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Author Topic: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*  (Read 589 times)


Re: *Notes of Sallaron Tempest*
« Reply #20 on: November 09, 2006, 08:08:29 am » has been slow of slow, that I've been feeding chickens my surplus stock and gathering boxes of eggs, which it seems Mages are willing to pay well for. Cant imagine what they do with all those eggs. Super sized omelettes perhaps.
I've been practicing my crafts furthur, and trying to find business ventures where I can. A few trinkets sold here, a few bows made there.....but nothing to overflow my bank account....mores the pity. Sent a letter or two to Zug....he seems the business man....perhaps we can combine crafts and make a few extra True together. Ive also been trying to get my foot in the door of the Bowmore Trade of the most lucretive companys going at the moment. If I could just have a few words with the manager, Im sure they'd recognise my business skills and take me on. So till then....seems I'll have to keep hanging around outside there headquarters.

My exploration of Mistone is maps fully updated. I dont believe there is anywhere on the Isle I havent explored yet....and have even mapped some of the networks of caves for reference too. Myself and the explorers explored much of Rilara....but so much of the land is yet undiscovered, guarded as they are by things I would'nt dream of sneaking past. That will have to wait.

I've adventured much lately with new peoples, some Ive been most impressed with. Janice Stellar....bloody good sorcerer, could almost match Godim.....and quite the looker too. Robert Heath, bumped into him once or twice, quite a swordsman......and others Ive come across. I've been receiving letters from Beli too, seems the monastery's letting him go soon. Will be good to see him again. And Thark....I bumped into him too. Poor bugger was lost....trying to deliver one of those parcels of his. I laughed at him a little, but put him back on track.

Revenge of the Goblins

One thing I must note of course, was the recent activity amongst the local Goblins. Seems theyve been under some Necromatic influence, and Garent bidded many of us to find out what was going on. The crazy bugger even showed us a "short-cut" into the Goblin caves. Short cut my *%!*....the place was a death trap....Leechs and snakes at every corner, traps going off in our faces. Eventually, we burst in upon the Goblin chief, who told us to find these "eviler" Goblins in the Greypeaks.
To cut a long story....we found the cave, guarded my hordes of tough goblins, descended on a warpath into the caves, found these mysterious tablets which gave the Goblins their power and smashed them......then we got sealed inside. Couldt believe it! There we were, fighting a path to the surface, when these explosions began going off. I went cold....numb....I knew what was happening. Sure enough, we charge for the entrance, only to find it blocked by rocks. Took us quite some hours to dig our way out, but we pulled it off. And once outside....Ulliam picked up some more Goblin tracks, which lead us to a stone wall in the HighForest. Seems the Goblins have their secret hideout there.....and no matter what we did.....we couldnt get in. Ironic really, we had some of the greatest adventurers and finest minds in our party, but could we hell figure out how the Goblins got in.  We posted guards to lie in wait and keep an eye out for any coming and goings, hopefully, someone will figure out how to get in.

