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Author Topic: Green... the semi-civilized goblin  (Read 517 times)


Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« on: January 10, 2010, 06:34:06 pm »
//Bio for the record//

Character: Green
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter
Race: Goblin
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Green was just a toddler, so of course Green doesn't really remember any of this, in fact then his name was not Green then, rather it was Gorp.
It was a damp cold morning in the cave, nothing unusual about this, but the day was about to become more interesting. Green was running around the fire punching his sister much to his father's approval. Some sort of animal was roasting on a spit over the fire, what sort of animal no one knows.
His father heard a sound in the cramped tunnel that led to their small damp cave. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened, except for Gorp who had to get one last punch in on his sister. Then all was quiet, except a rustling sound from the tunnel. Gorp's father picked up a tree branch that he used as a club and crept to the entrance.
Around the corner stumbled a young elf. The elf and his father locked eyes and his father charged yelling a battle cry. The elf, obviously in shock at what he had stumbled upon raised his hands, and a cone of flame flashed out (burning hands spell). Gorp's mother, father and little sister were lit on fire and died gruesome deaths. Gorp meanwhile was saved from the fire because he was behind the roasting animal carcass stealing pieces of undercooked meat while his parents were watching the tunnel. His sister he had shoved out from beside the meat as he wanted it for himself.
Gorp, after the explosion waddled out from behind the spitted meat and was amazed at what he saw. Three things that looked like the cooking meat, about the size of his parents and sister lay on the floor. Gorp was confused. Then he saw the elf standing there. Gorp looked around for his parents who seemed to have vanished, then he looked back to the elf, who seemed to have a look of shock on his face.
Gorp didn't know why but he found himself being led out of the cave by the elf. Gorp punched him a few times even bit him once but the elf drug him along. The elf drug him all the way to a small shack with a garden out front.
Years went by and the elf, Aust Moonbrook, tried to civilize the goblin. It worked in part since the goblin was so young when he found him. Gorp, or as he was now known as Green since Aust didn't know his real name, became vastly loyal to his new found father figure Aust. Aust channeled Green's energies into a bit of combat with a dummy stuffed with straw outside their meager shack. Green loved whacking the dummy and did it for hours on end beating the straw out of it over and over again. Aust encouraged Green as it seemed to calm the goblin.
After the sword (really a small treebranch) play Aust would teach the goblin facts from some books Aust had. Green didn't like learning at first but over the years he saw that learning was not as bad as he had thought. Thus Green was not the dumbest goblin around. (Int 13)
Green grew up speaking Elvish and Common with Aust, as Aust knew no goblin, and in fact Green only knew a few words himself.
When Aust decided that he wanted to see more of the world Green went with, as there was no stopping the Green from following Aust everywhere he went. They began to wander the world and find themselves outside a city named Vehl.
Green was intensely protective of Aust. Aust is the world to Green and Green will defend him to the death. Aust and Green begin to travel, with Green in a cloak and hood to try and disguise his heritage, but unfortunetly his goblin side comes out whenever Aust is threatened.
So even though Green is more civilized than most goblins he still has a hard time with right and wrong and good and bad. His god is basically Aust, and will do anything to protect him, whether it be an evil act or a good ones. He is selfless to a fault, only caring for Aust's safety.
//requesting an elvish ear. As far as the Goblin one I will not use it in game unless I find someone to properly teach Green to speak it. He would know a few words but nothing that could be used to carry on a conversation. Or if a GM needs to give him a goblin ear IG, I would simply not ask for it//
//Aust Moonbrook is being submitted by MateoEll, and I have his permission to use Aust in my story, and he has permission Green in his biography//
//starting city is obviously Vehl//
//his parents were poor simple goblin's who are now of course dead, so there will be no claiming for Green being the son of the supreme goblin overlord or anything like that//
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Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2010, 03:22:36 am »
*Green lays down behind some trash cans outside the Inn in Vehl, pulls a few boxes near to conceal himself, and opens a small blank journal with a sea foam colored cover*

Aust told me to write.
To keep my learning up.
I am waiting for him here.
He said he would come.
I shall sleep, hunt, and wait for him.
I have done as he said.
I h
ave avoided people.
I have hidden.
I don't know why I should hide.
But I will do as father says.

I hope he comes for me soon.

I am getting nervous without him.

*Green then takes out a blade, a scimitar, and oils it and sharpens it before wrapping it in cloth. He falls asleep hugging the wrapped blade to keep it safe from thieves, and keep it close to his heart*

//this is the beginning of his love for his blade, Aust is not around and he turns to it for safety, comfort and protection against the forces that would slay a goblin on sight//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2010, 04:32:04 pm »
*comes back to his little makeshift sleeping place behind the trashcans*

I named my blade Sticker.
It stuck a lot today.
Father is still not here.
I am getting more nervous.
I have to run and hide from people.
Not talk to them.
Father said so.
Practice sword fighting all day.
Much more fun sticking moving things.

*he oils the blade and sharpens it before wrapping it, and going to sleep on top of it to protect it*

//this I believe is when he either learned dodge or mobility, he's now running around in battle rather than staying still, due to his new found ability to slip in and around the enemy, hence the line that he has more fun sticking moving things//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 01:24:17 am »
*waits for the masses to move out of the way and runs into Vehl and out the back gate to his little box shanty*

Learned today.
Away from people sticking in back.
Away from people sticking when I move.
Learned much with Sticker the sword.
Aust still not here.
He will come.
I know.
He not forgotten Green.
Still nervous.
Had to run from people today.

*closes the book and cleans, oils, an sharpens Sticker, before he wraps it in cloth and goes to sleep on top of it*

//Green has learned Dodge, Expertise, Mobility, and Spring Attack on his own, as it was necessary for his survival all alone. He was forced to invent these tactics, in his mind, so that he could survive while he waited for Aust. He has no teacher, simple survival has been teaching him these things.//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2010, 01:05:24 am »
*opens his journal after he pulls it out from under the trashcan where he hid it*

Father says to write.
Make me smarter.
Used Sticker a lot today.
Sticker sticks good.
Stuck things.
Worked on sticking better.
Things do not hit me as much anymore.
Maybe I am learning.
Talked to large ogre today.
Ogre saved me from death.
He did not eat me.
His name was Rotten.
Hope father will not be mad.
Talked to lady too.
Offered to share berries.
Father said sharing was good.
I still wait for him.
Nervous I am.

*closed the journal stuffing it back under the trash can, before practicing some of his sword moves in the alley. He then oils and sharpens his blade and lays down protecting it under the cloak he found today*

//the line "that things not hit me much anymore" is his realization that the things he's learned, dodge, mobility etc., are keeping him safe in battle while he wields Sticker Number Three//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2010, 05:24:40 pm »
*opens his journal after tipping the trashcan to get it*

Woman named Grendola is mean.
Threatened to kill me.
Green smarter than her.
She no know how to write.
Green write her name down.
She no eat Green then.
Found fun sword fighting move.
Spin round and whack everyone near.
Better and stronger each day.
Aust still not here.
Green worried.
Green is nervous.

*shoves the book back under the trashcan and oils and sharpens his blade before wrapping it up and sleeping on top of it*

//Green learned whirlwind today. I didn't know weapon master could be applied for in the character submission or I would have done it then. Hopefully these writings about his survival alone in the world and his dependence on Sticker for survival will help. He can't really have a master, as he's petrified of taller folks, so he is learning to trust his instincts and basically making these battle moves up through trial and error.//

//second edit on this one: The whirlwind attack again shows Greens devotion to his blade and only his blade by sacrificing protection in combat for offensive prowess//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2010, 02:12:20 pm »
*digs his journal out from under the trashcan*

Aust find Green!
Green keep Aust safe with spinney fight move.
Nice to have Aust with me.
Aust make big people behave.
Yes! Yes!
Big people behave now.
No eating of Green anymore.
Nope! Nope!

*glances up and sees Aust watching him*

"Make room for Aust in Green's house? Green need to oil and sharpen Sticker number two and three."

*offers him a seat behind the biggest trashcan*

"No? Where Green go then?"

*closes the book and follows Aust*

//spinney move = whirlwind... Again it is just him and his blade keeping his "father" Aust safe, at least that's what he thinks anyhow//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2010, 12:22:21 am »
*digs the journal out from under the bookshelf in the Inn room where he hid it after Aust made him invisible to get there*

Green have bed!
No have soft bed before.
Green protect Aust with fancy spinny smack with blade.
Green kill to keep Aust safe.

*shoves some meat in his mouth and drips on the page*

Aust no like messy book.

*Wipes it off with his sleeve before going to sleep curled up on the floor*

//his blade is the extension of his love for his father Aust. Without the blade and the work he puts in with it he fears Aust will die//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2010, 10:22:43 pm »
*opens the greasy book*

Green no sleep on floor again.
Bed softer.
Kill bad things for Aust.
Spinney move works good.
Jumping about in combat good.
Smashing things on heads good.
Blade is my arm.
Keep Aust safe is good.

*slides it under the bed and curles up once again on the floor*

//hopefully this one is self explanatory.. ;-), this is when Green learned knock down, hence the "smash things on head good"//


Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2010, 01:24:40 am »
*Tilts the dresser in the Inn and retrieves his book from where he left it, glances about*

Green find more goblins!

Goblins nice to Green.

Goblin tribe say Green might get to be part of pack.

No go into pack if Aust not go to.

Goblin pack let Green chop things up in the front.

Green no die.

Green strike down enemies with spinney move with sticker.

Green love sticker.

*oils the blade lovingly*

Green practice hard with blade.

Hard as ever.

Sticker number 3 becoming part of Green.

Green arm and blade the same.

*closes the book, smearing the ink and slinks out the back door of the Inn*

//the second part of this post tries to explain how Green now views his weapon as an extension of his arm, that all the love he has had for it is paying off. That others are noticing his feats with the blade, such as in the top section.//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2011, 06:01:54 pm »
*green digs his book out from behind a dumpster*

Green find goblin tribe again today. Green have Aust make friends with goblin tribe. Goblin tribe make Green and Aust members by chanting and spraying blood on us. Warg Tribe give Aust new name of Greenfather. Aust not happy about robes. Aust buy new robes.

Now Goblin Elf Tribe is called Warg Tribe.

Green stick things over and over with his sticker.
Green lead goblins into battle with Sticker Number Three.
Sticker Number Three Green's best friend besides Aust.
Green practice and practice with Sticker Number Three.
Green love Sticker Number Three.

*cleans the blade lovingly and curls up behind the trashcan*

//again, practice, practice, practice and love for his weapon//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2011, 09:30:45 pm »
*Green lovingly oils and sharpens Sticker Number Three after another day of leading groups into battle fearing not for his own life, but for the blood lust that Sticker Number Three brings him*


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #12 on: May 30, 2011, 10:57:59 pm »
*Again Green returns to the large trashcan that he calls home and oils and polishes Stick Number Three*

*He talks softly praising Sticker Number Three for it's ability to slash through any opponent*

//trying for a weapon master level, and have been for a while with Green, he loves one thing in the world above his Greenfather Aust, and that's his scimitar, Sticker Number Three//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2011, 08:14:38 pm »
*Green has discovered the arena in Vehl. He takes on any comers brandishing Sticker Number Three menacingly. He whirls, dodges and spins slashing Sticker Number Three in great arcs. Some opponents fall to Sticker Number Three and some beat Green, but always he oils and polishes his blade after each battle, it glows with a shine very rarely seen. The blade is in stark contrast to his unkempt and dirty clothing.*

//This is where he discovers the arena in Vehl and begins, basically, stalking, anyone with a curved blade like his, trying to make the extension of his arm stronger//


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2011, 11:43:11 am »
*green decides to move to a dumpster closer to the arena in Vehl so he can spend more time practicing and becoming one with Sticker Number Three. He is particularly drawn to watching anyone who uses a scimitar, mimicking their moves and learning all he can about the art of the scimitar*


Re: Green... the semi-civilized goblin
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2011, 02:25:01 pm »
*Green spends days at the Vehl Arena, figuring out gradually when other came with scimitars to practice. He follows them around harassing them for tips and techniques, only to return to his dumpster to forage for food and watch for the next scimitar wielding person to enter the arena, so he can follow them around and spar with them. He's even gotten good enough that he even teaches a few tricks of his own to the unsuspecting.*

//again, while there is no IG teacher, he is pestering anyone and everyone that weilds a scimitar for a duel, advise, or anything else he can learn. He goes as far as taking note of when certain scimitar wielders come to the arena so he can be there.//