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Author Topic: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues  (Read 1342 times)


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #60 on: April 22, 2010, 01:35:31 pm »
Miss Elohanna Min A'Litae,

I was pleased to receive your letter and was able to take time and read your fine words during a short break in my day. It is with a smile I read of your willingness to assist the hospital and take care of companions on your journies, as followers of the Lifegiver would be expected.

Service to Aeridin can come with great sacrifice at times and I need to be certain that you are able to put aside personal comforts at times and lend your full body and soul to his ways.

Embrace Life,
Father Leidanos
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2010, 01:36:24 pm »
Dear Father Leidanos,

There is no doubt that my heart and soul seek only to serve My Beloved Caring Light with all that I am. I am very much willing to let go of what is not important to follow graciously and with humilty as is requested, as is needed, as I strive to do with every breath I take.

If I were asked to be as a peasant to help aid in any part of the world of Layonara. I would do so. I freely and without question, give my life to My Caring Light so that he may use me in anyway he sees fit.

Always in service to My Caring Light,
Elohanna Min A'Litae
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #62 on: April 23, 2010, 07:21:55 pm »
Miss Min A'Litae,

That is wonderful news.

However, I am troubled by the tone of your reply, as it seems you are with conflict in your life, perhaps a recent loss or feelings of doubt. We are not seeking those who wish to sacrifice themselves without great cause.

It may be best if we could meet again to discuss your aspirations and determine whom to be assigned to you as a mentor. That is, if you determine that you wish to continue your studies after our council.

Embrace Life,
Father Leidanos
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #63 on: April 23, 2010, 07:24:09 pm »
Dear Father Leidanos,

My devotion and love for Our Caring Light has not wavered at all, it has only grown. I pray you to take comfort in my written words and can only hope that when we meet again you will see for yourself.

There is no doubt, no feelings of loss, there have been conflicts but I am sure they will not be the first nor the last that I ever have, but they are not of choosing to follow and become one of My Caring Lights own.

I believe that I may have misworded my intent. I am not seeking to foolishly give away my life as I would not be able to help where I believe I being called to help My Caring Light, but that I will be more than wiling to do what is asked of me, by you, by the church, by My Beloved Aeridin.

I would like to travel soon to North Point to speak with you personally again. When it is a convenient time for you as I know you are kept very busy. Your council is greatly needed though. I don't believe a letter can truly convey my thoughts as I would hope.

Always walk in His Light,
Elohanna Min A'Litae
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #64 on: May 05, 2010, 10:01:22 pm »
My Beloved Symphony,

  I have made it here to North Point safely, and I miss you and Tiger very Much. There is so much good to be done here to help those displaced by the storms, as it seems the Sisters of Mercy are already hard at work helping the wounded, and providing what shelter than can, as well as comfort for those who need it most. Many lives have truly been effected by the storms my love. So many lives already lost, and children and husbands, and wives who have lost the one they have bound their lives too. It is difficult not to be effected by the sadness in their eyes, and not feel and understand the pain they must be going through.
I do have great news to share with you. Father Leidanos and I have had a chance to talk, though I hope to truly get to know him as time passes as I know he has so much more wisdom he can share with me. He has already shared so much with me in ways that will help me better understand the path I have chosen.
I told him of how I came to know My Caring Light, how I had been brought up by my parents to embrace his ways since I was a little girl. How I have known him through the painful times in my life and through the joy I with with those I love.
He asked me why I had not sought more formal teachings, and the only reason I had was that Until now I knew that I was not ready to fully embrace the teachings of My Caring Light. I told him that slowly Aeridin has been showing me how this is where I belong, and in his own time showing me and leading me to understand.
He asked me what had changed in my life? There have been so many reasons, and so many things change truly. You, Omer, Tiger, the events in the silkwood. The reason for my journey truly began with the Angels and seeing fallen friends immortalized in statues, of seeing needless slaughter of so many hundreds of thousands of creatures trying to exist as we are.
He then asked me if I thought devoting my life to Aeridin would change the destruction. I told him I could not change the world but I could try. Truly my Symphony someone has to try! Even Father Leidanos is saddened by the enormity of it all. I want to help Aeridin's cause. I want to be a beacon to do his good work, and mend lives and show everyone what is possible when we believe.
As he asked me more questions of what I knew of the faith of Aeridin, he also taught me that while I try to define Aeridin's dogma in terms of black and white, that I was missing that it is not so easy. In trying to follow the letter of My Caring Lights dogma, I was forgetting its spirit. I was forgetting that we need our friends to help us purge evil from this world even though we may not always agree with them or their methods. We need them!
Father Leidanos told me what we need to do is embrace the life we have and respect the lives of others through Aeridin's teachings. I had to ask him though how you can protect those you call family and friends when you know in your heart what they are doing is wrong. This is when he assured me that we need those who do not follow Aeridin to still remove the evil of of this world. He reassured me that in their hearts they are all good people, but they are not held to the same respect for life expected of Aeridin's faithful.
What is evil and can good become evil? Yes it can. You see in my heart, in the actions of those I love and hold dear, I have seen acts that seem evil to me, they trouble me, as I have seen those we care for take pleasure in the death they cause, and it makes me wonder if we are not becoming more like those we consider evil.
We talked of so many things My Symphony, that I did not even feel the cold wind of North Point, I felt warm and embraced speaking with Father Leidanos, and even when he led me back outside to meet my mentor. She is the most beautiful lady My Symphony, I know you would love to meet. Her name is Kerrie Vlassk of the Sisters of Mercy. Even her hands were warm to the touch despite the cold, truly touched by My Healing Light.
I have so much to learn from her My Symphony there is so much that I don't even fully understand yet. I don't know how long I will be here, but there is so much good I can do here yet. Sister Kerrie says that sometimes the journey to find the Light of Aeridin can take a long time, and others My Caring Light touches their heart with his blessings almost immediately. I don't mind waiting though as I know that there is a reason in my heart that Aeridin would take his time to show me what I need to see as I am meant to know.
 Always Your Minu,
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #65 on: May 06, 2010, 08:43:04 am »
My Dearest Omer,
 I am thrilled to tell you that I have been assigned to a mentor here in North Point, her name is Kerrie Vlassk of the Sisters of Mercy. She is a truly beautiful woman and kind hearted, patient and very understanding. I miss you and so I have sent Lianna home to you to deliver this letter and so that you and Ming are not lonely.
 Sister Kerrie, says that sometimes finding the path to Aeridin and his blessings can take a long time and others he touches your heart quickly. I am very patient though as I know he will when he feels I am most ready.
 There is so much I have learned so far, my love. So much that seemed black or white. I am finding is not so. I am finding that I have to step back and rethink a lot of what I thought I knew and I pray everyday for the grace and wisdom of Aeridin to guide my heart and thoughts to do his will and that with his wisdom guiding me that I can comfort and help those in need and share with them all that My Caring Light means to me, and all that he has done for them.
 I miss you my Beloved and there is so much more that I want to tell you but I am called again to aid.
 My Love Eternally,
 May My Caring Light ease your heart while we are apart.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #66 on: May 22, 2010, 07:29:54 am »
Minu -

I heard rumors of North Point's troubles and as I seem to have time on my hands, would you like my assistance?

I will be there, say the word.

Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #67 on: May 22, 2010, 07:30:49 am »
*the italic script is shaky, the letters jagged*

To: Healer Elohanna Minuet
c/o Temple to Aeridin
North Point
Boyer Kingdom

Minu, love - I'm sorry it's taken me so long to write you. I've only just gotten back the ability to write and the patience to sit. I've put the bottle away again, hoping (as I always do) that it's for good this time.

It nearly killed me, Minu. It gets worse every time and I wanted to die from the tremors and the delirium; my Muse and a friend kept me alive. I'm not going to build up false hopes about permanent sobriety except to say, if I start drinking in the future, I will never stop again until it kills me. I cannot spend another week as a screaming wreck unable to get off the floor.

Tiger is in Alton's hands and I've traveled to Lor to meet with Marshall Tomyris on business. Some things have come up and I'll likely be returning periodically in the future; I'll tell you more of that when we meet. I'll come to North Point as soon as I've finished here. I think your company and the company of your fellows will be of comfort while I dry the last few years from my system, and if I can lend help in some way, all the better.

I'll see you soon.


Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #68 on: May 22, 2010, 07:32:06 am »
I don't really know where to start with this, but here it is.

Not long ago I have found myself in a little town not to far from point dart. We were many adventurers there and the town seemed to be really busy. As I was wandering about I noticed a few people that were not part of our group that were sneaking about, so I decided to follow them.

It happened to be some people I knew, Gimli Stonecutter, Nonac Shadowolf. There was an other goblin I didn't know. In any case, As I was following them, I saw that gimli was making some harsh accusation to a woman about hiding a necromancer in the town, and as a men came towards him, he turn and attacked him, killing him. It wasn't long that the whole town turned on him and tried to capture him.

I don't know what really got into me, but I helped them, with Jennara.

In the end, an other men I knew for doing business with in the past, Stygian, was also part of their plot it seems, as he tried to liberate Gimli, that Jennara and I had captured, with the rest of the town. The town didn't want to set a trial for Gimli's murder and with the encouragement of Raziem and Zarianna, they decided to leave the family of the dead to decide on his future. It really didn't take more that Gimli was shot down by an arrow and died in his blood. That's when Stygian decided to use a finger of death to kill that man. I tried to stop him, so did Raziem and in the end Jennara killed him.

Now I am face with a problem. I noticed earlier this day, that Gimli had placed an add in the market hall, seeking for someone to do some wet work. Coin wouldn't be a problem and that he had to be contacted to get the name of the target. I can only surmise that either Jennara or I are the targets.

This is why I am writing you. As a lot of you know, I do not wish to have problems, and it seems that problems has found me. I need you help in this matter. Your protection.

Tyillaan Selaama.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #69 on: May 22, 2010, 07:33:12 am »
Minu, love.

I'm still working in Lor - thank you for the additional spells, I will be back and forth here quite a bit. Things are going very well and I'm enjoying my class far more than I thought possible.

I was digging through my songbook and found something I wrote for you right after our discussion about Omer. I thought you might be interested in (now, a safe distance away from the pain) what I was really thinking after you left.

*enclosed is a musical score for violin, modified for piano - the tune is slow and bittersweet*

The sun went down this afternoon
Didn't think it would be this soon
My life is running sand through glass
I thought I'd have that long

Would it have helped if I was less of me
Keeping my hands to myself
Would it have helped if I wasn't a drunk
Had left all my booze on the shelf

I only want what's best for you
I'm fine with it
Fine with him
Just fine

My sun went down this afternoon
I didn't think he'd be this soon
Contingencies of thin spun glass
I thought I could be strong

I only want what's best for you
I'm fine with it
Fine with him
Just fine

Not really

Tell me how things in North Point are going, and I'll fill you in on my class when I see you in person.


Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #70 on: May 22, 2010, 07:34:22 am »
Dear Elohanna,

Lianna has been great thank you for sending her to me! Lianna, Ping and I miss you very much. I have been playing pixie games with them. I rememer fondly the pixie games we four used to play. I am happy that you like your mentor, Sister Kerry, and that you seem to enjoy your time there. Are you allowed visitors? We love you very much.

Am I interim headmaster now? I think the headmasters office needs paint. Black star field floor, celestial ceilings should do it. Love, I am teasing you.
Sweetheart, take your time, enjoy yourself, learn all you can.

Omer, Lianna, Ping
*signatures in pixie; letter covered in pixie dust*
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #71 on: May 22, 2010, 07:39:11 am »
My Beloved Symphony
  I would do anything I can to protect you, and keep you safe. There are more spells that should find you there safely with Lianna.
 I believe you are a natural teacher and you have a gift of understanding that makes people comfortable around you, I know you bring comfort to me when I am out of sorts, and I can only imagine that, that same sense of understanding shines through to your students when you can tell they are afraid of the water or taking that first step to learn something new.
 I know you are doing what you love and you are doing very well. It has not been easy here in North Point, walking by the site of.. I just can't bring myself to say it. I want so much to bring back those lost but I know also that I can't. My heart breaks for them and for our world that so many precious souls have been taken so horribly.
 Truly there is not one in the temple who is not impacted deeply and the tears cling to their eyes as their hearts are broken. It has become more peaceful here though, or maybe it is just the grief heavy on the hearts of all here. There are not the short tempers flairing anymore but a sorrow that lingers in the air, even worse in some ways.
 I am truly sorry for the pain I cause you Andrew. I felt as though my own heart was breaking twice over when I knew I might loose you.  I never want to break your heart. I never want to see your tears fall, not because of me. I want to be the one to help ease your pain. I want to be your Minu, your Angel always. I am also glad to know that Tiger is being taken care of while we are gone and that he is in safe hands. I miss you both so much and I miss though sound of your heart beating and the feeling of your breath on my neck while you hold me.
 Loving and Missing you Always
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #72 on: May 22, 2010, 07:47:44 am »
My Dearest Omer,
 My Beacon in the darkest of times, I am glad to hear from you and yes I am allowed visitors, and would welcome you, Ping and Lianna to come. Sister Kerrie has been wonderfully understand and gentle in the way she comforts everyone around her. She is strong in the faith and I can clearly understand why Father Leidanos has me under her wings.
 I too remember fondly the games we used to play but I know now that we will have to find new games to play, though recently I have been asked by ShadowLeaf to help him. I believe like Illyana that he is looking for his family though we have not had a chance yet to talk about it. I just have this feeling.
 I could not help but smile after I sneezed though when opening the letter from all the pixie dust. Please let Ping and Lianna know how much I miss them and look forward to seeing them again as soon as I can. I love you dearly my Omey and know that you will do well as the Headmaster, where you should be.
 Love Always,
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #73 on: May 22, 2010, 07:54:53 am »
Dear Tyillaan,
 You should know without asking that I will try to help as much as I can. You are always welcome to stay in the temple and I will also send word to a friend so that he knows too what is happening.
 Hearing your recount of events I am puzzled by those I thought were good people now taking out bounties on those whose thoughts to not match their own agendas
 Please know my dear friend I will do what I can to keep you safe. Thank you for your faith in trusting me.
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #74 on: May 22, 2010, 07:57:51 am »
My Dearest Omer,
 I know if there is anyone I can trust to help a friend it is you, so I am sending a copy of my letter as well as the one sent to me so that you will know what is happening. She has a room in our home in Fort Llast and I do wish to keep her safe and those that live with us.  Please keep your eyes and ears open.
 All My Love
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2010, 08:32:28 am »

You must pardon my hasty reply as you can only imagine the heartbreak in the aftermath of the occurrence here in North Point. I must only pray that Aeridin had a purpose for the untimely deaths of so many at the orphanage.

How are your studies coming along so far and have you felt any of Aeridin's blessings upon you, perhaps only in a dream?

I look forward to seeing you again soon. Be safe and travel gracefully in his light.

Kindest love,
Kerrie Vlassk
Sisters of Mercy
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2010, 08:33:31 am »

There is no need to apologize, and though I can not imagine the heartbreak, I do take comfort that I know Aeridin is with them. Two precious lives where taken from me not so long ago and though it hurt so much in that moment, I have taken comfort from my husband at the time that they are with our Beloved Healing Light and they are where they are meant to be. I am confident those lost are not lost but found through the grace of Aeridin and his Healing Light is trying to reach out to us even through this and comfort our hearts.

What happened feels wrong though, it doesn't make sense, and after speaking with a few people there may be a possible connection between what happened here and an incident in Point Dart, though I am not completely certain, there was a necromancer involved. I am only speculating though as I was not present for the events, and am only hearing recounts from those that were.

My Studies are progressing as far as they can, as I have recently offered my aid to the Krandor Hospital under the direction of Miss Galathea, and have stepped down from headmistress position at the Tower Academy, though I still retain an instructor position. I simply can not let go of watching over the children there and guiding them to appreciate the Al'noth.

Aeridin's blessings always shine upon me, though I may not be able yet to call upon them as you and Father Leidanos can, I know he is with me in my heart, like a fountain trying to pour forth. There have been no dreams only a certainty within that tells me what it is I am feeling is right. I can only imagine that Aeridin is taking his time because I am not quite ready yet.

I am not discouraged though only hopeful of his Light shining within me, with such warmth that I will not be able to contain His Healing Light, His ways once he has.

Sister I have tried my best to travel the lands, to follow Father Leidanos advise that our friends are aiding us to do what we ourselves can not because of our calling.

I have only found myself challenging their ways, though I tried to hold my tongue out of respect for our friendship, I had not felt they were respecting life, as it was to easy to simply end the lives of those creatures who did not agree with their own beliefs.

Usually I would have simply left them but in this moment, I felt compelled to actually have my voice taken seriously, and that instead of supporting this massacre for resources, to challenge if my friends were truly even following the beliefs of their own gods.

It seemed an inconvenient time to do so but I feel as though at least one of my friends is hearing my voice and it is impressing on his own conscious that what is happening is wrong.

I hope that I am not taking a step back but Sister, I think for to long inconvenient truths have been ignored to comfort our friends minds that what they are doing is right, when it is not. I know they think they mean well, they believe it so strongly. I know recently I was approached in our guild hall and sold a customer an enchantment that I found out he was going to take and use on the goblins that live outside of Hlint.

I felt sick at the thought, as he said he would kill one on my behalf, and I told him please not to. I don't think I can continue to help aid the Angel's, when their weapons are taking lives. I pray for Aeridin's wisdom to guide me Sister but I feel so lost sometimes, in a world where death is the easy answer, that it makes me feel sick to watch. There has to be a better way.

Always walk in His Healing Light Sister, never loose sight of him. I have watched sister and brothers fall from Aeridin and it is heartbreaking. I pray his warmth never leaves you.

Warmth of His Healing Light Always be with you,
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #77 on: May 26, 2010, 01:34:45 pm »
Dearest Mom and Dad,
 I have never felt this compelled to address a letter to you as I know you are beside our Healing Light, I pray that if you are able to speak a word to his ear, that I am here, and I am his servant. I know he knows, I know he speaks to me but more than anything, I need to know that I have not angered him in my position to my friends.
 After explaining in a rather lengthy letter to Sister Kerrie, I realized that I may have been to harsh to Daniel Benjamin, and parts of me regret my words though they were my feelings at the time, at how poorly at that moment I must have represented the heart of My Caring Light.
 How can I ever ask for his blessings when I have not the wisdom to understand compassion even when I disagree with methods. How can I ever ask for his light to shine with me when I darken souls by rejecting to aid them when they ask?
 Though it pains me within to walk and watch life ending, should I not also be happy that life is being lived as well? The more I think about it the more confused I become and I am understanding that I have become a judge against all I see that feels wrong. It is not my place too judge, it is my place to comfort and protect as I am called to, as I am asked. I am called to be a beacon of My Caring Light's wisdom and yet I have so much to learn about what that means.
 Please Mom and Dad should you have a chance to speak with My Caring Light, please tell him, that I am trying but I do need a little guidance.
 Your Loving Daughter Always.
 Elohanna Min A'Litae
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #78 on: June 30, 2010, 01:48:37 pm »
So its finally happened, I should be happy for Krys, and I am, but he is finally moving on with his life too. He has found a beautiful and sweet elf to him his heart has committed to, and while I should be happy it also makes me worried.
 I love Krys and I can think of no one else who deserves to be happy, but what worries me is if she will try to take my place as my childrens mother. When I received the letter to come home I believed that something had happened and the letter refused to elaborate on my way home, no matter how much I wished to will it to reveal the secrets kept so far away, none would surface until I walked into the home of the Dawnstars.
 There she was kissing him, and they looked so happy together, even the children appeared happy. Clarisse most of all, Corinth was off playing in his room. The house had been expanded and now all of the children have their own rooms.
 I was so happy to see them all so happy and growing up, growing like beautiful roses in a garden of happiness and joy, embracing family. A feeling admittedly that I miss to. Even Andrew has been embracing it more with Ty, and I feel as if sometimes I am being pushed away from them all. I know it is just fear getting the better of me, fear that I know as a trial in my life . Aeridin has blessed me with beautiful children, a happy home, and his unending will to see life flourish. He has given me these gifts so that I can share with others the wisdom he has taught me, that without trials, without sacrifice, without death, we can not truly grasp what it means to be blessed with gifts that we often times overlook.
 He blessed me with Andrews love, and the wisdom of his understanding. He has blessed me with Omer and his unending love and friendship. I pray every day that he helps me share his wisdom with those I come across. I pray that he leads my heart to touch my friends who suffer every day from the distance of their loved ones and to comfort their hearts to know that, even with distance, they should not give up hope they will find their love again.
 I pray that Aeridin shines his love and wisdom into Daniel Benjamin's heart and reassures him that his beloved will again return to him. I know that I do not hold all the answers, but I do have experiences that have taught me lessons, that have taken years to learn, that hopefully will reassure my friends that though there may be doubt, there is always hope.
 ~Elohanna Min A'Litae
 Daughter of the Light
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae


Re: Elohanna Dawnstar - The Journey Continues
« Reply #79 on: November 23, 2010, 07:12:23 pm »
A cheerful day greeted us both, before we even realized the other was there, sitting within the shadow of the memorial, the wind gently blew across our flesh. I had not even known he was there until he spoke up.
 "Who is this vision of white?" He hummed whimsically and reach to hug me before I even had a chance to turn around, though I knew immediately by his scent of fresh cigar, sweat, and the way his breath felt across the skin of my neck.
 I always love to feel his arms around me, to hear the excitement in his voice letting me know that he misses me. "Hello, My Priestess." He is always so encouraging even if at the moment I had not felt that I deserved such a title, and did not at that moment feel that I was ready. Truly a beacon of My Healing Light shines so much brighter than I could. I felt as a child of my own faith, though I had in my heart always felt Aeridin's blessings in my life. Andrew always had a way of reassuring me that I was on the right path and he is proud of the choices I have made.
 With our hands clasped together we walked quietly simply happy to be in each others presense, making our way eventually to the docks of Port Hempstead only to find that in our idleness, we should find Sister Keerrie Vlaask speaking with Corlean . Their voices reaching our ears as we sat along the docks playfully splashing each other.
 I almost immediately recognized her voice from our time spent together in North Point, she has been a wonderful mentor and sister of faith. It has been with her guidance that I have found my own way, away from the senseless slaughter that used to be so common place in my life. It is with her aid and that of Father Ledinos, My Healing Lights Grace and Andrews unending faith in me that I have continued to persue my path into the warm and comforting embrace that will lead me to share My Healing Lights Message with others I meet.
 Without even a second thought I had invited Sister Vlaask back to the Angels, to spend the night rather than staying in the noisey and rather uncomfortable beds that the Scamps Mug had to offer. How could I ever let those I love be anywhere but in the warming embrace of my home or that of Shelter I have available.
 As we walked back to the Angels, The captains men and Andrew helped to carry her chests with us as we made our way. Andrew as always so sweet and such a gentlemen. He is such a beacon of his faith, more so than I have known most others of the Heartsong, but I suppose that is part of my own problem, is that I forget sometimes it is not my place to judge, but to aid and comfort those I can, where ever I am needed.
 As we sat and talked around the warmth of the fire, and shelter of the hall, we learned that it was the undead in Fort of Kings that had brought Sister Vlaask to the city, and Port Hempstead was just a stopping point for her along the way.
 I know that it shocked Sister Vlaask to learn that Andrew and I are not married but that we love each other so dearly that it has never been a concern between us. I could see that Kerrie would have liked to see the guild also as a shelter for the homeless, which got my head to spinning again about some of the goals of my life that I have faltered on, the Tower Academy as the only that has come to pass.
 As we took the time to talk about my own studies, my own faith, and where I felt I had fit in, or still had a long way to go, Andrew spoke up in my defense and took me completely off guard.
 I could hardly see myself as having accomplished a lot in the name of My Healing light, aiding friends that have needed it, trying to use the gifts that I had been granted already through my studies of the Al'noth and just the lessons I have learned of My Healing Light and his will for us, to comfort those I could. There still felt and feels in my heart as if there is much more I had and have yet to do and barely scraped the surface of what is possible.
 I spoke of my aid to the hospital in Krandor but still as if the weight of the world was judging me and I could not live up to the expectations of those of my own faith.
 For awhile the conversation turned from me to Andrews own stance and beliefs, and that I have had an impression on my beloved Symphonies life. While we may not always agree he does try to see the world from my own perspective and find alternatives where he can to avoid senseless killing.
 Then the question came, if Andrew would choose my own Healing Light over that of Ilsare and never in an eternity would I have even considered asking him to change who he is because I know how much his Heartsong means to him and has been part of his life so completely. Ilsare means as much to him as My Healing Light does to me, and I could not and would not dare to ask him to change who he is.
 I listened as they spoke as Sister Vlaask asked, "Elohanna How does it make you feel to hear that from someone you love?" Andrews reply, that since knowing me he has changed, and indeed he has, reassured me that even though I may not see myself as making an impact in those around me, that I am. If even in the smallest of ways, it made me also realize that there are others around me that are trying to understand and change their ways away from the easy ways of the blade, the bow, even the arcane ways of the Al'noth.
 "Would you be happier just believing in Aeridin, and continue to do his work without having to dedicate yourself unquestioningly to him?" Her voice rang in my ears again as if Father Leidanos' did, as if they doubted me, as if they did not believe in me, or it is perhaps that they felt and could see the doubt I held in my heart too.
 I remembered thought that this was not my choice, it is not there own, it is not their doubts, but it is the belief that Aeridin has in me, to come to me in the most unexpected ways and when I needed him most to call on me to be his Daughter, and share his light with those who need him as much as I do.
 "No Sister Kerrie, I would not. My heart is dedicated to him unquestioningly. He has called me in so many ways to take him into my heart completely, I can not ignore his calling, or I might abandon him completely and I can not. He has guided me this way for a reason." I felt as if in that moment completely alone except that Aeridin and myself understood how much love resided in me to keep pursuing my calling.
 "You must understand, I am not questioning your faith." She continued. "It is just that I have taken the deepest of oaths, to become a Sister of Mercy, in his faith. It is that standard by which I judge." There she said it. I know she is protecting our faith, our calling to serve and that those who are called to be his chosen will not do so idly but purely of heart, and understanding that such a path is not easily followed. I was not angry with her, but felt more as if I could not accurately convey my feelings as I wished I could to let her know how my heart felt.
 "I know Sister Kerrie that you must be sure that my heart is pure for him, but surely Aeridin knows that I am. It is him that chooses his beacons, and I may not be the brightest but I am his." In that moment I didn't know what else to say to her, or what more I could do, when Andrew spoke up.
 "If I may? Minu has chosen a diffucult path, as you know. Many of the people we associate with do not agree with her. Yet she maintains her efforts. She does not back down when we travel and they would kill through something because it is easier." He continued his voice confident and sure, and unwavering and I wanted to kiss him for being my voice when I needed it most. "She speaks, she argues, she risks her own friendships in Aeridin's name. I have seen it and I've seen how hart it is on her -- but she doesn't back down. Just thought it bore saying." I couldn't help but be stunned and smile at Andrew.
 Then came my sisters next question directed at him. "How have her actions affected you then?"
 Andrews ran a thumb over his upper lip, and spoke clearly. "I avoid death, when I can. As I said, when there is a situation that I know would go poorly -- goblins, for example -- I use my song of invisibility or sneak." There, one of the reasons I love Andrew so dearly. He does not think as most others do. "I do not kill animals unless I need the meat and skin. Both. I use my hold spell...a lot." He smiled again, "and I try to help others avoid bloodshed." His next words sounded strange as if he could not be speaking of me. "I'm not perfect, I'm not Minu, but she's helped me to see some things differently." He shrugged at that. "That justification is just that."
 To that she only said. "I see."
 There was not much emotion in her reply to let me know what she was thinking, but my voice did finally find itself. "I can try to show them the way, that there are other options to peaceful solutions but the final decision is theirs to make. Andrew understands there are other ways when possible, others are still to stubborn."
 As if it finally hit me though, Sister had spoken while I had been entranced by the voice of Andrew. "I dreamed about you, Elohanna."
 "You dreamed of me?" She had my attention more so than ever before. "I did. And I didn't know what it meant."
 "May I ask what the dreams was about?" I was worried as no one has ever had a dream about me that has been spoken to me.
 "Certainly. Do you mind if Andrew hears it?" How could I mind if Andrew heard, he had just been my voice, and I shared everything with him. "Not at all, I do not keep secrets from Andrew." Andrew smiled and again I wanted to take him into a warm embrace and just hold him regardless to let him know I loved him so much.
 "It was myself and you, we stood on opposite sides of a large field, almost like a battlefield, I was dressed in long white robes made of feathers. And you were dressed in grey. Gray robes with a belt of red satin." As I listened intently she continued. "In my hand was a staff, a golden staff, with an oak leaf at the tip, and in yours was a bow, a longbow. Bodies littered the field between us, each one with an arrow through it's heart."
 Listening to her pained me, as I could never imagine standing against her or My Healing Light but I realized that for so long I had been, and the tears clung at the edges of my own eyes.
 She continued though, "As I would raise each one, another would fall, I thought we would battle, as you were the one landing each kill. They were innocents, unarmed. Yet you continued to kill. When we met, you laid the longbow at my feet. You begged me for forgiveness as you shed tears onto the earth." I understood her in that moment and wanted nothing more than to show her. I was no longer a follower, but a true believer of the ways of My Healing Light, and in taking this path, he was healing me, he was restoring his faith in me. He had forgiven me. That is what it felt like to me, until her question came. "Do you know what it means?"
 I wanted to say so much to reassure Sister's faith in me was not misplaced and it sounded inadequate what came out of my lips, "I gave up my bow long ago before I sought out Father Leidanos before I began my path to Aeridin." How is it that my own words sound so feeble? "I walked into the temple to bear my soul to him, to ask forgiveness from him, from our Beloved Healing Light, for all the pain I have caused, to change. To Become one of our Beloveds Chosen and show others there are other ways to killing. There are other solutions to be found. Though not easy, there are other ways."
 She spoke up, again, thankfully to stop me from rambling on. "I think Aeridin gave me this dream, Elohanna, as a message. As my guide, and why I should believe in you." She wiped a tear from her cheek. "I do believe in you Elohanna." I could not help but in that moment feel that our lives were both touched by pain and forgiveness, My regret and love. I moved closer to her.
 "Please do Sister Kerrie." My tears hung there at my eyes and I found myself as in the dream kneeling in front of my sister. "May I?" She asked as she took my necklace as I offered it to her willingly with trembling hands.
 As she held the amulet tightly in her hands, she ran her fingers over the gem delicately, Andrews voice brought such comfort and love into my heart. The tears only continued to fall as I listened to her speak a prayer to our beloved Healing Light. "Aeridin, bless this amulet with your light and wisdom, protect Elohanna as she acts as a beacon of hope for that that do not hold the light as truth, help her to respect life and all that is good to this world, to seek out your love and mercy, giving those the mercy and love that they so desperately need and cherish. I do this in your name. Guide her and love her as your own."
 The love and warmth in the room could be felt as if a warm blanket had wrapped itself around all of us, reassuring us that we loved and part of our Healing Lights will to help to go out into the world and spread his message.
 That day was the last I would see of Sister Kerrie as I knew her, a true beacon of My Healing Light, as she declined the offer to allow me to go with her to the Fort of Kings.
 When I found out she was slain by Sebian, a fallen of Pyrethecon, and he has visited my home in Fort Llast threatening myself and those I love. He threatened the people of the Fort of Kings, that if I come there that he will kill more innocents. Andrew, Caerwyn and others have offered to discreetly offer their aid but it has been quiet since I have not persisted in making my presence in the Fort. Admittedly I am concerned that more than anything Aeridin's presence is needed there, for the people who find comfort in his aid.
 The church itself has refused to become involved and now only those willing to step outside the will of the church are those who can lend aid, and Andrew has offered me a way to come closer to the people, in an offer I simply can not refuse, so I am selling the house in Fort Llast to my apprentice SehKy, so that I know my friends are taken care of and will not have to move. Feawen and Shadowleaf need a stable home especially after their trying ordeal with the triplets. I can understand the pain that they are going through and though Feawen tries to remain strong the tears can be seen, Melaa will be happy growing up in Fort Llast, and I will be moving to Alindor, to the Silver Buckle, to serve as head chef but also to be closer to those who I know I can help.
 I have also chosen to leave the Angel's guild, before I have found the time to write this, though I do leave them as friends. Our paths are much different than what they used to be. I wish them all well and that Aeridin's Light will always shine upon them, and they will not forget that I am here for them should they need me.
 In My Healing Lights loving warmth may we all be held always
 Elohanna Min A'Litae
 (Daughter of the Light)
 Priestess of Aeridin
Elohanna Min A'Litae, Priestess of Aeridin
Breanna Shadowraven, Wizard/Rogue of Folian S'pae
Cord, Bard of Ilsare
Melaa A'nadivian, Ranger of Folian S'pae

