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Author Topic: finding a dark path  (Read 1057 times)


finding a dark path
« on: August 05, 2015, 03:01:17 am »
Alright Im here in Vehl. Some Guy named marrant wants me to loot some corpses for coin not a bad gig but I tried that already and was killed quite easily by some spirit. Ran away like a girl I did. Scared me to death literally. Well anyways ..Ive lined up some other work with so Im hoping to make some coin and but some better gear than what Master gave for other folk herebouts they are way too nice.. healin me fer nothin and givin me gold fer  weeds I picked from some farmers field. Least wise noone saw me. Saw another man standin outside a crypt, wanted me to chase someone down foer some coin as well , some dust he wanted. Guess I'll find out when I can kill them bugger skulls easier.
the journal goes on without any apparent page breaks or dates seeming to indicate he doesn't care about times or dates Just a slight difference in writing style and a wide margin between writings.
I keep gatherin weeds and such and traders be givin out free coin ..mighty nice of em.

A few other people wanted some work done, here and there but none took my intrest like this Marrent fellow. Id be very interested in knowing more about this medical stuff he keeps jabbering bout.
Went to some shabby toen named Hlint delivering packages..didn't like the looks of the captain there either. Watnted me to get some ears..while there met up with some pretty little elf lady called herself Ell, used her fire for a bit and she started tellin me bout the going on in Hlint way back when, then two other fellas came along and interrupted her story. Had to leave after that , the one short feller kept jabberin got tired of em so I left to cash in on some coin delivery. As fer anyone who likes anything undead other than me Im at a loss to find someone. I did find some skull candles in the temple of Mist though it seemed she be a water lover not an undead lover. Found a giant library and a travel portal after  iasked around what it was in a castle Blackford. It traveled to Voltrex , someplace called the greatlibrary.
Once I have some time and get better aquainted here Ill travel there. Not too sure I have the coin to be usin teleporters just yet.

Just recently I joined up with a fellow named Mando he calles himself. Some healer type. I met him when I first arrived in Vehl. Then again when I traveled along the road to Hemp. Got tired of getting killed so I figured bein alone was a bad idea. Didn't really have to be nice for his to help me out some people actually do things for nothing, quite amazing.

Well this Mando fellow he help me out quite a bit I asked him to help me gather some ears for that lazy captain in Hlint. Guess he's too good for doing it himself , well anyways he and I took out of Vehl and headed to Hlint and Mando wanted to stop in at Krandor. I wasent too sure what he had in mind, till he mentioned a crypt. It took me by surprise and I thought he was someone I shoud be looking for someone that the master said I should look out for. sadly it was not. He was a priest. A Rofireinite he said..don't care for Gods..don't need em.. though his power over undead was impressive and his spells we just as so. Any ways we wandered in that crypt and took to gathering kills of skulls and walkers.  That's what I like to call em. Master frowned on it but I didn't really care..I just called em by what he wanted when he was around.
Had a few names for the others as I recall..floaters be them unseen ones all ghost like..and then theres the spikes...vampires by his name.. Ill think of a few more as time goes by.. sure are a few many undead types..
Well we had to leave I got a bit lost in the dark place and the walkers be mighty hard to fall for me and Mando..he was struggling with so many around him. I did manage to cut the index finger off the strange ones I haden't seen before. When we got out I tied it to my necklace as a keepsake.
There can be only One.


Re: finding a dark path
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2008, 09:12:01 pm »
Ive been able to set things straight with all the jobs I had lined up. all but a few are done. I keep thinking about that Merrent fellow. I think I will go see him when things slow down a bit, after I settle in and find a place in town to call home. outside its a bit dangerous, and the rooms are fairly cheap to rent. now that Im a bit more powerful I cna take a few things on by myself without getting killed so easily. and kill things that have a few coin. Even If I struggle with that I can loot the farmers field and gain a few coin to get me a room for a few days at least and lay low for a while if someones following me.
I was able to get a few things to better armor myself and call a familar to aid me.
I have died several times and the death void is a strange thing indeed. no noise. no light. just makes me think of when I was subjected to the Spirit. perhaps I had died and came back, I dont know for sure. I need to find soemone who knows more about this subject, I am afraid if I go back to Master I will have failed him and me. Its not a choice I have.
perhaps this Merrent fellow will know more or an ad in Vehl Inn perhaps, some place seedy and dark.
There can be only One.


Ive traveled about
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2015, 10:21:46 pm »

Ive traveled about frequenting Inn and taverns and found no one that intrests me, their all about their  business of saving me or others or recruiting adventurers for some dogooder excersise. But after many months I found a few friends Belle and Melena, also a sorcerer I call N. Not long after meeting them we joined up with a group known as the wargpack, Lord domino as leader and count Kzuskey as another leader though Im hesitant to call them leaders as they seem distant in this groups direction. perhaps they are the most powerful ones and us less powerful ones just seem to be craving the power that they have achieved. I would call it a like minded fellowship. Anyways they just happened upon N while he was being questioned as to why he summoned an undead creature in Krandor. I sat heckling the group that gathered around poor N that seemed intent on "bringing him to justice". Well once Lord and the count showed up they made no attempt to bring in poor N on this inuendo and accusations. N and I later grouped up with a few other followers of the Wargpack, Mangle, Grovel, were their names they escaped the gobbos in redlight and were hellbound in ridding them off the map, those that still inhabited redlight for all the evil that they did to them when they were young. on one such trip into redlight we met up with some ol woman living in the shadows and being friends with these gobbos, apparently we had no wisdom after her critical examination of us and looking us over, she said we were invading their home and that we should leave, Grovel assumed her to be some hag from the marsh as she could easily lived here if she did..?

Training has progressed well in sword, only just now I have achieved more knowledge with spells and their mastery, I have come upon a individual named Brian, a self centered man who resumed to swords when told of his way with women, he was easily offended, even more offended that I walked away from him, for I knew drawing on him would be a waste of time.. I would be dead. Its nice to know that I get under peoples skin so easily.

There can be only One.


I traveled back to the
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2015, 10:28:16 pm »

I traveled back to the masters house, Weary in my travels seeking someone to further my understanding of the dark arts, I had hoped he could provide me with a contact, something he should have given me from the beginning, but perhaps this was a test as well, I cannot be sure. I gathered myself and what I had collected and made my way to see him.  In the short time I was away I had grown in power considerably. I longed to see the frail mage I learned to hate  be at a point of death to take over all that I had worked so hard for. For my strengh and battle prowess would surely overcome him now if he does not give me what I feel I deserve. When at last I see him it as as I expected his frail body was at its end but upon looking into his eyes it was wholly evil. In a moment with but a few breathless words, almost as it it were not even a spell a more force of his sheer will power he reached into the weave and drew out a most foul magic instantly I had found myself surrounded by his unholy summons who came at me. I nearly ran knowing what these can do to me for I had seen them in the crypts I had frequented in my trips below Krandor, but I could not show my master my fear for in an instant I thought this to be a test as well. I drew my sword which I had always kept by my side and lucky too I had for they immediately started clawing into me. I tore thru one with a great cleave but not before the next one raked its great claws down across my back. It released its stench and I could hear my Master cackle with laughter.. " you thought to take what I have worked so long for, but you will not, you will fight and fight you must or you will surely Die!.."                            Gagging from the stench I had to bear many times in the crypts I had somewhat learned to bear it until I could kill them. One after another I had finished theri unholy life, summons from another plane was what he had done. what little imformation he let me read on this was too hard for me to understand and most was written in a language I could not read as well.  Thoughts raced thru my mind thinking back to when I was small and now how much more powerful I had become but so has my Master.  Indeed I could not do what I had purposed in my cold black heart to do. To kill the one who had brought such misery into my life.  I colapsed onto the floor blood running down my arms and back, I could it see in mingle with the bile that came from these twice dead corpses. I gasped." Master I wanted only information to. . further my studies and.." gasping for breath . He snaps. " quiet you insolent beast. you longed to take my life, I felt the evil intent in your heart.  This truly is progress indeed, though your wickedness is not truly great this is progress indeed. Only when you have hatred and a truly evil intent will you even begin to inderstand what I have done here today."  I rolled over on the floor to see him, to gaze upon the evil that now resides in him. yes it truly was evil more than I had  seen before,  it truly consumed him, all remorse, kindness and any good thing had truly left him. Not that he ever had it but he was truly taken over by it.  " you know what you must do", he says. " you must choose, look upon me and decide, if this is what you want to become, consumed with the fires of evil that will forever fuel your hatred in order to do what I have just done, to reach into the al'Noth and corrupt and pollute it in its entirety to produce the wickedness and madness the unlife that nearly ripped the life from you... Still trying to catch my breath my mind raced, the all too familar smell of my own blood flowing from my still gaping wounds mingles with stench of foul bile from these creatures.  Mm .. Master, I stammered.. I would not be here if I did not truly desire what I see in you today, I would of fled and never returned, despising everything you did to me, but now I know this was the only way you could be sure I was truly ready to take into myself a wickedness beyond my understanding to corrupt the magic and bend it to my will. Yes Master I.. *heavy breath* am ready. *Still lying on my back looking up at him,  mind racing  while the blood leaves my body I start to loose consciousness. *  Not quite yet  he says slowly, as he leans down over me, tapping his bony finger into my forehead". I gaze once again into his once human eyes now are but glowing coals. We will see each other again..  . another time.                         Loosing consciousness from exhaustion and blood loss I dream.. dream of spells and magic, of blood and death, corruption and chaos of the Al'Noth and the pure hatred that causes it to bend to my will just as the Master had done.   my world spun around all these thoughts racing around in my mind, they spun around as if in some great whirlpool at sea until I felt seasick from the spinning. I clinched my eyes tightly and saw only blackness all around me.

I woke to find myself being jostled about in what felt as if in the back of some wagon of sorts no wounds no leaking blood and no Master. I could not see perhaps I had been blindfolded like what had been done to me in the past, so I would not fear the dark when I was young. I quickly felt for my sword and it was not there, a distinct smell of sweaty horses and cheap mead was all about me, the  familar smell of every cheap inn I went to. Reaching up to my face to see if I had been blindfolded was not the case, it was truly a ink blackness of a night or some strange spell was upon us, yes.. thats it, I could feel it, a first circle spell I never used but found in my travels.  What was this spells opposite, .. I felt around climbing what seemed to be barrels of mead to what I thought was the front of the wagontowards the sound of the horses and eventually towards the driver.  without my book and preparation  I could do no dispel.. I climbed further on towards the front.  My foot catches between the barrels as they press together jostling down the road I fall forward.. falling ontop of what feel like the driver of this wagon..

There can be only One.

