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Author Topic: Chakar's Notes of relative importance  (Read 157 times)


Chakar's Notes of relative importance
« on: November 06, 2008, 10:15:29 am »
*Chakar comes back to his house from a long trek to lands afar, and sits down with a heavy thump. He scans the skies with his trusty telescope for hours, and then sits by to his desk to write...*

The Will of Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir upon my untimely end.

To whoever that finds this, this is my will, I expect even the corrupt to adhere to it.

I wish to be embalmed as some of my forefathers were, and to be transferred in a simple wooden coffin back to my people in the Spirit Dunes, the El'Mujahir. They know what to do with my remains.

Sein Alinds, household companion: For him, I wish to transfer my house to.
As well as the properties laid within the house that belong to under mine name.

To the Tower Academy, I wish to leave my personal belongings to, namely those that are on me at the time of my undoing.

Funds in Banks:

A total of 10% is to be transferred to under the name of the Angels Guild, or to a corresponding member of the Guild's leadership to divide according to their wishes.
50% I wish to donate to the temple of Lucinda, my protector, in Spellgard.
25% I wish to give to the donation outfit known as The Foundation.
And finally, a 15% I wish to be transferred to the Tower Academy of Hempstead.

~Chakar Achmed El'Mujahir


Re: Chakar's Notes of relative importance
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2008, 02:51:47 am »
For Felix:
Jewelery: Full Cat's set Alexandrite, Eagle's set Alexandrite
Armor: Iron Reinforced Clothing, Ronus/Monk Boots (+1), Tiger Belt, Johan's cloak (or equally useful).
Weapons/etc: Compound on his bow. Hickory Violin. Oak Violin.

