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Author Topic: Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf  (Read 208 times)


Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf
« on: January 10, 2010, 07:25:59 pm »
//the biography, just for the record//

Character: Aust Moonbrook
Age: 110
Gender: Male
Class: Wizard
Race: Elf
Alignment: Chaotic Good


  Aust Moonbrook was born in Mariner's Hold. He always enjoyed watching the ships sail in and out of the docks. He loved the chaos of the docks and the interesting sailors shouting to each other. Aust wanted to sail when he grew up. He thought of the adventures he might have with the wild and rowdy sailors. But he was not ready yet. Being 40, he was to young. He had to settle with wishing and hopping.

  Aust's other dream was wizardry. When he was not watching the boats, he was reading poems and stories of great deeds done by great spell casters and wanted to be just like them. He read of the vampires destroyed by great heros and wanted to have an adventure of his own. But his main hope was to be a sailor.

  One day Aust saw something that destroyed his highest hope. A wave of tsunamis had destroyed several towns and ports. Aust got scared and changed his mind about being a sailor right away. He then focused on wizardry. He wandered to Spellgaurd to learn the spells of a wizard. He spent from age 70 to 80 there. He learned the basic spells, such as acid splash and burning hands, then left to seek a place to practice.

  At age 90, he saw a small cave he thought he could practice in without harm. The tunnel was long, he thought that was a good thing. But when he rounded the bend, a goblin ran at him brandishing a large tree branch. Aust had no choice but to defend himself. He cast Burning Hands(not knowing the full potential of the spell), and, by accident, killed everything in the cave but a goblin toddler. He felt sorry for the goblin, because Aust knew the little goblin was alone now. Aust drug the goblin up the cave tunnel (gaining a bite scar on his arm) and took the goblin to his little shack, not a great one, but a nice one. Aust raised the goblin, not considering it might cause trouble.

  Aust had to make many, many, many practice dummies for the goblin (the gobblin wrecked them very quickly). Aust named the goblin Green after a while because neither one of them knew the goblin's real name. Aust taught Green things a man needs to survive, and Aust taught Green not to lop heads of randomly (actually, it's more like not to lop kneecaps off randomly). Aust read the stories that Aust read when he was only in his thirties and forties to Green. Aust also taught Green elfish so that Aust could still talk in his favorite language while speaking to Green. Aust knew that adventure, even if not sailing, was not far around the corner.

  Physical Appearance: Aust stands about 5'4'', wearing Sea blue robes to remind himself of his sailing dream. And if you ever see his right forearm, it has a goblin toddler sized bite scar there
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Re: Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2010, 06:16:26 pm »
I visited my old home again. Not to much different. Did some shopping (wasn't so fun) for a mage from Bydell castle. Scrolls and such. not a bad day, overall. I haven't seen Green in a while. I wonder were he is. I hope he isnt' getting into trouble. I learned a new spell, acid arrow, to. Oh Green.


Re: Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2010, 02:34:27 pm »
Still haven't seen Green lately. I wonder what he's doing. hope his isn't getting into trouble.


Re: Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2011, 05:37:53 pm »
*Flips to the next blank page of his journal*

          Well, I just had one of the most terrifying, although also exciting, moments of my life. I have never been to the bottom of the Silkwood Caves before, and if that thing has a brother, I don't plan to again for and long time.
            The thing was a spider, but not a small  or medium one. It was taller than anyone in my group, and if we all stood on top of one another, we may have been able to touch halfway up its enormous legs. We managed to pick the friends off one by one until it was two on four. Chaynce used magic more than his sword, oddly, and a lady named Daniella was the head of the assault. She nearly went down, but with the combined magic of three wizards, we managed to kill the beast. The other spiders in the deepest part of the cave were things called stone spiders, which could turn one to stone (thankfully, we all survived the spell).
           I have also recently taken up the art of alchemy, which I didn't study in Spellgaurd. It is challenging, but I have produced a few potions so far. I work towards more powerful ones, but bottles of fire are also a good thing to practice on. I have a fresh one I made. The work of gathering the main component is not fun, though. It is the stomach of any kind of fire beetle, which most would see as a disgusting and vile job.


Re: Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2011, 05:10:45 pm »
*sighs, lays his robes in the river to wash the blood from them, and opens his journal*

Well, those robes might be ruined. It seems that the goblin tribe Green has been traveling with has accepted us into the 'Warg' pack. Their ritual for joining seems to be to chant a wild song and splash us in warg blood. Warg blood stains quite badly, too.

I also found a skilled wizard, but I didn't get his name. I thought he was a necromancer, but my suspitions were confirmed when we found another group, one told the other in elven that he was charged for the murder of a whole town. They don't know Green and I know that, but I will have to watch my step around him.

Now I would seem to be the first elf to join a goblin tribe.


Re: Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2012, 01:24:48 pm »
My skills with my spells are progressing quite well. I am finding that I no longer need to rely on a man in armor to protect me from the enemy. The spell darkness, followed by fireballs, is a potent and devastating combination. I am exploring the continent of Dregar, mainly through the desert. It is a new experience, being alone aside from the creatures I can call upon with my magic. I haven't seen Green and his friends from the Warg Tribe around as of the late. I suppose that now I'm a member of the Tribe, but sometimes I feel kind of different. Maybe its that I'm the only one there that is not green or grey.


Re: Aust Moonbrook: The Goblin Raising Elf
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2013, 11:57:37 pm »
I am nearly to being able to cast sixth circle spells in combat. I can pronounce the incantations and hand motions when I am looking at my spell book, but in the heat of combat I loose some of my skill and mispronounce, and have to abort the spell. They will come soon, however.

