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Author Topic: Diary of Rin Assombri  (Read 220 times)

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Diary of Rin Assombri
« on: November 11, 2004, 12:18:00 pm »
First Entry
You may ask yourself why you have written this down. It's so you dont forget like last time.
I'm already starting to forget what it was like before I met that dragon. Doesnt really matter much, life wasnt too exciting then. Completely different here in Layonara. Well...there was that one incident. Anyway, alot has happened since I first stepped foot in Hlint.  The people here are alot more tolerant (or maybe just less observant) of those that are different. There are Drow, little giants, orcs, goblins, all running around the towns. Granted most of even those types I have met are good people, its just strange to see them in the same market as everyone else. I have made more friends here than ever before, some I have even trusted with my life. Imagine that.
I have gained much power, more than I dreamed of before. I can actually control it now, no more mistakes...well not that many at least. I thought once I'd left Garreth I'd never learn any more, but it seems to come very easy to me here. I do so miss Garreth. (he was the one who first started teaching you to use your powers) It's a good thing too, this world is a bit dangerous. Though its almost addicting. Every spell cast makes me want more and more. I can feel the power running through me, and it's a warm fuzzy feeling. I need to grow, I need more power! I need to be the most powerful sorceress ever!
Thats enough for today, dont want to get too excited. Just make sure no one finds this book.

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RE: Diary of Rin Assombri
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2004, 03:27:00 pm »
Next Entry
I also found out a bit about myself. I had a long talk with this guy Plen. He seems to know a lot, someone that should be remembered. He was the one that actually put a name to the power that I was developing, said I was a sorceress. Said that it was latent magical ability, like a wizard but no need to study books. Plen also gave me some insight as to what I am, a tiefling he called me. Something about being born with a touch of chaos, some fiend ancestor maybe. This could also be where my magic ability comes from, will have to look into that.
I might have to keep an eye on this guy, helpful as he is he now knows too much about me....

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RE: Diary of Rin Assombri
« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2004, 01:16:00 am »
The Third Entry
I cant leave Cinlach out of this. No idea where he came from, but that little imp sure has helped alot. When he decides to at least. I cant help but wonder if he's watching me for some reason. He's gone for long periods of time and never talks about where he goes. Maybe he's a link to my past. I'll have to look into that too.

I should put down some of the things I done before I forget. Like the other day, I found a cave that I never noticed before. I was able to make myself invisible and took a quick look. Creatures like I've never seen. So today I told some friends about it, Kraven and Naga. They weren't there before either so we decided to investigate. Along the way we met up with Duur, he's part giant or ogre. Dumb, but friendly and good in a fight. We went to this cave outside of Haven, and the fighting started right away. The creatures seemed to be part of the earth itself, or at least had ways of moving through it that we don't. They came out of everywhere, even solid rock! We made it to a lower level, but lost Kraven so the rest of us thought it good to leave. Unfortunatly I didnt make it out. I have to find out who keeps bringing me back to this place, I was almost positive I was dead. Was I?

