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Author Topic: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel  (Read 1448 times)


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #40 on: August 21, 2006, 04:07:53 am »
[FONT="]*the 55th page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  Augra 23, 1404.    Most of my time I have been crafting gems again. I’m getting more gems than polishing oils. But at least it allows me to choice the gems I want to polish. I now need to make some rings so I can make a list of the thinks I can make. It’s needed for the guild. Rain asked me to do it.  I also altered the guild uniform and I think it has turned out much better than it was before. I’m going to leave it the way it is now. I like it a lot and so does Rain. He can’t seem to take his eyes of of me. I also made a bathing suite for when I would go swimming. Or for when I want to go in the pool in our room.    Oh Rain has played a terrible trick on me. Rain came in our house in his new outfit and pretended to be someone else. He even flirted with me, and since I thought he was someone else I didn’t like it and I got angry. It even got so far that I put my crossbow to his neck and was about to pull the trigger. But Rain showed his face before I could shoot him. It didn’t prevent him from getting hurt as I was so angry at him that I hit his face with the back of my Heavy Crossbow. It will leave a mark there I think, serves him right.    I left the room angry and thought Rain said he was sorry; I still haven’t completely forgiven him for it. He should have known I would get mad at it because I already lost a family once and I don’t want it to happen again. It took me a while before I spoke to Rain again but when I did I tolled him why I got so angry at him. I hope he understood it and most of all that He will not do such a thing ever again, unless Rain tells me about it first, than it might be different.    I also went into the Hlint Cripts to see the undead there again. They haven’t changed there tactics much. I also walked around in the High Forrest to look for some aloe.   Some time later I talked to Mercas. He gave me a key to his house so I am able to put money in the guild chest. The only problem is I don’t know what house is his. Doesn’t matter I’ll ask it some time. It wasn’t long before Rain showed up. I volunteered to help him get some copper and tin so I can get some copper and bronze ingots to work with. We met Kyle while we were on our way to get Rain’s ox. Kyle needed some things from Rains ox so we got them first. After that Rain and I staid while in the craft house, where I met someone new. His name is Drucken I think. Rain also got a message from Kyle saying that Kyle needed some buffering spells, so we went on our way to the smithy to help Kyle.     I asked Kyle if he could make me a stronger Heavy crossbow. He said he could and he would make me on. I was about to get the oak he needs, But because I got tired I went home just to be safe. Before I did go home Rain tested the elven words I had learned So far, because I was tired it took me a while to figure out every word.  When I got home I paid the town girl for watching our children. Then when she was gone I checked the twins myself and after that I went to bed. The next morning I wrote this dairy entry.      Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 55th page*[/FONT]


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #41 on: August 24, 2006, 04:53:03 am »
*the 56th page*  [FONT="]  Oclar 13, 1404.    Let’s see, what have I done since the last entry.  I have tried to train a bit in the Krandor Crypts. But I haven’t gotten far. I’m just not powerful enough. I’m starting to dislike the fact that I am not so powerful. I must find a teacher. I also have made some gems and jewelry. I have made some trips to collect clay and bags of sand in order to make some ring and amulet mold for myself, and some empty flasks for Rain. I’m getting so much better at making jewels. But I don’t want to be better at it. Not that I mind so much because it does help me to collect gold for my future house, for Rain and myself of course and I should not forget the twins.. I also have been able to make a list with all the copper rings and Amulets I can make. I can make bronze rings and amulets to but I feel I need to be more experienced to do them perfectly.     Many other things have happened as well as I heard form Rain the twins seem to be able to stand. I was happy to hear that but my mind was somewhere else as it had been all day.  I think that, not being a powerful sorceress is getting to me. I always dreamed of being able to control the undead. But since I’m married, had children and joined the angel’s guild I have little time to get to that dream. And then the fact that I haven’t been able to find a suitable teacher is not helping at all. The one thing I am getting better at is elven. As rain was teaching me some more words and sentences he tolled me that I learned fast. Here is what he thought me:  - Amilanam is water  - amillan is want  - E amillan aey is I want you.  - Femw is bird  - filfeala is babies  - Wmilvel is Dragon  - Filfea is baby  - Amilcn is walk  - amilcnelv is walking  - Feen is Book  - ils is am  - ameanir means with  - E ils amilcnelv means I am walking  - E ils el ceela ameanir aey is I am in love with you  - E amecc laaa aey cilanam means I will see you later  - Laeel means soon  - laaa aey laeel ceela is see you soon Love.    That were the words He thought me today. If I keep this up I will be able to talk like any other person who knows elven. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  [FONT="]Signed Sonya Darsus.[FONT="] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 56th page*[/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT]


A new road away from an old dream.
« Reply #42 on: August 25, 2006, 04:19:57 am »
*the 57th page*   Oclar 27, 1404.   Childhood dreams are different when you grow up.   I found out that becoming a pale master will take a big toll on me. Not on my mind but my body. Well not directly on my mind but my mind will change over time because my body will change greatly into….. I dare not write it down.    There are also other things that have made me realize that becoming a pale master might not be something for me. It started with Rain telling me that Mith might be interested in taking me as his student. We went to see him at Morak’s tower but when we got there we soon found that Annalee taking out her anger at Mith. It seems that Mith soled Rhynn and two others were soled to Drow in order to have Mith and others of a group they were in escape. As the fight between Mith and Annalee seem to end I noticed Rhynn. It seemed that she had escaped in some way. After what I had heard about what happened to her it was nice to see her gain.    After all of that I needed to take some time to think and so I walked away. It wasn’t long until Rain came after me and tolled me myth wanted to talk to me. So I went back and listened to what Mith had to say to me. It was then that he tolled me what being a pale master was all about. All of this has given me a lot to think about. But one thing is beginning to come clear to me. Pale master might not be the path I’m going to walk on. I never wanted to turn into something or someone evil. I care too much about life for that.  Perhaps I need to look a bit closer to all of my friends who use magic and learn from them. It sounds like a good idea.   I already have been practicing a bit to, in the blood dessert mostly. The snakes and scorpions there seemed to strong so I left my summons do the most of the work for me. I did help them every now and then when I knew I could survive the encounter. I was wrong a few times but luckily the soul mother did not pay attention to me. There was probably someone doing something more stupid that I was.   I also tried to get some oak for Kyle to be able to make me a new crossbow. I went to the High forest to get some but for two reasons I could not get the things I needed. One reason was the there was a sword spider and a beetle killing all of my summons and there for preventing me from cutting some wood. The other thing was that I didn’t have an axe to cut the tree with. I just don’t know how to handle those things. I really wanted to help him but it seems that I’m not good enough for that. At least I can do other things, and one day I will be strong enough to help all of my friend when they need my help.          
    Rain also learned me a few new words of elven but I feel to tired to write them down.
  Signed Sonya Darsus.     *the end of the 57th page*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #43 on: August 26, 2006, 08:13:59 am »
[FONT="]*the 58th page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]Novlar 8, 1404    After I had a minor training in the Hlint crypts, I went to get some food at the Wild Surge inn. When I got there I was ashamed to find out that I didn’t had any coins on me. I went back to the bank to get some coins. I think I did that because the next thing I remember is being waken up by Alleina, Her and Salla started asking me questions, but I wasn’t completely awake so I didn’t understand them very well. When Alleina though some cold water over me I was awake. Alleina and I think Salla to then tolled me I was walking strange and even singing before I fell asleep. I might have been drunk.   It felt oke to talk to them about it but when I saw Rain later on I had a hard time telling it to him Because I felt a bit ashamed. Alleina explained to Rain what had happened. According to rain it was becoming a habit of mind. What was he thinking? I’m not a girl that drinks too much. I think I’m going to have to practice my tickle powers on them again.   A bit later Mercas and Dora joined us but they and Alleina soon left for Pransiz to do some things there. Rain said I should have joined them But I didn’t felt good enough to go into battle yet. Mercas even said he would miss me, because we are family. That’s so sweet of him.    A few days later I met Kyle in Hlint. He had finished making my Heavy Oak Crossbow. He gave it to me and I must say that it looked great. I even thanked him with a little kiss on his cheek. He then asked me if I wanted to test it and of course I said yes. We went to Krandor and On the outskirts we met with Ferrit and Jako. A bit later Elgon and Dora came to, Rain was last. We headed for some woods to fight spirits and bone golems. After that we went to fight some other creatures like Dire Spiders, Giants, and Ogres. When we fought the Ogres we met Treana. She joined us and we finished the ogres together. I had a great time that day, being out fighting creatures, looking for an adventure. It’s like old times, before the marriage and the children. Well at least I know I will have times like these more often, even if I ask everyone. Rain also gave me his share of the gold coins we collected. We have about 12.000 coins now in my bank account and we would need about 300.000 coins just to be sure we will have a great house, just for ourselves. It will take a while before we can get it but with the guild getting more and more sales, we will have the coins in a few months I think. Then we will find ourselves a house on Dregar, or I’ll surprise Rain with one. That sounds great, I think he will like it if I choice it, I hope it anyway.      Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 58th page*[/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT]


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #44 on: August 29, 2006, 07:55:31 am »
[FONT="]*the 59th page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]Jenra 5, 1405.    What an exciting time it has been. The last weeks have been like some I haven’t had I a long time.     It started with me just walking around thinking about how good life is to me, Life with Rain and my children. I was also wondering why Draconia hasn’t spoken to me that much lately. I know that Ehlen and he are getting along nicely but he doesn’t speak about anything like that. All of that thinking of Draconia also made me think of my mother. She always liked dragons a lot and I like them to. My interest of dragons is starting to become much bigger that in undead. Resent events have taken care of that. I feel like getting to know my mother a bit more and find out how she got interested in dragons, and perhaps even find out some things about my foremothers. Who knows what I will find out?    I was thinking so much that at some point I found myself at some place with some people talking about a were rat plague that over took some people. I helped them to find out what it was that caused it and stop it. We got to a town first that had been attacked by rats. We found two people that had been killed. Salla raise them and we were able to find out some things. Near the last person we found a ritual circle that seemed to have been used for something. When one of us went in he disappeared. There was a cave nearby that we went to. We got in thanks to a dwarf that cut trough the collapsed entrance. When we were in we found the guy that went into the ritual circle. His name was Karn I think. We went further into the cave or dungeon, as it looked like to me. We soon found a ritual circle that might help us get out again. We found a lord in the circle, also dead. Salla Raised him and meanwhile others went on ahead and found some gems. We were able to use those gems to make the circle work. I and 4 others used then magical powers and concentrated on making it work, and luckily we did it. With that we got us all out of there. When we got out the circle disappeared and with it, the were rat plague also seemed to be gone.     Some days later I went to Dregar with Rain, Barion, Nyyana and Serissa. Once in Pranzis we soon found Sh’anda who also joined us. Some of us went to mine silver and gold, other mined gems. I was here for some experience and some time with my love like we did before we married. We had a great time and I learned a lot by watching the other magic users in among the team. Every one of them has a few great spells that look useful to me.  After we got done we went to Barion’s house to use a portal back to Hlint on Minstone. He has a great house and I looked around it to. It is a great house. Rain, Barion and I even talked about our own ideas for a house. After that Rain and I went to Hlint and there Rain and I parted as I needed to rest and Rain still wanted to do some things.    Well that’s about all of it for now. I hope I can find out some things about my mother and her foremothers. Perhaps the pages I tore from this book can help, If I can find them.    Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 59th page*[/FONT]


My love is gone.
« Reply #45 on: September 01, 2006, 03:29:02 am »
[FONT="]*the 60th page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]Febra 20, 1405.    My love is gone.    In the past month I have been training a lot more then before. It feels like that any way. I think it might not be to long before I finally will be able to get some new skills I have been trying to learn myself. I went into Haven a couple of times. Once with Kyle, Ferrit, Jako and Rain and another time with Kyle, just him and I taking on those ogres in haven and get some iron. I also found the Ozymandias Rain tolled me about. I asked him about my home town in The Anoroch Dessert. Ozymandias tolled me that Saudria is the only standing town left there. The rest were either destroyed, or sank into the sands in the last sixty or so years, either by massive earthquakes or the blue dragons. He tolled me I should start looking for information by asking around in Saudria. The fact that I finally got some information is a good thing, but the bad part is that I can not share it with my love.     Let me explain. One day I was walking around in Hlint doing things, I can’t remember what. When I found Rain with Ferrit and Barion and they looked really bad. It turned out they went to some dangerous place and got them selves killed. All of them got killed and except Rain they all got a visit from the soul mother. It scared me to hear about that and see so many of my friends in such a bad shape. I got angry at Rain for going there and do something so irresponsible. I asked him if he knew what might happen to me and the kids if he would be gone forever. Then there was this woman who kissed Rain on the cheek. Rain’s attention suddenly turned to her. That’s when I went away to meet Kyle who made me some bolts. Rain stopped me to explain why they went there. It seems they went there for the first time to see how far they could go. But I didn’t want to hear it. I was angry at him and didn’t want to listen, much.     In the days after that I went to Storan’s crypt about two times, the first time with Dora, Ferrit and one other person, the second time with Dora and Mercas. I have also collected some white mushrooms so Rain will be able to make me some polishing oils again. I also have been able to make a lesser special ring thanks to Dora. The ring will be a gift to Barion and Sa’kura at there wedding. I also made a dress just for that wedding. But it doesn’t feel so great without Rain to share it with. I haven’t seen him in days ever since that fight of ours. I wonder where he is. I have carried the twins with me ever since our fight. I wonder if he is with that woman who kissed him that day. If that’s the case he can stay away, forever. I can handle the kids on my own, and Draconia will surely help me with that.      Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 60th page*  [/FONT]


Good times are here again.
« Reply #46 on: September 05, 2006, 03:27:38 am »
[FONT="]*the 61st page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT]  [FONT="]Apreal 15, 1405.[/FONT]    It’s almost 2 months since I last wrote anything in my dairy. The first of those 2 months has been a lonely one. I tried to find Rain but I could not so I gave up on him after a few weeks of searching for him. After that I went on with my training and studies. I trained in the blood dessert and studied books about the elven language and book about dragons. It seems harder to learn elven without Rain but I thought that if he wanted to stay away forever I might as well try to learn it myself.   Most of the time I spend learning near a pond on a mountain in Haven. One day after I was done learning I was so lost in thoughts of what I had learned that I almost did not hear Barion call me. He tolled me that Rain was looking for me. At first I did not care about that, because he had hurt me by staying away for so long. But Barion said Rain was sorry for leaving and wanted to make up or something like that. Later I found out that Draconia was there when Rain and Barion had a good talked and that Draconia said something that apparently made an impact. Draconia said something about me crying at night when I was asleep and that Draconia did not want that to happen any more. Apparently it got Rain to start looking for me. And after I met Barion I went to look for Rain too, so I went for haven again as Barion tolled me Rain went that way. When I could not find Rain I gave up again and when on home, sad and looking to the ground. I was almost at the gate of Hlint when I heard Rain call me.     Rain then tolled me why he had stayed away for so long. He thought I was better off without him since he felt he was hurting me and didn’t want to be hurt himself. I tolled him that by staying away he did hurt me. He also said he didn’t want me to worry about him every time He went away with his friends. He didn’t want me to worry I would lose him like I did with my parent, brother and sisters. I tolled him that my love for him would always make me worry about him, it’s just the way it is and I can’t change it. I also tolled him that, that day I saw them all in such a bad shape because they all had been killed, I got worried about all of them, and scared I would lose all of them. I had found an other family and it seems like they are being torn away from me again, but much slower this time.    A lot more things were said about that but in the end we got together again. Rain also tolled me about the memories he has been getting back. They were all filled with a lot of horrible bloodshed from Rain. And Rain was worried I would not love him any more if we found out about Rains past. He thought it would be better if we didn't try to find out about that. I tolled him about something my mother made me read once. “One should know there past in order to know where there future is taking them”. Rain is worried that his past is that of a murderer, a butcher of women and children. But right now those memories of his are not making it clear why he did those things. He could have been forced by some higher power, it could have been his rage taking control of Rain and Rain is now remembering what he has done in his rage.   What ever it is, I know Rain doesn’t like it and I think it will help him stay away from that very path, the path of a ruthless killer. I just hope he understands this to, and that he understands that it can help him, by knowing his past. I also took this opportunity to promise Rain I would help him remember it anyway I can, just like he promised to help me.    After that day, and in the past month I have been crafting, training and getting some long overdue lessons in elven from Rain. I'm now using some of the words I know in everyday conversations with Rain. It’s still a mix of common and elven but at least Rain understands me. My favourite word to use is Ceela which means love.     We also had a wedding of Barion and Sa’kura. I must say that is was a great wedding and Sa’kura looked very beautiful in her wedding dress. She looked like an angel. Barion is a very lucky man to have Sa’kura as his wife. He’d better take good care of her. I’m also surprised at the number of people that came to the wedding. I think that there were about 30 or 40 people there, way more those at the wedding of Rain and myself. Everything was perfect that day. It felt just as perfect as at my own wedding. I also saw Karana and Quilus they were going to get married one day to. I would be happy to attend there wedding as well. People also liked my dress, but I can’t say this enough that Sa’kura looked better than anyone that day. I wonder why I haven’t noticed that before. No need to think of that right now. She is happily married with Barion and I wish them the best of luck and great happiness together.     I have been training a lot in the past days together with Rain and Dora, and I feel very close to a breakthrough. I think that what I have been trying to learn will soon be part of me. It is very exciting and I can’t wait till the day comes that I can use my training without thinking of it, like I had to so far. Those books of draconic magic are very interesting, and I hope to learn as much of the magic that’s in it as I can.      [FONT="]Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 61st page*[/FONT]


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #47 on: September 06, 2006, 06:47:37 am »
[FONT="]*the 62th page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]Mai 10, 1405.[/FONT][FONT="]    New spells and better with the crossbow.    I’m finally reached a point in my training where I no longer have to think of the things I wanted to learn. It happened a few days ago. I was on Dregar to look around for some information on my old home town when I ran into Rain, Barion, Serissa, Dora, Nyyana and Sh’anda. I was invisible when I saw them and when I appeared they were surprised to see me, especially Rain. I still laugh when I think of the face he made when I saw me.    I went with them on what seemed to be a mining trip. It was during our trip in one of the mines in the drift lands I found out I got better with the crossbow and could keep up with some of the long bow users. I also tried a spell I wanted to learn. When I tried the spell polymorph self and I finally turned into an Umber Hulk successfully. Rain I didn’t pay attention to the rest much but I bet they were surprised to see me in that form. Rain was to and he said he would hug or kiss me while I was in that form. Later on I even tried some of the other forms of which the undead form was the ugliest and the fey form what the prettiest.   I was also able to do the fire ball spell that some of the other can do to. In the next few day I plan on trying the new spell out to see what they can do.    I must be careful when to use the polymorph self spell. A few days after I got it perfected I was tying it out just out side of Hlint when I almost got attacked by someone. I’m not sure what his name was but He seemed to know Serissa who passed by a bit later. We got talking about the spell I learned and how it scared Rain yesterday.   When I tried the undead form of the spell I could see that Serissa did not like it. She thinks it is too ugly and I must agree with her.      Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 62th page*[/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT]


New things to do.
« Reply #48 on: September 11, 2006, 04:52:16 am »
[FONT="]*the 63rd page*[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]Augra 1, 1405[/FONT][FONT="]    I have been doing some things lately. I to get stronger and for that I have been taking on new jobs to do. The first one was from Warrent Officer Kit Ironfist. She needed weapons and I got them for her. I’m also trying to get scrolls for someone on Rhilara and I have been able to get the head of a warlord. I have also been studying book about dragons a lot lately. I want to understand there power and perhaps there language to if I can find someone willing to teach me. I also have been taking some trips to Dregar with some guild members. We went there to get supplies needed for the making of all kinds of items. On one of those trips I someone started teaching elven to someone else of the group, and I must say I understood everything they said. I am getting closer to knowing the elven language like Rain knows it. And perhaps I’m even already good enough. I have also been to Berhagen Mountains a couple of times and also with a group, on one of those trips I was there with Jin, Karana and many others, I have also been there with Dora and Rain. It is with trips like these that I can really let go of my powers. And it makes me feel good to be able to defeat my foes.     We also had some guild meetings. We made some arrangements there. I’m not going in it here to much. But we are starting too safe coins for our guild hall since the last meeting. Even rain And I had our share of the guilds starting funds returned. That together with our pervious amount of coins for our own house, it means we have nearly half of what I think we might need for a house, or we will need twice as much depending on what house we want.     Not to long a go I went with Ferrit, Elgon, Mercas and Daniel to do some things on Rhilara. When we encountered some ogres I had the pleasure of striking them with my fireballs I killed most of them in one blow. It was great to see them fall so easily. It got my being a little careless to because when we got to the Bugbears Lair on Rhilara near point harbor. I got killed when we got to the lowest part and attacked the warlord and his remaining warriors.   The soul mother wasn’t paying attention thank the gods. The other defeated the warlord and got his head. When we were together out side we went to the lair of some bandits I think. After that Mercas left to do some things. The rest and I went back to point harbor to give the warlords head to the officer there. Kyle and I gave it to her together. Her reward was great and I thanked her greatly for it.   After that I parted ways with them. They went back home and I stayed here on Minstone. I hope Kyle or Elgon have tolled Rain about me staying here for a while. I want to see if I can do some more things on this continent.   Right now I’m too sleepy to do anything. I have rented a room in an [/FONT][FONT="]Inn[/FONT][FONT="] here and I will go to sleep soon.    Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 63rd page*[/FONT]


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #49 on: September 13, 2006, 06:49:11 am »
[FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]*the 64th page*.[/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT][FONT="]Seplar 1, 1405  [/FONT][FONT="][/FONT][FONT="]  A long time on Rhilara.    My time alone on Rhilara gave me some time to think. I had sent a message bird to my love Rain to let him and the others know that I will be staying on Rhilara for a while. After that I have been doing some small jobs for the locals here. One of them wanted me to scribe some scroll. While doing the jobs I have been thinking about my growing interest in dragons. I feel like I don’t quite understand them by reading books alone. I might need to do what my mother did in her days, go to the dragons and study them or perhaps even learn things from them.  I already took some time to make 3 notes and place them in the 3 important taverns or inn’s in the world, namely the wild Surge inn, Leilon Arms Inn and Tavern and the Freelancers Tavern. I wrote the following on the notes.     [/FONT][FONT="]”[/FONT][FONT="]Due to my increasing love for dragons and everything surrounding them I am looking for a teacher of the draconic language. Please let me know if you can teach me the language of the dragons, or that you know someone who might be able to teach me.   You can send me a bird message, tell me in person or use any other way to let me know.[/FONT][FONT="]”[/FONT][FONT="]    I will have to wait for people to reply on those notes.  After a few weeks I met Rain on Rhilara. He was not happy at all with me staying on Rhilara by myself. He was clearly angry at me for doing that, I was not being careful and …bla bla bla. I tolled him I did stuff like this for 3 years before I became on of the dragon called. Back then I was even weaker than today. Rain was worried I would get myself killed by being here by myself. I can’t blame him but he clearly did not understand that I use invisibility to move around in dangerous parts. I tolled him some other things that got him to understand that I am being very careful when I am out alone. That night we staid in an inn and shared a room. I felt sorry about the fight earlier that day. So I gave him a massage as good as I could. What happened after that I will not right down here. Lets just say it was much like the our wedding night, the same room, the same inn almost everything was the same.     Now that I think of that night I am getting worried. What if I am pregnant again? What will happen to me? Will I be …? No… I won’t think of it. We were careful and I don’t think I will get pregnant. The night wasn’t that much the same. I will refuge to become pregnant. I got too much to do with my life. I want to learn as much about dragons as I can.       Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT][FONT="]*the end of the 64th page*.[/FONT][FONT="]    [/FONT]


Many things happened.
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2006, 01:57:05 am »
 *the 65h page*.    Decilar 10, 1405   Many things happened.   I’ve been getting white mushrooms for Rain to use in making polishing oils. I have been getting them from the Hlint sewers and from Ravens Watch on Barbarian Island. I also have been doing some gem crafting again. I also got 4 boxes so I can separate the gems everyone needs, one box for Mercas, one for Dora, one for Ferrit, one for Rain and one for me. It should help me give everyone the gems they deserve. After the last guild meeting I also got a big load of gems from Rain, and I have been cutting gem up to the form in which someone uses them.   What else happened? Oh right I lost my ox a while ago while trying my fireballs on some assassin vines just outside Krandor. I lost my own live to. Luckily the soul mother didn’t pay attention to me. I got a new ox a few days later. I also got a message from Ozymandias about the language of the dragons. He read the note I placed in the inns. Ozy tolled me a lot about the dragons in there and that he also would be able to teach me more if I would want to. I’m happy to learn everything I can from him. Hopefully he can also introduce me to the person who knows and possibly can teach me the language of the dragons. I’m getting so excited just thinking of it.    Now for something a bit sadder. Jenna approached me a few days ago. She tolled me something was wrong with Rain. She led me to him and I found him in the middle of a lot of deer and kobald copses. I’ve never seen such thing before. I knew Rain tolled me about it but words are different then when you see with your own eyes. When Rain got up again he wanted me to tell Elgon and Jenna about his problem. But I couldn’t remember a thing, must have been from the shock of seeing those bodies. After Rain had tolled us the stories of what he remembered from his past I started to cry. His stories along with the very real bodies that surrounded us made it to much for me to bear. I cried so much that the next thing I heard was Jenna asking me to go to Hlint with her. Elgon and Rain were already gone at that point.   I cried a bit more in Hlint on the benches near the bank. It was then that Ozymandias came and cheered me up a bit. There was also a black cat that came up between my legs at some point. Just seeing it made me feel like petting it and so I did. The cat loved the attention I gave it and I love it to. The cat loved the attention so much that at some point it even almost lost it’s balance. After a while I went to the guild meeting I tolled about earlier on this page.    A few days later Rain and I went on a trip to get some fire bellies for Ferrit. We both got killed there. Although I didn’t notice Rain was already killed just before I got killed. And then to think I was about to get angry at Rain for not helping me.  After this I took my time to get some meditating done. Since several months I have been meditating to get more control of my powers. I must say that most of the time I have been thinking of Lucinda while meditating. This is all I have to tell for now.     Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 65th page*.    


A long time on Dregar.
« Reply #51 on: September 23, 2006, 02:27:50 am »
*the 66th page*.    Febra 10, 1406.    I have been on Dregar for a long time now, to meditate and train. I want to get stronger and more powerful. But it’s not going quickly enough. I also have been fighting along side my love a few times and we both have been looking for houses to.  Dregar is a very dangerous place and have been killed a few times. Once I even died before I got to my grave. I lost a lot more than I wanted that day. I believe it is time for me to go back home. I miss my family so much and the kids much miss me a lot to. I hope they are not too angry at me for staying away this long.     I’m going to be on my way home soon. I just need to meditate a bit more to calm myself down from all of this fighting. And I feel like praying to Lucinda mistress of the weave, to help me on my way home and see my children again. I miss them so much.    Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 66th page*.


Back home again.
« Reply #52 on: September 24, 2006, 09:36:13 am »
*the 67th page*.    Mar 1, 1406.   My travel home was an interesting one although I got lost on Rhilara, while traveling from Karthy to Point Harbor. When I finally got there, I took the boat to Port Hampshire. Once there I took a rest on a bench and after that I looked around in the city. At a certain time I found myself looking at a statue of a woman when I heard Rain call my name. When I turned around I saw him, ran to him and hugged him tight. I missed him so much. I think I even kissed him but I’m not really sure. I did many things that day and the long travel had made me a bit tired to. After I was reunited with Rain and some other friend ….. Oh how can I forget? Kyle and Ferrit have a child and I have seen it. Cole is such a cute little child. I even got to hold him in my arms. I wiggled a bit from left to right and I must have smiled to looking at Cole, the little guy responded by giggling. He must have liked it.     Later on I went with Elgon, Rain, Daniel and Kyle to the blood dessert, to get some stuff. After that I went home to finally see my children again. I went alone so I could spend as much attention to Sarah and Tristan as I could. You should have seen them when I walked in the door and called there names. They came crawling towards me as quickly as they could and calling me. I got tears in my eyes and I hugged them both. I tolled them I was very sorry for staying away for so long. Sarah and Tristan didn’t want to let go of me so I held them in my arms for what looked like a very, very long time. After that Tristan had enough of the hugs and let me go. But Sarah didn’t let me go. She wanted me to stay with her forever it seemed. I can’t blame her. She must have been wondering why I left, if it was because of her or not. I made sure both Tristan and Sarah knew it wasn’t because of them that I left. I’m not sure if they understood it but it seemed to calm Sarah. Or the fact that I was finally home again was enough for her.   Anyway I spend the rest of the night with the twins. Even when Rain got home I didn’t spent too much attention to him. All of my attention was for Tristan and Sarah. As I felt that they deserved it since I had been gone for almost 3 months. Even Draconia and Ehlen didn’t bother to come between me and the twins. The twins and I fell a sleep on the bed that night. I remember Sarah holding me tight as I fell a sleep, and I was holding her to. I even was holding Tristan but when I woke up in the morning he was in his bed, and only Sarah was still in my arms.   What ever it was I was so happy to be home again that I prayed to Lucinda this morning and thanked her for letting me get home safely. I’m not sure if Rain saw me pray but I don’t care. I know how he feels towards the gods. I like magic and Lucinda is the mistress of the weave, it just feels right, I can’t explain it. Oh, I need to leave Sarah is waking up and she is already starting to ask for me. I love my children so much.     Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 67th page*.


Things to do.
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2006, 05:22:30 am »
*the 68th page*.[FONT="]  [/FONT]  [FONT="]Apreal 20, 1406. [/i][FONT="]  Right lets see, what to write down. I have been practicing my craft and my magic.  My gem crafting is getting better with every ring I make. What else to right.[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="]I guess I’ll right down the things I want to do. [/i][/SIZE][/FONT]
  [FONT="]1.[FONT="] [/FONT][/i][FONT="]I want to get in contact with Ozymandias. He has sent me a note saying he would be able to help me with my desire to learn about dragons and there language. [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  [FONT="]2.[FONT="] [/FONT][/i][FONT="]I want to get in touch with a follower of Lucinda. To learn more about the goddess and perhaps become a follower myself.[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  [FONT="]3.[FONT="] [/FONT][/i][FONT="]I want to find my family and find out what happened to them it has been to long since I last saw them. It has been almost 10 years since I last saw them.[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="]All of that has to be done besides the guild things I have to do and the twins, they need me to. Tristan is already acting as normal, he is strong becoming a string boy, just like his father. Sarah is still asking for my attention, she is becoming as beautiful as my mother and sister were. Sarah also enjoys it when I practice my magic. She giggles every time when I show her some harmless magic.    I’m a little worried about Rain thought. He has been acting strange every time when I pray to Lucinda. I think he still has trouble with the gods and their ways.   He also does a good massage; a few days ago he massaged me before I went to bed. But while he was massaging me I fell asleep.   Oh I have to go Sarah wants to show me something. [/i][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="]Signed Sonya Darsus.[/i] [/SIZE][/FONT]    *the end of the 68h page*.


Goodtimes and bad times.
« Reply #54 on: October 02, 2006, 10:44:26 am »
[FONT="]*Sonya opens her dairy and starts to write down many separate words to remember the things that happened the last weeks. When that’s done she takes out the page to start her dairy on a fresh page*[/i][/SIZE][/FONT]

*the 69th page*.
[FONT="]Jular 12, 1406.[/i][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]    Many things have happened and I had to make notes to remember everything. It will be a lot to write but it will all be worth it.     First I want to write about rain who has taught me about enchanting. I have practiced on a lot of greenstone. Rain was happy about it because now he could finally continue with making wands. I’m glad I could make him happy. But the only reason I began to start with enchanting is to be able to make rings of sorcerery, since I am the only sorceress in the guild.    I have found Ozy and I have asked him questions about dragons. I have also asked him about who could teach me the dragon language. He named 3 people, the first was Quintayne Rosewyn, and the second and third where Aurrenous and Jasera who are Quintaynes children. I have to go and contact them after I have written this dairy. Perhaps I’ll be better of trying to walk around the world and finding dragons to study. I believe mother did this to. Although I haven’t found anything she has written about it. Oh before I forget, I have gotten a strange package today. I’m not sure who send it to me but the note that was attached to it daid this:     “Dear Sonya, I gave your mother and your grand mother this book to. It had helped them a lot. Study it carefully and learn all of it. I have taken many risks to get this to you. Please don’t lose it, because you won’t get an other book.  Signed a friend of your females in your family”    The book is al about the language of the dragons. The weirdest thing is, it was completely blank when I opened the book. But when I touched a page words started to appear. The book seems to be a study book to learn the language of the dragons. The book only seems to show it’s writings when I or Sarah touches its pages.     I said enough about this. When Rain and I got home a while ago, we found Draco tied up just like Ehlen was weeks before. We first thought that Tristan was the one who did it. But he cried and shaked his head no. telling us that he was not the one who did it. With a bit of help from Draco Rain started to look for Sarah. He found her hiding in a crate in Elgon’s room. After a while we found out that Sarah was the one who tied up our pseudo dragons. We punished her for it. I hope she has learned her lesson. When we came back it seemed like she did, but only time will tell.      [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]*the 70th page* [FONT="]    I have also gotten a new staff one that is made out of oak. I had Kyle made it for me. After he gave it to me I started to change it. I added some materials to it. At the center I took away some wood and placed some black cloth to make the grip feel a bit better. I also added some metal rings to it. A few days later I showed Kyle and he seemed to like the result. He also said I did a good job keeping the balance and all.    I also have been traveling across Dregar and been to the [/i][FONT="]Firesteep[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Mountains[/FONT][FONT="]. I had been there but nothing noticed me since I was invisible all the way. It was very tough traveling there. I nearly got across all the jumps I had to make and barely made all the climes but the last jump was fatal. Luckily the soul mother didn’t pay attention there.     Now for some sad news, Elgon seems to have left us for good. I found out when I got home and Rain was very drunk. He tolled me that Elgon died, He even blamed Dora for it but I’m not so sure if he really blamed her for it. Next thing I knew he took a portal and left for what I found out was Dregar and the Forrest of Mist. I went to Hlint to see if I could find someone to help me but then I somehow remembered Barion, and so I went to find Barion and ask him for his help. When I got to his house Serrisa was there to. The both of them agreed to help me find Rain and stop him. After a bit of Running we found him and he was about to attack the Giants in the Forrest of Mist. Which is already a stupid thing to do when you sober but when your drunk like Rain was… well you get the idea. Barion got him lifted up and brought him a bit more into safety but Rain wanted Barion to let him go, Rain wanted revenge. Barion didn’t let him go. He then got to talk to Rain to get it out of his head. Barion and Serrisa even started to use magic and bandages to see if they could get the poison out of him. At that moment I thought that if it wouldn’t work I would use my fireballs to burn the poison out of him, but it wasn’t needed. Rain got sober and remembered everything. Even Elgon’s death and he fell on the ground crying. Or was it that Barion tolled him what he would have left behind if he would die. I don’t remember correctly because everything got to me Elgon’s death, Rain’s stupid drunken way of getting revenge, it all reminded me of my mother who died, and my father, brother and sisters who disappeared without a trace. It got to me and I cried and fell to the ground.     Next thing I remember clearly is Rain talking about his past. He tolled me that his fathers name was Elyam,[/FONT][FONT="] Elyam In'Darsus of the house of the n'Darsus house of the northern Elves of the druidic house of Nehdenstral. His family was a powerful family but his father left everything for Rain’s mother, a bard. Her name was Eloana. Rain said he has her red hair and blue eyes. He remembered everything from the death of his father to his friend Gafeld who taught Rain magic. He also said that he was drunk when the Dragon called him to Hlint, when he was torned up by Kendal and the twins. He knew he didn’t kill them. He also said that his son Elyam was named after his father. But his son was kidnapped by northern barbarians but they were not from the village he burned down. He never found those barbarians. He said that his son might still be alive because he never found his body. After that he stopped saying things it was as if he was not there anymore. When I looked into his eyes it was as if he was hollow inside.[/FONT][FONT="]      [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]*the 71th page*[FONT="]    Meanwhile Sa’kura had joined us and she and Barion were happy to see each other again. She was also shocked to hear of Elgon’s death. Sa’kura gave me her hands and helped me up while Barion took Rain up; they both guided us to [/i][FONT="]Corax[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][FONT="]Lake[/FONT][FONT="] nearby. There Barion did what he could to get Rain out of his … de state he was in. Barion hit Rain a couple of times and also picked Rain up and put him in the lake. Barion put rain under water a few times before Rain woke up. When Rain fell into the water the last time he got up and was awake again. I’m just sorry to say that he didn’t remember anything. The last thing he remembered was that he was at the meeting and Elgon said his final goodbye, Kyle giving him the leadership of the guild and then Rain remembered going home and staying there alone drinking. I must have found him somewhere after he got drunk. That’s why I am writing this all down. I hope I remembered everything correctly. I did everything I could to remember, I took a room of my own and locked myself in, I used a pages from my dairy to write the first things down and help me remember more. I hope it was enough. I have now spent almost 3 pages on what happened the last few weeks. I hope it is enough. [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
  [FONT="]Now for a happier event. After Rain got out of the water and we had a little talk we went on our way home. Sa’kura and Barion had there own little talk not far from where Rain and I were standing. We talked a bit together just the four of us. When I tolled him I wanted to go home and rest. Then Rain asked Barion if he could tell it to me. Sa’kura and I didn’t know what they were talking about. At first even Barion didn’t know but he soon remembered. Then Rain tolled me that Barion and Sa’kura were going to help us get our house. It was great news and when Barion confirmed it I hugged him and thanked him. Then the four of us went to Prantz. Rain went to see if the house he had in mind was still free. While me, Barion and Sa’kura went to the bank in Prantz to get the money so Rain could buy the house. Minutes later Rain bought the house. When we got to the house, Rain carried me in the house but as soon as I got in I just got out of his arms and rain across the house to see how it looked.  When I was done I thanked Barion and Sa’kura for there help.     After I got my first sleep in our new house I staid in my room to right these pages. Now that I’m almost finished I will finally get out and look at what Rain has been doing while I had locked myself in here. Perhaps he even got the twins over her. I’m so excited.     [/i][FONT="][/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="]Signed Sonya Darsus.[/i] [/SIZE][/FONT]    *the end of the 71th page*.


What’s happening to me?
« Reply #55 on: October 05, 2006, 03:17:50 am »
*the 72nd page*
  Augra 27, 1406    It has been about 2 months now since Rain bought the new house In Halflake. The kids seem to love it as they can play tag in the house and out side they love the pond; it’s hard to keep them out of there. As I’m writing this I’m watching Sarah and Tristan play hide and go seek. Sarah seems to love that game. Tristan is more into playing tag. He also seems to like to imitate me when I pray to Lucinda. I like it when I see him like that. If he keeps on doing it, I might even help him with it. These days when I pray to Lucinda I pray for the safety of my family and my friend. In secret I have also been hunting on some ants and giants in the Drift lands. I know how Rain would feel about me going out alone so that’s why I sometimes leave without telling him the truth about where I go. I don’t want him to worry about me to much. He has enough on his mind accepting the death of our friend Elgon.     In the past couple of weeks I have started to feel sick. I don’t know what is wrong with me but I try to hide it from Rain and the kids. I don’t know if I can hide it because Sarah seems to start sneaking up on people. I have already sent a bird to Sala asking for her help. I just hope she gets it in time. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I don’t think I felt like this before. Then again I don’t think of the past much these day’s. I’m busier studying that book I got from that “friend of the family”. The language of the dragons that’s explained inside of it is hard to learn. But I read it every day al least once.
    Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 72nd page*.


I should be more careful.
« Reply #56 on: October 13, 2006, 12:51:36 pm »
*the 73rd page*
  [FONT="]Jenra 12, 1407[/i][FONT="]    It has been has been a long time since I wrote, but I haven’t felt like writing. I might have even lest time from now on.   First I’d like to write about me getting lost in the Fire steep Mountains. The country alone almost got me killed. When I tolled Rain about it he wasn’t happy. I hope he understood that I didn’t mean to end up there.   The second thing I want to write down is a lot happier, although I have been ignoring it for quite a while. It was at the last angel guild meeting that I tolled everyone. They might have suspected but a druid gave me some news that they and even I did not expect. I’m having twins, again. I’m pregnant of two babies and they might be born in about 2 months I think, could be two and a half months I’m not sure.    Alright enough about that, I don’t really feel like cheering to have 2 more children. Not with since rain had a visit of the soul mother again. It’s the 8th time the soul mother did her job again. I saw it happen myself and there was nothing I could do. 2 more of the soul mothers visits and I’ll be taking care of my four children alone. Well not entirely alone. Elohanna has started to life with us at our home. She is good with the children. I have seen her have Tristan on her back while she had changed herself into a spider. Sometimes she also takes Sarah on her back along with Tristan. How I love my children. Tristan is imitating me when I pray to Lucinda and he is also learning how to use a sword. I’m not to happy about that since all the fighters I know have many visits from the soul mother. Front liners as they are called lead a live filled with risks. Sarah on the other had seems to be more interested in hiding. We can still find here when we want to but. I think we might have more difficulty as she grows older and better. When she is old enough I might ask Rain if he knows someone to teach Sarah how to use a bow. And I might teach her some magical trick to help her survive. And if Tristan one day asks about it, I will teach it to him to.  I have also had some help of Sarah and Tristan when creating a new outfit to wear while my belly keeps growing. They helped me colour it and it turned out nice. They wanted me to wear it before doing anything else.    Well enough of this writing, I’m going to spent some more time with my kids.    [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="]Signed Sonya Darsus.[/i][FONT="] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]    *the end of the 73rd page*.


not an other one.
« Reply #57 on: October 13, 2006, 04:39:32 pm »
*the 74th page*
  [FONT="]Jenra 15, 1407[/i][FONT="]    What is this world I brought my kids into? First Elgon died, and now words have reached my ears that Mercas is gone to. I heard it from Serissa and Ferrit. Serissa said that Dora was there and saw it herself. When Ferrit left she seemed to take it a bit hard. I can’t blame her.   Serissa and I had a talk after that. During that she tolled me to take it easy from now on since I have only about 2 months left.  I also remembered I haven’t had time to think of any names. I thought of the following ones: Silva, Serissa and Silvia, for when it is a girl and Silver, Draco and Drake when it’s a boy. I know that Rain wants to name one boy after Elgon and the first one will be named after him. That much I can promise right now. I have to think of some better names for when we have two boys.     Later I met Barion in the Hlint craft hall. From what he tolled me Sa’kura might be pregnant. That’s happy news to hear. He didn’t seem to confident that he would be a good father but I just tolled him that the more he would miss his children when he is away from home, the easier it will become to put down his tools and go home. It works for me.    Not much later I met Dora; she confirmed it when I talked about it with Barion. I got emotional at that stage and had a hard time not to burst out into tears. First Elgon, now Mercas, who’s next? Sa’kura seems to be close, Rain is to, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Barion is close to. All of my friends seem to be dying while I only had 2 visits of the soul mother. It’s like a bad dream.     I had to do some work after that so I got to a tinkering furnace and got the bags of sand I dug up a bit earlier. I started to work with them, when Serissa saw me she tolled me that I wasn’t taking it easy. I know she is Right but at that time I didn’t want to take it easy. Because it only makes me think of how my friends are slowly dying out there. And I don’t like that one bit. It is making me doubt about the gods and such. I do pray to Lucinda to give them the wisdom and power they need to survive. I don’t want to abandon Lucinda as in might brake Tristan’s heart if he no longer sees me pray. It doesn’t sound right to leave her. Not after praying to her for so long.    I just got back home and the twins are sleeping, and so are our pseudo dragons Ehlen and Draco. I must say this is the first time I have seen them together like that. They are sleeping so close together. I’m too tired to think of a reason why. I’m going to bed.    [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="]Signed Sonya Darsus.[/i][FONT="] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]    *the end of the 74th page*.


A surprise from nature.
« Reply #58 on: October 15, 2006, 03:26:22 pm »
*the 75th page*
  Ferbra 15, 1407    A good day with an even better surprise. Today I was at Hlint talking to Serissa a bit. When I felt that the twins wanted to be born. Thanks to Serissa Rain got to Hlint as fast as he could. Kyle also got there and Barion was already there. Barion carried me to 148 Krandor where Serissa and Rain helped me deliver the babies. The first to be born was a girl, Anaya Eloana Darsus, after that her Sister Sil’via Serissa Darsus was born. We thought it was over after that but I felt that one other wanted to get out into the world. Moments later the boy Elgon Darsus was born. Yes we named the boy Elgon after our departed friend. Elgon was the surprise. No wonder it all felt so heavy and busy in there.   We had a party after that where our friend got to meet the new born. I must say that when I got Sa’kura to carry one of the baby girls, she seemed to be a natural. She was so good with it. She will be a great mother when her child is born. I just know it.  Rain also asked 3 of our friends if they wanted to be the godfathers of our children. I believe he choose Barion, Kyle and Daniel. After that I had to decide. I choose Sa’kura, Ferrit and Serissa to be the triplet’s god mothers. Such a great day it was.  Kyle got me a room to rest after the little party. When I got back I was just in time for the Angel Guild meeting. The important part of this meeting was that Omer became a part of the guild, or as some of us call it, our family. After the meeting Rain and I went home to Prantz. Along the way in Prantz we met Lance. He was very happy when he heard we called the boy Elgon. He said that it was an honour to him and his family to have the name live on. When we got home I first showed Lance the portal so he could get back to Hlint. After that me and Rain showed Sarah and Tristan there new brother and sisters. They were so exited about it. Sarah couldn’t believe they were real but she liked them none the less. And Tristan asked us where they came from. I explained it of course but I’m not sure if he will understand it just yet. It was very exiting for Tristan and Sarah to meet there new brother and sisters. One day they will have to look after them and help teach them some of the things that Elgon, Anaya and Sil’via can not do, like tying up the pseudo dragons.     Enough for now, Sarah wants to look at the babies again. And I think I should spend some time with Tristan and Sarah to. I don’t want them to become jealous of there new brother and sisters.    
    Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 75th page*.


I’ve been very busy.
« Reply #59 on: November 09, 2006, 11:49:13 am »
*the 76th page*
  [FONT="]Mar 25, 1408[/i][FONT="].[/FONT][FONT="]     Having 5 children is hard work. They ask a lot of my time. But there are times that it is worth it. Because the give me so much love in return.   Tristan and Sarah are both 5 and half years old now. Tristan has become a big boy and he shows great skills with the sword, and his dedication with praying to Lucinda is admiring for a child his age. Sarah has improved her skills with the bow. Although she still misses the targets some times. Her hiding is improving to; it’s getting harder and harder to find her. Then again I’m not even trying some times.   I’m thinking of starting with teaching them how to read and write common. I’ve already started to make some scrolls with the alphabet on it, and with pictures to show what the sounds of the letters are. I’m almost finished with it. Sarah has already send interest in it. When they know how to read and write common I will start to teach them the elven language.   The triplets Anaya, Sil’via and Elgon are growing up fast. They like to be have there big sister Sarah with them. It must be because she cares so much for them. Even now while practising with her bow, she looks at them from time to time.    I have been drunk a few days ago. That’s what I believe anyway. I was worried about Rain, Kyle, Ferrit and some other of my friends. I heard that they had gotten the plague. I remember Dalan giving me two bottles of xeenite wine. The next thing I remembered is waking up in a room in the wild surge inn, with a headache. I’m now near a pond with the children trying to recover from it. I got not much else to tell so I’m going to play with the kids.[/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]
    [FONT="]Signed Sonya Darsus.[/i][FONT="] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]    *the end of the 76th page*.

