things were scattered in this pile and that and when Mother tried to organize you'd wave her off and insist you had your own system, you knew where every single thing was.

I have my own system.  Minu used to try and organize it, but she gave up.  I know where everything is and where it makes sense for it to go.  I write small numbers in a ledger book and try to make it balance.  I write bank notes for bills and purchases, just as you did.

I remember the care you took with each piece at the wheel.  It never paid to rush, you would say.  Quick and inexpensive

His arm aches now along with his heart.  He rests it on the desk, knowing if he overdoes it again he'll have Minu, Father Xander, and Heloise to answer to.  And Clarisse.  Taking the strain off the shoulder joint feels like water on a fire, heat hissing down to steam and then the shocking suddenness of nothing.

It's healing.  Slowly.  He has not used magic, not once, since the surgery.  The scab shrinks daily.  He can lift his arm although not over his head; he can dress himself.  He can lap-tap his guitar and even play a little, which is what got him in trouble last time.  He can write a letter with his left hand.  He'd learned to write with both long ago, under Damon's tutelage.  Minu approves and puts letter-writing on his exercise list to rebuild his manual dexterity.

He practices piano daily for as long as he can stand and he's spent many a night working with his vocal range again.  He cannot yet play Bella; she is patient but quiet, as one is when a loved one is away.  He strokes the black pebbled leather case and suddenly remembers Rose during a Huangjin summer storm, sitting in her old front window watching the rain with elbow on sill and chin in hand as she waits for Liang to return home.

There is a whiff of rain mixed with the ocean's salty tang.  He blinks.


A long breath, inhaling the memory, then he lifts the quill again.  The salty tang lingers.

is not worth the bitter taste of poor quality, you told me.  I have not forgotten.  'There is never enough time to do it right, but always enough time to do it twice', you said, when speaking of competitors.  These words come back to me from somewhere above my head - the child in me hears them when the adult is planing wood for an instrument, or stringing a violin, or varnishing a guitar.  I take the extra time to do it right.  I do not rush nor do I ever say "good enough".  You taught me that.

You were hard on me.  Harder than I thought fair, when I did not know what I would or could become.  I didn't see you treating Shuchi or Aya the same way and I resented it.  I didn't know then what Ty has since taught me; parenting is knowing they'll hate you, and doing it anyway because it's best for them.  Whether that is tying them to a chair until they do their practices or sending them away for their safety, the magnitude doesn't change the immediate reality - I must do this to someone I love and they are going to hate me for it.  Otousan, I don't hate you anymore.  Just for the record.

I once thought that I'd like to take back a lot of things we said.  A hundred shouted 'why don't you's', 'who are you to'.  How many of those words were designed to drive me when reason would not penetrate the layers of obstinence I built over the years?  When I would have just as soon not bothered pushing myself to be more?  I would not take back a single word, now.  It kept me from getting too comfortable when comfort was all I craved.

It's funny...strange funny, that I can sit here and believe I understand you.  Do I?  Perhaps.  But I can say I think I do.  I watch the people who work for my business and wonder how I can help them prosper.  I care that my business does not fail.  I care for the people we serve and that the things they come here for are good and enjoyed.  All things I learned from you.

Get well soon, Otousan.  I miss you.

Your loving son,


Sealed, the letter sits in a stack for the next person heading into town to arrange delivery.  The sick, cold knot for his father isn't gone and another joins it; Raina is here.  He knows what he has convinced her to do and he knows how much pain he will be asking her to endure, again.  Worse, he knows she might hate him for it.  Worst, he can only pray it is the best option for her...and she survives it.

Minu taps on the door.  His shoulder is well and fatigued and he sets the quill down.  Time with his wife sounds very good right now.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #164 on: May 14, 2012, 10:30:15 pm »
"I put you in danger"

"You told me you would try to distract them."

"I tried to confront them...they have our powers, our abilities, the way we enhance emotions but....inside out.  Backward, upside down.  Wrong."

"I know you told me to stay hidden, but they were going to kill you."

"I gave them something to chase.  I hoped they would both chase me."

"They saw me, and I tried to get away.  I climbed a tree, but she drew her whip and caught my ankle..."

"I hoped you would meet me but you didn't, and you didn't, and you didn't....and then I knew I had to go back. I kept hearing you asking me to find you.  I thought I could find you and release you...arrogance...I slipped into a room, and saw you on a raised rock, tied down...I'd all but put you there...and then I was spotted, and I tried to fight.  I couldn't leave you there...and everything went black."

"...everything went black."


Dear Muse!  It takes a moment for his heart to start again.  He is there, in the forest, in the cave, in the room -

"You let Miss Jil sleep on the couch!"  Angry, harsh - furious in fact.  Rather more than the situation warranted he thinks.  He turns to look at his accuser.

"Helly, we have no room.  It's not ideal but she was fine with it."  He pivots back to continue mulling over he and Raina's combined story when a glass object, three-quarters empty, is slammed hard onto his desk.  It is only the thickness and quality of it that prevents it from shattering.  Heloise turns without another word and leaves, yanking both his office doors shut; they meet and bounce back from the impact.  He turns to see her, fuming, hands shaking as she pulls the doors closed so they'll latch.  He can count every sharp slapping footstep to the kitchen.

So.  It wasn't one of the cats that he'd heard the other night.

Oh, hells.

This is bad.  Very bad.  Very, very bad.  In an eyeblink he's fifteen, churning over explanations trying to find the most plausible one, the one that will get him out of trouble...

There isn't one.  There never will be.  He is what he is and thirty years hasn't changed that.  Fifty more won't, either.  It takes a fumbling moment to wrap a hand around the object.  At some point he's closed his eyes.

So now what?  Raina rests, her surgery not only successful but far less painful than his own.  He is glad of that.  Swirls has come and gone, the impetus for his latest decent into his personal abyss.  Minu is deep in research after her frightening experience in the scrying room.  And he sits here, remembering his throat closing off from the sweetest of voices and wondering if Helly has told anyone what she's seen the last two nights.  Given how the message was delivered, it doesn't appear so.  Yet.

Eyes open.  Candlelight.  A reflection in the glass; appropriate, he supposes.  If he doesn't do something fast it's where he'll be ending up.

"I thought I'd die down there."

"The first night I dreamt of your parents.  Illia turned to me and it felt she was looking right at me.  She spoke to me in the dream.  Bring her home.  Bring her home!"

"I wanted to..."

"I don't remember, that was a long blur of singing and storytelling for me.  He took my life history.  He asked for my songs, my family, my friends, my wife, everything.   He listened to it all.  The second best audience I've ever had."

Audience.  The Cord that broke the camel's back.  Torture had not sent him spiraling; feeling the moth move independently of his own skin had not; Andeux had not; wide-awake surgery had not.  No, what laid him flat was a four-foot-two inch mirror.  The smooth glass cylinder slips forward as he flexes his fingers.

"I was in a dark place...and I hoped I'd die.  It would've been easier, and then I wouldn't mind being alone...but then you said something to me...I think you asked me to come back or something."

"I did.  Hells, I begged you..."

"I knew what it was like to be alone and I couldn't leave you alone when I'd been alone for so long."

"From that point forward...we kept each other alive."

From the jumble of storytelling they had done select memories pop out.  He's not focusing or following any chronology.  It just flows, and he listens.

"And one of us would be taken out and the table..."

"...with magic...words...threats...weapons...beatings..."

"The more they tried to take, the more I prayed - it made them angry."

"It was like my pain made them stronger.  They reveled in it."

"They never even asked any questions..."

"I stopped praying..."

Ilsare's breath, they'd been through a lot.  The reflection in the glass clenches his jaw.  Distorted by faint yellow light and poor eyesight the reflection looked a lot like Willie.  Willie...before the surgery he had intended to -

Yes.  He'd forgotten.  Yes.  Two birds with one mithril bullet, eh?  They'd gone through too much.  He will not toss himself into a barrel over what he thinks he's missing.  A long breath to let it all sink in - and a quietly sung thank you to his Lady for the slap on the head - and he picks up the bottle by the neck and strides to the kitchen.  Helly spares him one still-fuming look as she and Paddy clean stoneware.  His special security man looks at his wife's face, looks at him, and slinks out, not even bothering to dredge up a forgotten but urgent errand.

No bird has ever has ever carried a rolled-up note so eloquent as her message; his is as sparsely articulate.  He upends the bottle and dumps it into the waste bin, holding her eyes.  Chestnut curls bob sharply.  There isn't anything more to be said about it.  He sets the empty in a row with others waiting to be cleaned and heads upstairs, taking the short flight in two hops.

Stationary does not become him.  His shoulder is nearly healed.  There are loose ends, and he has been off the road too long.  It is high past chase himself and see what he finds.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #165 on: May 29, 2012, 09:41:01 pm »
Elohanna Reid
c/o the Silver Buckle Inn
Mariner's Hold


I send some research ahead of me to share with those interested in helping up deal with Duncan; some of it you know already.  Please distribute as you trust, this information will be very useful in determining our path.  I have received some expert advice from an...well, expert and any of these men we could possibly be dealing with as we try and stop Alice's son.

The following will almost certainly be at any pirate captain Moot where Duncan can be found, provided they are alive at the time:

Kenshad the Self-Righteous, flagship is the Seige Perilous - No slaving, no drinking, no taking of loose women and no smuggling; he believes himself a Toranite knight and has a few ships obtained raiding pirates as well as shipping lanes of Mistone and Dregar.  Word is he does has a truce with the pirates but still raids merchants.

Captain Pike, flagship the Alpha of Omega - Nasty one, this.  He's not been seen for years and only speaks through chosen men.  His crew call themselves Reavers and there are a number of tales concerning them - they can float, they sizzle and turn to smoke when killed, merely seeing their faces makes a man shriek.  I suspect it's all good story to heighten fear but there certainly may be some truth to some of it.  Pike is without a soul from what I understand.

Rakish Feiwalled, flagship the Devil's Reef - Dark elf.  Enough said.

"Twelve Pint" Quaid, flagship the Smokey Bones - A smuggler with a reputation of being easy to work with.  He's rumored to be setting himself up to retire and so my first choice for contact prior to the Moot.  He or his men can be found at the cliffside ship tavern in Hurm.  Confidentiality and plenty of cold hard True will go a long way here I think.  It's possible we can convince him we need something from one of the captains at the Moot and therefore go in his stead, which isn't a stretch in reality.

Duncan Blackwater, flagship the Chum Runner - Our quarry.  Another one with no apparent heart and whose loyalties are highly suspect toward just about everyone.  Rumors abound of him trying to form an alliance with the other pirates and he's also said to own - or at least claim to own - a few islands past Hurm's coast.  Murder, smuggling, raiding and slavery - no age too great or small.   Despicable.  Pike seems to be backing him.

Duncan has a rather substantial army so I've been told.  We'll have to come up with a plan; I was hoping to get us onboard with him and get into the Moot on his clout.  From there, I haven't a clue - it would depend on what we find in advance.  For now however?  We must find Twelve Pint.

I will see you soon love, I am taking my fastest route home.




Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #166 on: May 31, 2012, 12:24:16 am »
*you look down to your notebook and find a page clearly in your handwriting.  A sign of the growing madness, you do not remember exactly when you started writing, over and over...

"Ghouls, Revenants and Reavers.
Ghouls, Revenants and Reavers.
All seeing, one mind.
From the depths the Temples of the Ancients Arise.
A'sharum dae. Raghl, Irt'ana.
Ghouls, Revenants and Reavers.
Raghl, Irt'ana."

*on the next few pages you find sickeningly precise visages of various sea monsters, tentacle beasts and things from the deepest pits of imagination.  Circles of sharks devouring men, and images of your friends doing great deeds.  In the end, you appear to have drawn a tentacle demon in the midst of a whirlwind, devouring them and yourself. And the world*

*the next few nights of sleep on the island are filled with nightmares of similar images.  You are often awoken from your night terrors, shrieking*


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #167 on: June 21, 2012, 12:16:04 am »
Leaving Leringard, looking guilty and smoking a cigar the pungency of which just covers the faint scent of perfume, the bard looks up and over the horizon as the ship pulls out of the harbor.  His heart stops - he's in the Buckle, in the cell, in the Deep, and her eyes turn red - in the sky - twin pinpoints of red -

He wants to believe he's imagining things.  The memories he can almost hum away but the eyes he cannot.  A whimper escapes him and he can't look again, not again, although he can see some of the sailors pointing and discussing.  He's not imagining things.  Muse help them...spinning on a boot heel he makes for his cabin and starts to pen a letter in a shaky hand.  

He does not sleep that night, not at all.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #168 on: July 06, 2012, 03:00:50 pm »
Margret and William Reid
2 Clay Ward

Too long, yes I know.  My excuses are thin on my tongue.  It has been hard to pick up my quill when all news is heavy on the heart but I will write anyway and perhaps it will be therapeutic.

Famines are spreading across Dregar, Alindor, and Mistone - I don't know if there is further famine on Tilmar, I pray not, but write and tell me.  To help stave off riots in the Hold Minu and I have opened a kitchen and hired some of the local war veterans to staff it, although our variety grows as thin as our soup as crops continue to wither.  I am glad that I remember the "Sen-iti Gohan" from when times were lean for us back home; I have stockpiled rice and use those old recipes even now.   The hungry of Mariner's Hold eat like Huangjinites when they come to us for food!  For the most part things go smoothly although I hear of people taking meals and then selling them from time to time.  I don't believe it's frequent and not worth shutting the doors on our citizens over it.

I would drop a glib "Minu is fine" here but things are strained, to be truthful.  Old flames where the coals never died down have put a wedge between us, and discoveries - I should be joyful.  Whereas before I could ripple the Heartsong to soothe only me it seems now there are two others that I can affect in the symphony of life.  Bittersweet, though, in that Minu is not yet one of them.  I ask Ilsare to show me how and the answer comes at the pace of an elven Goddess.  I learn patience, if nothing else.  

I have heard nothing of my double and as you have not written he must not have shown up there.  It becomes imperative that I find him; I did a small concert tour to track him but was called back for things happening in relation to the famine.  His existence as me is jeopardizing my freedom and what he knows may jeopardize more.  I didn't chase him initially because, newly freed, I thought we could co-exist, that he deserved to walk the surface and breathe fresh air.  That was before dark elves started popping out of the ground like burnt daisies and two red eyes appeared in the sky.  He learned a lot in his time in my boots and should he be re-captured by them, it will all be used against us.  Our mutual freedom can only come when he isn't cloaked in my shape and marked with the skin of a devil.  Pray I find him soon, my parents.  I will ask the ancestors to keep their spirit eyes out as well.

I would tell you of your grandson but apparently his writing hand is either incapacitated or busy fending off evil hoards, as he has not written in a very long time.  I have heard from a friend - Daniel, you recall I'm sure our lively dinner conversations when he's visited? - that my boy is fine, quite studiously building up a clay and glass making business.  I thought in particular father that you might smile at that.  They say it skips a generation, yes?  Well, your grandson follows your steps it seems.  If there is one bright note in this letter it is that I will find that son of mine and drag him to Huangjin for a proper visit, with myself and Minu as well, when our investigations into this famine bear fruit - literally.

Ah, I am privileged to note that I have met a lady long a myth; so I lie, there will be two high notes, not merely one.  Mother, I have met Brisbane!  She's a firecracker, that one, and I found myself enjoying her frank and open sensibility.  None of the highbrow elf I imagined, which was a pleasant surprise, and she seems to have a fiery soul.  It makes the music I've created in her grove more special to know the driving force is someone I like.

The Silver Buckle is fine, and that is not said glibly.  I have recently taken in a very special renter, a dwarven lady I adore despite her tragically misguided religion; we avoid any discussion of it and therefore maintain a shared peace in the defense of Lor and the rejection of Rael.  I do think my friend Buddy will be overjoyed to see her living under our roof and frankly after seeing her in action, I'm not merely pleased to have her as my resident, I'm flat out relieved.  She's a battalion unto herself, that one.  Alright - three good notes, enough for a quick chorus, and so you see?  Therapy.  I've written myself out of my funk.

The dark elves are coming, though.  Only the how and why remain to be seen.  I fear another war soon if it cannot be stopped, and so soon after the Cult much stress can one world take?  I guess we're going to find out.  

I am enclosing another bank note to cover the guards and food costs; I understand people aren't spending money on pottery when feeding one's family is so expensive.  Use the extra to hire some additional guards and pay for some warding on the house.  

My rest is over, and I travel on.  My love to the family, old and new; I'll sing a prayer for us all.

Your loving son,


The letter is sealed and sealed again to be sent in the next town.  How much paranoia drives him these days...he sings to clear his head before digging into his pack.  Out comes the polished box, the crackled green bowl, the vial of oil.  The incense.  The ashes.

It's an old ritual made more comforting with each repetition.  Water from the small lake they rest by.  Oils mixed just for this.  Ashes that can never be replaced and must be pinched off one small smudge at a time; the vial is over half empty.  For a moment he wonders how his father is feeling, and if he'll have a second vial any time soon.  His stomach twists.

Fire, ashes, water and air from his breath.  The four states of his ancestors.  Kneeling over the bowl, he sings in a vibratory whisper.  Keep watch, my forebearers.  Whisper into my ear if you see him that is me.  Watch over my family.  Watch over Minu.  Watch over Ty.  Watch over Night Sky, wherever she is, and Rose.

He thinks the elf may be observing; perhaps that is a booted foot tapping?  Putting all his ritual things away, he sings a prayer to Ilsare that they can get to the Breath of the Muse swiftly, and slings his pack.  It's a long way yet.  Time to go.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #169 on: July 17, 2012, 10:40:03 am »
He's in the guild shop moving boards aside in haste, looking for his good tools and that plank of yew he's been saving.  There - in the back of the cabinet.  Golden wood infused with a warm reddish tint.  Perfect.  Perfect for the elf.  

He'll need mithril for the bow and pegs and someone to help him shape them, someone with metal skills, a delicate touch and the artistry that the instrument demands.  SehKy, of course.  He wonders briefly if he should be doing this with all the other things he's juggling, dismisses the thought.  The violin will be shaped from his emotions, his experiences, his feelings of the moment; he can take the piece with him and create it as he goes.  It will be a composite of his heartsong.

Plus, he just really wants to make it.  Teaching the elf to play it would be interesting and he fully expects, should he be the instructor, to learn as much as he offers and to grind his teeth a lot.  One song, ten years.  What song?

There are his tools!  Why did he leave them under a balor horn?  Muse.

He'll have to cut and shape the ribs and cut the top and back now, planks don't travel well.  He has hide glue, sandpaper, carving tools, a small vice...what else...purfling pick...glue brush, files...

Maybe he should spruce up Bella with a new yew veneer?  There is more than enough wood in this plank.  How much should he charge?  He never thinks of these things, of money.  Should he charge this as an Angels expense?  His first with this difficult, gorgeous, resonate wood...



« Reply #170 on: July 30, 2012, 04:02:06 pm »
After all that, a trap.  Something they hadn't discussed, not he and Minu at least.  After all that, loss; mourning; failure.  He knew her moods and it was rare to see her like this.  There wasn't anything he could do but continue to be her anchor as she needed him.

He wanted to say they were just things, and like all things they only held the meaning assigned.  He was sure that wasn't true, however, and it wasn't likely she dwelled on her necklace and wedding band at all.  The Lucindite who died, those who fell after giving all they had, was why her heart was heavy.  That and the danger that she felt she represented to her loved ones by failing to take those items from those who would use them against her.  He kept his mouth shut and his body near.  There was no point to words.  Not right now.  

Still, he wondered, sitting by her as small islands of conversation floated past, if that was an answer.  Could you truly divest an item of meaning?  Some in the Resonance held a theory that the Heartsong was in all things, even inanimate objects, loved and used and soaked with the emotions of their owners.  Could you cut the link and make that item useless for scrying?  He thought of Bella and how she felt under his chin and in his hands and knew for him, right now, the answer was no.  Perhaps his wife would be stronger.  She often was in things like this.

A bit ironic, these musings.  The new violin's back plate lay across his lap and wasn't he in fact impressing his feelings into the instrument?  Wasn't that his idea, to create a marvelous, unique, passionate violin, every bit as volatile as it's future owner?  As his small sanding tool rasped through long silences he sensed the difference in his hand against the emotions in the room.  A thick base of frustration mixing with a low, buzzing anger, discordant against the almost palpable sensation of "what now", all of it producing longer, slower strokes across the yew as he absorbed expressions and tones of speech.  Amati's back plate would be smooth as glass for it.

Amati?  Oh, Muse, he'd named the bloody thing.  He always did that.  Well, it would be let go when he handed it over.  For now though, Amati it was.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #171 on: August 28, 2012, 01:45:47 pm »
"I could follow doctrine and claim to be Aeridinite..."

The bebelith silk won't lay right. It ravels, each strand clinging to the other. When he draws the test bow across normal horsehair strings, even rosined, the friction causes the massive spider's pale grey silk to stick together and he has to re-string the entire instrument and the bow and start over.  And over.

Amati is not for him and he thinks again of the man it will belong to.  "...claim to be Aeridinite..."...and how little he knows him.  Does it matter?  Would it change the instrument, if he knew more than the elf's arm length, grip, and basic temperament?  How well did Mitchell Forcier know red-headed Mary before his masterpiece vanished one dark night?  

Assuming this will be a masterwork of course, which is arrogant.  There are others who are better, much better - he doesn't make a living at it.  Yet something about this violin has captured him.  Not just the yew, which he's still learning to shape and to hollow, not just the mithril that will form the pegs and bow, and not only the odd silk that behaves like nothing else he's ever used; no, it's become personal.  He's worked on Amati every place he's been.  He's not rushing because he doesn't want to stop.  He's obsessed.

The others talk, eat, rest.  He can't.  Since that picture he's felt a drive to create this one perfect violin.  His own sits near, a silent reminder of the cost of obsession, and he finds himself glancing up at her case.  Funny, that - Bella, a she; the personality of the instrument slowly forming in his hands, male.  Very male.  Apropos, he thinks.

The silk coils yet again.  He finds a musical base for a string of curses that would make a Xeenite blush.  What in the MUSE is wrong with this silk?  Knife in hand, he cuts it off the bow and begins, again...


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #172 on: October 02, 2012, 11:24:58 am »
Lola naps on the cushions near his office chair.  She seems to prefer the floor; Clarisse says she has to wake the child and help her back into bed many nights.  She's curled up near Ash and tucked in a protective position.  He wonders if it will pass, or if this young charge he and Minu have taken in will spend the rest of her life protecting her body from memories of whips and blows.

Amati is on a cleared bit of his desk, the papers and scrolls piled up around to create space for the instrument.  In fleeting mirth he places a small potted aloe on top of a stack; a lone bush overlooking the Valley of the Muse.  The violin is broken, again.  The neck this time.  Two mithril pegs jut from just under the scroll and running through the grain of the yew on both sides are fractures.  It's not his placement of the pegs but that turning the mithril seems to stress the wood and he isn't sure of a remedy.  Wax in the grooves?  It would require maintenance and his client should not be saddled with that.  Ironwood reinforcement of the neck?  How would that change the sound?  He's too tired to think about it.  It will keep until tomorrow.

Stubbing out a cigar, he spends a few moments twisting strings.  He has been using regular silk and horsehair.  The bebelith silk is disruptive and difficult and straining his patience; he'll finish the instrument first, then deal with that.  He hopes Raz is feeling magnanimous with time.  Amati may take a while.

Silk down, quill up.  He's meant to write a letter for weeks and he has three from his mother to answer.  She doesn't know about their newest addition yet, and she should.

Haikei, Mother.

Gobusata e orimasu ga, ogenki de irasshaimasu ka.  Things have been...strange.  As usual much of this must be told in person, but at least some of it I can share in print.  This letter will be hand-delivered, however, so I apologize in advance for the delay.

First and foremost, I miss you all terribly.  It seems every year that passes family becomes more important.  I wonder how my nieces and great-nieces are doing, how their life songs are being sung.  I wonder how father is faring with his health; not the things you have already written of, but the smaller, more intangible feelings, the imperceptible declines that gather momentum with each passing year.  Things I have a taste of now and again.  I pray daily that Ilsare keeps you all bolstered with inspiration for the dark moments.  I am also including another banker's note for security pay.  Keep yourselves safe.

We have a new addition here at the Buckle.  Her name is Lola.  How to explain this young lady?  We've been tracking and whittling away at a syndicate called the Razorbacks, an organization dedicated to global anarchy in the most destructive sense.  Slavery figures big into their plans and Lola was one of their slaves - she's not more than five years, Mother, a human whose internal age shocks us sometimes.  She was used as a gem miner.  She has almost no concept of childhood; she tries to smoke my cigars as she'd been allowed to smoke whenever the slaves around her had acquired tobacco, she steals relentlessly for herself and for others, and when we try to "play" with her, she is only confused that nothing useful comes of it.  She's helping in the kitchen and the clinic because she gets out of sorts when she's not given direction.  She has night terrors frequently and I thank Ilsare for Clarisse because Minu's daughter has been irreplaceable in helping Lola adjust and shake off some - not all - of her fears.  To make matters worse, one of her fears is dwarves, and we have a very distinguished dwarven tenant now.  As you can imagine things do get interesting.

Compounding this is the time we must spend away, and so Lola isn't "ours" per say.  Heloise helps, Michael and Edward help, my renters help - she's truly a child of the Silver Buckle and it seems to suit her.  She was community-raised in the mines, so she's used to belonging to everyone and no one.  It's hard for me to accept that sometimes.  We work at giving her stability, we're working also on her letters; she's of the right age to start learning but focusing is difficult for her.  She's not an academic, that much I can say for certain, and often I see myself in her, the child who can't stay in their seat, the child to whom stillness is an anathema.  And yet other times, when she's engaged with her hands; in the kitchen or in the garden or helping me with my violin project; she is able to do wonderful things, things beyond her years.  I have bought her some basic gem-shaping tools and set her to the task of making very simple shining things and this pleases her greatly.  Whatever lies in store for this girl, she must know I understand that part of her.

But, enough, I'm off and musing, and you shall see her soon enough as we plan a trip to Huangjin in a mere few weeks.  Minu needs a vacation and so do I so fluff the pillows in the guest room, we're coming home for a visit and Lola shall join us.

Andeux is still out there.  I searched and could find no trace of him.  I fear he's been recaptured although I pray every day that Ilsare keeps him out of their blackened hands.  The Buckle does well and we enjoy some reasonable standing in the community, or at least we're not currently being shunned as "that pit of mercenaries".  Keeping the tavern and food kitchen open to the public is a great benefit despite the risks.  Beyond that we have our fingers in so many different pies I could call myself the Baker.  But, more on that when we are face to face, I long for conversation in our language and for a cup of your tea, prepared by you.

I miss you, mother, please give my love to the family.

Your loving son,


Sand over the ink, sealing wax heated.  He'll find a courier in the morning.  It's barely into evening's dark and he's exhausted; his day was spent with Lola and Edward washing down the brickwork, pulling weeds, cleaning baseboards of trash left by tavern patrons, and waxing floors.  Fall cleaning.  Minu wiggled out of it with a few spells, the minx, and he hopes to use his hard labor as leverage for a back rub later.  But for now he scoops up the sleeping girl and carries her upstairs to her bed, next to Clarisse who is already in reverie.  Lola buries into the covers, curling again after a few disoriented moments awake.  He stops, one hand on the door's frame as he heads for his own room.  

No, Tashe, they're not "yours".  But does it really matter?  Daniel is right, and Ilsare is right.  Blood is thicker than water but mere air compared to love.

With a smile, he closes the door and looks for his wife.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #173 on: October 12, 2012, 12:58:47 pm »
"{Me sing good.}"  Muse, but that makes him happy to say.  "{Me talk you better.}"

An unusually large man nods absently at the babbling.  The giant man, Krumk, is still enthralled with the iron greatsword the bard has just handed him as first trade on language lessons.  It takes both hands and all the human's upper body strength to lift it up to the man who currently twirls it in one ham-sized fist.

"It good, me like!"  A pause, then Krumk translates.  "{It's a wonderful knife, well made.}"  

The bard listens but the translation is lost, he knows none of those words.  Krumk is smiling.  He should say something, he's supposed to be learning, but which of those words might mean great sword?  Krumk's looking at him now...  "{Me talk, you wonderful.}"  Pointing to the sword just in case he got it wrong.

The giant looks confused, then grins.  "{I will name the sword - it is a friend.  It's more than a sword.}  Krumk name, is friend, not just sword."

"Ah!  I understand that.  My violin is also named, she is a friend."  He can't even begin to try and find those words in Giantish yet.  But maybe...maybe, if he and Krunk cross paths again, he will.  Words spoken by the huge man earlier give him a touch of hope.

"You sing good.  Krumk think you sing giant someday."

I hope so, my new friend.  I really do.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #174 on: October 23, 2012, 01:15:43 am »
Lola won't leave their bed.  She's terrified and right now no amount of soothing is of any help; "Binky", her formerly imaginary friend, has done quite a bit of damage to the Buckle and to her. What could be worse for a child than for something innocent to come to life in such a horrifying way?  Yet he must coax her out and down to the clinic.  Gala has agreed to stay and work with her and they plus Father Xander and Minu when she returns must get a handle on Lola's abilities.  He and his wife both have been putting off dealing with it and they cannot, not with a child as sensitive as she is; Mort the Toy Man has proven that with scars that leave their mark in a tiny lump cowering between the pillows.  Like Rose, like Night Sky, Lola has the gift of a seer and all the strangeness that comes with it.  Muse help her...

The damage to the Inn is being (once again) cleaned and his contractors have the jolly smile of people who are far too intimate with both his property and his bank notes.  He pushes aside bricks torn from the wall during the fracas as Buddy's trusted workers patch and trowel and sand.  Muse, he'll have to explain this one to the dwarf as well.  At least, thank Ilsare, there are no bodies to deal with.  The nightmarish attackers faded upon defeat only to await them in Mort's personal dream.  

Mort...the child won't be knowing that the mad Toy Man is her biological father.  The father who took her eye, the father who sent her along with so many others to be slaves in a mine.  He needs to find out who the mother is - or more likely, was.  He doubts the woman is alive.

He sings another thanks for his friends, for Melody and Gala and the flirtatious Miss Gale, for Foresta and Gorm and Fleur, for Ellis...right nutter that she is...for Aden and Argus; even for that callous stranger whose blades were so handy and whose name he never came to know.  Without them all he'd be a wreck right now, unable to protect his child, the Silver Buckle's child.  But thanks to their combined efforts Mort is now well and truly gone and Lola safe from him.

He can't quite convince her of that though.  Gala's voice carries up from the stairs and he tries once more.

"Lola sweetheart.  The Sanctuary is a safer place right now, so Miss Gala can talk to you and bless you along with Daddy, okay?  Come on out.  I know you're scared but I promise you that bad man can't hurt you ever again..."


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #175 on: November 03, 2012, 04:42:11 pm »
His final act was BOOM - the song written after the trip to the pits and the closing of the shadow portal.  His baritone was rough after three hours, his higher notes not as smooth, but they loved it.  Siphe Principality loved it.  And after all the fighting and singing for the dead, he was positively high singing for the living.  So much energy, the waving of hands, the willingness to release themselves to the music and all the emotions carried with was where he should be, it was always where he should be.

Arms in the air with Bella held aloft, bowing, blowing kisses, then sliding backstage - or, in this case, behind stacked crates that left him a semi-private space to think and prepare - and it was over.  The crowd dispersed in clumps of chatter.  The sound flowed over the wooden boxes like a fitful stream, and he picked out a sentence here and there in the flowing mix of words.  Folding his arms, resting his chin on his chest, he stopped listening and just...heard.

Torches were being lit along the walls when he opened his eyes.  Nothing now but faint, scattered conversations staining the gold-washed darkness.  Time to go.  No farewells - he didn't know if Jaedon or Daniella had attended the show, they didn't stand out if they did, but he was sure any announcement of his egress was unnecessary.  He wasn't planning on being back anytime soon.  

He wasn't bitter though.  The angry wash that had tinted him was faded, weathered to the merest hint of a hue alongside the women and men he'd fought and died with.  Siphe was...not what he'd thought.  He didn't hate them anymore, couldn't hate them, and not just because they were a rut in the Molvaren wagon train to Hilm.  No, they were good people struggling like good people struggle everywhere.  A touch or six too devoted to law, yes.  The bodies hanging in cages still made his stomach turn.  But...perhaps...that was what was required when something like that shape-shifting monstrosity was one's neighbor.

Long strides to a portal made available for the use of those who'd defended alongside the natives.  Even with the distance-shortening magic, he had a long way home, and home was where he wanted to be.  Where he was just Andrew.  Funny, that...after all this, he'd be remembered for the songs he wrote and not his part in them, if he was remembered at all.  That was the irony of being a bard of action - he frequently forgot that it was his job to chronicle and not to participate.  He also had the unique perspective of a human entertainer.  He knew how short the memory, how long the expectations.  He knew that names that traveled through history would be those that performed deeds that others wrote of again and again, and his name would be forever on the byline.  Sometimes it bothered him, but today it didn't.  Today he would step into the ebb and flow of magic and step out onto Center soil, rent a horse - Allegro was contentedly munching on hay or grass in the Buckle's corral - and travel to the docks outside the city he could no longer enter, and start his journey to Minu, and Lola, and his friends in his inn.

Two minutes after that bout of musing, he was there.

The trading post took no notice of him except for the town crier, always eager to swap a bit of gossip and dish the latest, although this time his latest was terribly out of date.

"It's built."


"The temple in Siphe, the Toranite temple.  It's built.  Quite a sight, too.  Woefully free of embellishment, but I will concede that it has a certain artfulness to it's simplicity."

"...I'll pass it along!"

"I have more if you have time to listen..."

"Drew, in this place I have nothing but time.  I'm all ears."

And so he sang and chatted and passed a good hour, before continuing along mostly safe roads to the shop, and then to the ship that would take him home.  Weeks like any other, and yet not.  Minu would be home.  He knew she would.  She was staying close to the inn these days to mother Lola and he could do no less as someone who professed to be a father.  He'd made so many mistakes with Ty...his heart ached for a moment.  The boy was alive - he got news from this person or that from time to time, and his eldest son seemed to be doing well - but communication was precious few and far between.  Lola could ill afford the benign neglect that he'd shown his first child.  No, it was time to settle.  Much to do - a city to help feed, crops to help cleanse if that was possible - he really must find Brisbane - a child to help, and a violin to finish.

That violin.  That frustrating, amazing instrument.  That bloody silk!  He was having nightmares about it, chasing the sound, forever unable to coax more than a few minutes of perfection from the fickle grey strands.  Even as his own skill in luthiery grew Amati became more and more difficult.  It was a wonder Raz was patient, or maybe the elf had forgotten he'd wanted the instrument in the first place, who knew.  But among the thousand little things that needed doing in the running of an entertainment establishment, that violin needed finishing.

How far would he go?  

Would he become Marshall?

Would a red-haired girl run off with it when he was done, leaving him a broken man?  A broken man with an angry elf to explain things to?

Muse, he needed sleep.  He would keep his hands off the yew and mithril and silk during the trip.  He would rest and play Bella and not touch that accursedly beautiful violin.

Right, Tashe.  Keep telling yourself that...


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #176 on: November 25, 2012, 10:30:14 pm »
There was no dawn.  Their room, completely interior owing to his well-earned paranoia, hinted at night’s retirement in footsteps and conversation murmuring through the walls.  Minu was gone from the bed already.  Lola was thmping around in the room next to his, playing some game with the ever-patient Clarisse; Heloise’s oldest was hand-over-footing the Resident Hall steps in the way children did while his younger sister chased, yelling his name.  They sounded like two small and particularly uncoordinated ponies.

Another day like any other.  Another first day of the rest of his life.  The thin line between sandman and sun, that second or two of bliss when memory chased consciousness, snapped as the hooves of the past trampled over fragile waking.  A hoarse groan was all he could manage.  Another day since Amati’s stillbirth.  The instrument sat, finished but for strings, on his music desk only five feet away.  To anyone else it was an instrument.  To him a dead, mute thing.  

While Amati lay on a bed of music sheets, his brother was drying on a stand.  This violin had taken all of three weeks.  It was nearly identical.  The wood was from the same plank with the same rose tint, the mithril pegs gleaming as Amati’s did.  He’d rescrolled the f-hole to be more stylized but otherwise they were clearly born of the same hand.  The difference was that this namless one was unsullied by his hubris, the emotions he’d poured into Amati carefully held in check.  The sensation of failure, tasting like days-old coffee across the back of his tongue, absent.  It was not his and he would not make it his.  This wood had many hundreds of years with its future owner, provided the elf could live without demon-spider strings.  Let Raz do with it what he would.  

And Amati?  Soon to go back into his case, as soon as this old fool could quit mourning.  The music of those demon strings was burned into his brain and although the nightmares and sinister trees had faded, the sound had not.  It was music he could not come close to reproducing and his heart ached every time it echoed between his ears.  He had not taken Bella out of her case since they had left the Leerianin home and Echo.  What was the point?

What indeed was the point.  Putting this latest reminder aside, for all the things he’d done he was still just a relatively unknown innkeep.  It seemed the more he tried to do, the less he accomplished, and as the final dregs of sleep settled to the bottom of his brain he understood why so many of them vanished.  For every one he had a name for there were ten others that he didn’t, adventurers and world-savers who grew weary of trying.  He understood with shocking clarity.  The hells with they entire world, so long as it left him alone.  He had enough to do here with his inn and Lola.  And if he started to mad with boredom, there was always Rose’s little parting gift, still folded in heavy paper and under a book of poetry in his shallow office desk drawer, or the stash of halfling weed that he knew his wife had not found yet.

Slippered steps, soft and hesitant.  Minu.  He had to get up and put on his brave little soldier face so she would not worry.  He was so good at it now he could believe himself, at least while it was light and he was around people.  Alone in his office at night?  Well, that was another story entirely.

“Yes, I’m getting up, I’m up.  Have the beans been soaked?  Tell Helly I’ll be right there...”


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #177 on: January 11, 2013, 10:26:11 pm »
"Andy, lookit me!  Lookit me!"  A dandelion yellow skirt flares like a corona around the spinning girl.  Dappled light stripes the fabric and it reminds him of the spokes of a wheel.  She spins until she drops slowly to the pavement, dizzy and smiling.  "Did you see?  That was almost about ten minutes!"  More like a minute - but then, for her, maybe it is ten.  He is a strong believer that time does in fact move slower for the young.
"I saw you, Night Owl.  You looked like a golden top!"  The words please the child, who is already off to the next thing her frantically working mind sees, a weed thrusting anemically from between two moss-washed stones.  Thirty seconds later, she's picking paint flakes off a fence and arranging them like puzzle pieces.  She's healing.  Regressing, even, as the relative safety of the Buckle and the concept of caretakers sink in.  A child without a childhood now zealously exploring emotions previously kept bound inside by the constant threat of death.  With Clarisse's help she's learned to play, although she calls it 'looking at stuff'.  He'll take what he can get.

Despite his Ilsarian-red short coat and her sunny yellow dress, Mariner's Hold ignores them.  The day is hot and lazy, the kind he loves so much, with bright afternoon light that resoundingly thumps any shadows it finds.  Darkness has no place here, nor sinister trees and failure.  And if their primary task - seeing if there are any onions for sale as Helly is dead set on having them in the venison stew - has borne no fruit...well, vegetables, wouldn't that be more accurate?...

"Andy, come over here, tadpoles!  Look, in the fountain!"

"By the Muse you're right, Lola.  How do you think they got in there?"

"Iunno but the water's all mucky.  Baby frogs like muck."  She leans to try and catch one in a cupped hand and the edge of her skirt dips into the opaque water.  He leans on a rail, close enough to grab her if need be, and watches.  Where was he?

Fruit.  No, vegetables.  Onions, yes, that's it.  They've failed to find more than a handful and he's hesitant to buy out what there is.  The Buckle's reputation as a gourmand paradise can take the hit.  There are plenty of other people needing produce.  

They've nearly hit rock bottom and the Buckle is barely making one meal a day.  They buy what they can, and farm from small plots on the inn's grounds, and serve a bloody lot of fish, and it makes no difference.  All the food that is being grown is being grown on the plots of the people who will eat it.  The wealthy import.  Muse, he imports as much as he can.  He's always supported local growers before - now, it can't be done.  He skips a lot of meals to conserve food.  For all that, it's been the longest stretch of quiet in his life.  Going hungry is a small price to pay to be there for Lola, and Minu, and Clarisse, and all his Buckle people.  While Amati still sits as a voiceless reminder of his failure and the strings echo in his dreams, and Bella's case has gathered dust, he's at least been a halfway decent father.  Lola's growing fast and these are the years he missed with Ty - young enough to be happy to see him, old enough to carry on a conversation and learn how to sand a violin or tune a harp or bake soda bread.  She's interested in the world and interesting to be with and he loves every moment of parenting.  He needs to apologize to his son, again, for missing this.

That...probably would not go over very well.

"Stop wiggling Mister Tadpole, I don't want to hurt you!  Andy, look!"  The sleek black pollywog is smaller than usual, with only front legs budding out, but alive and quite determined to extract itself from the girl's hand.  She strokes it with a finger and then -  "Down you go! Sploosh!"  It is released into the fountain's algaed water and darts for cover immediately.  Lola sits, unusual for her, and watches the breaks and ripples on the surface, counting every one.

The city's not only suffered for the famine, the turnover of power in the last year has also caused problems.  The council isn't at full strength yet, and the betrayals and secrets the Razorbacks created have left a mark.  It seems to him there is a lot of distrust in the city's government.  He is glad his friend Arelius is involved.  It's one small bright spot.  Meanwhile, tasks once done regularly - like cleaning fountains - fall by the wayside as people forgo paid work to farm for their lives, literally.  Craftsmen vie for the few apprentices not called back to family and this affects the availability of finished goods.  The city streets no longer bustle like they did.

No, merely buying food and running a soup kitchen won't fix this, but he finally has the answer he's been seeking.  Cleansing the soil and turning in good new soil will combat the effects.  It's expensive and difficult and he fervently hopes that Argali finds the Dragon Isles clear of the famine effects.  There is more - a letter from Celador gives him hope that a better method might be found, and he looks forward to speaking with the man - but he's focusing on the here and now.  Find good soil, perhaps some Prunililans to go with it, and a farm willing to act as a test location.

It's strange, it seems the best imports are from Sun and Morholt.  Why are they spared?  Morholt might make deals with the devils, and likely has, but Sun?  They hate elves.  He can only imagine they hate dark elves more.

Or, it's complete coincidence.  And so is the fact that Rose, Connor and his wife, and Brisbane - four people with a great deal of damaging information - have vanished.  Or not.  He really must -

Lola is done watching tadpoles.
 "I counted sixty-hundred and three!"  She's up and tugging him in another direction along with his thoughts.  It's a beautiful day.  He can battle this out in his head later, over a cigar in his office.


Re: Andrew Reid - Letters Home
« Reply #178 on: January 19, 2013, 10:46:11 pm »
He can't stop touching it, the smooth golden-red yew warm under his fingertips.  Warm the way Bella is.  Bella has her own memories and dreams, though, and this one...this one is so much of him.  A violin-shaped twin?  He's such a bloody romantic.  It's an instrument, even if the wood has bathed in his emotions for over a year.  Stringless, unborn, unsinging, as he has been since a sound he still - still! - dreams of slipped through his fingers.

Irony.  If he'd spent the money, he would not have been able to buy the month's worth of food that keeps the Buckle kitchen limping along while they till and try to grow mushrooms.  But if he had, would he not be truer to the spirit of Ilsare?  Art and madness are lovers that intertwine in calamity-laden trysts, birthing creations that break the barriers of what is imagined to be possible.  He is either not insane enough, or not artist enough.

Or something enough.  His knuckles brush the empty space above the bridge where strings are meant to go, tenderly, as one would comfort a child.  He recognizes his motion a second later and his throat clenches.

"Tell me something...if you were creating a child that you knew once it was born you would have to give it away and never again be able to hold him, or be a part of his life..."

"I thought I would be happy if I could hear him sing."  If it wasn't a lie at the start, it is now.  He can admit to himself that making Amati's sister had been a relief.  He has an excuse to keep this one - it isn't done, it cannot ever be done, when the truth is so much more tangled.  "Tell me something..."  Those words unbury memories of a black-haired child with almond-shaped eyes and the powers of a bard, a child that he can never hold or take part in the life of.  A child who is no longer a child and who very likely doesn't know who he is.  A child who is going to be an officer in the army of one of his sworn enemies.  And here is Amati, the violin who named itself, an instrument that has become an integral part of his life bit by bit as he's created it and chased after a fleeting bit of magical sound all the way to the edge of madness...

"The only one that is losing from this so-called heavenly divine the one person who wanted so desperately to create it for that he could lose it again."

Knowing he had to give it up to another, he chose instead to not complete it.

It is minutes before the feeling of a three-year-old boy in his arms and the smell of the child's thick black hair are set carefully aside.  He believes in letting emotions through him, not suppressing them, but no amount of time makes the image of that sweet oval face less painful.  Indeed it only sharpens the agony; the child he remembers is long gone and he has no idea what has taken its place.  Amati's a reminder and more.  The clarity isn't as helpful as he'd like it to be.  The mithril pegs reflect candlight while he thinks of the blind woman who is willing to midwife Amati out of the morass in his mind.

"There is a way to finish your masterpiece, Andrew.  And Amati perhaps doesn't need exotic strings that will drive you insane.  Perhaps he simply needs your acceptance that maybe he is not meant for those things.  That you will love him and make that wonderful music with him even without them.  If you don't finish him in some way, you'll never hear him sing.  You'll never hear -his- voice.  You'll only hear the voice in your head of what you wanted him to be."

Standing, he takes Amati from the stand and starts to pack him into his smooth leather case, taking his time to tuck the violin securely in the velvet cushion.  His thumb strokes the violin's long neck and abruptly there is an tingle across the back of his own.  Something - he is staring at the violin, straining to see it with fresh eyes, there is something - a detail he's overlooked - Amati's case sits next to Bella's.  A step back as he compares the two and it jumps out at him.

Amati's case is longer than Bella's.  The violin that he thought he was making for an elven male of modest height is instead made for longer arms, the arms of a man of above average stature.  When the ribs had not glued right, he'd added, yes - when the neck had broken, he'd added - he's never re-measured.  Somewhere along the line Amati has grown to fit him.

He clicks the case shut and sweeps it and Bella's both off the desk.  Silk and horsehair strings nest in a coat pocket.  His stomach flips a few times..."You're afraid you might hear what?  That it might not be good enough?  Or that it might be better than you expected?"

It's time to see a lady about a violin.


 Whirling motes of dust twist
« Reply #179 on: February 25, 2013, 10:01:21 am »


Whirling motes of dust twist in the wagon’s wake.  The midday sun robs the land of shadow and the beige flatness writhes as if leaping from the pages of a book.  The cart driver doesn’t notice the subtleties of their passing, looks only ahead, and the boy Elliah sleeps comfortably among burlap sacks of seed, manure and compost as only a farmer’s child can.  The bard cannot sleep, cannot sit still even, and so a yew and mithril violin is lifted from a black leather case and tucked under chin.  Sucking in a measured breath, he listens to the world around him. 

At first the sounds are as they are, the thup of hooves and insect buzzing mingling with wind and the whispering of trees.  Slowly…as he listens, as he lets it wash over him and tunes to his heart’s ear, there is more – the realization that what he’s feeling isn’t entirely him, that the sounds he’s hearing radiate ever-shifting emotions.  He feels it as music; others, he understands, might see it in the wild colors of the world or the intertwining dance of creatures, but for him, the feeling is sound.  The music of life.

And now a new sound wraps around his heart, a violin so soaked in him it’s become a twin, a child.  As the first notes drift from Amati, the weathered, out-of-work driver glances over and cracks a rare smile which holds on his stubbled face no longer than a double-stop trill.  It’s the first expression the bard has seen on the man since they left Mariner’s Hold.

“You know the Swayback Canter?”

“Hum a few bars, I can fake it.”  The driver allots him a second thin smile but does not hum; the bard starts to play anyway.  Watching the driver’s…what was his name?  Rupert?  Watching his brief and swiftly banished enjoyment unleashes a tumble of thoughts.

Why does he do this?  Why does he play for others, so often, so…insistently?  Why does he need this?  For need it he does, he can’t lie to himself about that.  Amati’s A string, the diva of the four, rolls under his ring finger and the sweetness of the tone sounds like love’s own voice…why, why does he need an audience? 

“Not too shabby.  Play a waltz.”   

Everything, even the dour man next to him who has taken this job out of an ill-hidden desperation to provide for family and feel useful, is somewhere in the world song.  He shifts to three-quarters time in G major and with a stroke he’s off in a fluid rendition of the Kartherian Waltz, which has always amused him to play – if even half the people who asked for it knew what the slowly building passages were meant to represent…the driver sits back, relaxes the reins so the mare can set her own pace, even taps his right foot ever so minutely in time.  The entertainer sees this and feeds on the doffing of a cloak of tension.  His own mood lifts in response and the enjoyment cycles back into his fingers, Amati’s strings.  For the next however long two beings share a common sense of wellbeing.

And that, Tashe, is why. 

It’s more than wanting to banish bad moods, or make people like him, although that is part.  It’s more than wanting to exert some control over his environment, although that too is part.  It’s wanting to connect and to share that moment that he first found love, that he first gave his heart to his Goddess, those moments that he’s stared at the tightly grained wood lining the bottom of the proverbial barrel.  It’s wanting to slip on other’s emotions as he would a velvet jacket, to understand their experiences and perspective.  And to know when he should not as well, or be able to have some sense of it.  That part, the knowing when and when not, has been a struggle for him.  A voice from long ago seems to carry on the wind, a halfling’s voice light as the keys on her skirts and bells around her ankles, reminding him with a centuries-old smile that you can’t understand others by looking in a mirror.  With a shift of fingers Amati sings in a burst of A sharp – thank you…

“That's what friends are for, Andrew.  You should know that by now.”  Not Gypsy Belle’s voice this time, but another’s.  She is not here but she is, for he holds this violin, and were it not for her Amati would sit, stringless, in a stand.  For Ilia, a fast pizzicato which rushes from his fingertips as water down a stream, and more of her words and the Conductor’s, and abruptly there is something – something, some thought, tickling, wanting out -

“Play that other one again.”  The waltz has meandered into an impromptu caprice.  With a head shake and a bit of humming he turns his bowing back to Katherian’s famous ball – he laughs, he can’t help it – dance.  Technically simple, the complexity is in how the artist creates the tension and the inexorable crescendo.  He prefers double stops and vibrato.   

“You’re stalling.”

He’s stalling and there it is again, that bubble of epiphany trying to rise to the surface.  Closng his eyes, he rests his bow and instead listens to the Heartsong.  She’d mentioned the Resonance, when they spoke of his pain at being unable to complete Amati.  What had she said?  After Raina left and she went blind – “Kaldar and I withdrew from the Resonance of Being because I no longer thought I could travel there.  It wouldn't be the same.” 

If she withdrew, and assuming she had not returned because before he’d first visited them, Raina had not returned home…and the Conductor had sent him to them knowing that…who was helping whom?  By Ilsare.  Edgar’s face is as clear as day, listening to his discomfort at his progress and his fears.  “The Sunstriders, yes, I think you’ll do well with them.”  But they had withdrawn.  They were technically not…and yet…  The Conductor listened to his words and heard his heart.  The bard is student and ambassador both.

“Hey.”  A glance from Rupert.  “Why’d you quit playing?” 

“Apologies, I just had a moment is all.”  He makes to play again then pauses.  You can’t understand others by looking in a mirror.  “Do you know that feeling when something rings true that perhaps you’d overlooked?  That….’AHA’ feeling?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“Well, that.”  The older man nods; he continues.  “It’s so strange, the things we think we know.”

“Sure is.  Just the other day I was talking to my wife…”  And he’s off.  Somewhere in the music, the mood, and the heat of the day the ice has melted – just enough – and the bard sets his various musings aside to focus on this man and his world and his joys and sorrows.  He’ll ponder Ilia and Kaldar, Raina, and his own journey in augmentation later.  


