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Author Topic: Dulan, Follower of Toran.  (Read 181 times)


Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« on: April 19, 2006, 08:00:28 am »
I need gold pieces.

I've been hunting ogres alone with Toran's Guardian by my side, a faithful celestrial hound that uses a heavy frail enchanted with a cold touch of steel. A much better fighter than I and I can call upon him whenever I required assistance. I need gold just to buy several things from that Raven company. The nice man Skarp offers a wide range of goods that I need to help with my venturing.

Something disturbing happened today anyway. I firstly went into Haven mines and cleared out the first floor of the mines. Taking the ogre's pocket money I felt good that I managed to push out the ogres all by myself, I hope Toran was watching!
I then head back to Hlint, with my oversized flag out I displayed for the public to see, I noticed Karana and Vellucia chatting away like ladies about clay a weapons, I wandered over requesting if they wanted any adventure with myself. Karana wished to grab some Iron at Haven, with confidence in myself I equipped my armor, sword and shield and set off to Haven mines. Odion came along with us.

Everything was fine at first...
Until we were quite deep of the first floor of Haven, squid-type men started appearing from nowhere and stunning our minds. Strong-willed Karana tried to defend us all whilst we were disabled, but alas she fell and I quickly finished it off. I check for bleed and a pulse and just about managed to revive her to help aid us against the foul beasts. We decided to head on, hoping to investigate the newly created mess of the squid men but we didn't get far, Karana fell again and we made a retreat out of the caves.
Once out, we reported this to the Lord of Haven and discuss what we shall do. He told us we should warn Hlint...or I suggested it but I'm not too sure...He said he will get a team of investigators down into the caves to see whats the troubles are with the squid men. I hope I get choosen, I really do wish to assist in the matter.

We ran back to Hlint and warned everyone....but I must keep warning everyone. Espically that Voon guy - he said he wanted to go back in there alone. How unwise.

May the light of Toran be with me always.


Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2006, 02:32:36 am »
Too many.

We were ambushed in the ogre caves in the Dire area. Vell, Karana, Geldar - A great fellow Toranite and a few others were hunting in the ogre caves. But suddenly it's like they poured from everywhere, in front behind and some from the entrance of the caves we thought we cleared out. It seemed odd, so I called for a retreat. We dashed out, Vell managed to make us all invisable apart from one person, Cedric who was running for his dear life in circles. I told him to make a run for Velensk and I would try to heal him, I was hoping to get the ogres off my backs. But a dwarven mercinary was on our tails, we got to Velensk and I managed to just about keep up, I only got there when the dwarf was attacking an innocent pawn girl. I slayed the dwarf, rested and we went back to clear the ogre invested areas. We eventually did and decided to turn back to Hlint.

When I was finally at Hlint, I sat outside the bank and was chatting, when Thorn - A good friend of mine....a bit on the large side but can easily jump, duck and swirl to backstab his enemies. A great addition to any team! Anyway he was organising a fleet of people to go to Krandor to dispel the undead and get the ashes for little Nicky...who oddly dances around the graveyard so near the undead - Is she insane?

Thorn had no one, and then suddenly piped out that I should lead the group into the Crypts! I didn't mind this but just suprising, I guess he has alot of faith in myself and Toran to do a good job. There were several people who came along, that beautiful Vell, Krazy Karana, Thorn himself, Geldar and quite a few other people...

We got to the Crypts and several people joined us, we headed in and managed to get the ashes and gave them back to insane Nickky.

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2006, 09:52:04 am »
The DOMINATION Trip to the Squidmen at Haven Mines


I was thankfully picked as part of the investigation team to go down and clear up the mess about the squid men. There was an absolute massive group meeting at Haven but only 15 could go. Me, Vell and Karana got prority thank goodness, but I wished I didn't go...

It started with some mumberlings, about how a "stronger" Toranite instead of me should go! It was ridiculas to see! So many "powerful heros" (Used to be powerful and respectable in my eyes) until they started squabbling over who should go on with me, Vell and Karana, which infact they didn't approve of! What a terrible start...

Kit reported that we must see the lord when we eventually got the party started, so we went to see the lord. of the squabblers rushed up to the Lord whilst everyone barged past me. Sabrissa I think her name is...more like the witch from hell. Everyone wanted the attension from the Lord, when all I wanted to do was just ask what we were doing. Sabrissa was asking the Lord questions about the situation...but I already knew all about it which in fact almost half the group was oblivious of!

We headed outside to discuss tatics before venturing into the caves, I had some spells cast on me to protect my thankfully, and I just suggested I will use my sword and heal whenever I felt was needed, my bag was bursting with supplies such as healing, food, water and camping equipment. But none of it wasn't used, it wasn't required. Freldo, a loud, witty bard suggested if he should take the potions...but what if I ran out of healing? What if I didn't get them back. He's a stranger that I don't know thus don't trust.

We went into the dark stoned area, Haven and instantly attacked by a gem type beast, named battle devourer...after it was slain we headed deeper to find out if we could solve the mess. I gave out warnings of where the squid men maybe but nobody listened, just wandered on...We finally came to a point where two of our members were left behind, dilvulging some information from an ogre near death. It gave us some clues...Brisbane told us that we shouldn't go on, otherwise she would leave...Although I value her strength, she should have left...

We got deeper, battling more of those gem beasts until I fell, all I heard was complaints and even half suggestions of leaving me because the spells would run out soon...Voon ressurected me thankfully...and we went deeper still.

It was all the same until we fought gaint beetles that did a stunning shout or gaze, I wasn't stunned but everyone managed to chop it down pretty easily. I was just scouting ahead to see if I can identify more of the squid men or hear anything until I was called a fool by Brisbane. Excellent team skills I just let it all out about my feelings...suggesting that the bear shifter is also a fool if she wanders ahead of the group, which infact she was doing...but they told me to shut up.

Clearing out the ground floor, we got to the Ogre Leader, captured him and asked questions and let him go. It wouldn't be right to kill him on the spot. Deeper we ventured until we found some squid men, they managed to kill alot of our party so me, Voon and Jin used our ressurection and healing powers to raise them away from the soul mother. One squid man was left, so we then began to question it, it said nothing and went directly into our minds, before anything could really start that Key woman slashed him instantly - Did she save our lives or loose a clue? I'm thinking more of saving our lives, I respect her for that.

We headed back up and Cole had a machine under one arm, we reported it all to Lord and he thinks it could be an attack on a town. We got out 500 gold reward, shared the loot and went back to Hlint. He may call upon our aid soon.

May the light of Toran be with me always.



RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2006, 01:11:57 am »
The start of something big

I showed Vell the arcane tower today, she has never been before and she's quite egar to get into many things like infusing. I have no idea how to use half the stuff and not really that interested anyway...
I also met a man called Mizu, all I know about him is he is a sailor who followers a sea Goddess, he prays everyday at noon, not sure why though...I decided to invite him for some venture, from Fort Llast, to Broken Forest, to Gnoll mountains, Blood desert and out to Haven. He had no idea what a desert was as he had always been at sea...a very interesting character. His friend also came along, Gludar or something...I need to remember his name better, he was a nice chap, didn't chat much though.

Anyway after our trip I met up with Karana and went to the Hlint pond to discuss buisness. We managed to get a list of items along with Quilus, Sh'anda, me and karana that we could possibly sell to new adventurers. But I cannot write what it will be about for prying eyes could see this diary...

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2006, 09:40:40 am »

Personal current raise amount: 3,000 coins.

It's all starting now, my group are raising money to buy something. Karana has been supplying me with knuckles that I can craft into potions. I then sell the potions on making a bit of gold. We ventured into the darkness of Storan's Crypt and managed to slay several Bodak and several other foul minions of the dark. Qulius collected the teeth for me which I recived at the end, I then used the teeth to create some cure serious wounds potions. I only successfully made two, but it's a start.
After a while of selling, Karana, Mizu, Aly and James set off for an adventure to the ogre caves in the dire area, we cleared out the ogre caves, the undead woods and the gaints nearby. We killed the trolls as well, and managed to uncover a dark temple with many slaads that had deadly magics, summoning allies to attack us. We turned and fled and rested outside. We then headed to Velensk and played in the arena for a while, we tried various summon duels and I fought with Karana. I managed to win but I only had enough strength to pull through, but she is improving...

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #5 on: April 28, 2006, 06:52:05 am »

Personal current raise amount: 30,000 coins.

The last few days is nothing new really, just been making more potions to sell and hunting. Also raising some gold, our total is quite high already...

I met a new man today, called Gaib. He is a follower of Vorax, and he can summon his dwarven friend to aid him by his side....A dwarf that talks back....
Gaib, Lancur, Quilus, Cedric, Langon, myself and loads others decided to try the caves nearby Haven Mines. Unfortaintly on the first floor of the cave party members kept falling and dying at the shakes of the quake from beholders-with-legs called Xorns, they would just stamp the ground and it felt the whole world was falling apart! We went in quite deep until we decided to turn back, it was far too difficult.

I found out Toran's Guardian Hound can actually understand me more than I thought, I'm thinking I should teach him basic common so that he can communicate with others....It may take a while but I can try...

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2006, 12:56:46 am »
Some well earned rest I think...

Personal current raise amount: 49,000 coins.

I've been hunting alot recently, and I decided to give it a bit of a rest now. I've only been hunting alot recently because I felt close to becoming stronger, and understanding more in my big book of Toran.

Something strange keeps happening, I feel an odd bond between Gaib and Lancur, two new friends I have and should spend more time with...Everything I am near them, my holy ankh glows bright. It's as if there is something that Toran is trying to tell me. I questioned about their deities, Gaib follows Vorax and Lancur follows Rofirein....or however you spell it...Even if it is to do with the Gods, what's so special about it? Are they allied or something? I know that Rofirein's star in the night sky glows next to Toran's Light which is forever bright...could this represent a close relationship between the two? If so what about Vorax?

I guess time well tell the answer...

I was talking to Gaib recently and he seems to becoming an excellent cook and quite egar to learn more about it, he gave me some apple juice which tastes fantastic. I'll have a word with Karana and the group about him, he could be a good addition...Also James and Aly could be a good addition...

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2006, 03:29:31 pm »

Personal current raise amount: 56,000 coins.

Today has been an excellent day! Full of true adventure! I was in Hlint when Gaib needed to go to Point harbour area to get some cookery ingredients such as fruit and grains. Q came along with us, we ran to Port Hampshire, got some tickets and went away.

We explored everywhere that we could, seeing new things around the corner was exciting for me, satisfying my natural hunger of curiosity. But we did go a bit too far and accidentally ran into blood forces that chopped Q and Gaib down, but easily recovered after some distraction techniques from me.

We then continued on, fighting giants for the almonds - Have they ever though of sharing? We battled large blue snakes which proved quite dangerous, stunning us with loud screeches before sneakily biting into us. There were spider caves nearby, full of dire spiders, we went in quite deep and I manage to find a spot where we could crawl through, it was a tight squeeze but we got through. When we were heading out, I was ambushed by spiders and I had to battle alone to defeat them, thankfully I survived.

Next we encountered a creepy place, dark area with strange whispers, statues of monsters, mirrors and a chess board? We explored a bit there and tried to think of reasons why it was there. After running around getting our boots muddy, we came across several caves to venture in, containing midget assassin people and also hill hounds! We killed the hill hounds and skinned them to sell the pelts. Unfortunately none wanted them. Several locations are now noted in my mind about the whereabouts of where gold is deposited, for future reference for Vell.

It has been such a fun day today, after getting bad to Hlint I just had to head straight off to the Inn and rest!
What a suprise may I add! Geldar and Ireth seem to have something going on! I hope it all ends well in happiness.

May the light of Toran be with me always.



RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2006, 12:14:01 am »
The house

Finally, we have got the house! It's located in the beautiful city of Panzis. Fantastic, we can begin setting up our buisness. But we need to raise some more gold to buy some furniture - Always need gold, I'm starting to know how a rouge feels...

When we got the house Karana found a way of getting there very quickly, by the use of a portal. She managed to get us a meeting with the Farstriders - a group dedicated to fight blood and other things. Anyway, it went on for a while and we waited outside for an answer. The result was unexpected, Karana became a Far strider and only got us one key. It was her responsibility to ferry people around - I found this unfair in my view but life is tough.
I visited the house, although it is small Karana has some ideas about remodelling it - she will show me some plans later in another interview. She wants a another bedroom maybe...with a double bed...Q and Karana getting serious now?

I've been practicing quite a bit at tinkering, I need to get good at it so I am able to create molds for Karana, Q and some enchanting rods for myself whilst they go out and get the necessary materials. I'm quite bad at it but practice makes perfect!

The other day I went to the Haven mines, myself I was quite nervous as you had to do the venture in one go, without resting, the ogres are everywhere - we managed to get to the bottom and out again with plenty of healing left. Afterwards Ryuurik my friend contacted me by hawk about requiring assistance in search of the Vorax temple. He found in some old text it's based in Berhagan mountains. After some talking with Abi it was confirmed - she even had lunch with the dwarf overlord once!!
I got a party together....consisting of my pal Jamesan the bard, also a small wizard called Grem, a dark drow who's name was Nepp, also James the magician, Sh'anda and lastly Ryu. When we got to Velensk we defeated the gem monsters, and about to head to Shoufal when Grem, Depp and James the magician wanted to observe the yetis, I said no...but they wanted to so I went along to make sure everything was ok.

It wasn't, they ran right into the underdark even thought I said no, and we had Yeti's on our tail, Sh'anda fell and I risked heading inside the underdark to find the others, they were near the entrance totally oblivious as to how dangerous the place is, I told them the Yeti is outside and instead of waiting, decided to go out alone one by one and defeat the Yetis - fool.
I attempted myself, stronger then them, I called upon Fang but we both fell quickly...I came back as a ghost, returned to my grave with invisability and went to Shoufal.

The numbers dwindled to 3, myself, Ryuurik and James the magician. The temple wasn't in Shoufal but we had to fight past the gaints to get into the dwarven Fortress where we found the temple. The dwarves provided hospitality for me and Ryuurik and we stayed the night there, whilst James the magician suddenly shot off somewhere...slightly offended I was.

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2006, 03:40:18 am »
Another lesson learnt

Exploration, Dragon isles in some troll dungeons. I was with Ryuurik and Lancur, two fellow clerics whom I travel with. We got to the bottom of some troll caves and looked around, we discovered some lizard folk had been trapped in some prison, we then heard nearby shuffling and hundreds of drow assassins came rushing towards us. Utterly confused my allies and I fended them off as much as we could, there was only a drow mage left - Before I could even run up to her she cast death magic on me making me fall to the ground with a thud and my soul drifting away from my body.

Hlint, I wandered though the village with concern for my allies, I sure hope they get out. I stayed until I felt I was ready to return to my former self and spent the time talking. I then saw Ryuurik and Lancur, thank Toran that they got out alive! But I've hated drow ever since, I never knew they could be like that at all...

Once we were whole again we spent the time travelling around Dregar with Ryuurik and Lancur again. We entered some strange crypts in snow-coverd mountains where trolls lived. I saw no signs of an ambush or traps so I set off ahead, only to hear screams of pain. Whirling around I saw Lancur bitten in the leg with a large snake attached, his face looked paralized and shocked, blood began to trail down his leg. Similar effects happened to Ryuurik, before I could rush over to heal them, a snake caught me around my leg, tripping me over and bit me in the back. I remember darkness and returning back to Pranzis. Where me and my allies talked of possibly future plans.

Once again I recovered, and needed to find the where abouts of diamonds, garnet and sapphires to help with the buisness. I asked about, found where the minerals are kept. I must thank Abi...

I went to Barbarian islands and had little luck, the minerals were not there and headed back. I returned to Hlint to find a group of drow and elves talking....I ignored the drow and Ireth, once again, thankfully talked some sense into me...But I still don't completely trust them.

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2006, 02:25:55 pm »
Up to date and the start of something big

*He looks around his room in Pranzis, everywhere is dark save for a candle next to his bed, it dances along with the breeze that flows throughout the house, he glances at his temporary room dividers spread around to make a small room. He then begins to scribble.*

It's been a long time since I updated this, but I shall try and cram in what's happened recently:

I have mainly been focusing in various areas of craft. Now we have become officially known as the Un-named we are starting to provide goods to the public. It is going well, a slow start but things are starting to pick up. I'm happy with the company I am in and how well we get along, and how open we are to each other.

Karana and Q are getting married, I've got to bond them and host the ceremony. It's alot to ask for but I shall do it, I shall read up and ask for Sh'anda for some advice, being older than me she may have done some herself. I need to buy some gifts for Q and Karana, I already have some in mind...I shall not write them incase Q is invisable now, looking over the room divider reading all my thoughts. I need to write a speech to, but I shall work on that later - I already have some ideas in mind as to what to write.

Recently there has been a war in Pranzis, I was elsewhere attending some emergency far away...I didn't realise the war would be so soon. I'm so angry with myself, I could have been there and helped, even if it was the smallest thing...Like Sallaron said "Even the small things can help the big things" (Or something like that, my memory can be quite bad from time to time). Pranzis fell and it's in such a state, so is the Toranite Temple, it's covered in rocks and boulders. Sh'anda told me and I raced over there with Aly and her, with my sword in my hand I approached it trembling, unsure what to do. I shouted loudly and cursed (sorry Toran), I inspected the damage and realise it's too much for me to do alone. So I say a vow, to return to the temple and restore it...and somehow I thrust my old sword in...I'm not sure how I did it before but I just did, I couldn't let go of my old iron sword when I bought a new one...but it still is there, being beaten by wind and rain, but standing strong to show that I, Dulan, a Toranite cleric am still around and shall not be beaten down.

I've started on a big quest, to help restore the church and my first step is to talk to Bumblebee to get some information about Broegar or something, the one who ordered the command to ruin the temple in the first place - Then paths shall open up I hope.

As with all wars are orphans, lost children without parents. The poor souls...the Freelancers have kindly taken in a large amount of the children to stay. I hope to help them by doing something special...I shall dress up in a Jesters costume and attempt to perform tricks, and maybe dance...but I have two left feet...Maybe some stories will do!

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #11 on: July 30, 2006, 01:23:26 am »
New things

*He chuckles to himself as he poses infront of the mirror in his Jester costume, he thinks back reflecting as to what he has done in the past few days, grabbing his journal he begins to write*

I've made so many people laugh. I don't mind, if they can laugh so can the children. Sh'anda helped me make a Jester's costume, she said "It has to look nice and big", so big that it makes me look fat. I tried visiting the Freelancers to see the children there, but no one was in, so I had to hurry back to the crafting halls and quickly get changed into my normal clothes. I managed to stumble into Karana, my friend, I failed to sneak by and she failed to recognise me. So I put on a dwarven accent, grabbed my clothes, got changed and returned to her. Red faced I tried to greet Karana as normal, but in the end the truth spilled out of my lips, now Q, Sh'anda and Karana know. I enjoyed seeing a smile on Karana's face so I performed some tricks for her, failing almost everything and stumbling over the bulky material.

Q suggested that I should go to Hlint, near the bank and perform some tricks, I agreed, walking to Hlint I had my heart in my mouth. But it wasn't too busy. A few people chuckled at me, and two halflings helped me show some Jester tricks. Dalan found my tricks amusing and may join me on the acting stage in front of the children.

I've taken up infusing and learning how to put magic into gems, later on Q will need to show me how to make wands.

The Un-named, apart from Q, went exploring in a bay (A bay I cannot remember the name of). It was full of sharks but we managed to fend them off in the shallow waters. We came across a temple, looked inside and decided to head home. Apart from we didn't head home, we were surrounded by sharks, Karana trip desperatly stamping down on the sharks, or slashing in the water. But the shark's reflexes were too great, and the axe would slow down as it hit the water. They all suddenly started jumping on Karana, sinking teeth into her I managed to kick one off whilst Sh'anda performed some curative magic, only to scream loudly as a shark bit her on the foot, disrupting the spell. I watched Karana scream a ear piercing scream before she sunk with a frenzy of sharks before her, followed by Sh'anda, and then I felt my feet be swept away and the teeth of an angry shark, then darkness.

My spirit flowed to Dalanthar, I stayed there until I fully recovered. I took note of the rift nearby and sucking in some courage I decided to explore with a greater sanctuary spell cast upon me. I ran by large constructs that looked blank and didn't acknowledge my presence. I stumbled up a cliff and noticed an entrance to a cave, confident my spells will protect me I went in, only to find my enchantments only to suddenly dissolve, I panicked. Taking some deep breaths I explored the caves deeper and noticed some spiders nearby, turned and ran.

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2006, 03:11:25 pm »
A step back

*He sighs and bites into some bread, crumbs spill onto the page and with one sweep, he brushes the crumbs onto the floor. With a quill in the hand he taps it onto the blank paper, after some deep thinking he dips the quill into some ink, and writes*

Not too much crafting now Dulan! Just focus on your orders and that's it...I've done too much crafting recently and need to spend some more time with my friends - Only craft what you have to craft, and thats orders.

I did my show, at the Freelancers Inn. Nyyana bought the children, and another elvan woman was there to watch. I did my dance almost perfectly, but then fell to the floor. There was an uproar of laughter from the children. I had participations from the children, they helped with my juggling and attempted to follow my dance. It finally ended with a story telling game where the children could add in bits wherever they please.

I then did the show again after a request from Gruwlz, he enjoyed it alot and the music from Lyle's voilin helped lots. And he found the story telling game halarious.

Better to have smiles then frowns did my mother always say to me...I miss my mother and father.

May the light of Toran be with me always.


RE: Dulan, Follower of Toran.
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2006, 03:10:44 pm »
The continuation of new and old

*A wind howls and sighs around, it swims under Dulan's armour chilling him to the core. He looks around at Shoufal deciding he should update his journal after Karana left to do some buisness. He runs to Fort Velensk, he finds an flat rock to sit on. Cross-legged he grabs his book and writing equipment then glances around, he sees the cows moo and moan about the coldness of the place. He smiles, looks down with his hood hiding his face he scribbles down some notes*

Been brilliant today, I went hunting, with just me and Karana and it was enjoyable. We hunted Giants and no bad luck came our way, but I feel Karana disapproves me due to my actions with the Jester's was for the children though.

My new crafting-only-when-needed rule is coming along well...I have more free time and feel happier about it. I feel I can relax now, until the next order comes in. Nothing alot has happened, apart from I have talked to BumbleBee about what happened in Pranzis, he will give me all the information he can by bird. I gave him 1,000 coins for his efforts and incase he needs to travel elsewhere...or he said something about loosening some tounges - Can tounges do that?

May the light of Toran be with me always.


