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Author Topic: Demi Human City  (Read 401 times)


Demi Human City
« on: June 20, 2004, 01:40:00 am »
Tarradon walks through the gates of Hlint after a successful outing against the goblins to plunder from them their precious nuggets of copper. Upon entering he remoeves his helm and immediately he greets 2 gnomes and a halfling departing the town. Not more than 10 paces later he greets 2 dwarves drinking beside the main road through Hlint. Yet another dozen paces brings him to the corner where the markets are located. Pausing for a moment he looks around. Across the road an odd halfling talks with Ronus, on the corner opposite him a dwarf, a halfling and a gnome stand talking with a human. Scratching his head he continues on to the lake before the temple. Here are 3 humans and another gnome, a dwarf and an elf all talking together. He greets them with a friendly wave and stuggles on with the bags of copper he carries. Stepping through the gate to the crafting section of town he pasues again and says to noone in particular. "Seems to be an extraordinary amount of Demi humans in town lately!" He shrugs, hoists the bags to the other shoulder and struggles onto the smithy.

