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Author Topic: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon Torr  (Read 137 times)


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It seems to rain all the time.  Being a newcomer to the cities I have been traveling to, I of course have not found proper dwelling, I have been merely staying where my head fell.  But for some this would be of great concern and alarm but I find a way to manage from day to day.

  On a lighter side I have made some incredible new friend her name is X'une, she was so helpful in the journey to the crypts and I feel that our friendship will grow in time.  Her friends were very helpful as well, a kind gentlemen outfitted me with some fine armour and weapon, I am eternally grateful for his help, for I do find it hard to vanquish evil with my bare fist. (But if I tried I bet I could!)  

 I have found that the sewers of a particular town are very dangerous for someone of my calibur.  After my journey to the crypts I proceeded to help a young women with vermin clogging the swer city in this town, and found my foes very formidiable.  It wast the rats as much as the guards on the second level.  I shall have to return when I regain my strength.

  Also After my journey to the Crypts I found that my Holy Powers had grown stronger as well as my prowess with a sword, things seem to have there way of turning out for the best, and I must also thank My Great Lord Toran for giving me these gifts so that I may combat evil.


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Re: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon To
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 01:25:13 pm »
Today I conquered the sewers, the foul beings clogging the pipes will trouble the city no more, of course I had some help from what appeared to be a druid or ranger or some sort, a mighty bear was his companion, and together we did away with the beasts.

Also I have my first adventures into GloomWood forests, my how the Undead have taken over that place.  A new friend presented himself his name was Canius a very skilled mage, and with the help of some others we vanquished the woods of that evil, I am not sure though of how long those woods will stay cleansed it seems to be a most evil place.

My travels have afforded me the ability to purchase some new armour it is a fine fit and does offer more protection than the robe I was wearing!  With every day I grow stronger with the help of the all Mighty Lord Toran, and my new friends I can see my goals coming closer than ever before.


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Re: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon To
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2007, 01:22:43 pm »
Well not as much adventuring today as discovering.  A fellow brother of Toran escorted me to the Temple, and what a glorious temple it was.  After exploring the temple for some time I decided it was about high time I make my tithing.  So gathering a copper long sword I had came across and some gold I donated to the church.  I also recieved my donation box so that I may prepare my donations while I travel, this will be of great help indeed.

       After exploring the town for a bit I decided to make my way back to Hempstead, I was planning to check the sewers again for signs of more of those foul beasts, and after a few friendly chats I made my way to the sewers entrance and proceeded in.  At first it was all just rats, and some of those distuguting ooze, and then on the firs level of the Sewer I ran into one of the foul beasts.  I cut him down with swiftness of course, and proceeded on to the second level.

     This is where I met my troubles for you see, two or three vermin are of no problem.  But being attacked by six vermin and a spider on top of that well that is another story.  I fought as hard as I could for as long as I could.  But today I experienced my first full on Mortal death.  Now grant it my soul was bound and could not be taken all the way to the Heavens, but it was a horrifying experience never the less, I awoken in Torans temple cold weakend, and to be frank embarresed.

    After speaking with the healer for a while my weakness passed and I decided it was time to settle down for the night, I wish not experience death again.


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Re: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon To
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2007, 03:49:12 pm »
Today I met with a truly extrodinary fellow named Amon Blackfish. Himself being a man of faith, I found we had a lot in common, we spoke for a few minutes, and then decided to venture into the Gloom woods to cleanse the area.  We came upon our first band of Undead Warriors and immediately I turned the foul beasts, we were able to cut down these rogues rather easily, and after a moment of praying we decided to move onward deeper into the woods.

After some close calls and well fought battles we decided to rest on the outskirts of the woods near a camp.  We discussed religous matters for a brief time and then parted for our seperate ways.

     I have made the decision to take up residency at this camp for  an uknown amount of time, here I will study the Undead in thier habits hunting styles, and weaknesses.  I do not know how  spending this much time around the Undead will affect me, they are definately not much for company, but the only companions I will have is the trader in the camp, a poor soul who has lost a friend to the demon in the woods, and of course the Great Lord Toran.  I suppose I am never alone when I have my Faith.

This shall help me greatly in the path of an Undead Hunter, this knowledge I beleive will be invaluable.  Than Toran for this day!!


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Re: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon To
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2007, 05:18:04 pm »
I have already studied the skeletal undead that lie within the crypts.  At first glance they seem to have no ryme or reason, but I am sure that if someone was to investigate closely, you would find that there is a definate "Ranking" system amongst themselves.  The skeletal creatures are acting as "Infantry" would in a civilized army. The Deeper you go into the cyrpts the you will come across the "Higher Ranks." Very interesting I thought, I should have to study the causes of Undead Beings, and who controls the society.


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Re: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon To
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2007, 03:37:56 am »
I took my leave of the Gloom Woods today after many days of observation of the undead.  Thier language and hiearchy is a little more clear now.  It seems that whatever the position held durning the actual Life of the creature is somewhat carried over into the Undead Life, mages now become Undead mages and so on and so forth.  This was not really a surprise, it actually makes perfect sense.  I have sketched some of the undead I viewed while in the Gloom Woods.  Hopefully someday these can be used for the benefit of the Undead Slayers.

   Other events that took place today was a mighty cleansing that took plae today.  The swamps was the target of the raid.  Some creatures we came across were trols, and lizard men.  There was a rather uncomfortable envent that took place after the event though.  It seemed that the party questioned my ability as a warrior even before we entered the swamp.  After we succeeded in the swamp we decided to raid other evil creatures, and the question of someone becoming a leader of the group.

    Well the comment that was made was that I was a Paladin of Toran, wasn't I supposed to be a leader.  I do not argue with the fact that the Paladins' of Toran are most versed in Law and diplomacy, but I suppose I disliked the questioning of my warrior skills, and then the election of my leadership.  But the group had a very Mob mentality and without direction they rushed off to hier deaths.  I also suffered the "sickness" trying to aid them.  But Life goes on and the Great Lord Toran knows what isright in the end.


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Re: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon To
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2007, 10:46:51 pm »
I decided to go back into the gloom woods and continue studying my most evil enemies.  I studied them for a few hours in the safety of a tree near the gathering of about eight undead.  Taking my usually notes of thier habits and communicaitons.

      I believe I may have isolated ther language to a poor form of Abyssal or Infernal.   The higher ranking Undead semms to speak it better.  Some would say that the undead are merely mindless animals.  But Mindless animals do not kill for pleasure or to gain something.  Animals do actions to survive, they kill to eat, fight to survive, flee to live.  As far as the language goes I am afraid I am not fluent in either I will have to discuss this with the Undead slayers at the temple.

       Also in other thoughts, I have found that the Paladins of Toran are somewhat scattered about, I have met only a few of the Paladins and none of the clerics.  I have not found an official roster of members of the Faith, or the Justicar.  I might bring this up to the leaders of the church to better euip us to react to evil where ever it may rear its head.  With this said Ihave compiled some of my basic militray fighting techniques into this journal hoping to be able to aid others in the fine art of combat.


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Re: Path Of Light A record of events as percieved by Democoon To
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2007, 11:58:42 am »
Sitting outside Hempstead today I saw two young lady's and what I suppose was a man standing near the tree by the front gate it was a cloaked figure so I could not tell.  One of the women was lying on the ground not mvoing just lying there.  The women who was still standing was questioning the hooded figure about what was going on with the lady on the ground.  As the hooded figure talked I picked through the poor english and found no information that was of use.

             I proceeded to interject and introduce my self, as a Paladin of Toran, it is my duty to help those in need, and to make sure no wrong doing has taken place.  After my introduction I beleive it was the cloak figure that said "That is nice, take a chair."  Well this about infuriated me.  I could see that my help was not going to be needed in this situation, but I would like to let those people know, when the undead are preparing to suck the marrow out of your bones, Toran will save you, and even perhaps I will be his instrument in your rescue, but as my Mother taught me being rude gets you no where.

            So on to better news of my day, I met up with X'une and Cai'ron in the Gloom Woods and we succesfully cleansed the forest area of the undead horde.  We decided to take our leave after some time of fighting.  We decided that it would be best if we all camped out at the fort located in Gloom.  We said our goodnights to eachother and laid down for the eve.