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Author Topic: The protectors diary  (Read 1078 times)


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #80 on: October 14, 2008, 05:04:51 pm »
*Storold sits in his study in his new house. He looks sadly to one of the corners where there are some bits still left from the broken golem.*

Many things has happened lately... Milara appearing in town, a man threatening me with the sword of a dead lich and the broken golem, the poor broken golem.
I sent it to repairs but I am still very sad about it. Mr. Golem seemed a bit saddened about it too, but it doesn't seem that he really understands the other golem which seems to be able to talk too.
Somehow it got caught in the battle against Tethulas and not it is all smashed up by the mages working for the man who spoke about taking my body for some sort of use.

*Storold sighs and looks around listening to the noises of the house*

I am really beginning to feel lonely here on Dregar. No people coming and going like in Leringard, just myself and mr Golem out here in the hills. I really miss Clover a lot these days. Strangely enough it is only her and I really need to see her soon.
I have been able to track her down and everything should be ready for the vacation and everything. I just need to be sure that she wants to go and all that... Just it feels so odd if she wouldn't. We love eachother, we have just had some rough times and things have been keeping me far more busy than I thought I would ever be.
I really hope she will fogive me

*Storold closes his journal and goes to check in his library for something to read looking for a long while at the empty corner before moving on.*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #81 on: October 19, 2008, 03:53:02 am »
*Storold had been lingering around town for quite some time although he tried to hide the fact that it was in fact him walking there by wearing his ordinary clothes as opposed to his usual chain mail and cloak revealing that he was indeed a protector of the Al'Noth. When the sun starts to set on this early spring evening Storold seems to have found what he was looking for or rather has found his way there since he knew where he was going over a week before he ever went there.
He had been working up to this moment for at least a month, after all which had happened between them it all came down to whether he dared to knock on the door or not. Storold hesitated a bit and thought about how it had been before, before he focuses on the door again. How much they have had together, how much it hurt when he had to leave for a whole year, how little time they had together after that. When he came home to an empty room the first time, last time he had seen her. All the things he had done after she disappeared a saddened expression passed his face as he did that.
As he stood close to the door a woman approaches from the town clearly heading for the door of the house, she is carrying a basket with groceries from the market. Storold doesn't notice anything since he stands looking at the door in his own little world. The woman looks like she is going to drop her basket for a short while and just stands there looking at Storold. After a minute of silence she speaks softly looking at Storold*


*She says with a trembling voice looking hopefully at him. Storold turned slowly and looked at the woman speechless for quite some time just standing there staring at her.*


*Storold smiles brightly at her and moves closer to her holding his arms out. Clover drops the basket with groceries on the street and embraces Storold.*

"I missed you a lot love, please don't let me stop you in what you are doing.."

*Clover eyes Storold with teary eyes*

"Are you just dropping by for a bit of fun before you leave for one of your "adventures" again"

*Storold looks pained at Clover and smiles a little*

"Actually I was planning on going away but not alone..."

*Clover makes a face at him*

"Inviting one of your female friends with you are you..?"

*Storold nods slightly*

"That was the plan, yes, I had planned on asking her to come with me tonight actually, there is a boat leaving for Dregar soon and we need to be in Lor so that we can sail to Sadinia soon."

*Clover looks offended and picks up her basket halfway pushing her way past Storold*

"Have a nice time there!"

*Storold carefully grabs Clovers arm and looks disappointed to her*

"Does that mean you aren't coming with me to Voltrex?"

*Clover just looks blankly at him not really sure what to do*

"Me..? Voltrex..? Now..?"

*Storold kisses Clovers cheek while she just stands there*

"If you want to come of course, and we need some dinner before we take the boat to Dregar, if you and miss Prissy wont mind"

*Clover looks into her basket and smiles*

"I believe we should have enough for a dinner for three"

*Storold and Clover heads inside where Clover introduces miss Prissy to Storold. They enjoy a wonderful dinner at her house made by miss Prissy, while Storold and Clover walked around in town. After dinner they head out to catch the boat taking them to Dregar. They travel by horse down through the continent on a relatively peaceful trip. As they reach Lor they go to see Angela before they slip onto the ship to Voltrex.
At Voltrex they spend a lot of time visiting sights on the continent which Storold had seen years before. In the end of their tour they find themselves at the tower of water at the Northern tip of Voltrex. Storold wasn't there before but he still goes to say politely hello to the guardians of the tower before Clover and him takes some time to walk around the shallow water around the tower.
After a while looking over the bay the sun starts to go down over the ocean, the red-orange reflections hit the water where they are standing. Storold smiles to Clover and seems to want to do something but he seems to be stalling as she stands there watching the sundown. She turns slowly towards Storold as she notices his gaze and gives him a bright smile.
Storold looks rather insecure but after a short silence between them he fumbles a bit in his pocket and produces a round object. He carefully kneels in from of her in the water while she watches him with her mouth open wide not able to quite say anything.*

"Clover, we haven't really talked as much as we should have in the past. And so far we might not have had the best start, but still we made it through all this, not flawlessly, but we are still together. I would love for it to stay that way so that we can spend the rest of our life together, not just as Clover and Storold, but as mrs. and mr Doesscha..."

*Clovers eyes are sparkling but still she doesn't really seem ready to say anything and Storold is taking his time gulping once before asking*

"Clover.. will you marry me?"

*A tear forms in Clovers eyes as she looks at Storold, her voice is a squeaky whisper as she answers him*

"Yes, there is nothing in the whole world I would like more!!"

*Storold carefully takes her hand and puts a sparkly ring on her finger, a closer look reveals that the ring is made from platinium with a single diamond placed in it. However Clover doesn't notice the ring, she quickly hugs her arms around Storold as he gets up and gives him a tender kiss. They enjoy their travel back to Sadinia and after retrieving a load of items sent to North Point from Spellgard they start to decorate their new home outside Point Dart.*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #82 on: November 10, 2008, 07:02:06 am »
]*After Storold and Clover has done the job of moving all Clovers personal possesions they sit in the livingroom hugging eachother by the fire as some slow, heavy footsteps sound through the house. The door is pushed up and a tall goldenish red golem comes dragging through the door with half a bush in its hands with roots and dirt on it. it drops it almost on top of Storold and Clover in an attempt to give it to Storold it seems. Clover is looking rather afraid and confused about the situation clinging to Storold as she looks it over...*

"Mr Golem?!.. What did I say about bringing plants inside?"

*The golem looks with a metal face at Storold just standing there with its head inclined*

"Mr.. Mr.. Golem... What is that for a strange thing Storold?"

*Clover look with huge eyes at the golem looking at the two. Storold sighs quietly and places a finger on Clover mouth placing her gently on the ground before standing to face the golem*

"Mr. Golem please... Say hello Clover and then... Uhmm can't you go hug the men running around in the hills or something"

*The golem looks oddly to Storold and pick him up shaking him while hoding him upside down. Clover watches in horror and tries to get a spell off which the golem doesn't really notice or feel at all. After a little while of Storold shouting various curses the Golem throws him sort of gently against a wall and wanders out. Clover rushes to Storolds side not really minding the golem which seems to be heading outside.*

"Storold! Are you alright!! That huge thing almost killed you!!!"

*Clover looks to the door lightning almost shooting from her eyes while she carefully hugs Storold*

"Ugh... Well it is my golem... Mr Golem..."

*Storold struggles to sit and mutters a little to himself aboutcrazy golems*

"But but.. It almost broke you!"

*Storold kisses Clovers cheek gently and grins slightly*

"It tried for over a decade now and didn't succeed so I doubt it will get that right... It helps me a lot, just it doesn't know how to do things right"

*Storold shakes his head a little and mumbles a short prayer to the lady which makes the pain disappear from his face.*

"You.. How can you.. Live with that... Thing?!"

*Clover caresses Storold face leaning against the wall with him next to her*

"It means well... I found it in a cave on Alindor.. Many many years ago, it likes me, and I can't let it go. It is a poor creature, trapped in the wrong body."

*Clover looks oddly at Storold*

"It is a golem..."

*Storold grins and pokes her*

"Don't let it fool you, it has feelings too... But well now I am feeling better and well I think we were in the middle of something..."

*Storold winks to Clover starts kissing her passionatly...*

. . .

*Clover and Storold lives their lives peacefully. Storold is gone for some periods of time, out traveling to see his friends. In Spellgard or otherwise occupied. However he returns to Clover as soon as he can spending all the time he has when he does return.
One day near the night of flesh and magic Storold and Clover are talking over dinner.*

"Love, I have to leave for Kartherian for meeting some friends. I will be back for the seventh though to enjoy it with you. I simply just need to make this meeting first."

*Storold looks to Clover for a reply smiling to her*

"Kartherian... That is the place with slaves and that xeenite temple, why would you be keeping friends there!"

*Clover looks slightly angered by the mention of the town, but soon looks rather concerned to Storold*

"I just... Have to meet these people I sort of agreed to some time ago. I promise I will be home as soon as possible, it isn't really going to be all that fun I figure."

*Storold sighs to himself and looks down at his dinner a long while*

"Clover, I really do love you and I can't allow something like what happened years ago to come between us again."

*Clover looks at him sternly*

"You better not let something like that happen again, you should know better than doing that"

*Clover and Storold doesn't talk much more before Storold heads out in the morning towards Lor


On the morning of the 7th of Mar Storold appears in the bedroom after teleporting from somewhere. Clover is sitting there on the bed looking rather tired seemingly not having been able to sleep for a good long while.*

"Storold! Why haven't you come back sooner!"

*Clover looks upset but soon stands and embraces Storold*

"Clover.. I came as soon as I could return, I really really missed you a lot. Please say that you are fine"

*Storold smiles a little to her and holds her out in his arms*

"What did you get yourself into now...?"

*Storold kisses her softly and sighs*

"Nothing, I have gotten myself partly out of something instead, I am sure you will be very happy when this is all over. But I really think I need to see someone who understands these things better than I do. I am just so happy that I am back here with you..."

*Clover looks oddly at him and frowns*

"What are you trying to say love..? You don't love me?!"

*Clover pushes herself away from Storold*

"Clover... You misunderstand, I love you more than anything else... The thought about living without you would be unbearable, we are going to marry. But I have to sort my past before that, I don't want to marry you and then all in a sudden have all sorts of things come up that will ruin our union."

*Storold tries to reach for Clover again but she walks backwards.*

"Clover you must believe me, I just have to find Mylindra, Sarah and the infant child which disappeared from me. Figure out what happened there... Just do something to make the past stop haunting me."

*Clover looks rather sad at him*

"But will you ever know enough to get ready to marry me, will you ever be ready?"

*Storold sighs heavily*

"I would marry you right away, but I don't want to hurt you later... I want what is best for you and I believe that this is... If you don't trust me and if I bring you sorrows I will try to be home more than I have been so far. I just want to be with you for ever and ever... "

*Storold hugs Clover tightly and smiles a little*

"I love you more than anything Clover and I will tell you all about all of my travels as of late, there is so much to talk about so many people you should meet"


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #83 on: January 01, 2009, 02:22:16 pm »
*Storold appears in the bedroom of his house in Point Dart, he seems rather confused as he looks around at first. Then he starts mumbling to himself.*

"Clover... I have something to tell you... Clover, you know there is something we need to talk about... Clover, I might not have been..."

*Storold sighs to himself and sits on the bed with his head resting on his knees. After some time Clover comes by with a bucket and a floor mop*

"Storold! You are back!"

*Clover runs to Storold and wraps her arms around him*

"Are you alright sweety?! You seem so sad"

*Storold sighs and looks up at her with pained eyes*

"Clover, I have something I have to tell you... Please don't..."

*Clover gets up and walks towards the door.*

"Clover... I would never break my promises to you please stay..."

*Storold stands up and walks after Clover*

"Then why are you looking so guilty!"

"Because I got tempted and I am not happy about that!"

*Storold tries to hug Clover but she moves away from him*

"Love I am only human after all, I couldn't help it... But I never ever broke the promise I made to you, I just got too tempted and got involved in something I am not proud of."

*Storold places her hands on her hips and looks at Storold*

"Well you better have a good explanation for this mister!"

*Storold sighs deeply and mumbles at first to himself but soon speaks up as Clover looks at him with anger in her eyes*

"I met this... Woman, who wanted to buy a dress from me, she was rather forthcoming through the whole business process. She leaves me but ever since then when I saw her she kept touching my behind. Then some day she walked up to me and asked me to help her cook some roasts. I followed foolish as I am and watched her take off most of her clothes, after that... Well she played a bit around with butter. It got rather messy but I finally decided that it was enough when she wanted to sleep with me, after that I have only seen her once more where she was worried about me because I looked so stressed..."

*Storold sighs and looks worried at Clover*

"I don't know what got into me, it was just like I wanted to do something I knew I shouldn't do. But I knew that it would hurt you if I did it, but still I feel that what I did hurt you a lot and will continue to hurt you for the rest of your life. I am sorry that I am such a stupid fiancee, but I can't help it..."

*Clover sighs and sits down next to him*

"And what about next time, will stay with her a while longer while you play your little butter game? Will you break your promise?"

*Storold sighs softly*

"I really hope that I wont, but I guess only the future can answer that completly... All I know is that I feel lonely out there, so very lonely."

*Clover hugs him gently*

"Storold we shouldn't be together if you feel it is wrong..."

*Storold sighs quietly*

"It doesn't feel wrong now Clover... It doesn't..."

*Storold seems to come home less and less after this but when he is home him and Clover tries to live their life normally, Clover shows Storold a great support during his times of trouble up to his hearing but after that they slowly drift appart again.*


*One day Storold comes home and looks rather sad. He looks to Clover who has prepared a nice dinner for him and sighs*

"Clvoer..... I don't know how to say this.... But it just doesn't work..."

*Clover looks at him rather confused*

"What Storold, problems in Spellgard again?"

*Storold looks very sad at Clover*

"Us... It just doesn't... Work... I tried, but things will never be the same as when we traveled in the Breach Mountains, or when me and Samantha went looking for you. It... The magic is just gone.... I am sorry"

*Clover starts to cry and puts her hands to ehr face*

"What are you saying Storold! We love eachother..."

*Storold sighs and looks down*

"Clover please don't cry, this just isn't meant to be.. I am an adventurer, and you are a housewife... We don't fit and that wont change no matter how much we both try. I want to make it work but I know it wont happen, so please, lets part as friends..."

*Clover sighs quietly*

"As friends yes... But Storold, my feelings for you never changed, yours did, but I am not angry with you, because you are being honest with me and not just walking out... Now if you will excuse me I would like to pack my things.."

*Clover moves back to Spellgard that night as Storold stands alone in his house looking at her walk out with her belongings he sighs to himself and walks inside after a long while standing looking after her*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #84 on: January 10, 2009, 10:15:22 am »
*Storold sits by his new desk in 183 Haven. He opens his journal and starts to write humming softly to himself*

I never really thought that something like this could happen. I know I have been both married and engaged before but Amanda really blows my mind. I am going to see her parents and I am a little worried about that since I don't really speak elven all that well, even though Amanda has taken quite some time lately teaching me some new words there is still a very long road till perfection. Amanda is one of the best things which has happened to me through this very hard time I am going through.
I still haven't gotten over the hearing, I am still angry and hurt by the actions of some of the people there. Sadly it is the lucindites which causes me the most hurt and anger. I almost whish that I would live several centuries so that I could see things that I know now I wont have a chance of seeing in this lifetime. But Sala was right, they broke my heart, and I can never feel the same for them again.
But anyhow, now I have Amanda to shine wonders into my life where there was just empty space. She is the one who keeps me going through this, no one else really did that to me before. Not even my friends could help me. I doubt I would ever leave the ranks of the faithful as long as Amanda is here, or well as long as Demisa doesn't get second thoughts about me, but thankfully I wont have to face her again.

*Storold smiles a little to himself closing his journal going to look for Amanda*


Re: The protectors diary
« Reply #85 on: June 07, 2010, 04:48:21 am »
*Storold sits in his study at the Point Dart house, tabbing his journal idly with his quill before opening it to write*

Well, many things have happened lately. After all these years who would have thought.. I am a grandfather now, and a respected lucindite, I am not really sure how much more I can ask for in life. Except, I really would have wished that Amanda or Mylindra was here to enjoy it with me. Sadly my path is lonely now, and I don't know where it leads me.
I am still busy traveling the world, curing anormalities when I am not with my family in Spellgard. But other than that, my life seems a a shadow of all the great adventures I had in the past. Sometimes I long for those times, other times I remember what kind of trouble they brought on me and my family. Maybe I should just be content with what I have, but I figure that a life without dreams isn't worth living at all.
On that note, Therhcha didn't stay in Spellgard, I am confused as to what the boy is up to. But I figure that if he wants to experience a life wastly different from what he was used to in Kuhl, he has chosen the right path. He is, whatever he might say about his dedication to serving family and order, free of all the obligations of a normal life. I am just afraid that he doesn't truly understand how blessed he is compared to the farmers and merchants he pass every day, but someday he will learn...

*Storold closes his journal and goes to his study looking for a new book to delve into.*

