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Author Topic: From the ashes  (Read 3306 times)


From the ashes
« on: February 22, 2010, 05:41:44 pm »
A collection of memories and events that make up Melanna Jin Poetr.

 My name is Melanna Jin Poetr. I have traveled this road alone until now. What is to become of me is a question that haunts my days and nights.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2010, 06:24:45 pm »
Character: Melanna Jin Poetr
 Age: 18
 Gender: Female
 Classes: Fighter
 Race: Human
 Alignment: Lawful Good
 Deity: Lucinda
 The exhausted willowy girl set the last of the cairns stones in place and stepped back, her hands cracked and bleeding from the unaccustomed work and let out a small sigh and brushed back golden brown hair from her face, "I'm sorry Da, but there was no one to help me other than the sheep so this is the best I can do." She wiped her hands on her brown plain robes and then removed a stylized dragon carving from her simple belt pouch. Her father had made it as well out of a mixture of oak and hickory, carving each detail by the firelight. Kissing it, she put it on the top of the cairn. "You are with your Lord Protector now and I hope mother as well, Da. I love you." Calling upon her heart, she made a heartfelt plea to the Lady of Magic,"Lady, show me your path from here and I will serve you as best I am able." Casting her gaze upward, she studies the constellations first taking in the Gold's Eye then the Necklace of the Lady. To her mind's eye they seemed to shine for her and her hands felt warm after all of the effort. Smiling, she took up her shepherd staff, as Daneal called it, and makes her way back to the simple cottage her father had made with his own two hands many years before.
 Situated on a nearly treeless craggy hill, the cottage overlooked the western spurs of the Hammerbounds some two weeks walk north and west of Hlint. It was a small affair with a single common room furnished with little more than a table, single bed, and two chairs below and a small loft where Melanna kept her scant belongings in an old trunk next to a sheepskin bedroll. Tears begin to trickle down her pale cheeks and she thought about this gentle man who was her father and the countless evenings they would sit in front of the fire and he would tell her stories of his youth. Stories filled with her Da's friends and all manner of beasts her father had fought in his youth in Hlint and beyond. His stories were always the same, laced with the importance of being true to yourself, your faith, and your heart. The stories along with the few remnants of her mother's notes and scrolls were all she had to remember them by. Wiping her tears away from her grey-green eyes, Melanna set to packing what possessions she could find with a determination she hoped came from her mother, Treana Min Poetr, a woman she barely remembers. A torch, some old rope, a ragged lambs wool cloak and hood along with several dried apples and a small bag of true settled into her pack.
 Melanna thought about how her father led her here to the hilly fields north of Hlint on Mistone from the urban city of Haft Lake, half a world away. She was very little then and nothing past the parade of faces and buildings truly stuck in her mind as she clung to her Da's hand. Hempstead, in particular, was a grand affair to her four year old self, with its larger than life fountains and statues. How she longed now for the safety of the guarded gate and the nearness of folks who could at least lend her a cot and meal. Sweeping up a small handmade pack, Melanna tacked a note in clear concise script on the door as she left it read:
 Daniel Min Poetr died peacefully in his sleep on Mai 20th, 1447. He is buried under cairn behind the cottage some two stones throw. Friends are welcome to pay respects. I am leaving this cottage, lands, and small herd of sheep to whoever has the will and want to take them.
 Melanna Jin Poetr
 "Blossom in Promise"
 She then set out south and east. That was four years ago.
 Since that day Melanna had discovered much about herself. She found herself increasingly fascinated by Lucinda, remembering little details about her mother's late budding magical skill and the wonders that Spellgard presented to her. She wondered if some day she might not, herself find that she carried her mother's talent. It would delight her to find this to be so, for she was fascinated by all things Lucinda presented. The principles of honor and selflessness of her father's teachings fit well with what she learned of her own faith. She knew her father would not be disappointed in her, but in her heart there was the shadow of doubt. She hoped he understood her path was different then his and was proud of her for following it.
 The path she followed lead her to learn to defend herself with the shepherd's staff from all manner of trials on the road. Some was self taught, and more has been learned from those who would trade for it. Slowly she had become proficient, and she was proud that she had earned every bit on her own. She was proud that everything she had gained since she had left her father's grave she had earned with the same honor she had seen in him.
 Staying true to herself and her ideals, her life slowly began to resemble her name in a whole other way then when she was given it at birth.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2010, 06:25:20 pm »
The first winter alone was the hardest. After I walked away from the house I was blinded by my grief. I struggled to feed and equip myself. *Her mind shies away from that time and the hardships and desperation she survived*. I began to learn and to understand lessons taught to me by my family. *She sets her quill aside as she recalls a memory from her childhood.
 ~Her lip throbbed painfully and her pants were torn at the knee blood oozed slowly from the scrape. The boys had not wanted a girl to tag along. She had stood her ground, but ultimately had been denied. The skinned knee and cut lip were accidental consequences to being thrust back by more than one boy upsetting her balance and preventing her from following. Neither boy intended harm directly they were just children and angry, she was smaller a girl and therefore not welcome. Uncle Benjamin had seen her first and was outraged that anyone would dare harm her. Scooping her up he hauled her to her father to deal with who had done such a thing. The pain had been worth it because her uncle had taken her fishing at the stream. On the way back he had taken time to show her how to feel an attack coming and how to moveout of its way. ~
 *Sighing at the memory her mind's eye flashes a rapid succession of glimpses of home so very long ago. Looking up at the sky she smiles as a tear slowly slides down her face.*


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 07:41:19 pm »
It's strange having people in my life again. It's different traveling about with company. I still grieve for Mother and Da, but now with Daniel I do not feel so lost. He is so stuffy though. Alot like Da, but not. He takes being a Protector very seriously. I hope he learns that protecting isnt all a protector is. I hope he learns with Bella. She's a quick one. Good stance. Nice balance. More fun than anyone else I ever knew. Her life it seems has been missing being loved. From what she told me anyway. I hope that those two realize they both have the other half of each other.
 ##note to self Make Daniel ask her out to a picnic...
 Daniel also introduced me to a man named Richard. Bella asked me if I found him interesting and I am quite interested in that book of his. He knows learned magic. The type of magic that isnt just inside a body but a skill of learning. If all it takes is learning and hard work. I can do magic. Eventually.
 He knows the color of my eyes, last guy to mention my eyes to me was Jimmy McDurmont. I don't know what that means really. The color of my eyes is no big secret obviously. Anyone who looks at me can see them. Just I dont often hear someone comment on thier color.
 I like traveling about with Daniel and his friends more than ever now that I am welcomed by them too. Such adventures we have had here lately. What is going on with all these undeads wandering around. Daniel barely saved us in the crypts from vampyres. We had to go to his temple and report it. I did not want to go into the temple. I really didn't. I couldnt stay outside either. Night was coming on and alone with darkness edging near I was easy prey.
 I wanted to pinch Daniel black and blue *She grins* actually I think I managed at least a dark red mark. Here he was acting like it was shameful to have chosen to keep us alive instead of dying against impossible odds.
 I just don't understand him and his refusal to see any other sides. Like with his own Da. Yea Uncle Benjamin was a rake and scoundrel. He and Da never got along for very long. *she smiles* Uncle Benjamin loved deeply too. Even the ones who held him in disregard. If Daniel is smart he will remember not to say nasty things about him any more. He may still think them but I can't help that.
 Daniel has taken up the head of the house attitude as if he were a Da himself thats for sure. He scowls and frowns and corrects me every time I turn about. It's charming and sweet. The gruffer he gets just proves he loves me and the ones he travels with. That's the truest sign of a Protector. He put some true with the guild people so I could get armor that was made to fit me along with the nicest sword and shield. I have so many blessings because of Daniel. I pray every morning to Lucinda to see him safe and well cared for. Each night as I search out her necklace in the sky and say the prayers for me I thank her for seeing to his safety for that day.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2010, 10:10:57 pm »
It's so wonderful having a best friend again.  It's been so many years. I had forgotten how comforting it is to share a day with someone because you enjoy hanging around together.  Bella's life has been even harder than mine.  I at least was loved and adored, while my parents lived.  Even with them gone, the love I was surrounded with remains.  I have added Bella to the list of people I pray each morning for. I also can't help but smile as I say my thank yous each night.  
 Daniel still has not asked her on the picnic.  He just does not understand.  He is so blinded by his own thinking he can't see what I am trying to show him.  I have to stop pushing him about it though.  My best intentions will end up getting her hurt again.  I still can't believe how he fumbled the last attempt at asking her.  I was ready to cry. Never ever would I want her to be hurt by me trying to help.  


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2010, 10:13:49 pm »
Bella introduced me to a woman named Striker.  Odd name for a girl, but she is comfortable with it.  She has a quick wit and a biting sense of sarcasm.  I find I like that about her.  I am not so sure I would trust her at my back, but I don't know her well enough to say for certain.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2010, 10:24:03 pm »
I swear he does it on purpose.  Not an hour after my first armor fitting and at the end of a messy nasty day he marches me up to Mother's teacher.  I am filthy, smelly, my armor isn't properly fitted and I have a raging case of helmet hair. I was so embarassed.  Here he is marching me out like a prize heifer...Look what I have for you Storold... a student.. ta da.  I didn't know if I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me whole or swallow him whole.  He's spouting all this stuff about how much I want to learn magic and how I need a teacher and each word made me want to slink away into the back ground.  You don't just toss a student at a respected member of the church like that.  You make an appointment.  After the student has time for a bath.  You wear your best clothing.  You know what you are meeting for.  Lucinda bless my beloved cousin Daniel, he means well.  I know he only had my deepest wish in mind.  I also know he never would have meant me harm and was completely baffled by my displeasure.  No reason to tell him because well he cant understand the significance of picnics.  There is no way he will understand female self esteem.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2010, 10:27:07 pm »
I still can not believe it Storold has agreed to be my teacher.  We met once to talk about magic and what draws me to it.  He seemed to be pleased with my answers.  I will continue to seek out more knowledge about magic where ever I can find it.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2010, 10:33:42 pm »
I finally got my armor back from the crafters.  It's a perfect fit.  I can even take a deep breath while holding a shield.  No more painful crushing of the assets.  No more raw spots on my shoulderblades and hip and knees from chafing.  Bella thinks I sound like a walking box of nails still but at least its not as bad as it was.  I really should move to a nicer place, but Vehl is close to Daniel, its not terribly expensive, and as long as you wedge your shield under the door handle its loud enough to get a good night's sleep.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2010, 10:50:13 pm »
Bella and I met up in Hlint.  We were preparing to gather the ears I needed for a bounty.  The bounty was offered properly and lawfully so I agreed to take it.  While preparing Richard arrived.  He joined us for the day.  I like traveling with him.  I enjoy listening to him speak. *She pauses for a long while recalling the details.*  He knows so much about so many kinds of magic.  Bella left after we returned from collecting and Richard and I ended up sitting by a fire talking for a long while.  He wrote down a list of verbal exercises for me to work on.  *She unfolds  scrap of parchment with his handwriting on it and slowly reads each word aloud. Then tucks it back in her book* He and I agreed to meet at his residence in Leringard.  I'm debating on not telling Daniel or Bella.  Daniel will over react I'm sure and Bella will think that I've gone sweet on Richard.  I don't think Richard thinks of me the way Jimmy McDurmont did once.  Yes he mentioned my eye color that one time, but we spent close to two hours talking about magic and the topic never strayed from magic.  So I think he just wants to teach me magic.  Like I asked.  At least he has a nice voice.  I could talk with him for hours and hours.  I know that meeting an unmarried man in his home without a chaperone is more than likely going to get me into trouble, I really want to learn all the things we spoke of.  Theory of magic, History of the Al'Noth, along with the science of magic, practice of magic and then the actual use and application of magic.  Maybe there is a common room, if not then we will have to simply go to the patio.  Magic is not enough to compromise my reputation over.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2010, 11:38:32 am »
*shutting her room door firmly and wedging her shield beneath the knob she strips herself of her armor and tosses her things on the floor beside her bed.  In just her delicates she crumples on the bed.  Assured she is alone she gives in to the tears she's held at bay for so long.*
 *The moon is high in the night's sky before her emotions are spent and she drifts into unsettled sleep.*


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #11 on: March 07, 2010, 11:10:48 am »
*Wrapped in cotton sheeting her hair still damp from her bath, she sits in the half light of twilight.  So much has happened, so many things she was unaware of are now formost in her mind.*
 I met with my teacher yesterday.  He knows so much and I had no idea how little I really knew.  I thought I knew alot, I thought I had a grasp of the foundation.  He took me to a place of darkness, where the Al'Noth was so corrupted it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end and the empty desperate corruption of just standing there leeches into your very pores.  I don't know how to shake what being there felt like.  My stomach still is uncertain.  After the trip I had to break away from Master Storold and all I could think about was getting back to the temple.  I was glad he let me go without questions, and the welcoming calm of being in the temple helped recenter me.  I like helping in the temple.  There is always so much to do and many hands in the doing.  The emptiness of that place haunts me still though.  It's un natural.  It's wrong.   Its downright unacceptable and must be eliminated.  I'm not alone in this feeling either.  Master Storold told me that its been like that for  centuries.  Studied and fought against but the corruption remains.  I am now faced with a situation that I can not combat.  I simply do not have the skills.  That hurts me, way down deep.  How do I protect against a force I have no weapons or armor or methodology to combat?  I pray now for guidance like I have never prayed before.  I hope someday to get an answer.  In the mean time I train, I learn, I try not to dwell on things I am powerless against.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2010, 11:26:25 am »
*Grinning she sits and eats an apple in the shade of a tree.  It's mid day and the sun is warm but the breeze is light and fragrant.*
 If they gave medals for ruined cotton, I would be crowned as a hero.  I looked about as my stomach told me I forgot to eat again and I was close to hip deep in cloth failures and cotton shreds.  I'm getting better, well I'm not getting worse at least.  I tucked all the ruined bits in a grain bag and made a sort of pillow for my bed.  Its lumpy and lopsided, but a pillow is a pillow.
 *She finishes the apple and watches the clouds drift in a slow dance across the sky.*
 I saw Daniel today.  He's so in love, yet fighting it every step of the way.  I have no idea why he fights against it so hard.  He and I talked about Jimmy.  I still miss him.  I long to be near him even for a moment again.  Who knows maybe someday Jimmy and I will meet again.  Of course Daniel didn't see things my way.  You have no control over who your heart chooses.  I lost Jimmy through no fault of mine or his.  Just because it ended, doesn't change what I felt then or what I feel now.  I have faith that I will find another to love and be loved by someday.  


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2010, 05:31:24 pm »
*Tucked in a corner of the temple in a small band of half light she sits with her knees drawn up and her forhead resting on them.*
 *She has tucked her cloak about her as if to ward off a deep cold.  It's not a cold from the weather but one of internal conflict.*


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #14 on: March 07, 2010, 05:35:15 pm »
I don't know what to write today.  So many disappointments all in one afternoon where do you even start.  I know I'm on the right path, I know it.  I just don't seem to be doing things right.  I need to figure out where to start.  I guess the first thing is to start with what can be corrected the easiest.  *sighs aloud*   I just don't look good in blue.  Oh well I shall get used to it.  As for the rest, I will just have to figure something out.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2010, 09:39:19 pm »
Master Storold is mighty disappointed in me.  I sense he feels he is wasting his time bothering with so inept a student.  He asks me questions  I have no way of answering.  Each attempt gains another frown.  He kept going on about loving magic.  The pursuit of magic for the right reasons.  He brought others to the conversation, each one more adept at magic than I even knew was possible.  Glimmering illusions, and magnificent control, all spread out before me like some banquet.  Yet it's a banquet behind glass and I can only see it.  Not be a participant.  I have no magic of my own.  Nothing I have found so far anyway. Yet deep inside me burns this grain of need.  I have begun to attempt to call forth any manifiestation of magical talent.  I mimic the words and movements of those I see who have magic.  I have been warned over and over that such a thing is dangerous and reckless.  I don't know what else to do.  I'm not going to forsake my path.  I can't.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2010, 09:17:06 am »
Its so easy to retreat back to the Temple.  I just realized today that I have been here almost a month.  I am glad I took everything of mine with me from the last time I was in Vehl, I doubt my room has been empty the whole time I have been away.  More than likely its been rented out to someone else by now.  I have avoided Bella and Daniel.  I seem to make things worse not better, when I only want them both to be happy.  I am not going to meddle anymore.  Besides what do I know about being a parent and being in love.  Not alot it seems.  I'm pleased that Wesley chose a proper name.  Charlie is a good strong name he can grow into.  For now though I work until I can't think and then I sleep like a stone only to be awakened before I am fully rested and start all over again.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2010, 09:27:22 am »
I can't get past the meeting with a few of the Angles.  There is this set of three, Zira who is bubbly and hilarious. Shes really so nice.  She might have been alot of fun to travel with.  Her brother the silent one.  He just looked through me as if I didnt exist.  Felt like a bug in a jar around him.  Then there is this other one Raz.  Oozes charm and for a moment I thought he might be more than just habit charming.  I swear it just irked me that he had the nerve to judge me, and find me lacking when he set out to insult my faith.  I don't know maybe I'm over sensitive, but if you are going to ask someone if you can spend time with them bring them closer to you, why in Stars name would you turn around and ask a no win situation question then have the nerve to be judgemental when you get a no win answer.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2010, 09:33:05 am »
Daniel surprised me the other day when we were traveling.  I was out of sorts mostly because I lost my pillow.  I made it with the ruined cotton and a old sack.  It got left behind in Vehl.  That wasn't what surprised me.  We were on one of his patrol runs.  I keep trying to cast the light spell.  He didn't chastise me or frown with dire warnings.  Just gave me a hint to what I was doing wrong.  I still don't understand what it is that Master Storold wants from me.  I have not seen him since the last disaster meeting.  I wonder if he regrets having me as a student.  I don't know who else to ask though.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2010, 06:52:50 pm »
A Chance encounter with Zira provided me with my first chance to train with members of the Angels.  Zira and Zak were going spider culling and I was invited along.  Zak is quiet.  He's still.  Zira is wonderful, shes vibrant and funny.  I learned alot about the two of them while we were fighting.  I managed to get this huge gash in my leg because I was watching him.  He fights with single minded purpose and those golden eyes measuring every angle.  Fortunately Zira tossed a healing spell at me.  I got back in focus, I had to stop watching him fight and force myself to pay attention to protecting Zira from the spiders.  I was very proud of my efforts.  I managed to keep her safe, and keep myself from getting bitten.  A few managed to slice at me, which stung, but none bit me.  I had to strip out of my armor to get in and out of the entrance to the cave area.  It was quite embarassing to be honest.  I scraped a couple places best not mentioned.  Doing so with him watching was disconcerting as well.  Zira kept teasing him to ask me out.  I actually considered going back through that hole, I really did, but I couldn't find face taking my armor off again.  In front of him not like that.  I blurted out that he and I should go smash other things together, because we work well as a team.  He was embarassed too, I think, and when he smiled and stepped forward... he stepped out of the shadow and into a tiny beam of sunlight and he looked over to me and it was like looking into twin pools of sunlight.  Thank the Stars Zira didnt notice.  She just kept on talking and we finally moved out of the forest.  I had to get back to the Temple I was on laundry detail and I was late.