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Author Topic: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel  (Read 1471 times)


Diary of Sonya DarkAngel
« on: May 22, 2006, 12:42:01 am »
[SIZE=13]//OOC this book is in Sonya DarkAngel’s backpack at all times. Please do not use the information in here unless you (somehow) have read te book ingame. DM's can use it when needed for some kind of quest or whatever.  Thanks for your help with this.  [/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]//ooc this is an image of the diary of sonya DarkAngel.[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=13]  *The cover seems to be made out of leather. On a closer look one can see that it is made out of green dragon scales. The book looks very old and there is no text on the cover.*    *When the book is opened it clearly shows that several pages have been torn out of the book.*    *On the page that seems to have become the first page it reads:*    [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13][SIZE=24]This Dairy belongs to[/SIZE][/SIZE]  [SIZE=13][SIZE=24]Sonya DarkAngel.[/SIZE][/SIZE]  
  [SIZE=13]  *The rest of the page is empty.*    * The second page is left blank. The third page has been written on*    [SIZE=16]Jular 23, Year 1400.    Much has happened to me lately. It started with going to sleep on night and waking up somewhere else the next morning. I can remember something about a dragon between that, but I don’t remember what it was all about. I don’t even care that much, I have my on things to take care off. It was Augra 2nd of the year 1399 I belief.    Soon after I woke up I found out the name of the place I was at. The town is called Hlint. It is a new place for me, one I have never known about. Perhaps I can succeed here. I must find them.    I have already met a lot of people most witch I have only met once. Some I have seen more than that. I am not going to name them in here. They are not important enough to be in my diary. Not yet anyway.    In my time here I have also helped a lot of people get some jobs done. I have received some nice rewards for it. I got a necklace, a pair of boots, a cloak and a helmet. I have also started crafting jewelry. I have been able to make several copper rings with greenstones in them.     This is all for now. As soon as there are more things I want to put in this diary, I will write in it again.[/SIZE][/SIZE]
  [SIZE=16]Signed   Sonya DarkAngel[/SIZE][/i]
  [SIZE=13] *Nothing else has been writen on the third page.*[/SIZE]


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2006, 12:53:59 am »
*The fourth page has also been written on*    Augra 11, Year 1400.    Last night my familiar and I had an argument. I think I’ll start at the beginning to explain it. We went to the inn in Hlint to get some sleep in on of the rooms. I had a great sleep but when I woke up Draconia was gone. When I opened the door I saw him flying towards me from across the room and I saw the door to the inn was left open. I knew Draconia had been flying off again. I was save her at the inn so I didn’t mind it that much, but still I asked why Draconia went away.   When I heard he went to look for some lady I got scared. When Draconia said more about it I got so scared I got angry at him. My anger got the better of me and I even threatened him. A little later in Hlint, near the bank, our little fight was for all to see. Draconia even left to be alone. I don’t know when I will be seeing him again.   Later that night I went to the local graveyard to be alone. I still miss my mother so much that I cried a lot and ask questions to her. Her grave wasn’t even there so how could she have heard me. Her grave is in my home town in the Anuroch dessert. Before I got to Hlint I heard a roomer that my home town was no longer where it was suppose to be.
  I miss my family so much. My sisters, my dad, even my brother Lex’or. Lex’or could always cheer me up when I was sad. I think I miss him the most right now.  Don’t worry my family. I will find you no matter what it will cost me. Even if I have to die in order to find you I will do it. I didn’t call my self DarkAngel for nothing. I’ll find you, just like I promised that faithful night when you disappeared.     Signed  Sonya DarkAngel *A great spot is seen here. Made from tears.*
  *nothing else is writen on the fourth page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2006, 01:45:27 am »
*The fifth page has also been written on*
     Seplar 19, 1400
     I have met some people again. One of them has helped me with collecting copper along with some others. He also has helped me with making decisions on some new clothing. He hasn’t seen the results yet.
   In secrecy I have also been busy trying to figure out the spell that would help me raise my mother from the dead. I miss her a lot and I want her back. I know now one would approve of me doing this, not even Draconia. That’s why I’m doing this in complete secrecy. I have been trying to figure out about this before my family’s disappearance. But that is a long time ago. And I haven't done anything about it since then. Until now that is.  
     I’m also working on some new crafting skills but those are not as important to me as finding out how to raise my mother. The main problem for me now is getting copper for crafting the rings. I always have to find some strong and willing adventurer to get them for me. This is a problem some times.
       Draconia and I are talking to each other again by the way. His mind is set on helping me so much that he couldn’t stay away when I needed him the most. When he got back again I said I was sorry that I got angry that day. He was sorry to. But I still haven’t asked him why he wanted to talk to that woman. Could it have been the same woman he has talked to before? I will have to try and find out some time.
            Anyway I must go back to work. I’ve got much to do.      Signed  Sonya DarkAngel.
   *Nothing else is on the fifth page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2006, 04:15:43 am »
*You flip the page to go to the sixth page that has also been written on*
   Oclar 7, 1400
   I’ve been travelling alone for some time now. I’ve been exploring the Grey Peak Mountains on my own. I used invisibility to stay hidden. I explored the Grey Peak Mountains because Juanita lost her horse there and wants me to find some thing that was in on of the packs on the horse. I haven’t found it thought. I have to ask someone to help me with that.
   I’ve also been spending some time at the Hlint graveyard. I’ve been studying the things that haunt that place there, trying to learn from them. It might take a while before I get a breakthrough. But I’m sure it will be worth it.
   I’ve also been in the Haven Mines, again on my own and invisible like a ghost would be. I promised the Lord of Haven Castle the head of the chieftain that has taken over that place. I have been unable to kill him. There are too many of them.
   I know I need to find some help to finish those jobs. I hope someone is willing to help me with it all. I’ll know soon enough.
   Signed   Sonya DarkAngel
   *Nothing else is on the sixth page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2006, 03:05:50 pm »
*On to the seventh page.*    
     Novlar 16, 1400
          I got a lot of thing to write down. Perhaps it will help clear my head and make up my mind. I’ll start with some small events that happened.  Rhynn is the first one I want to mention. She offered me a lesser mage armor. I need to find enough gold to get it, one other way of getting the armor is finding 3 boxes of silk and bring it to Tegan I think. I’ll have to see witch one I’ll do.
     I also found a note that asked for people to donate stuff to help the people of Roldem. I’m willing to put away my own goals to help them. But after resent events I have to think it over. No I will have to try to help them. My problems are only small compared to the problems the people of Roldem face.
     I have also been into the haven mines with a large group to get the head of the ogre leader. Sh’anda and Zug were among the ones in the group. We were successful and the Lord of haven Castle was pleased to see the job done. I was so glad I could have helped out.
     Now the other things I want to write down to help clear my mind. Rhynn has contacted me with a warning. She warned me about some Arcane Alliance members. Rhynn said that if I wanted to join they would make me sign a 10 year contract. There is nothing very weird about that. But she said that there is also one wizard in the high counsel that is a black wizard.
      Rhynn warned me about Lia, she said Lia was a sly cunning snake and a dark wizard. She usually wares light blue and white outfits. She is an elf with red hair.  Rhynn did say there are also good people in the counsel. One of them is named Connor. He is an affirmed lucindite and a favourite in the spellgaurd temple.
       Rhynn did say that her judgment might be clouded because she is wary about enchantresses. She was under an enchantresses dominate person spell for 5 years straight. But still she would not have warned me if there wasn’t some truth to it all.   According to Rhynn I can protect myself with some spells. Like See Invisibility and Legend Lore. Someone called Ozymandias seems to use them to. I’ll have to find out about them myself.
       After that I have been thinking a lot about my goals in life and how I want to get them done.  I talked to my familiar Draconia about it. He said my mother always wanted me to follow her path, even if just a bit. I did like the elemental spells of mother.
   I couldn’t get a clear head so I joined some people and there adventure to some place in the grey peak mountains. I’m afraid I was too distracted by my thought and got killed. Later I was brought back by a guy named Voom I think. He resurrected me and I’m still very grateful to him. It did have me thinking. Perhaps I should change my ways of magic and focus on a type of magic other then the ones I have been trying to learn.
          I have to give it another thought.    Signed   Sonya DarkAngel    
     *Nothing else is on the seventh page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2006, 03:58:48 am »
*the eighth page has been written  on*
   I have done some interesting  things lately.
   I have been in the grey  peaks with a group of people to find the valask that Juanita lost.   We were with many and we got pretty far. But at one spot it got to dangerous  for me because I died there twice. First time I died I got back in Hlint.  The second time I was raised there by one of the people who was able  to resurrect me. Luckily I had a soul stone. I wouldn’t have wanted  him to pay that price they always talk about. After they resurrected  me we went back to Llast, to bring the valask back to Juanita.     I have to say I also have been able to  learn some new spells.       The other event that has happened is more interesting to me.   I found Rain sitting in Hlint near the bank one  night, only to find out he has lost his memory. I think He might have  had some blow to his head because he seemed to have some pain there.
   A lot of people tried to  help but it didn’t help him much. When some of them even started talking  that language, Rain seemed to go insane for a minute. When they left  he was alright again. I couldn’t leave him like that so I tried to  help him. I started with showing him places in Hlint to help his memory.  Nothing seemed to help much. The last place we went to was the Crafting  Halls. Here we found an ox that seemed to be his.     He wanted to go outside of Hlint and said he would be able to defend  me. I said that I had help myself and called my little friend Draconia.  This seemed to scare him at first but as Draconia started  to talk He seemed to remember an image of me. He explained it to me  but seemed to stop at “You looked so beautifull.” Or something like  that. He said that a couple of times and it did something to me that  I have never felt before. It scared me a little but It was nice to.  I left after that but not before getting a clover leaf from him. I even  gave him a kiss on his cheek. I don’t know why I did that but it seemed  right at that time.    Why can’t I get that moment out of my head? I’m even getting feelings  that I haven’t felt before. It’s all so confusing. What does it  mean?    Now I wish mother was here. She would have been able to help me.  
   Sonya DarkAngel.  
   *There is nothing else on the  Eighth page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2006, 12:07:34 pm »
*on to the ninth page*
     I have sent a message bird to Rain the other day to let him know of the reason why I left so sudden. I don’t know exactly what it said but it was something in the line of “Sorry I left so sudden. Hope to see you again soon.” I think I’m forgetting something but the best thing is, he had sent a bird with a message back to me. back to me. He is so sweet.
     I went for a visit to the Hlint crypts today. When I was done there I went out side. But on my way out I met Rain near the exit. It was nice to see him again. He was completely covered in black. It looked so good on him. Well I was a little tired from the crypt visit so I hired a room and he joined me. We both rested in on and the same room. I had my doubts but we just had a sleep in there. I had a nightmare that night. It was actually more like a memory that had been twisted and turned into a nightmare. It was about that day that my father, Brother and sisters disappeared. In the dream it was much worse than I remember it was. Any way when I woke up I jumped up only to see that Rain was already up. He was a little worried about the dream But I couldn’t find the strength to tell him about that day.     Next we went to visit the goblins in the red light cave. *giggles as she writes it down* poor goblin didn’t had a chance. Rain was doing fine and I even met some of his own friends. Arwin and Ehlen I think there called. Both seem nice. Arwin is a wolf of some kind and Ehlen is a little dragon with beautiful butterfly wings. That’s what Draconia said about Ehlen anyway. Not in those words but I know he liked them.   Inside the cave Rain warned me about something. He seems to lose control over his anger sometimes He said it changes him but he doesn’t know what happens then. He did heard from Tegan that his eyes turn from blue to gold. He was worried when he talked about it, but I reassured him that he would get control over it one day. After the little visit we went to a camp fire because I was wounded again. Some how I never seem to notice until the battle is over. After a little rest at the campfire I went away but not before giving him a kiss on the cheek again. To my surprise he even hugged me. It felt nice to be hugged by him. I even found myself wanting to kiss him but I cleared my head from that idea. It is all so new to me, I never felt like this around anyone. And then the way I act around him. It is so unlike me.   I have to pay some more attention. Am I really in love or is it something else? I wish mother was here she would be able to help me.
     Signed   Sonya DarkAngel
     *Nothing else is written on the ninth page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2006, 07:43:21 am »
*The 10th page*
   Mai 23, 1401
   I met Rain again today in Hlint. We talked a little. At some point he wanted to show me some place he likes to be. It was a forest not far from Hlint. When we were in there I saw how he gently he could calm the animals. I thought those animals would surely attack us but not with rain.
 We went further into the woods and at some point he extended his had towards me. I gave him my hand and we walked trough the woods hand in hand. My heart was pounding faster that normal. After the walk it turned into night and we went to a place with people, I think it might have been a temple but I’m not sure anymore. Its here he gave me this Chomomil flower. He said he could make a drink out of it and wanted to sell it one day, he would name it Tea.
 We sat down and talked. He asked me what it was that I was trying to do. Its here I tolled him about my past and How my mother died. Even about how my father, brother and sisters disappeared. It got me crying talking about it. But rain listened to all of it. He even wiped away some tears for me. He is so sweet. Rain even offered me his help in my search for my family. He even said Arwin would gladly help sniff them out. *giggles as she writes it*.
 Before we knew it, it was morning again and we went back to Hlint. We even raced back and I won. Well rain let me win, I’m sure of it. We went straight for the in. It was here that I kissed him and to my surprise I didn’t kiss him on the cheek, but on the mouth.
 At that moment it felt like a good idea. But now I’m not so sure. I have my doubts because he only kissed me on the cheek. Am I the only one of us having these strange feelings? Oh darn it mother, why did you have to day on me? Speaking of it, I must do some research. I have to do it tomorrow, If I got the time, and without rain. He is to distracting for me right now. I wouldn’t be able to focus with him around.
   Signed   Sonya DarkAngel
   *Nothing else is on the 10th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2006, 02:30:22 pm »
*On to the 11th page.*
     Mai 27, 1401
     I spent some time in the Hlint crypts a few nights ago. Not to fight them but to study them.   I tried a lot of things. I even took some skeleton knuckles with me.  Later that day I was near the bank. And wanted to write down the things I had discovered on a scroll I bought, when Rain interrupted me. We talked a little. Others were also sitting on the benches. On of them was Rhynn, she seemed nervous or bored or something like that. She noticed that Rain was bleeding a lot, and she didn’t like it. She seemed to get to rain as he left. I wanted to follow. But Rhynn stared to talk about some event in the Red light cave, and caught my interest. She made a remark while Rain was away that I didn’t like that much. She looked at me while saying something like: “If your man is bloodied up Sonya.” It bothered me and I wanted to ask what she meant but Rain already got back. What did she mean by “your man” Rain isn’t my man. We are not married. I must try and talk to her about it one day.
   Later Rain and I went on our way to work on some infestation near Port Hampshire.  We stopped for some food at an inn in Fort hope I think it was. I didn’t have any coins on me but Rain was nice enough to pay everything. I had a great meal. Before we went to sleep Rain walked me to my room. He gave me a hug and some nice flowers before I went into my room. I hugged him back. It felt so great to be in his arms. After that I went to sleep in my room. Rain was in the room beside mine but I’m not sure. What’s happening to me? Am I really in love?     Signed  Sonya DarkAngel
     *Nothing else is on the 11th page.*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2006, 01:17:24 am »
*On the 12th page the following is written.*
     Junar 21, 1401
     I have started my day with studying in the Hlint crypts. I was interrupted by 2 fighters how started to fight the skeletons and destroyed them. The first fighter had a Red Light and the second fighter seemed to have a blue light coming from his sword.  As I went on my way out I saw Rain passing me by. I waved but noticed he could not see me because I was invisible. I then followed him. To my surprise Arwin did not spell me ore meaby he did but did not feel like saying anything. Anyway when we were on the second level Rain was starting to fight some of the undead there. As my invisibility wore off, I startled him and he got hit on the head but managed to fight on it seemed. After the fight was over rain felt on the ground. I got worried and wanted to heal him with a spell I just found but noticed I could not use it. Then I realized that I never had learned any spell to heal people. Luckily rain got back up and was able to heal himself. When he had rested a bit, I joined him to find some more coins.
        I got some great things about the creatures there that I’m going to write down on a scroll when I got the time for it. I will have to buy 2 more scrolls for that. I think I can write down more about those undead that about those ghostly things that were with them. I need to go back some more to study them some more. As rain and I were going up we came across a guy who called himself Robert Hearth. I was after the skeleton knuckles and since I had more then enough for my studies I gave him some of mine. I got about 3 skeleton knuckles in my wooden study box now, along with some study notes about those skeletons.
     A little further we came in to the main room of the crypts and some skeletons ambushed us near the door to that large room. As we were done I noticed Rain breathing heavily again. I tolled him these skeletons were nothing to get worked up over. Rain thought I was not talking about his anger problem and said it was his anger he was trying to control. Then I said that that was what I meant. On our way out we came across some other guy. Rain took out the two skeletons following that guy and he was thanked for it. Rain and Arwin are such a good team.  When we were out side I was thinking about the undead we fought in the second level, when I was surprised by a paw and a lick from Arwin before he left. That wolf must like me. I don’t think he would have done it if he didn’t.
     We went out of the grave yard and saw a group of people near the bank. One man caught my attention as he said he was selling books. I asked him if he even soled empty books that I could use to write in. He had and got me one Rain got one for himself to. I was first thinking of writing my dairy in it but since this old green book still has plenty of pages I’m thinking of using that new book to write the creatures in that I’m studying. I will be better them having all those lose scrolls in one box.    *The writing goes on into the 13th pages.*     After that rain and I went to the inn and had some food. It was then that rain showed me how much he liked me. I even believe he was telling me that he loves me. I said that the feeling I had for him we unlike any I felt for anyone before. As I looked him into his eyes I somehow remembered my mother. She was studying to in here wild days and ash she became married with father she settled down and forgot about wandering around and studying interesting creatures. Interesting creatures were dragons for her as the undead are for me. That’s when I realized that her death could have been prevented if she hadn’t forgotten about her wild days. That thought scared me enough to jump up and get to bed. I don’t even remember saying goodnight to rain. What must he be thinking? I hope he doesn’t think I’m rejecting him. I like him a lot and I think I’m in love with him as he is with me. But I don’t want to suffer the same faith as my mother.
     The next morning I got out sooner than Rain did and left without him. I just had to clear my head. So I went to the goblin cave and got into a little fight with them.   After that I went into Hlint again. But as I was getting closer to the gate I realized I was not ready to face Rain yet. So I got myself invisible and walked trough the gates. I went to buy some new clothing and I found some great priest robes I could use. I even changed the colors a bit from brown to what I call “bone white”. It is some kind of light beige, and I gave it a little Fuchsia color to. I also added some gloves to cover my hands. When I had done this I found a Quite place to write this part of my Dairy.
     Signed    Sonya DarkAngel
     *Nothing else is on the 13th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2006, 03:02:21 pm »
*on to the 14th page*
     Jular 2, 1401
     I was studying the undead on the second level of the Hlint crypts tonight. I spent most of the night down there. I believe I have enough information about them right now. I still need to find out some more about that other creature that was with them. Then perhaps I can look further in the crypts. I still remember one other creature some were else in the crypts.    After studying I went on to cut some gems and I got some other materials I needed to make some polishing oil. I succeeded in making at least 2 polishing potions I believe.   I even met Raknur in the crafting house. He asked me about making molds and I showed him where he could do it.   After that I went in to the bank to get some coins stored there. When I got out I was wondering where Rain could be, He wasn’t inside his room anymore. I got a terrible message from a guy. He said Rain was killed in a dessert and he was searching for some help. At that moment something seemed to snap. Was I going to lose the one person who cared for me and did not care about my love for the undead? I was determined to get more help and see if we could get rain back. We went with a group of 3 in total I believe. And we went to the dessert where Rain had fallen. Along the way we got some other people to help us. I was glad to see we got in time. His body hadn’t become victim to some kind of predator. One person who was with us resurrected Rain and I was overjoyed to see him back alive again. I could even jump in his arms but I controlled myself.   When we were back in Hlint we even had a little talk about the other night when I had left so suddenly after the meal. We talked about it and after that I staid to think things over a little. It was then that I decided not to be afraid of my memories of the past. I was going to become happy just like mother was. I knew Rain might be the one person I could be happy with. I’m not sure of course. Only time can tell if we are destined to be together.
     I met with the group at the camp fire on the other end of Hlint. It was there that Arwin noticed me after being a bit busy with deciding what part to eat of that guy that was bugging him. When he noticed me he jump up to me and started licking me. Arwin is such a nice animal.   We decided to go on a little Ants extermination near Port Hampshire. We were with a big group so it went pretty smooth. After the first fight most of us felt like getting some rest. Rain and I went to an inn to get some rest. In there he was his usual graceful self and opened the doors for me. He thinks of me of a lady. I off coarse do not But I let him. After he got us our rooms He walked me to the rooms and we even talked a little. He let me decide which room I wanted. So I choose the one he thought was the best one. He hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. But I wasn’t going to let him get of that easily. So took my arms around his neck and kissed him, and he let me kiss him like that. After that kiss I watched him go into his room. I think I’m really in love, and as I was with my head in the clouds it seemed I walk to my own room. I even thought about joining him in his room. But I didn’t wan to go to fast.    
     When we woke up we walked back to the rest. And there we met with some others and got on with the ant problem. After the ants we even took on some gnolls but our enthusiasm was short lived as the gnolls made short work of us. I saw many of us die before I felt. It felt that way at least. When I woke up I was in a temple with the others. Out side of the temple we talked for long about how to take on those gnolls. In the end we decided to head back to the ant problem again. After some ant extermination we were talking about going to some dwarfs somewhere. I didn’t feel like going. I still had so many things to do. So I parted ways and asked Rain to be careful. After a kiss I left for Hlint. As I’m writing this I’m sitting in a room I rented in the Wild Surge Inn. Tomorrow I will have to buy some scrolls to write studies on.     Singed   Sonya DarkAngel
     *Nothing else is on the 14th page.*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2006, 12:43:39 pm »
*The 15th page*    Jular 16, 1401    I have been in the Hlint crypts studying the creatures there. I didn’t pay much attention to the skeletons because I already had plenty of notes on them. Instead I focused on the Ghouls and later on I studied the Lesser Dark soul to. Meanwhile I remembered that Rain might be looking for me so I send him a message by bird telling him not to worry about me.   I’m not sure but I thought I saw him pas by. But since I was taking notes I didn’t notice anyone. Since I’m always invisible in the crypts he couldn’t have seen me.    After a long while I got back up and rested before buying one other scroll to work on.   While writing some this on the scrolls I remembered I forgot to take samples from the ghouls and the Lesser Dark soul. So I went back into the crypts again to get the samples. The ghouls didn’t leave anything. I met up with a fighter named Tyr. And as I was getting ready to move on some spiders seem to come out of nowhere. So I asked Tyr to join me and he did. I was unlucky because I didn’t get a sample from the Lesser Dark soul. On our way out we encountered an interesting spider specimen. It was much like the other undead things I the crypt. I found out it was undead because I healed him when I attacked him with a negative energy spell. I must go back some time and see if I can study it some more. It was very interesting. Perhaps I can learn something from it.     Back in Hlint again I begun writing in my dairy and made some notes about that Wraith spider I believe it is called.
        Singed   Sonya DarkAngel
     *nothing else on the 15th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2006, 02:01:19 pm »
*The 16th page*    Jular 20, 1401    I went back to the Hlint crypts to find that undead spider I saw last time. I looked at the places I met the spiders before, but I had no luck so I went back up again. On my way up I met Sh’anda. She and I talked about the strange things we both had seen. I about the undead spider and she about some creature she hasn’t seen but felt the presence of. She felt like being watched and her armor even changed into ice. She even showed me where she thought the creature came from. And all I could see was a big dark hole.   At the time Sh’anda was leaving I noticed Arwin because he was howling and that’s when I noticed Rain to. It was so good to see Rain again. We talked a little and he took me into his arms. I missed him so much. We even kissed between the talks.
     After the little chat and hugs I tolled him I had seen an undead spider here in the crypts. When he heard that he wanted to go and check it with me. With Arwin with us I had hope we would be able to succeed. So we went down and started looking and Arwin started smelling. We didn’t find any spiders but I did find a mineral fire agate. We went on further and got to the hallway that leads to the room with the lesser dark soul in it. It was there some were we attacked some ghouls and I got hit by one of them. I didn’t feel well after that so I asked if we could go back up again. He agreed and we went back up. I even went straight to the inn when I got out.    
     There Rain was his usual gentlemen self and got a room key for me. I gave him some of the gold I found, he didn’t want it at first but I said it wouldn’t feel right if I didn’t give it to him. That’s when he accepted and I went to the room, but not before giving him a kiss goodnight.  It is now morning as I’m writing this. And I had a long and good night sleep. I feel much better now.
     Signed   Sonya DarkAngel.   *There is nothing else one the 16th pages.*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2006, 01:49:47 pm »
*The 17th page*
     Seplar 5, 1401
     I was working on some Fire agate minerals I found the other day, when I got a message from Rain by bird. It was a disturbing message to me. He said that he was somewhere in Dragar and that he was al alone. He didn’t know when he might be back again. It stunned me for a bit, I was even afraid I might not see him again.    I finished my work with the crafting of the gems and the writing of my study notes. I was about to go and send a bird back to Rain when I thought he might already be on his way home and closer then I thought. Thinking of that I went to a merchant and bought some new clothing. Then I went to the crafting halls to change them. There not really finished yet. But I already like how they look. I can only hope rain does to. I’m not sure when I will show it to him though.  After that I went and send him a letter anyway. I tolled him to get back safely and even instructed Arwin and Ehlen to make sure Rain gets back to me safely.     I’m starting to miss him so much. I hope I can control myself a little when I see him again. I don’t want to look like a … whatever, by running to him and jump into his arms. That might make him thing I depend on him. I don’t want to give that impression.     I hope he is fine. I wander if he is … no I don’t think he will pay attention to that kind off thing. Oh I almost forgot I got to finish working on that Fire agate before he returns. That would be a great gift if I see him again. Just to let him know I love him and to let him think off me when I’m not with him.
     I got to get to work.
     Signed    Sonya DarkAngel.     *nothing else is on the 17th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2006, 11:46:21 am »
*The 18th page*    Oclar 5, 1401    
     Today I got a message from rain he said that he was training in Hurm and that he would have to stay away from me a while longer. Why does he have to stay away for so long? I’m starting to miss him a lot now.  A while later I went to the goblin caves with Treana. She helped me to get some copper. We even went to melt the copper together. After that we parted and I went to the crafting hall to make some rings. I wanted to try and use the fire agate to make some rings, at least one for my darling Rain. When the crafting didn’t work like I wanted to. I got a little agree at myself for ruining the rings I wanted to make, and went down to the crypts to cool myself down. I attacked a lot of the undead there before I got back up again. I even saved someone who was about to die by the hands of some ghouls.  When I went back up and came to the first room you get into if you enter the crypt, I met some dwarfs. One of them asked the others if I was the Dark Soul, the nerve of that dwarf. Luckily one of the others said I wasn’t. After a short meeting I went back outside.  I went to the crafting hall to get a little crafting done again. I know I went to the merchants to get something but I can’t remember it anymore, and I know exactly why. I saw Rain again in there. My sweet darling Rain was back again. I wanted to jump into his arms but I controlled myself. I do remember us talking about some things but at some point I was to busy holding him in my arms. I even remember that he lifted me up from the ground. He was so sweet. We hugged and kissed a lot. Rain even promised not to stay away for that long ever again. I’m not sure if I promised it to. I was so happy seeing him again I think I might have forgotten some things. I know we talked a lot. Let me think. Oh yes of course. Rain had gotten a proposition. He, Cymeran, Nepp’akyo and some others were going to buy a house on Dregar. Pranzis is the place it would be most likely. Rain didn’t want to say yes yet, because he wanted to talk to me about it first, before saying yes to it. He even said we could start our search for my family from there. At that point I lost my word. Even now I can’t seem to write down how I felt when I heard those words from Rain. He said he never forgets a promise. At that point I think I might have begun loving him even more than before.   He also had a small present for me, a mineral amethyst that he had found somewhere on Dregar. He said it made him think of me. I even remember giving him a present at some point. It was a ring I had made. It was a copper ring with a malachite gem in it. Rain loved it and said it was beuatifull. But after I kissed him he said he loved that even more.   Oh my, how could I almost forget the new clothing Rain had shown me. He had made a training suite. Well it looked more like a training pants to me because his upper body was exposed. What a nice body he has. It made me shy at first. But when I looked at him a bit longer, I felt the temperature in the room getting up. Must have been me. He looked so sexy in that … suite.   We might have talked about some more things but like I said I was so happy to see him again, that I have a hard time remember anything else than hugging and kissing him.  After a while Rain tried to hide the fact that he was tired but I noticed. Thought I didn’t wanted to do it I said he should get some sleep. I hated to send him away again but I knew I would see him again soon. I’m thinking of saving some money to get that house, or perhaps even our own home. I must tell him I won’t mind getting a home of our own. I also remember making some small changes to my outfits before going to the inn and get some rest. I must show him those outfits one day. I hope he likes them.    Singed  Sonya DarkAngel.
  *The end of the 18th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2006, 02:05:09 am »
*The 19th page*
   Oclar 14, 1401     It has only been a few days but what an interesting few days it has been.   On the last page I said I was resting at the inn in Hlint. Well when I got up I went out en as soon as I got out I saw Rain walking towards me. The first thing he did was not kiss me or hug me as I expected, but he went down on one knee, and gave me ……..No, no not a ring and no he didn’t ask me to become his wife either. I know, I thought the same thing, but that was before Rain gave me a flower. It was a beautiful flower to it looked like it had some kind off special property. He even gave me a new dress. I nice black dress that kind off fit my hair. It’s so nice of him to give me all that.    After that we went mining in the goblin caves. Before we got to the mining area we got kind off ambushed by a goblin group. Rain almost died there, if it wasn’t for me using that flower he gave me earlier. We had even less luck with the mining. Rain broke the pick after a few times. He said it was poor craftsmanship, but I think he just didn’t know his strength.   When we got back up, we went back to Hlint and rain used the loot to get himself 2 new pick axes. After that he left. At that point I remembered that I had put my wild girl look on under my robes and that I had forgotten to show it to Rain in the caves like I planed. Oh well, better luck next time.     A few days later I was all alone and rain was some were else. I didn’t know where he was, but since I had heard so much about Dregar I went on a boat trip to the continent. When I arrived at Hurm I saw Rain standing there. He seemed surprised to see me. Anyhow he led me to a group he was with. I saw Cymeran there to and one other guy that seemed familiar. Later I found out that man was named Robert. We went on into the dessert and there I saw these 3 very big scorpions. I fought them from a distance because they scared me. They were bigger than a house. I guess I’m just more at ease with the undead then with creatures like that. After we had killed them the others said that these were easy and that they would become bigger. I really didn’t like those words but I tried to hide my fear.  A little later we got a rest, after my rest some people including rain got me to forget those creatures for a few minutes, until we got going again. We even saw some snakes along the road. We went to a cave with giants in them. We were pretty good and the giants didn’t have many changes. At on point I saw rain acting a little weird. He seemed to be angry at those giants. Must have been that anger thingy he tolled me about a long time ago. I should have remembered sooner about that and I should have tried to calm him down. After on of the many fights with the giants I couldn’t find rain anymore. I started screaming for him until I saw him lying under on of the giants we had killed. I got so scared seeing him like that. I asked for the other to help me and luckily one was able to bring Rain back thank the gods it worked. I got to ask Rain to be more careful next time. When we got back out of the cave, rain said he was sorry that I had to see that side of him. He didn’t want me to see it. I said that he had warned me about it before, but still he didn’t want me to see that side of him.    We went back to a small town some were in the dessert, and there the group started talking about a dark wizard. I wasn’t really with them because I was thinking of what had happened that day. Suddenly out of no were a dark wizard appeared. He warned us that Bloodstone was planning something. He didn’t know what it was but he wanted us to watch and learn of his plan. After that the wizard went away and we agreed quickly that we should spread the word to others. Most of them went away quickly and we soon found ourselves only being with a group of about 4 people. We all decided to head back to Hurm. Along the route we encountered some snakes again and got killed by them. Those snakes caught us by surprise. On the second try it was just rain and me trying to get back. I used invisibility on the both of us to make sure we would get back safely and it worked. We did got lost some were but we managed to find the way again. Back at Hurm we took the first boat to Leilon. There Rain and I parted. He noticed I was tired so he wanted me to get some rest. He even kissed me and wished me sweet dreams. I’m sure I will dream of him. Now that I’m at the inn writing this I think I might want to go back to Dregar again. I felt quite at home there, besides the creatures of course.  I have to talk to Rain about it. Oh darn it; I still forgot to show him my outfits. He doesn’t know I made them and I keep forgetting to show them. I got to remember that.     Signed   Sonya DarkAngel         *The end of the 19th page.*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2006, 02:55:19 pm »
*The 20th page*    Oclar 23, 1401    This might be a small post but I think it might be important. It will be to me.  I started today by going down the Hlint crypts hunting the undead and getting some gold. I’m trying to get enough for a home. I believe I might be going into one with a group of other and with my love Rain of course. After that I went to the inn to rest a little I also tried my outfits on again. Just to see if they still fit me. It was then that I started to think of Rain and wanted to be held in his arms. Even know when I’m writing this I think of it. I left the room wearing the black dress Rain gave me when he got back from his training.   Outside I met Cymeran and we got talking. He said that the message we had posted wasn’t taken seriously. He even said that the people that claim to be heroes are not really heroes. We also talked about the trip back from the dessert; it seems we both had encountered trouble. He on the other hand survived the first time he tried to get back. Unlike me, Rain and Robert I think was with us to. I asked Cymeran if he had seen Rain lately. He had not but he did say that he hoped Rain and I would be near him when he fights Blood. I said that I would try to be there to help him. Cymeran also tolled of a gathering to oppose bloods forces. I have to try and be there. It might be interesting or important. Cymeran also said that we would be the last line off defence against Bloods and his forces. As I said to him I hope we will be good enough to stop him. Just like Cymeran I now worry about the little people of these lands. If blood wins they might be put to work in mines and soon look like goblins. Right now my own problems don’t seem so important anymore. If bloodstone is realy planing something then a war will come. Wars can not be avoided; it can only be delayed in the advantage of others. Thats what I think anyway.  When Cymeran and I parted He said; “May az’atta bless your love and devotion.” The love part made me think of Rain. As I went to the inn to get something to drink, I could help thinking of Rain. As I’m writing this I can’t help thinking of him in his training suite.     Signed  Sonya DarkAngel    *nothing else is on the 20th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2006, 06:56:50 am »
*The 21th page*   Novlar 11, 1401   It was an interesting day today. I met rain in the smithy of Hlint. He was busy with making copper ingots it seemed and I decided to sneak up on him and scare him a bit. When I got behind him I said “boo”. Rain jumped up but he soon turned around and was holding me with his hands and he pulled me into the air turning on around. I love it when he does that. After that he put me down onto the ground and started tickling me he didn’t do a good job since he dind’t tickle me. To bad I wouldn’t have minded to be tickled by him, In fact I would have loved it if he got me on the ground laughing and begging him to stop. Rain and I started to make copper on after the other. He went first. Soon he got warm from the heat of the furnace that he changed into his training garb. Hmm I love it when he is in that outfit. I could have watched him work that copper for hours. But he wanted me to work on some copper myself. At a time I got hot to from the flames. So I asked rain to wait while I got into something different. I went behind a bookcase and changed into my wild girl look that I wanted to show him for so long. When I got back I could see he loved it. The look on his face was priceless for me. He got closer and started to kiss me in the neck and on my shoulders. I just let him go I loved the attention he gave me. But he soon got to his senses and started working on the copper again. I could see he was getting hot and not just from the furnaces flames. *giggles as she writes it*.  But it wasn’t long until he let me do the crafting. I noticed him watching me and touching me while I was trying to make the copper. I guess the wild girl suite worked better then I thought. I got all of his attention and I’m sure I could have gotten more if I allowed him.  When we were finished with the copper Rain let me keep the 4 ingots I made. I went to the Crafting house ands started making rings. I made 2 and gave Rain the best one of them. He loved the present. We went to the inn to get some rest and I asked Rain if it was alright if we got one room for the 2 of us. He didn’t mind and got 1 room for us. That night I slept in Rain’s arms. How I loved that night, and I hope there will be many more to come.    Signed  Sonya DarkAngel.      *The end of the 21th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2006, 07:44:48 am »
*The 22nd page*    Novlar 17th, 1401   Today has been the best day in my life so far. Let me explain it.   When I woke up Rain wasn’t there but he had left me a not saying that he left me sleep, and he went out to do some things. I went around town to find him and I saw him in the crafting house. He didn’t notice me and I sneaked up behind him and placed my hands in front of his eyes. I changed my voice as much as I could and asked him who I was. He made some kind off joke about me being a goblin or something. But then he guest it was me. The things that had happened later that day has clouded my mind of what had happened there. But I do remember Him telling about a dream or nightmare I had that night. In that dream Rain and I fought skeletons. After the fight I could not find rain and started looking for him. I met him in a grave yard. And not just any graveyard but the one my father worked at. I didn’t tell rain that part. I that grave yard I saw the graves of my parents, my sisters and my brother, even one of my love rain. Not long after I found the graves they all got out of there graves, All of them being zombies. That wasn’t the worst part the worst part was that I liked it. I know I love the undead and all but I don’t want the ones I love being like that. I need them to be a life and by my side if possible.   After I tolled Rain my dream I was a relieved to hear that he was going to be forever. I know nothing is forever but the idea was enough to calm me.  We went for a walk after this. Rain and I went to the forest where we went on our second date I believe. It had been about one year since that day, the day where we first shared intimacy.   It was where rain promised me he would help me find my family.   It was here where at this day Rain said something that would make this day the best day of my life. He started by telling me how much he had been thinking, in the past few moths. I don’t remember what else he said. But at some point he got onto his knees and showed me this beautiful ring. And then he asked me if I wanted to make him the happiest man in the world by marrying him. I had my doubts at first but I knew I could bear to spend an other day without him so I happily said yes. The rest of the day has been a bit clouded as was thinking so much of my love rain and the day that we would be declared husband and wife.   I do remember seeing Jin in front of the gates to Hlint. I showed him the ring that rain had given me, and tolled him we were going to get married. He also blessed us. I have to make sure I send him an invitation when we know the date.  Oh I remember on idea Rain had for the after party. He wanted it to be a costume party passed on the exotic. He showed me his training garb and I’m sure he also meant my wild girl outfit.   I can’t wait for that day to come. I love him so much. We ended the day by getting a room for the two of us. There I fell a sleep into his arms again.    Signed  Sonya DarkAngel.      
  *The end of the 22nd page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2006, 12:40:55 pm »
[FONT="]*The 23rd page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  Febra 13, 1402    It has been a long time since I wrote. I have done so many things it is hard to know where to start. I should start with the morning after the day that Rain asked me to marry him.   It was a great morning waking up with my future husband next to me. Rain got us some food and we at in the room together. It has been to long for me to remember what we said but it must have been lovely things because I remember being so in love with him that day. Not that is has changed since then. I still love him a lot.   We decided to go digging for some clay for me to work into molds for crafting my rings. We got a lot of clay that day. I also remember that I went digging at one spot and Rain went digging some were else. When I was done with my dig I went to look for him. I’m glad I came when I did because he was being attacked by some kobolts I think.   Later that day I remember showing the ring that Rain gave to me, to Rhynn and two other ladies. I was so happy showing it to them. I didn’t care that I didn’t know the other girls I just wanted to let them know that Rain and I were going to get married one day. I do remember now that Rhynn and the other woman were … how should I say this? Let’s just say I won’t be surprised if they get married to one day.  What else happened that day? Oh yes, I met Dearon that day to, I think I met him before because he seemed to know me. He even asked me if I would still join the Arcane [/FONT][FONT="]Alliance[/FONT][FONT="]. I tolled him I was still thinking about it. He also asked Rain and me I few would like to go training some where I wanted to at first but I wanted to work on crafting the ring molds. Rain wanted to stay with me but I didn’t want him to. I could get him to go with his friends so I pretended to be very tired and rushed away, leaving Rain alone. I hated to do that but I didn’t want him to waist his time just staring at me. I love it sure but I want him to spent time with his friends to.[/FONT][FONT="]  So I went to craft the molds for my rings and after that I tried to make some rings to. After that I went for some gold hunting for the wedding. I also talked to Draconia a bit and he said he really wanted to be there at the wedding. I also talked to Jin I met him as he was getting out of the crypts. He tolled me he would make the mage armor for me from the silk I already have and some gold to cover the rest of the expenses. I agreed and he went out to get it for me. But not before doing some things he had to do first. So I waited near the bank in Hlint until he returned. When he returned we made the exchange and I got my lesser mage armor. To bad its power is still a bit too much for me to handle. I’ll have to let Jin know how it fits me as soon as I get to try it on. I really want to show Rain what I got. I hope he likes it.    Some time later, I don’t remember when it was. But I met Cymeran in Hlint near the bank.  We got talking about things. I don’t remember what it was about thought. I do remember getting hungry and hearing my stomach growling. I place my hands on it and Telling Cymeran I was hungry. He then asked if I was feeding two. I was surprised that he asked this question but then again my hand s on my stomach might have made him wonder. I did say I wasn’t pregnant and was also not married yet. After that I said goodnight to Cymeran and went to the inn to get something to eat.  After dinner I went to sit under a tree near the bank.   [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]*The pages is full and the story continues on the 24th page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]    I must have fallen a sleep because suddenly I found myself walking to the ill with guest left and right, Rain standing near the ile with a paladin I think., well it was someone who could get us married. And I was dressed in this beautiful wedding dress. [/FONT][FONT="]  As I was at the ile holding rains hand we listened to the words of the … Priest!.. That’s what that guy was, A priest.  So as we were listening to the priest’s word. We got to the part where Rain and I said, yes to each other. The priest asked if anyone had any objection to us getting married. To our surprise a woman in robes said she objected to the marriage. None of us knew who she was. Next thing I knew she summoned many undead and ordered them to attack us and our guests.   it was horrible and I didn’t like it at all I think I even might have started crying and yelling how my perfect day was ruined. Rain even got into his rage thing again. I’m not sure but I think the guests might even have been turned into undead, them selves at one point. Or it was just my imagination as I woke up from that nightmare. When is it going to end all these dreams? Will it ever end or will I be haunted by them forever? I wish Rain or my mother were there when I woke up I wanted to hold on of them and cry it all out. In stead I had to hide it all and keep it to myself.   After I got over it I went into the goblin cave just outside Hlint. I went in there in my wild girl look. Some of the goblins were more easily killed that way and some were not. I think it was near the area where you can mine copper that it almost went wrong for me. I got knocked down and almost died because of the wounds. I got back up thought and found that Draconia and the tomb I had summoned took care of the goblins that were there. I made myself invisible and got out as soon as I could. I went into town (Hlint) to get some ride of some stuff I didn’t need. When I noticed my invisibility spell stopped. That’s not so bad but I noticed I was still in my wild girl look. I didn’t give it a second thought and put on some robes. Then I thought it would be a good idea to get some rest.     I remember finding a walking stick of Elhopant somewhere some time ago. I changed it to make it look better and to have it fit better with me. It turned out nice. A while after that I went into the Hlint crypts to find some gold for the wedding. I got into some trouble after I ask Draconia to leave. I got a diseased by one of the attacks of a ghoul. I tried to get out as soon as I could with my invisibility spell. I was badly wounded and could make it to a safe resting place. I remember dropping just out side of the gate to the Crypt. When I was resurrected I notice a lot of people standing around me. One of them noticed that Rain wasn’t there anymore. When I heard that he went into the crypt by himself I got worried that Rain might have got into his rage again. So I rounded up some people willing to help me find him in the crypts and went in to find him. We found him in one of the rooms leading to the big room at the end of the crypts. Rhynn had stopped him from going further. I called his name but he didn’t hear me. When I got closer, I saw his eyes were gold in stead of the beautiful blue they normally are. I called his name again and tolled him I was fine. I hoped that might calm him down. I’m not sure how it happened but he calmed down, and as usual he didn’t know what happened and what he was doing there. We explained it and went outside after that to talk some more. There Rain tolled me that he didn’t want to continue with this anymore. When he said that I was afraid he was going to break up our relationship. Luckily hi didn’t. He was talking about his anger taking over control of him so much. Rain doesn’t know how to handle it. But he would like to get control of it.     [/FONT][FONT="]*the pages is full and the story continues on the 25th page.*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]I helped him remember that Rhynn tolled him she might be able to help him.[/FONT][FONT="]  We talked some more and went to rest in a room, again together of course.  The next morning I woke up sooner then rain and I watched him sleep. He is so cute when he sleeps. I even played a little with his hair before he woke up. We talked a little before Rain got hungry and went to get some food for us. I had to stop him as he almost forgot that he wasn’t wearing any clothing.   After we ate the food, we kissed each other. I don’t remember what we talked after that but it was something rain said that gave me the urge to tickle him. And I succeeded and made him laugh. Not long after that he turned the table and got to tickle me. When I finally got loose, he chased me around the room pretending to be a pirate that was after me. I was able to stay away from him for a long time. But when I got a little tired I surrendered. Rain then lift me up and walked around to find a spot to bury his treasure. That would be me, I was his treasure. So when he found the right spot to bury his treasure, he placed me onto the ground. Rain then started to kiss me. I don’t remember where but he didn’t remove any clothing. If the wild girl look of me needs to have any clothing removed for Rain to have some fun with me. Oh I remember he kissed me on my stomach. To bad Rain got to his senses and stopped. I loved the way he kissed me and would have loved to go further, perhaps another time.     When we got dressed and got outside. I got Rain to go to the bank with me so I could show him my lesser mage armor I bought. He liked it. Rain even gave me some things he found when he was training with his friends.  I think I have written more then enough for now. I got some other things I want to write about but I’ll have to do that another time.    Signed  Sonya DarkAngel. [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*nothing else is on the 25th page*[/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT]

