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Author Topic: From the ashes  (Read 3307 times)


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2010, 06:53:27 pm »
I ran into Zak in the craft hall today. We talked and talked. He has a surprising sense of humor. He invited me to meet with a group heading out for the marshes. I agreed. I wanted to stay and talk more but I agreed to help at the Temple, so I had to rush off.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2010, 06:54:14 pm »
I was sitting on the roof with some of the others today taking advantage of the sunshine and the strong breeze to sit and work on maintianing my armor.  Since that last meeting with Master Storold, I have spent alot of time thinking about all the things he told me.  So I'm chatting with Herbert and some of the others when out of no where a scroll bounced off my head.  I of course was startled and amid the laughing and teasing I had to chase the scroll before it blew off the roof.  Yes it was amusing, I even didnt really mind the teasing.  They stopped when I told them the message was from my teacher, seems messages like this are rare for the warriors.  I even noticed a couple of glances that held some envy before attention was returned to various pieces of equipment.  I read it quickly and my spirits were further lifted by the words of encouragement written there.  I tucked it away as soon as I read it, I didn't want anyone to feel badly for not having gotten a bird message before.  One thing Master Storold was right about was the color of my armor.  Before, I would take my meals with the women and the orphans, but today as I was walking back to my usual spot with my plate, one of the warriors scooched over and made room for me with them.  Herbert nodded to me and winked.  Seems I have a small amount of respect, I have to admit that it warms me from within to be looked at as if I were an equal.  I have much to learn and I'm still new to service.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2010, 06:55:17 pm »
I spent some time with Daniel and others.  We were by the campfire and I was explaining the lessons Master Storold had begun with me.  I never noticed that you could experience magic by just focusing on it.  You can see and smell and feel the magic.  Spent the whole afternoon identifying the colors and waves magic makes when cast.  It gets distracting when I practice that while we are in combat though.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2010, 06:55:55 pm »
Finally the day for the trip to the marshes arrived.  I took the wrong ship, and ended up late meeting the group.  Raz was there to  help me catch up to the group.  His manner suggests that he still isnt fond of me but I no longer believe he despises me.  He dubbed me MJ, which I actually like.  I called him Razzy, which he told me was acceptable.  Seems that he had been called Razzy for ages already, which isnt surprising.  Zira was there and when we arrived.  Zak was there too.  Several others who were new to me were also there.  What a surprising day.  I learned so much  I followed one person for a while and watched how they worked I then followed someone else.  I listened to and watched some powerful magic users weave amazing spells.  I recognized many.  I tried to stay out of Raz's notice most of the time.  Wasnt very hard, he was leading the party.  I tried to set up as a shield for the ones who didn't weild heavy weapons, but it was impossible to do so, most were more powerful than I on a bad day.  I learned much though.  I enjoyed the company.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2010, 06:56:25 pm »
I had the most wonderful time on the boat ride home from the Marshes. I was almost sad to see the docks on the horizon. We spent almost the entire time at the ship rail watching the water. Its nice to spend time being still and silent. Letting the ship dip and sway beneath your feet. We talked once we had disembarked and we found we both enjoy boating. He asked me on a picnic. I still can't believe it. I know I responded yes because he kissed my hand, but for the life of me I have no idea what I said.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2010, 06:56:55 pm »
I was in Vehl today, I wanted to visit with Daniel, but he wasn't there.  So I sprung Charlie from his chores for lunch.  I hope the sister doesn't say anything.  He was unsure about me but he was glad to get out of his work for a little while.  We went to the edge of the dock and I shared some of the corn bread and venison I had.  Once he gets going that boy can swear the very air blue.  He taught me some very creative swear words and I taught him how to impress the sisters with using Ma'am and Sir, and to stand up straight and tall with his hands at his side.  I dont know if he will take my advice but I can see uses for the phrases he taught me.  It seems like Bella is doing well with hugging him.  He even allowed me to hug him but he rushed off fast after.  I had to ask him if he would let me first though.  Its good that hugs are a part of his life now.  Its even better that they are a part of Bella's.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2010, 06:57:31 pm »
Bella and Daniel are getting married.  I'm absolutely delighted! Bella was in a panic though.  She seems to misunderstand what someone said. I'm not quite sure what actually happened.  Songman was there and he helped me calm her down.  Im not sure what she thought loosing his heart to her actually meant, but what ever it was VERY bad. I thought she was going to pass out for sure.  I want both Bella and Daniel to be happy.  Stars watch over them.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2010, 05:36:06 pm »
Pain, darkness, silence, followed by pain, bright sunlight, howling wind.  There was no up or down.  The world twisted and turned in waves of agony and the slow march of days.  How long she does not know and cares even less.  When the sun blinds her she pulls her shield as far over her face as she can and when faced with the dead of night she stares up at the stars and searches for a constellation just out of her field of vision.  She prays and prays for deliverance from this.  Eventually she even prays for death to release her from her torment.  Neither prayer is answered and when again she wakes she remains where she landed.  She chides herself for her foolishness.  For she alone can bear the blame for this situation.  She had embarked on a training mission of her own design.  One that would let her hone the skills she recently found she lacked.  Climbing.  She did not however have the foresight to bring someone with her.  She chose a section of mountains that appeared to be less dramatic than the ones she embarrassed herself with on the last group campaign.  At first she made progress, the hand and foot holds she found were easy and solid.  Pleased with this minor triumph she grew bolder and ultimately more careless.  Several days of success on easy slopes encouraged her to try more difficult assents.  More and more confident she grew until she came to a crag face that challenged her budding skills.  She climbed and climbed and scrabbled and clawed her way up a section of the rock face.  She took a moment clinging to the wall to admire the breathtaking view around her.  It was only a few handfulls left to the summit.  She focused and began to climb again.  What she found was that it was a false summit.  The rock shelf about 8 feet wide and 15 feet long squatted directly in her chosen path.  Scrambling up onto it she set about making a small rest area.  It seemed almost as if placed just for her, and she gloried in her own accomplishment.  Sleep came over her like a gentle breeze.  When she awoke, she ate and refreshed herself then turned and faced the rock wall once again.  It had already been days since she had seen another person.  Gravity took over 40 feet above the rock shelf.  The hand hold grumbled beneath her bloody fingertips and she only had a moment to scream as she plummeted down and crashed into the solid granite ledge she so recently praised as fortuituous.  Bones snapped, skin peeled, and her body took refuge in unconciousness.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2010, 10:56:03 pm »
A new sound floated on the wind. Far away a melody danced and echoed across the landscape.  The pain in her head screamed a throbbing tempo, distorting her vision and her hearing but the melody continued.  Dragging herself to the edge of the rock shelf she tries desperately to focus and to locate the source.  She suddenly understood the tactic of military strategy Herbert had spent hours lecturing her.  The advantage of high ground and the how the hours stretch before you as you watch and wait and eventually will the other side to actually get near enough to you to actually do something besides continue to watch them approach.  There far off was a group of travelers.  Some twist of the wind carried the tune of a bard or just a talented musician up the rocky mountain side.  Her meager strength could not sustain conciousness long and once again oblivion engulfed her.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2010, 05:50:41 pm »
It seemed like eons as she waited for the travelers to get close enough to try to attract thier attention.  When at last they were close enough she began to call out.  It hurt so bad expanding her broken ribs to shout loud enough, but finally one of them began looking about for the source of the sound.  She began to weep in earnest when they moved away.  A heartbreaking cry of NO echoed down the canyon.  The travelers retraced thier steps.  Nearer and nearer, but they didn't look up.  Disparing of being spotted she began to toss her belongings down up on them.  Bit by bit.
 It wasnt until her shield almost koshed one on the head that they took the falling debris seriously.  Her pack sailed after the shield, it had split somewhere along the original fall and its contents left a visual trail as they burst from containment.  The men called to each other pointing toward her and calling up to her.  She fainted with relief.  Much later she found herself on the canyon floor her broken arm and ribs bound.  There was little to do about the concussion or the scrapes and bruises.  No cleric or healer was present.  Too afraid to use magic potions on her lest they speed her demise with accidental curing she was simply bandaged and secured to a make shift litter.  Her belongings, those that could be found anyway were replaced in her pack and an attempt at patching had been done to hold it all inside again.  It would not stand up to alot of activity but it was all that could be done.  Her shield and sword had been pressed into service to proved stabilization for her injured head and neck.  She rested on a mixed pile of clothing and pine boughs in the cradle of her shield and her sword became a cross tie to keep her hips from twisting as she was hauled along.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #30 on: April 11, 2010, 07:52:34 pm »
The brothers returned her to Ft. Vehl.  Her improperly set bones healing in painful twists.   They had done all they could.  She was alive.  She continued to have nightmares but they no longer woke her up screaming.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2010, 03:15:10 pm »
Healing takes time and patience.  It requires more effort to be still and allow the natural course of time to undo what is wrought with good intentions.  It took close to 6 months to heal fully from the misadventure with mountain climbing.  In that time so much had happened outside the temple, things she missed, and that upset her.  The one she missed most was finally once again near to her.  One good thing about healing was that it allowed her to enjoy a fireside past time she learned as a child.  Setting to her task she made Rachel a bright sundress with Sunflower designs along the hem.  She made a special hankie for Zak.  Embroidered from the dark silk she made with her own hands.  the cloth was as soft as a whisper and the dark grey and scarlet embroidery along the egdes was detailed and intricate.  A stylized Z graced on corner.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #32 on: April 29, 2010, 09:02:35 pm »
Holding a squirming Rachel, she sits down in the shallow creek water.  Charlie and the girls are deeper in the stream yelling and splashing.  The hot weather was making the kids a bit cranky and it seemed everyone else had duties and errands, so she had decided on a small field trip to a nearby bend in the creek.  The water was cool and the indoor voices were left behind.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #33 on: April 30, 2010, 06:29:37 pm »
In the afternoon light she sits quietly with a pile of scarlet silk in her lap.  Rachel is napping and Charlie and the girls are out training with Tod.  It's quiet and blissfully peaceful.  Stitch by delicate stitch she sews.  Reinforcing the seams and double folding the material along the area that chafe most under armor.  Holding the shirt up to the light she inspects the work ensuring that the stitches are even and no material puckers.  
 Stars that man is going to look so good in this shirt...
 She grins to herself as she finishes off the seam.  All that is left now is to attach the short collar.  Created to be worn up so the neck of the armor is kept from the skin or worn folded down to lay flat against his neck when not wearing armor. Fastened with a twisted frog closure made from hours of careful placement and sewing folded thread into a design with a knot on one side and more folded thread into a loop on the other.  Bella had said it would only be two days.  She should return by this evening or tomorrow morning.  Setting aside the work making sure to pack up all her sewing gear, she goes to check on the baby and start dinner cooking.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #34 on: May 03, 2010, 10:51:21 pm »
Sheep floated by like clouds and flowers were the size of cows wandering about.  Walking as if there were somewhere she needed to get to she scattered the flowers as she moved.  They shook green leaves at her and turned thier blossoms away.  A red door stood in the field.  Opening the door and stepping through she was tumbling and falling. Shrubbery pointed and taunted like children in a school yard.  Laughing at her fear. She tried to scream, she tried to stop, she was helpless to do anything but watch the ground rush at her.  
 Sitting up suddenly in bed a scream of terror trapped in her throat.  The pain memory flashing like lighting across her memory.  Strong arms engulf her and a sleep rough whisper dances along her bare shoulder.  Turning into the arms she lets the nightmare pass and focuses on the one holding her.  She was safe.  He would keep all dangers from her.  She could sleep again.  Closing her eyes she snuggled against him, giving herself over to his comfort and care.  The strong beat of his heart beneath her ear lulling her back to dreamless sleep.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #35 on: May 13, 2010, 08:00:28 pm »
Sitting in a tree near the fishing spot Charlie is fond of, a book balanced on her lap as she writes.
 The days have settled into a series of patterns. I find soul deep contentment in my life. I have so much good in my life that I sometimes feel guilty for it. I thank the Lady each dawn for all my blessings.
 I continue to study The Al'Noth, and its many facets. Storold seems proud of my progress, although of late we have had little time together. I spend much of my days caring for Charlie and Rachel and Lana's girls. It seems both Bella and Daniel are always off somewhere doing important tasks. I feel a sense of pride that they entrust me with them while they are away. I have also done more crafting.
 She pauses to watch a pair of squirrels in a nearby tree chase each other about. Her mind wanders and she sits still allowing the day to drift lazily by.
 After a long while she begins to write once more.
 I have given my heart to another. I know without a doubt my heart is safe with him. I know I am safe with him. He is elven, and that has turned some frowns my way, but I care not. He loves me true, and I return it in full measure.
 A joyful peace dances within her expression as she packs her belongings away and jumps down. Heading off in the direction of Hempstead she goes to meet his ship which is due in to the port in two days.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2010, 06:46:07 pm »
Rain pelted the rooftop and ran in tiny rivers down the crafting house wall.  The comforting warmth within and the hypnotic rythmn of his motions created a sense of peace and tranquility.  Making a comfy spot near him she brings out her work ledger.  Symbols and signs carefully penned and defined, referenced for her to study.  Sleep steals over her like a soft shadow.  In time he looks over and realizes she was sleeping.  Packing his tools and supplies, he crouches down and softly runs his index finger along her jaw line.  lifting her chin as her eyes slowly open he leans in and lightly kisses her.  As he leans back both smile, the world slides away for the moment leaving just the two of them and the love that grows with each day.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2010, 06:46:37 pm »
Winter had settled in. Outside the wind howled and snarled. The storm spat ice in tiny darts along with the down pour of rain. Only someone with unavoidable commitments ventured out. Not being among those poor souls the pair chose against venturing out and remained locked within the warmth of the dwelling.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2010, 01:55:27 pm »
I am so excited.  I have been appointed to a guard detail to take one of the elder priestess' Glenna to Spellgard.  She choose me by name.  I can't believe the honor.  I figure it wont be more than a full month there and back.  I should be able to finish the projects I have in the crafting chest when I get back.  I must hurry and find Zak to let him know about this.  He will be so proud.  Daniel and Bella were not home when I stopped by but I left a note in the door frame.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2010, 09:57:02 am »
At this point there are a number of pages that appeared to be ripped out.  Several attempts at making the lost pages look neat and orderly are apparent but the pages are gone just the same.