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Author Topic: Goblins of Greenwich  (Read 57 times)


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    Goblins of Greenwich
    « on: April 03, 2011, 03:00:46 am »
    Recently Silvanne was out adventing with Tane, who did interduce me to a set of three brothers. Rather humorous and very interesting. Turns out one of these three brother, likes to read poetry. Well everyone knows the best written works are in the native tongue of elfin. ( As an elf would protest ) So we reached a deal. Grovel will teach me goblin and I will teach him elfin. Thus he can finally enjoy the Grandest and most Majestic works of the written arts. And I get to learn a new language, that might be useful in further ventures or travels. Before departing I did scribe a few scrolls of the basic's of Elfin, those I remember and recall being taught with as a sappling. Prononucing each for him, then working too ensure he did speak them correctly enough, for a basic level. The correct sounds, of each word, will require more work. I mentioned to Grovel, that I would test him the next time we met for an adventure and if he did not know the words I have given him, with out the scrolls and with out others present. No help from a brother or two, mind you. I would give him the other half of the basic construct of the Elfin language. Along with more detailed speaking help. As my mother taught me,  the best way, is to break each word into its silibles.