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Author Topic: A Step into the Great Wild World.  (Read 128 times)


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    A Step into the Great Wild World.
    « on: June 15, 2007, 01:06:08 pm »
    Tanned golden skin glistened in the evening sun.  Emerald eyes examined the fields behind him and the glowing city of Paruin ahead.  Slanted ears twitched at the sounds of the grasshoppers chirping their sunset melody, a soft earthy song filled with life.

    Kilraq stretched his arms a bit and leaned a bit of his walking staff, yawning from the morning travels.  Just this sunrise he had left his home for the great wild world.  Though he had been to Paruin before, it was always a pleasurable sight, to his untraveled gaze it was indeed the grandest sight in the world.  Reaching up, he scratched the rough and scaled neck of Alagorio, the Faerie Dragon who bothered Kilraq until he took him as his friend a few years back.

    Making his way through the town gates he heads into a new life and new adventure.  Who will meet him, what will happen?  All he knows is his father is out there somewhere and the only people who might know his father's band of elves location could be in this city.

    ((OOC.  This is my first character in the game world and I am looking to make friends and RP a good fun story for this character, which I already have a bit planned for.  If anyone would want to join me or walk a path with me today when I log in I would be grateful.  It is a very big world you all have developed and I wont lie and say its not a bit overwhelming.  Best of luck to you all.  I will be on around 5PM Pacific time.))


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      Re: A Step into the Great Wild World.
      « Reply #1 on: June 15, 2007, 01:35:34 pm »
      Quote from: darkstorme
      Hi again - I seem to be chasing you around the forums today. :)

      This isn't the right thread for this post.  You want to post this into a Character Development Journal; this thread is meant, as the title bar indicates, to serve as a forum for Out of Character discussions concerning proper roleplay and debates regarding aspects of the world and the interpretation of the rules and RP.

      If you want it moved, just let a GM know.


      *Hopes your not a stalker*  ;)

      Please do.  I thought this was the place to place such RPness.  If I am wrong I'd love to have it in the proper local.  Thanks again... stalker  ^_~


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        Re: A Step into the Great Wild World.
        « Reply #2 on: June 15, 2007, 11:25:18 pm »
        Stepping through the city gates Kilraq quickly made his way toward a local tavern he had stayed at one time when he visited the town.   He had been pulled along by his mother who had needed to get some things and as always was looking to see if anyone had seen his father's wild elf camp.

        Logically it seemed to him a good place to start, find out rumors and of course to take in some ale and meat.   Flashing a quick smile and a wink to a local girl on the way there, he got a quirked eyebrow and a laugh.   His auburn hair, slightly pointed ears and lithe figure that he inherited proved useful he had learned, either with winning the ladies or distracting people from his meager magics.

        What he had most though and the true weapon he was now planning to use was neither his magic, his looks, his familiar or his fists.   No, what he needed now was his confidence.   He had to convince this tavern keep that he was a decent lad, neither here for trouble or adventure.  Just a soul looking for his father, to learn the local goings on of the town and where to get supplies.   And if he happened to lower the bill for the inn and his meal, well that would just be a fringe benefit, wouldn't it.

        Mostly though, he would have to use this confidence and magnetism to avoid conflict in town.  There were still folk in this region who had a hatred for elvish folk, half breed or no.  Whether with jealously for their extended length of life, or for some previous conflict with elves (usually a family remember lost to the Drow) many folk still held on hate.

        Saying a quick prayer he learned from his mother, he asked Kithairien for guidance and speed.   The door of the tavern, Lucinda's Robes, was before him.