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Author Topic: Diary of Sonya DarkAngel  (Read 1479 times)


An other dairy page.
« Reply #60 on: November 20, 2006, 01:17:41 pm »
*the 77th page*
  [FONT="]Seplar 22, 1408.[/i]    [FONT="]I had some great training. The first was in the haven mines. It looked like an easy trip but it got most of us killed. I and two others barely survived. When we got back together Barion was angry. He even said that the soul mother should have taken him for good. I didn’t like the sound of that. I lost too many friends already and I tolled him that he should not embrace death like that but to choose life and then live. I don’t know if it was me or the things the others said but Barion left after not long after that.     A few days later I met Barion along with Serissa in the Hlint craft hall. There I apologized to Barion. He didn’t think it was necessary for me to apologize, but I still did. I said I lost a lot of friends and family already and that I had seen enough death to last me a long time. I tolled them I grew up at a grave yard, about the death of my mother and the disappearance of my father, Brother and sisters. They didn’t know about these things and started to ask questions I answered as them the best I could. I even tolled them about the note and the bone dagger.     After that we went to Dregar to get some stuff Barion needed. I had a great time there with Barion and Serissa. Barion even gave me some complements. With one of them he said I looked beautiful and that he meant it from the bottom of his heart. I know it’s mostly because I look like Sa’kura a bit. I like him to but no matter how my feelings are for him he will always be third, right after Rain and my kids.    The kids are doing fine to. Sarah and Tristan’s Reading skills are getting better with each lesson I give them. If they keep going I might even give them a few lessons of elven and see how it goes. The triplets Anaya, Sil’via and Elgon are growing up fast to. They are kind off starting to walk and they have even spoken some words. Sarah and Sil’via seem to have a lot of my family. Tristan and Elgon more form Rain and Anaya seem to have a bit of both of us. Sil’via seems to develop an interest in my magic. Anaya and Elgon just seem to like everything at the moment. But there is one thing all 5 kids have in common. They all like Draconia, Ehlen and Arwin.  I’m starting to think that Sarah, Ehlen and Draconia are hiding something from us. I wouldn’t be surprised if Tristan is in it to. I’m sure I will find out in time.     Oh one more thing. I made a change in one of my dresses and I must say that Rain liked it a lot when he saw me in it. It made him go wild when he saw it. I think I might play with him a bit before I let him have his way. And even then I will go slow just to spice up our lives a bit.       Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][/SIZE][/FONT]    *the end of the 77th page*.[FONT="][/FONT]


An other dairy page.
« Reply #61 on: November 28, 2006, 11:56:20 am »
*the 78th page*
  [FONT="]Febra 3, 1409.[/SIZE][/FONT]  [FONT="] A had a great time the past few weeks. Someone has been treating me as a princess and a beautifull woman. He even almost succeeded in making me forget my family back home and the troubles of my past, but not completely. There were times where he did just the right things to make me remember… my husband for example or my long lost brother. I don’t think he would try to take me away from Rain. I would allow him anyway. I still love Rain more then him. I’m not even sure I love him the way I love Rain, its different somehow. There were moments in our last time together where he reminded me of my big borther. It was also during this time that a little trip and some carelessness from my part got me killed. When I found him again, he was devastated that he failed to protect me. I tried to comfort him as much as I could. It was here that we spent a short time in each others arms. This whole thing is confusing me. I must make up my mind quickly before it ends in a disaster.     Signed Sonya Darsus. [/FONT][FONT="] [/SIZE][/FONT]    *the end of the 78th page*.


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #62 on: December 03, 2006, 07:16:19 am »
*the 79th page*
  [FONT="]Apreal 18, 1409.     Rain is Crazy.  [FONT="]  I saw rain again and I must say I was surprised a bit. Apparently he thought I was going to leave him again. Some of the reasons why he thought that were completely off.   After a little trip in a cave near Haven, where I died but got raised by Dora. Two others died to one of wich was Dalan, oh and the other was Ferrit.  After this we went home along with Elohanna. Before we got to Halflake he blindfolded me. When the blindfolds were taken off I saw our room had been changed. The kids had there own beds. Sarah had gotten her own big girl bed and our bed was separated from the rest of the room. Then Rain showed me the living room here he had place a big table for all of us to sit together when we have our dinner. He had also placed some other things. It was great. After this we also had a good talk together. Rain also showed me some other things in the house and at some point we heard someone came in and we were surprised to see that Elohanna got home without the kids. Elohanna got ambushed by some mushrooms and she asked if the kids got home. But they didn’t. We wasted no more time and went to search for them. We found them hiding in a tree. Sarah helped her brothers and sisters to hide from the bad creatures. Bless Sarah child for being so good at it.    A few days later I went on a trip with some people and Rain. It ended in a disaster. Most of us got killed Ferrit, Kyle, me And rain to. Rain even got a visit from the soul mother, his 9th time. I cried when I heard that from him. I can’t believe he is so close now.    *the paper seems to have had tear drops fell on it.*    Signed Sonya Darsus.[/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT][/SIZE][/i][/FONT]    *the end of the 79th page*.[FONT="][/FONT][/SIZE]


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #63 on: December 16, 2006, 06:40:46 am »
*the 80th page*
  Novlar 17, 1409.      Much has happened lately.    The most important Thing that happened since my last notes starts when I met Kyle at Point Harbor. After the usual hello’s he asked me if I knew of an other woman by the name of Sonya. He said that a man was looking for his sister. He also asked me if my name had always been DarkAngel before I married Rain, because the man’s name was Lex’or Gravedigger. I got mixed feelings then, happiness, sadness anger, but most of all fear, I got scared. The name of the man was indeed the same of my brother who I thought was gone along with father and sisters. But what if in reality he was the man that made them disappear and now he was looking for me. Kyle saw there was something wrong and he asked me so many questions it seemed. But I could only answer the one about my name. I tolled him I was born and raised under the name Sonya Gravedigger and that certain events had me change it out of fear. That’s when I tolled him everything from the sudden death of my mother to the night I got home and found the house to be empty.    It starts with the sudden death of my mother and teacher in magic when I was 16 years. After her death I spent almost a year near her grave trying to find a way to get her back. Almost a year later I thought I found a way and I rushed back home. When I got home I found nobody to be there. Not my father, not my brother and not my 3 sisters. I even looked everywhere in town without any luck. When I got back again I saw something on the table. It was a dagger completely made from bones along with a note. The note Said: “now they are all mine to control”. I cried myself to sleep that night. The next morning at the break of dawn I remember leaving without anyone seeing me. Ever since that day I told people my name was Sonya DarkAngel. I left the name Gravedigger behind me out of fear.   As I told Kyle my story I could see he understood my fears. When I was done, He offered to help me find out if this man was really who he said he was. And so we went back to Hlint. Before I left on the boat I put on my dragon head helmet to make sure he would not recognize me when he saw me. During our travel to Hlint Kyle tolled me that Elohanna might be with this man and I got worried for her safety but I did not no what to write to her. We found them both in Hlint talking to each other. I kept quite and thanks to my helmet they both did not recognize me.    Kyle started o ask questions to the man who claimed to be my brother. At first he mentioned the wrong things but soon he started to say things only my real brother would know. But I was absolutely sure when he showed me a part of a bone and claimed it to be from one of his youngest sisters. When he showed us the bone I saw what it really was. As I removed my helmet I said the following: “I must say that those might not be from our sisters. But from something more terrible, my brother.”  Lex’or and Elohanna seemed shocked and happy at the same time to see it was me under the helmet, and that I was Lex’or’s sister. Kyle said something after that but I did not hear it. In my head I was hugging my long lost brother and at the same time I was haunted by the terrible memories of my past.      
  *the 81st page*
  After the reintroductions I made a fire for my brother and me to sit around and talk about what had happened to our lives in these past 10 years that we have been apart. It seemed that he was away on a mission for the local temple the day of the event. When he got back the next day however he found the house to be burned down to the ground. Something I did not remember happening. He also heard strange things about me from the villagers, that I had fangs, and breathed fire. I know I got red eyes but nothing like that. I wonder what made them all say this. It sounds like they think of me as a dragon.
  The villagers even almost lapidated him out of our village. It was from that day that he spent a lot of time looking for me. It was then that he showed me the bones again and I took a closer look at them. He saw that there was something wrong and that’s when I tolled him my part of the story. I tolled him everything I remembered. Lex’or got angrier with every part I tolled. When I was done he was determined to go home and tell everyone what really happened. I tolled him there was one problem however. I never found our village again. It is gone like snow for the sun. He did not understand it at first. There was a lot more things said that day But I don’t feel like going into it much more. The most important thing is that I got my brother back again.     I have been travelling with my brother a lot ever since that day. Just to catch up on lost time. I also made my first two Sales for the Angel guild. The first was to a woman by the name of Christine. The second was to my own brother. I also travelled with Christine a few times and I must say she is a lot of fun to be with. She even started to call me hotlegs and my brother cutie. I guess she likes to flirt with people. She won’t have a change with me thought. I’m already married and a happy woman.   Talking about Rain I am a bit worried about him. He seems not himself lately. I’m worried that he is killing himself inside by stopping with the travels he used to love so much. I have asked the kids to pay more attention to there father when he is around and to ask him questions rather than me. Perhaps that will cheer him up.
  And now that I’m thinking of the kids there are a few things I’d like to tell about them also. Tristan seems to have gotten his first real weapon from his teacher “Uncle Kyle”. He does a lot more damage with it than with his older weapon. Sarah is getting better with the bow and like her twin brother Tristan she is now almost fluent in elven. And there writing and reading skills are improving to.  Sil’via is sometimes studding with me. At those times I read to here from my study books about dragons. Anaya sometimes joins us to but Like Elgon she also spends time with her big brother and sister. Which is watching Tristan and Sarah practise with there weapons. I have also started to teach the triplets how the read and write common.   I wonder if I’m not too early with this.
   Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 81st page*.  


An other diary page written
« Reply #64 on: December 25, 2006, 04:01:46 pm »
*the 82nd page*    [FONT="]Apreal 18, 1410[/SIZE][/FONT]
  [FONT="]    I have been on a meeting about the 4 seeds that Drogo talked about a while back. After the meeting we went to look for some answers. We went to a dungeon which led us from one portal to an other portal. All of them had a puzzle to solve in order to activate the portal. On the last one before we found the seed. I helped with finding the answer. I noticed that a stone was activated my touching it. After the last portal we found a river to cross. This was very hard because creatures appeared the moment you crossed it. We found the 3rd seed, the autumn seed none the less. And it is now in the hands of Drogo I believe. Although I think He might have brought it to a save place to hide it, not sure thought.    During this trip I felt like my powers have gotten stronger somehow. After words I even found out I could do some magic I haven’t done before. One of those is summoning a clay golem, a strong ally that has saved me a few times already. I also have been able to enter the advanced crafting halls. Although the first time I tried this was with Rain around. I was happy and I saw he was stunned and happy at the same time. It was a happy day for me. I even shared it with the kids at home. I even mentioned my brother to them again. I also mentioned him before but this time I tolled them much more about there uncle. Tristan was interested to hear I named him after his uncle and I think he wants to meet Lex’or sooner that later, all in good time.    I have also been drunk again. I don’t remember much of it. Besides waking up from a nightmare and falling to the ground. I heard some things from Christine that scared me but I don’t believe they are true. Barion was there to but I don’t believe he would want to tell me. I don’t think I even want to know. I think it is better if I don’t know.     My brother Lex’or is worried about Elohanna. She appears to be leaving to clear her mind and he is worried he will lose her love. I, along with some other have been telling him that if it’s true love she will come back to him. He will just have to wait and see. I hope it is true love between those two. I’d love to see them happy.    What else can I write down?   Oh yes, Rain has said he will be joining the guild again on trips. Mainly as a backup to heal people and he will remain invisible during combat. I don’t mind at least He will be with me a lot more again. I have mainly seen him in and around the house or at guild meetings. He does take good care of the kids so I don’t mind the road he has taken. But I think he can do with a little bit of excitement. Perhaps I can help him a bit. I’m getting an idea right now. I’ll have to talk to Lex’or about a few things first thought. I’ll let you know how things turned out. [/SIZE][/FONT]
  [FONT="]  Signed Sonya Darsus. [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT="]  [/FONT]  *the end of the 82nd page*.[FONT="][/FONT]


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #65 on: January 10, 2007, 12:04:07 pm »
*the 83rd page*    Jenra 4, 1411
   There are only a few pages left in this book so I will keep these pages only for important events that happened in my live.  First off Lex’or has seen my children. They need to get used to him but he seems to like them and I think it’s the same in return.     My powers are increasing to. I feel like I’m about to become better again. It won’t be long now. My trainings are paying off. My trainings were mostly with my husband Rain and Ranéwin. I must say Ranéwin is very good. I’m also happy to say that she is being considered to become a member of our guild: The Angels guild.     The following is also important. I have asked Kyle to give Sarah some training with a melee weapon. I asked this because I have seen my daughter Sarah looking with a certain interest at her twin brother Tristan. When I asked Kyle if he would mind training her he said that he might train Sarah along with his own child Cole. It sounds like a good idea and I hope I can attend the training sessions a few times.   The rest of my children are doing well. I am however noticing that Anaya is taking more interest in nature and its flora and fauna. Perhaps one day I will have rain or perhaps Drogo teach her some things about it. Drogo might be the best idea as he is basically part of nature, in my eyes anyway.    I have been studying my books about dragons a lot lately. Mostly because my kids, especially Sil’via seem to be interested in it to. I hope that one day I will be able to fight along side with a dragon.   I’m also still praying to Lucinda. At first I prayed because I felt that by praying to her I could become closer to my magic. Later I only prayed to keep my son Tristan happy. But since a year I have been praying to Lucinda only out of my love for magic. With every time my magic powers grow inside of me, my love for magic grows with it. Also now that I am using magic a lot more than I use to I seem to like it a lot more that using melee or ranged weapons.   I still imagine Lucinda to be my mother. Because of that my love and faithfulness to Lucinda will be there for many years to come.   Now I think I can find that woman who is called the love of Lucinda or something. And ask her how I can become a follower of Lucinda. Hopefully I am ready for it. I know that what ever happens in my life. My love for magic will be eternal.     Magic,  Only so many times  I can say I long for you  You were my first love  The earth moving under me  Bedroom scent, beauty ardent  Distant shiver, heaven sent    Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 83rd page*.
//OOC Parts of the last lines I took from a song from a group I like. just so you knwo i didn't make it up myself. I did however change it a bit to reflec what i wanted to achieve.


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #66 on: January 24, 2007, 11:00:56 am »
*the 84th page*    Augra 17, 1411
   A few more events I wan to place in this book, before it will run out of pages.    Rain and I had a hard talk with each other. I tolled him about the event with Chrissy, the one where I got drunk and she kissed me. I still don’t remember anything about this so as far as I know it never happened yet I felt like telling Rain about it. He took it a lot better then I thought.     Rain also tolled me about something he had done. During the days he thought I was seeing Barion. He had become so mad again that he attacked the town Llast. He must have been pretty angry because he had almost attacked Kyle to, since Kyle at some point got between Rain and the guild hall of us. I guess if it wasn’t for Kyle Llast might not be there anymore today. Well that’s how Rain puts it and considering his past I believe he could have done it and more.     That night we spend together in one of the Wild Surge Inn rooms. Some people say that it’s better after a fight or a good hard talk. All I can do now is agree with them. At the start of that night I was being careful not to get pregnant again. But as things got more and more exciting so to speak I was no longer busy with that thought. I was only busy with what we were doing.   I wonder if this night will have any effect over 9 months.    There was also a wedding, the one of Quantum and Serissa. It was a great wedding and I took Sarah and Tristan along with me. Those two behaved perfectly during the ceremony. Even Dora complemented them with it, which made Sarah a bit shy and she hid behind me. Not long after that I allowed those two too play a bit since they had been such good kids. Serissa also liked my presents I gave her several books I never used.     What else to write down. Oh yes, I have been with a woman named Kali. No, no don’t worry I wasn’t cheating on Rain. This woman showed me some things with cards. She showed me the past the present and with it my future. With the 3 cards she picked from her deck she tolled me that I had a happy event in my past but that in my present I was living in some kind of dream or illusion. The 3rd card tolled me I needed to change that in the future but it didn’t say for what reason. Then she took a 4th card but even with that card she tolled me it was to remain a mystery.  That event got me thinking a lot. About where I had been, where I was now and what my future was to be. I could remember the first two. But I have been unable to be sure about the future. Al I know for sure is that my kids and Rain will have to be in it.    Well one other page written and that much closer to ending this book and starting with a new one. If I got time I might start with writing some things for the next book to start with. But I might send it to the “Dragon Whisperer” first. Who knows they might use it for one of there news letters.    Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 84th page*.


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #67 on: February 04, 2007, 10:52:32 am »
*the 85th page*    Febra 14, 1412
   The first thing I feel like writing down here is one that has made me very scared and sad. My husband Rain is going to be on trail one of these days. The reason for this is nothing more then the law’s way of letting people know they should not help the innocent. The law does not want us to go out there and protect someone when there up against overwhelming odds. In Rain’s case he bought a slave after which he said him free. This is something Garent saw and did not like. I’m not sure anymore if it was the buying the slave part or setting him free part that almost got Rain in jail there and then to await his trail. Thank to all those around him who saw Rain’s good intentions he was spared from that faith. I don’t think I could have bared the thought of not walking up with Rain in the mornings. 4 month without Rain and then the possibility of him having to be away for many more. The thought alone is unbearable for me. I don’t want to think what would happen if it would happen for real.    Many of my friends have already said they would help me if anything were to happen. I already know that Barion and Serissa will be there to help Rain on his trial. Christine, My brother Lex’or and even Elohanna I believe have all said they would be there for us if Rain is to go to jail.     *she looks around in the bedroom and notices that the kids and Rain are all a sleep in there beds. She wipes away a few tears before writing further.*
  I have been on many trips lately to train my skills. I have become much stronger now. On one of those trips I asked Ranéwin if I could talk to her alone. When we were alone I tolled her if she could check something I was a bit unsure about. She couldn’t tell me as much as I wanted to hear but the things she said confirmed what I thought, and what my body was telling me.   I will need to go back to her in a few months to see if she can tell me more.    If I am correct the lives of me, my husband and my kids will be a bit happier, that much busier, and with any bad luck that much sadder.  I will write more of this an other time.   *she closes the book and puts it in her back pack. Then she gets to bed and puts her head to rest on her husband’s chest. And slowly she falls a sleep*      Signed Sonya Darsus.    *the end of the 85th page*.


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #68 on: February 12, 2007, 11:16:12 am »
*the 86th page*   Jular 6, 1412
   I have some good news to write down. My 6th child has been born on  Mai 22 of the  year 1412, during a toga Party at the Leilon Arms Inn. It is a boy and we named him Elyam Nedru Darsus, after our fathers. Soon after Rain suggested we would honour a tradition form his family. So we went on to a place where we could just see the moon. There Rain took the baby, unwrapped it so he would be naked and raised him up in to the moon, so the moonlight would be shinning on him and he spoke the following words.    
                              Elven Language: seaniram seel Common: mother moon Elven Language: Lairelelv cilwa eo anira leviran Common: Shining lady of the night Elven Language:  Illa sa oilaniram illw irela oilaniram wela laelnya anira wilaml eo eym anesa Common: As my father and his father done since the dawn of our time Elven Language:  E fmelv ane aey el anira oemlaan leviran eo irela ceoa, Acails Lawmy Wilmlayla Common: I bring to you on the first night of his life, Elyam Nedru Darsus Elven Language: Lael eo Milel El'Wilmlayla, Lael eo Acails El'Wilmlayla, Lael eo Laacseill El'Wilmlayla *it goes on for 15 names* Common: Son of Rain In'Darsus, Son of Elyam In'Darsus, Son of Sylmian In'Darsus *it goes on for 15 names* Elven Language: Sila aey ceviran fcalala ires ameanir il vyewelv ceviran anirmeyvir irela wilmnlalala leviran. Common: May you light bless him with a guiding light through his darkness night.. Elven Language:  Sila aey fcalala irela irailman ameanir anira anmilweaneella eo sa oilaniram illw oem oilaniramla oem ilcc irela ceoa. Common: May you bless his heart with the traditions of my father and for fathers for all his life Elven Language: Seaniram seel, Lairelelv cilwa eo anira leviran  Common: Mother moon, Shining lady of the night
  Rain then brought Elyam down and covered him with his own cloak. Ferrit and Daniel were both there to witness it. *she hears Elyam cry a bit and puts her dairy down to go to him to care for him. She gently takes him in her arms and starts to tend to his needs.*
  *the end of the 86th page*.


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #69 on: February 16, 2007, 03:33:56 am »
*the following has been writen in shaky handwriting, as if her hands has been shaking while she wrote it.*  He is close, He is near, I'm not save. what does he want? I need sleep, Can't sleep. not while he is near. He know's where i am. I'm scared.  I've seen me. was it his? I need to hide. Can't hide. can't sleep. Not alone, never alone.
  *nothing else is written*


RE: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #70 on: March 10, 2007, 07:47:59 am »
*the 87th page*   [FONT="]Augra 18, 1413.  [/FONT]  [FONT="]My last entry was a strange one now that I read it back. But considering what happened it’s not that strange.   Before I wrote my last entry I received a note written in blood. It was the start of something awful and yet very pleasant. The awful part is about the notes and finding out that the one behind the notes kidnapped my children and eventually killed my husband. The notes in it self were always written in some code and were written by someone very intelligent.   I will keep the notes for now, as a reminder. In the notes this person tolled me and my brother many things. Hidden in the writing was a guide to where the writer was. But it wasn’t until me and one other mage started to do some magic on the notes that we found out where the person was. Celgar helped us with this. Ever since that moment the person started to use the same magic against us. We were attacked a lot during our travel to find the place we thought they were. During our travels we got more notes. Some of us started to think my mother was behind it. A thought I quickly threw away, I couldn’t believe the mother that raised Lex’or my brother and me who is dead could have done these things.   To make a long story short, it turned out to be our mother after all. She was changed however. She looked almost like a succubus. She had big wings and claws. And she turned out to have saved my… our twin sisters her daughters Flora and Fauna. All 3 of them turned out to be crazier then I remember them. But then again, what would you expect after more then 10 years of being searching for the one who summoned you back from the dead and then ran away after it. It is my entire fault. No matter what people say I will always blame myself for this. But then again I am glad I could convince my mother I did not mean to hurt her like this. I just wanted to get her back. It felt so good having her back. Back in her arms, with claws and her wings this time. Despite her looks she is still my mother to me.   It all ended well, she said she would send me a note in time to come and visit her. I hope it happens soon. I so wanted to be with her again. I miss her already. I remember she said she was willing to help me become the most powerful sorceress there is. I can only hope she will. I am willing to follow her teachings, just like I did so long ago.    [/FONT][/SIZE]
  [FONT="]  Signed Sonya Darsus. [/FONT][/SIZE][FONT="]  [/FONT]  *the end of the 87th page*.  [FONT="][/FONT]


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #71 on: April 09, 2007, 01:57:38 pm »
*the 88th page*

Decilar 18, 1414.

it has been 15 months to the day since my last time I wrote anything in here. In the entry before this one I forgot to write an especial thing. The fact that although my husband Rain survived the encounter with my mother. The both of them apparently got into an argument and it got out of hand, forcing my mother to kill Rain. The good thing is that after I talked with my mother she and I agreed on a few things, one of them being the return of Rain from where ever she had sent him to. The second I remember was the following, that I would see her again when the time was right. But I only agreed on that if Rain, My children and my friends remained unharmed. My mother and I both agreed to the terms we each lay down and when we were done my mother made a motion towards my sisters. The then showed there own wings which were much like my mothers. They left into the sky and not long after that my mother followed them.

I wished I could be up there with them. Even now I wish it. Sometimes at night I imagine flying with them trough the skies. It must be amazing to be free like that. Not hindered by anything. Not bothered by others. Having wings like my mother would be great, that’s what I think anyway. With all the troubles I have to face these days I cannot think of a better way of escaping and being alone for a while.

What troubles am I talking about?
Well my children for one. They had to see how there father was killed in front of them. Elyam was too small to remember it. The triplets had bad dreams which are almost gone now. Tristan still remembers and it might have helped him become more dedicated to his ideas of protecting the innocent from pain and suffering. He also seems to pray a lot more although I do not know to who he prays these day’s.
Sarah has a lot of trouble with the evens surrounding my mother. I can’t blame her. She has the same name as my mother. It must be a horrible idea to her.

There is more to tell about Sarah but more about that later. First I want to tell about the day Rain woke up again. On our return to the house my friends and I had placed him on the bed nice and centred so that when he would wake up he could have his family and friends surrounding him on the bed. He slept for a few days. One morning I felt like opening the windows to of our house. The sun was nice and bright the birds and animals could be heard far into the house, and a nice breeze filled the house with clean fresh air. Me and the children went on the table as usual eating talking about the things we had planned for the day. After that I went to the bed room, Sarah and Tristan cleaned the table and the others just went and have fun around the house. As I entered the bed room I noticed Rain starting to wake up so I got close to him and held him tight.

As he woke opened his eyes and started to focus I spoke in eleven to him. I don’t remember what I said but it brought a bright smile to his face. The moment was perfect and got even better as the children noticed there father was awake and they rushed in the room to great and hug him as tight and as long as they could. All but Sarah greeted, she stood at the entrance to the bed room. But not for that long, when she and Rain made eye contact she ran to ran and hugged him faster than she could say “ Welcome back, daddy”.  It was a great moment and we enjoyed it for as long as we all could. I don’t know why it took me so long to write this down. It has been one of the better moments in our lives.

Now to tell you about Sarah and her problem. We all know she loves to play hid and seek and that she sneaks around the house. I tolled her it would get her into trouble one day and apparently it did, sort off. In the weeks after the events around my mother I noticed she started to ….how do I put it. I don’t know she was different some how. So one day I decided to cheer her up and talk to her a bit. So to cheer her up I decided to show her what I do for the guild. I showed her everything I needed to do to make a ring. First of I showed her how to make the ring mold out of clay. She wasn’t interested in that. So I went on to cutting a gem. And it wasn’t until it was cut that the gem got Sarah’s attention. After I had polished the gem she was ready to take it. I tolled her I was willing to give her a gem but only if she would talk to me about why she is shutting herself out. That’s when she went out of the craft hall and went on home without saying anything. I followed her but it wasn’t until the lake near our house that she stopped. We sat down on one of the benches and she started to ask be a question that stunned me.

She asked if I would go evil to like my mother and Rain. It shocked me to hear it from her. I was about to ask her how she got that idea in her head but then I noticed she was about to cry. And that’s when I help her and tolled her we all loved her and would never hurt her. I even tolled her that I would rather do an act of evil to protect her and her brothers and sisters then to see them get hurt. I’m not sure if it helped but it was all I could get think of at that time.

This is all I feel like writing for now.

Signed Sonya Darsus.

*the end of the 88th page*.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #72 on: April 14, 2007, 10:49:01 am »
*the 89th page*

Mar  10, 1415.

I have been doing some things for a strange wizard named Zoraje. He is getting on my nerves.
At first he showed us a very realistic illusion an after math of a battle. It was something that almost got to Rain. Apparently it was as realistic to him as that day he attacked that village.
Anyhow a month later we went on a little trip for him to get some lost artifact of a warrior and to find out some tings of his long lost love. We followed a story tolled by Zoraje’s servant Catherine or what ever you would call someone like her. She makes good pie I must say. The story got us into a cave with big ants. They did not attack us. Thank Lucinda for that. There where hundreds of them in there.

We eventually found the queen with an egg that appeared to be holding the next Queen.
Behind the Queen some of us saw a body with a sword in it. Rain tried to get it out and succeeded but then it made him attack the queen’s egg. Not a good idea because it got the attention of all the other ants. When we were able to stop Rain, The dwarf Grohin or something got the sword and it did the same to him. Not long after that Zoraje started to talk to us. His voice came from everywhere. He said things some of us did not like. And to boot he attacked us too. What’s with this guy, first he sends us out on a mission and then he attack’s us.

But wait it doesn’t stop there. When we got him trapped somewhere he tolled us to go to Catherine. When he left us we went for his house to find Catharine. She was stabbed and bleeding badly. And to top it off she was poisoned with something. We got to save her in the end but the fact remained that Zoraje seemed to have used her for some kind of ritual to find the truth he desires so much. Catherine was saved by Storald and some others how got a cure for the poison. I think Grohin and Barion were among the few who got the cure. Catherine asked us to return within a week so she could get some notes to help us find Zoraje and in our words … stop him. Well those are becoming my words anyway.

Alright so a week later we got to the place Catherine tolled us to meet her. She read the notes she got to us and some of made notes. After that we went on our way 3 by there own route which turned out to be a bit longer. Then the direct boat route me, Rain, Sala and some others took. I enjoyed the boat ride and thankfully Mist didn’t plan on making things unpleasant for us. We got to saudria I think it’s called and made our way thought the dessert I grew up in. We found some rock formations we had to climb I was about to do the same when I remember I could change into a pixy or fey. It’s a much easier way of doing things, just grow wings and fly over.

Anyway we got to the tower from that story Catherine tolled us, and after some of us tried really hard we made our way in. Some by climbing onto the second floor and others like me by the route Barion and Grohin cleared by chopping away a rock that was blocking an entrance on the firsts floor.
We followed a stair down and found ourselves in a cave like area. Kinai scouted a head and reported back with news of what was waiting for us. Metal minautor’s, or minogoons or something, I forgot there name. and later on on our travel in the cave we encountered two iron golems I believe. There are an awesome site to behold and I admire there strength. But I do not ever want to go up against them again, ever.

Well to make a story shorter. We eventually found our way to an altar. And what an altar it was. I know enchantments on weapons but this was to perfect. Well according to Storald it was. He wanted to have the enchantment to. Zoraje was there to and Rain focused on him and the weave in Zoraje. But there was no weave and no live. Is he a ghost or perhaps an illusion like some others thought.

I must admit I admire Zoraje’s powers but that’s all I admire. His way of doing things to find that truth of his is getting on my nerves like he can’t do it himself. It’s starting to get frustrating.

Alright let’s write about something else for now. Something I have been working on.I have asked some of my friends if they were able to make some things for me that I needed.
To my dwarven friend Dalan I asked if he could make me some oak pages.
To Ferrit I asked if she could make me some white and red leather covers to go around the pages made by Dalan. And to Kyle I asked to make the metal I need to make it all into a good strong book.
Thanks to them I now got it finished and ready to give to my two oldest children, Sarah and Tristan. Sarah will get a white book with silver metal and Tristan a red book with golden metal parts. I Hope they will like it and that they will not look at the different colours of the books.  I still have to write a little something in them on the first pages. I already got an idea. I hope they will like it.

Alright sorry dairy of mine I got to go to work. I’ll write in you again some other time.

Signed Sonya Darsus.

*the end of the 89th page*.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #73 on: April 15, 2007, 03:29:10 am »
*the 90th page*

Mar  21, 1415.

Where should I start with, the good or the bad things that happened?
I’ll start with the good and happy news first. Today I have given Sarah and Tristan there own dairies. They seem to like having one. Sarah is already sitting next to me writing her first pages. She likes her book. She keeps saying how the white of the book’s cover fits her hair. And Tristan? Well I haven’t seen him writing his yet, but I’m sure he will take his time to do so. I think Sarah could become more of the writing type like me. Tristan might become more like my brother Lex’or, that’s where Tristan seems to be going anyway. I can only hope he will be careful if he gets to be a lot like my brother the “undead hunter”, or was it “slayer”.

*she looks up and thinks for a moment. She notices Sarah Coming to sit next to her with her own book and she starts writing too. Sonya goes back to her own dairy and continues*

It doesn’t matter anyway. At least I am happy to say Sarah is more at ease near her father now, although she still tends to be more with me then with Rain. Rain and I have both tried our best to explain Rain’s problem to Tristan and Sarah. The children had some good questions and some where hard to answer for us. I was surprised with one thing thought. Sarah seemed to have read everything about Rain’s problem and what he did because of it. Poor girl, no wander she has been having a few nightmares lately. I can only hope that now they have there own book to write in they will use it to write about things to have a hard time talking about with others.  

Now let’s write about the fact that our guild has been robbed. It is a long story as to how it came to be but in the end it turned out that Kinai was sort of forced into robbing us. She changed her mind and wanted to buy everything. We got some trouble while she and this “Thomas the archer” were with us. Rats we thought at first, after Kinai and Thomas left it turned out to be something very different. The things that were taken can be replaced but I think everyone there would approve when I say that it is a wake up call and we need to be more careful in the future. I’m just glad that Serissa and Barion are handling this. I trust those two to do what ever they can to get to the bottom of this. If they ever would need my help they will get it, along with that of everybody else from the “Illvacla eo El'Wilmlayla” Guild. I just hope we can find out who is responsible for this and why. And I also hope we find out BEFORE some of us kill him/her.

*she looks up as Sarah asks her some things. She answers them and then goes back to writing*

Sarah wants me to help her with one of her ideas for her book. She said she wants one of the first pages to be a good one to enter the book. After that page she has written some things already. She is happy with it and it shows. Sarah can’t wait for me to help her. I have to write something in the most beautiful writing I have ever done. It will be a challenge. I have to go before she starts pulling me to much.

*Sonya Smiles and puts her quill to rest and lets the book dry. She goes to help he daughter Sarah with her book, after that Sarah and Sonya put there books both in a save place together.*  

Signed Sonya Darsus.

*the end of the 90th page*.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #74 on: April 28, 2007, 10:01:19 am »
*the 91th page*

Oclar  24, 1415.
Rain and Sarah seem to get along again. I was getting worried that those two might never get along again. But I’m glad I was wrong.

One problem is now over and the next one is already knocking on our door. It happened after My long over due visit to get a quest done and over with. After I had done that I got out side and rain asked me a question. He didn’t finish it. He stopped in the middle of his question and walked away. I asked him what was wrong but he didn’t answer. He kept on walking towards Folian’s vale or something like that. He prayed there in front of s tree. All this time he kept on ignoring me. No mater what I tried he did not respond. Not even Arwin. After his little prayer he got back to where he was before he started walking like that. I was already quite angry at him. He never ignored me like that before and if it was a joke made by him he would have something coming to him.
When we got back to where it started he finished his question as if nothing ever happened. That’s when I asked him what he was doing. He thought I was making a joke. That ed me off really good. I decided to do the same to him as he did to me. I walked away without answering him. I ignored him for a while until we got to the road to Fort Llast. There he park him self in front of me while he was riding his horse. I could see he was getting angry himself for what I did. I tolled him that this was how I was feeling to.
In the conversation that followed I found out that he was apparently some how affected by something. In my eyes it sounded like his hatred towards folian was getting a different form. I tolled him that it might be a good idea to come to terms with folian before this got worse. Rain also tolled me that a while back he was wondering around aimlessly in the forest with Arwin, when they both heard something coming from all around them. He could not understand what it was but not long after that he found himself on the bed with Arwin lying at his feet and leafs and dirt over the floor.

It sounded like this was a problem that has been busy for a while now. We also met our dwarven friend Dalan who we tolled the problem to. Rain tolled him the whole story since Dalan did not know it. After the story Dalan tolled Rain something similar to what I said.  That rain was to try and get his faith in folian back. Rain how ever was not pleased to hear it. he said he had hated folian for so long and he did not want to follow him again.

I tolled him he could do with this information about his problem as he wished. But if it would get worse I would MAKE him do something to solve this problem. That guy can be so stubborn some times. But I know of ways to make him do what is best for him. I just hope I don’t need to use those methods. Some of them could turn out the wrong way.

Signed Sonya Darsus.

*the end of the 91th page*.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #75 on: May 06, 2007, 05:08:02 am »
*the 92nd page*

Sunra  Mar 1, 1416.
I got some things to write about again. First of is an idea I got when talking with Barion the other day. We started talking about our little girls Sarah and Abigail and how they were becoming good friends now. Barion was still worried thought since Abigail seemed to have seen how a friend of her got cooked and eaten. This friend was squirrel and the people who ate him were hungry people. I almost forgot that some people still have to survive on a day to day basis. Poor Abigail must have had a hard time with this. That’s when Barion said he hoped to have a bigger room for Abigail soon. A room big enough for two girls to sleep in. it sounded like a great idea and it reminded me of my plans for the house. Well mine and rain’s planes.  
I hope that when we get done the girls can spend more time together. They seem to like playing together and having fun. Sometimes I hear them giggling after the lessons with Rain. When I hear them like that I just know they had been up to something. He I was a little girl once too. My sisters and I used to have fun with Lex’or. Since he was the only brother we had he was always the target. *giggles thinking of those times* Poor Lexy, it must have made him mad sometimes having to endure four girls having fun. *giggles again* those were the good old days.
I must be getting old starting to talk about the good old days. Well nothing to do about it. It’s not like I’m strong enough to beat death. We all die sometime.

I must say thinking back of my younger years I remember my mother again. One of the many days I think of her again since I saw her again. I can’t help but wonder why she hasn’t sent me any letters yet. I miss her a lot. I miss her hugging me. Even now she has wings and claws I still love to hold her and be help by her. Even when she put her wings around me that day was……well it felt like heaven to me. I knew back then that she would do anything to protect me. That’s how it felt anyway. I just wish she would show her face again some time so I can hug her again. I miss her so much.

If your scrying on me mother, please know I hope you contact me soon. I miss you so much. I just want to hold you again and be held by you, by your new hands and those wonderful wings of yours covering me almost completely.
I also have a question I need answering. I seem to be stuck on a imaginary road, ready to move on but having a problem. The road splits in three directions, the one straight forward is much like the path I have been following lately. The path on the left seems to be an old path I remember from when I was younger, it has ghost, graveyards and undead on it. The path and the far right is different. It has a lot of fire on it along with red dragons statues one it along with small red dragons flying around. I need your help to know which road would be best.

Signed Sonya Darsus.

*the end of the 92nd page*.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #76 on: May 22, 2007, 03:49:57 pm »
*the 93rd page*
I’ve become scared of the safety of my daughter Sarah.
One day Dalan brought her home and tolled us he and his companion had chased some boys away. We laid Sarah on her bed and when she woke up she tolled us her story about a bully at school and how he has been making Sarah’s life and school a hard one. She fended him of pretty well but I now fear he might be planning more terrible things she won’t be able to get out of so easily. The time that Dalan brought her home she was saved by one of her egg’s she hide from us. The egg hatched and a little pseudo dragon saved her by scaring the boys long enough for Sarah to get out.
A few days later I ran into Kyle who was talking with Omer in the guild. I felt bad to send Omer away but I only wanted to talk to Kyle. I asked him if he would teach Sarah to handle a weapon so she would be able to handle her self next time those boys do something.
I have yet to tell Rain about Sarah’s new training. I hope he won’t get to angry at me.

Signed Sonya Darsus.

*the end of the 93rd page*.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #77 on: May 27, 2007, 04:15:27 am »
*the 94th page*
 I talked to rain about Kyle Training our daughter Sarah in using weapons.
Rain agreed but he wasn’t too happy about me going around his back in this. I just hope He understands that I could not wait any longer to find the right time to tell him and Kyle. And I found Kyle that day sooner than Rain.
Not that Rain is very upset about the deal. A few days’ later he already made a joke together with a woman named ……Eliza I think. I helped her a few times with some things. She and rain started talking about her becoming our daughter. At first I thought she was joking but the more she used the word “serious” I became that as well. When they said it was a joke, I wasn’t too happy about it. When I left Rain made an other joke ….I think. He was talking about a….. Why am I even going to write it here. It better be a joke and I better not find him with her doing something I don’t like the look of because me and the kids will be gone before he can say: “Get up and smell a brand new day”. He says that sometimes when all need to wake up in time for something.  Like the other day with Sarah’s school event. She was great there. She actually one a price and made me so proud to be her mother. This happened before any of the events above thought.

I hope my mother will contact be again soon. I Still got many things to ask her. the most important one is about a dream I’m starting to have. I’m standing on a road which splits up in three different directions. And I don’t know which one to take. On each road I can see a shadow of a person, female I believe. I haven’t seen them clearly yet. Please mom, if you’re scrying on me again. Please contact me soon. I miss you a lot.

Signed Sonya Darsus.

*the end of the 94th page*.


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #78 on: June 25, 2007, 05:20:32 pm »
I don't have much time top write. My daughter Sarah is missing. it has been over a week now, if not more. I think she might even be away for almost a month. Sarah seems to be gone to. I wonder if that is linked to Sarah being gone. what has gone into the mind of my daughter? have I done something wrong to her. did I offend her somehow? why does she do this? why did I deserve to be treated this way.

I need to ask around some more. Looking isn't helping much anymore, sarah is to good at hidding it seems. Even Rain can't find her.
I am going to ask Barion and Dalan if they know anything. I will see Dalan soon in the guild hall I hope, Barion I am not so sure. The last time I spoke to him his looked troubled. I guess Dalan is one only hope for now.

Well I need to go. the children are in bed and Draco en Ehlen are watching over them.

*sonya rushes out the door and leaves her dairy open for the first time in many years*


Re: Dairy of Sonya DarkAngel
« Reply #79 on: July 01, 2007, 03:37:20 am »
*Sonya opens her dairy and starts writing.*

 No more leads. Everything I found ended in a dead end.
Yesterday I attended Hanna's Wedding. It was great. But sometimes small things reminded me of Sarah being gone. I can't take it any more, where is she,? Why isn't she contacting us? Does anyone really has her like some seems to claim now? Or is she relay afraid of her own Dad like rain suspects?

WHy is she doing this to why.....

*sonya curses and trough's her dairy against a wall of the house. She curses some more and then starts tor cry, moments later she falls a sleep. meantime her dairy has landed a bit to close to the fire place, and the fire is still burning.*