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Author Topic: Delia's Journeys  (Read 1066 times)


Delia's Journeys
« on: January 05, 2015, 10:50:35 am »
I made it to this little village called Center.  According to the owner of the Inn here, it got its name simply due to where it lies on a map, but I'm just glad it's as far from Kartherian as I can get on what little true I had stashed away.  I had only just arrived when I literally was bumped into by Iri,  a fiery red haired halfling who in her own words is "Fierce".  She helped me find the Angelic Store and then some honest work clearing bugs and rats from a local craftshop cellar.  I thanked her but what I really wanted to do is pick her up and give her a big hug, she's just that cute!   Of course I didn't, not after seeing her fight.  I just called her my hero.  Now that I'm in little danger of starving and being captured, I'll begin settling in.  A notice on the board says corn is needed, so it's time to begin some raids. 
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


I met another half elf,
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2015, 09:12:12 am »

I met another half elf, Ferrit, today.  She took me into Hempstead and showed me a lot of statues of Rofireinites and other people who worked for the Angelic store.  It was sad to see so many dead people, even if a lot of them are Rofireinites.  She said I looked a lot like one of them, a Benjamin, and even moved like him.  I gave that cold stone a kiss not because of that but because I thought he was cute in an edgy, dangerous kind of way.  It's possible we're related, but I don't really care.  Ferrit said he married a Rofireinite, who was next to him and that they had a son, Daniel, who apparently is the owner of the face badger, Iri told me about.  I still don't trust Rofireinites, dead or not even if both Iri and Ferrit said they were okay.

We also talked some business and I went ranging for a whole month!  Came back with my pack full of plants which Ferrit said she needed.  I have a good eye for plants and an even better one for avoiding trouble.  During my travels, I managed to charm a cute skunk.  Its the only critter who seemed to like me, the rest were hostile so I snuck by them.  I told my new friend to find a mate and left him to his foraging. 

When I finally made it back to Center, I met northman named Oly and Keys.  They were so funny, even if Oly can barely play his whatchamacalit.  We were having fun until an orc showed up.  I told the orc he stunk and stood my ground, but the rest seemed okay with his presence, so I sneaked off  back to the woods.  Who wants to befriend a stinky orc? Not me!


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


As I looked at that west wall
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2015, 08:44:43 am »

As I looked at that west wall and gate, I knew I wasn't going in.  The sickly smell of burnt troll filled most of my nosse, but the sadder scent of despair still made in from the docks with its Shacklers and slaves.  Maybe Mistress had forgotten me, maybe she hadn't, but why take the chance?  Lola gave me my share for leading them there and for risking my neck fighting hordes of trolls alongside a pretty good bunch.  Lola kept calling Eril'lin 'Eri - Lin' which sounds right to someone one without any knowledge of elvish, but isn't.  He didn't seem to mind, so why should I?  His spells and Lola's of fire saved us more than once.  Jay, the quick, handsome, and strong with his swords poking , slashing and hacking at Trollish parts while the rest of us fired quivers of arrows.  It felt like I was everywhere , all the time, dropping my bow to block charging trolls with iron and shield only to pick it up my bow again and lead them on.   Creepy Lola and the quiet one, Tori, and the new gal, Niamh.  She gave me a new joke. "The Great Oak's nuts!" 

I hope they clear out of Kartherian quickly.  In the days we've been traveling, I've grown to like them and I hate for them to think that I'm a criminal.  I just don't know if I could stand it.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


That smell!  The small hairs
« Reply #3 on: January 21, 2015, 02:09:00 pm »

That smell!  The small hairs on the back of her neck stand straight up.  Something unnatural is about and she has a good idea of what, but where is it?  Bow comes off the shoulder, arrow loosely on the string, grasped by two fingers.  Jangles and the Elvish priest of Aeridin, Baelmara, are trying, but aren't much help.  There, by the trees, something flying, watching them.  Arrow up and aimed, loosed, strike.  It screeches and the others sense it too! The flying eye lashes out at Jangles, no effect, it darts and evades, but it is hit again by well placed arrows rapid fired.  Long deep breath, release, strike.  Again, and again.  Jangles lets out a sound somewhere between a hawk's screech and a woman's scream and the flying eye falls, lifeless to the ground.  Threat abated, curiousity takes over.  This is the same unnatural thing Lola and her met in the crypts!  Probing now, longbow used until a sound, wood striking glass.  Reaching into the smelly bloody morass of meat reveals a glass eye.  Standing, she holds it out.  She does not want it.  The eye screams its presence.  I am not natural, not of the good earth.  Jangles takes it from her in gloved hand.  Deep breath.  Lola approaches.

Greetings, Questions, Demands.  Lola's body language reads as wanting, desperately, yet fearful too.  Jangles peers at the eye, makes sounds that grate painfully and with pleasure against the back teeth all at the same time.  Learned words, wizard words.  A warning issued by herself, clearly unheeded.  More magic offered, Jangles offers to show Lola more.  Travel a short distance.   More magic performed, runes in sand, but they are not right, not in balance.  Are we friends, Lola?  No answer.  This hurts, but pain is ignored.  Wary watching.  Instinct screams, flee, run, hide, fight, but this is magic, this is of the mind, cold logic,  not the heart.  Contact is made, smells of death as meat crawls from the lake.  Baelmara speaks his words and the meat lies still, but there is more.  Lola soundless, afraid or elsewhere, lost in her mind as before.  She talks to someone, but they are not there.  Unable to hear her own instinct.  She grabs them both and pulls back as something she cannot sense comes forth.  Jangles croons again in her warcry, all is still.

Baelmara cleanses the waters, the meat is covered by sand, soon to be food for gulls, crabs, as it should be.  Lola speaks of rest, all agree.  Her friend, odd as she may be, is safe.  Seeking solace in the woods once again.


//Inspired by Lola's cdq and Patrick Rothfuss -The  Slow Regard of Silent Things.

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


So far no bounty hunters have
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2016, 09:52:24 am »

So far no bounty hunters have come looking.  I think the Temple in Kartherian has forgotten about me, at least I hope so.  I've settled into a routine of sorts around Center.  Mostly collecting plants for medicines and keeping the local wildlife out of Center.  I doubt anyone appreciates me and Ethy's efforts, but it's an important job. 

During one of my recent visits into Center itself, I ran into another couple of Poetrs.  I should say I eavesdropped on to Poetrs having a conversation-maybe more of an argument.  The big fat one, as I call him, was rude, demanding , and above all a boar to the other, a young woman.  I found out later the the fat one was Stephen and the young one was Rebecca.  I've taken to avoiding the fat one, he's  a bully with a spine of ochre jelly, but Rebecca, I've come to like.  Rebecca has interesting companions, Tharivian is one.  What's interesting about him is he has secrets.  He is not and isn't what he seems.  His smell is right, don't mistake me, but he keeps himself hidden under all that yucky metal armor.  I found out why and promised I'd never tell.  Besides, he's a cute elf under there, even if he doesn't think so. So, I've decided to help them both, Rebecca and Tharivian.  A girl needs friends , well at least more than the four legged kind.


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


The hounds were loosed! 
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2016, 09:44:37 am »

The hounds were loosed!  Surprisingly, a large group of people showed up in Vehl only to find out we were needed a few days away in a village.  Turns out some werewolves were killing people and livestock.  After a lot of hunting, we finally wound up back in the village.  Turns out it was the Mayor all along who was the Alpha werewolf!  Along the way, Becca, got bit and infected and a few off us( Bobre, the dwarf, was a big help here, he's strong!)   had to tie her up and drag her back to the village with us.  I felt terrible, so I slapped her bum a few times to cheer myself up.  I only got snarls for the spanking, but then a werewolf Becca probably wanted to do more than nibble on me in return.  Fern with the help of a few others figured out the cure for Becca, but the poor girl was very shook up.  I let her be, she needs to work through what happened on her own time.


Some days later, I said I was sorry if I hurt her and she thanked us for helping her.  I met some new people and we went hunting some more, first for bugbears then we took the old road from Lansport to Kartherian.  The trolls will think twice before they attack such a large group again! those brutes!


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Delia continues her ranges
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2016, 11:34:50 am »

Delia continues her ranges into Silkwood occasionally as far North as Unicorn Wood, east to the Desert and south to Hempstead and the swamps around Vehl.  During her travels she makes careful observations about the state of the wildlife, its health and is a watchful presence for sickness and a guardian of animals caught in snares, both natural and man made.  Many times her only options are to end the animals suffering, but occasionally a beaver or a wolverine is released, patched up and set free with only a few turds left in the trap.  The trappers are unable to determine if the excretement is animal or something bigger.  Always alert, she quickly disapears into the brush when strangers approach her.



"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

