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Author Topic: Emptiness  (Read 275 times)


« on: May 21, 2005, 10:22:00 am »
[SIZE=13]            Well, yet again I find myself looking through my journal and seeing all that I have wrote. As I look at these few entries, I am left depressed that I have nothing to share with later generation of my kin or a family if I ever have one.   [/SIZE]
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[SIZE=13]          From my first footsteps into Hlint and to my unfinished training with Alex and Willow my life has been a series of ups and downs. [/SIZE][/i]
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[SIZE=13]          I have made many friends, but only a few I can say are much more. Gloin, his suicidal attitude towards battle and his obsession with helping people and making money at the same time. I do not ever think I will find a closer friend than him, his comforting out look toward the world we live in, His conviction for his god and his craft. [/SIZE][/i]
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[SIZE=13]Then there is Alex, his cool demeanor and outlook on life, his graceful movements in battle. A human I surely miss and I hope that he comes back to us; the Soul Mother has touched him too many times and must come to terms with his on mortality. He has taught me so much about the blades, how to use them for offense as well as defense. But the most important thing that he has shown me was sacrifice. From his heroic deeds to save people in danger to his valiant effort saving his love, Willow, from the hands of the drow.  [/SIZE][/i]
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[SIZE=13]Next there is Willow. She showed me why it is good to be loved and loved by friends. I have never known her to have ill words of some one or to never help one that is in need. Willow always said you get out a friendship only what you put in. Those words ring loud still to this day. Her compassion for her friends and for people she hardly knew helped me understand that who you are reflects to those around you. [/SIZE][/i]
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[SIZE=13]Last but not least, is Elixir, the dwarf with his own language. He taught me about conviction in faith. Also he taught me that a promise is something that never can be broken. Elixir gave me courage in dreaded times and ways always there to lift my morale when it was low. [/SIZE][/i]
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[SIZE=13]So much I owe these people that shaped who I am but most are not around for me to return what they have shown me. No matter how far they are they will be in my heart. For they are my family, without them I am nothing. [/SIZE]
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