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Author Topic: Diary of Kelis  (Read 372 times)


Diary of Kelis
« on: March 13, 2005, 08:42:00 am »
Well, i finally made it to Hlint. Not the most Welcoming place to be sure, thou the people here are welcoming to a point.First things first, get out of this garb and gather some equipment. My blades that i brought with me, the ones handed down from  my mother, has somewhat changed. Not by physical means, its a sence i feel when i weild them. Odd at least.

I Met an odd Bard. Ozymandias was his name. we sat by the lake in Hlint, as he told me of ancient battle between the dragons, and of Bloodstone and the collapse of his portals. Everything to the present day, and who governs what part of layonara.
     He wish to talk more over near Blackford castle. We got on the topic of himself. Im shocked to find out the information he gave me. If more people knew this i would think half would reconsider killing Bloodstone. Now im confused. If we do destroy him, will Ozys uncle come to rule here? What i gathered his uncle makes Blood look like a pixie.......Is he that powerful? If so why  does he want us to destroy Blood? Why cant he do it himself? These questions i did not pursue onto Ozy. And  i do not Judge him for what he has told me. As he said he is only a slave to his uncle. So i believe he is not evil at heart. But i could be any case, im sure things will become interesting soon.


RE: Diary of Kelis
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2005, 12:56:00 am »
I have been adventuring with a Wizard named Ramanon of late. A Shadowly figure described at best. Perhaps he has his reason, i do not doubt that alot of people around here hide hidden demons. We often hunt local areas of creatures to fight. Ever since i left my brothers i feel so alive, so independant. The feeling i get from defeating monsters and the like is nothing i have ever felt. Its like a lust that i cannot satisfy. Ramanon, or Rama as  i call him told me i have potential...potental for what? I didnt push the subject. Maybe he will share this with me at a later date, perhaps never.
         I still try to hunt down information of this world and of this sinthar Bloodstone. But when  i left my home it was to battle against him. To find a organization, to join their ranks to battle his foe. But since recent events im not to sure if besting him is so grand a thing. So i stand now neutral to this ensuring war, thou i may still fight with the forces against him, more of a challenge for myself than to any flag of mistone. And perhaps their is a Group that have my feelings towards these event or similar ones. Time will tell.


RE: Diary of Kelis
« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2005, 02:41:00 am »
got attacked today...inside Hlint, by a damn Mummy!!! How in the nine hells did he manage to pass the guards to roam into town and into the very inn? He killed many patrons, and a few adventurers. Before he left she said something like "A shall have all this", or something like that. Cant really remember was half passed out from the disease it inflicted apon my body. But im sure he will return, there was a strangeness about that one.