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Author Topic: In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordinaire  (Read 642 times)

Lance Stargazer

In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordinaire
« on: September 13, 2010, 10:26:22 pm »
*Armand awakes up in the rented room, the young man with his eyes tired and having to rest after continual exposure to odd chemicals sit himself, with tired gesture he startr to put on his clothes and gather his belongings, putting on his odd metal arm pieces pulls out a quill *

And so things keep on its own , For Goran's mighty hammer and automatic hammer. It has been a trip into the lands of humans , looking at the sights of it, and the wonders still to behold,

I've been busy looking at how things work here, indeed i must say that the old book of the professor Mcblowitall would have great to surely understand the way of thinking of this people.  I've seen some of the kin all along, just not so many of them.

**he adjust the arm as he stops writting adding some oil to the joints and then goes back to check the alignment of the crystals in the frontal part of it, within one of the small "hidden places" the arm has he get out the small odd flat tipped dagger he carries with him, so proud of it with a look that is filled with pride *

Now .. time for some change on this carbons.  *with skillfull hands he changes some pieces on the hilt and closing his eyes focusing his left hand shines with red light instilling the al'noth on the carbon, with a mischievous look he flips the "screwdriver" on his hands and then let it loose on the air with a snap of his hand the screw driver start to hover on the spot, he full in the emotion of it extends his arm with  power-hunger look on his face , and the screwdrver floats and hits a jar breaking it in pieces.. Blinking and blushing at the crash , he nervously yells outside of the room to the accidental passer by * Nothing happened . . all is alright * he istatnly picks up the screwdriver and hides the pieces of the jar under the bed , leaving some gold pieces over the table, he closes his journal alongside his designs and all  and whistly totally without a hint on how to bluff start to head out the inn*

Goran gears of happiness!! that was close *he says as he leaves the inn, just to hear a yell of the innkepper behind him , with a wave of his hands a electicity arches over his legs as he start to run faster than anyone with his complexion could have done naturally *

Lance Stargazer

Re: In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordina
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2011, 10:11:29 pm »
Entry 1  
The world out there

*Armand writes down the journal with thoughtful look*

It has been long the trip on this human society, things are definitely diferent than in the old academy, My ascendence is harder to understand, the path of the gnuman is a lonely one, I've seen some mind-like individuals , and by mind-like individual i mean people who keep calling me strange, they really don't get that the science will help them to go out of their mundane lives. Its an odd world here .. full of odd people and.. . big doors

I've met several people whom i think i've forged some kind of friendship, One of them was a human specimen of female gender really talented with her bow, She said that she worships Toran, this humans and their language deficiences, She was unable to say Goran properly, odd enough she only has that issue when speaking of the owner of the holy oiled wheels . She was a nice female specimen must say , not a bully, all the contrary, she is working with me into learning how to use the bow more efficiently, We hunted a lot of rats, that is where i found the white mushroom so needed as lubricant for my arm. The project of the enhacer is going well.. at the moment i've developed some useful functions like the anti-weather one and the forcefield, they have been useful for preventing me catching a cold. A success indeed

I am still working on my old Screwdriver Mark II, I am able to finally make it fly upon a small magical charge to be placed upon it, I've documented the process for the enchanting and the charging and he finally was able to raise over the air.  The precission is quite good.  I've tested it throwing to people face to actually test if it stops before hitting the subject, the tests have been succesful so far, yet for some reasons the subjects where i've done such test end surprised or even angry.

I've started to do some major tries to enchant bigger things but so far without result. yet i was able to produce one a ball of light that follows my commands , On the other hand the arm-and-me Mark II is able now to concentrate energy and shoot it in several missiles upon some targets distributed at will in an spread angle of 85.2 grades in front of me. I am working in making this missiles changed to other elementals as Fire or lightning yet the process is still long and working on it.

I am still working on the enchanting to be able to create golems, but the notes i was able to rescue from Prof. McBlowitall are incomplete at the moment, well  that has its pro's anyway . it gives the chance for innovation, and allows more experimentation. By Goran oiled wheels that is perhaps the reason things are not getting to me. what would be the grace if one just follow the manual . one has to test and check things and improve things.  Its not fun to recreate what was invented before.

**Armand picks up the journal closing it and goes back to the mainteinance of his metallic arm *

Lance Stargazer

Re: In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordina
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2012, 07:35:56 pm »
Entry 2  
More of the people than what met the eye

Entry about the good people outside the academy

My initial interactions with the people outside the Academy has to be described in a simple word, for much that i've tried to get into terminology, I simply can't think in other ways to describe them.... Crazy .. plain as that, they live under a series of "rules" and double moral that works at times and don't other, in this so called "order" they have managed to actually have a working society each clog into the next , each wheel pushing the other, its something real odd, so much order working even with the chaos that surrounds everything. .  Oh Goran is great.  perhaps i failed to see it before .... or perhaps i am just wanting to see what there is not.

Anyway ,I've met several intresting people and on my studies i've learned that most of them have a particular reaction to duck when i show my flying screwdriver,  i had to take it by the tip then throw towards the people so they can look at it better when they are near it, of course it stops right in front of them and start to fly, but people still duck at it , probably its because they don't actually believe that a screwdriver can fly and are checking for a line or a wire,  but they look so surprised that there is none of those.

I've met other of my Kin, just passing thru the human town named Hlint, she has a wonderful voice, and speaks finally at a decent speed, I had a very long conversation with her in 20 minutes, Geez humans and elves should learn to speak as her, it saves times and eficientizes conversations, all as t he good Professor Mcblowitall said, use your time wisely and you'll be in time to see all the explosions.

There is another couple fellows out there that are way more odd than the dwarves,  Sho and Krym, they are quite a couple and indeed quite willing to accept my dusts for magical good uses, They seem used to be very competitive specially that Krym, he always is complaining about how the strenght of the dust is not good enough, but i take its his way to justify when his own ability doesn't reach to the expectatives. Sho seems nice enough, yet a bit dark and greedy but i am sure he is a good fellow on the deep.

And how can i forget the other trio there?  Haels, Iri and Toni, think they are their names, indeed good people , but affraid to show any good feelings , think they have suffered from bullies in the past and want to look tough, Iri is quite an hyperactive halfling I must say and she is always moving around trying to do what she calls an adventure, Beside her that odd and mysterious looking Toni, with that crossbow and always looking mean, they seem to work well together, And finally one of my best friends in all the world Haels, I love the man, he is simply to tough and well... confusing. . he has made me angry, its almost as if I annoy him. which of course can't be posible .. yet he said that I am not part of the pack ... which seems confusing as how much time we have been traveling together,  I am confused, but I forgive him. that is what best friends do anyway no?  

It has been some time for the experimentation, i've been working on the ideas that Jenna gave me, I still don't know how she could attach the magic dispenser to that book, there seems to be none, how to channel the power for making something as a book to fly, its simply not something that seems posible yet, I am testing with some changes on the design that i used on the flying screwdriver,  No results , unless you count a burned farm as a result which i don't,  I don't count as a result also the farmers trying to burn me for the small accident on its fields.. but hey. . when dealing with an high risk carbure mixure on an onix rock .. welll accidents can happen.. they don't see beyond that the small accident may serve for a bright future.

**added the date in gnomish names  and a signature *

Armand Dawson , Engineer extraordinaire.

Lance Stargazer

Re: In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordina
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 07:52:54 pm »
Entry 3  

I've seen someone whom i'd like to call friend out there, The kin that is defined as Melody, i've seen her and she seems to be really good at drawing atention crowds,  she is kind of wild and non organized, but somehow way more practical than all those humans out there, I have find our conversations quite intresting, her natural skills and voice are quite,.. what was the word .. unresisbeacoming , yes that explains to not be able to resist and drawing at the same time, it saves time to explain , the good thing that she may understand that without me to have to explain, but anyway.

She has been around the human outpost named center, I've been working on some improvements for my Arm-and-me prototype as well, able to charge some burst of energy with the small sacrifice of a bit of overheating , glad i developled that gel inside the arm for the heat to not to burn the skin, so far so good.  

But back to Melody, well I need to keep my eyes on her to take care of myself as well, poor girl must be sick and should be a tough bug, When i am near her, I start to sweat, my heartrate increases for unknown reasons, i start to feel hot in my head, and to get distracted too much, I went with the healer and she said that my health is perfect.... well aside the back and wraist pains, but that is another subject,  the point is that this new disease that she seems to have is quite powerful if it disappears after the encounter, more reason to be careful with her,  I'll try to see if i can find anything,  well I am not a biology specialist, but i may one day to reach to find a way about biology and enginiering to work together  .. who knows ? .. Arm-and-me is the first step.

Back to the situation, I gave up the high risk carbure mixure on an onix rock for energy containers for the flying book. I burned too much paper that way.. what is the idea of making a piece of paper that turns into ashes after some seconds, i need to find something more reliable.

In the mean time i've been starting to work on a very diferent project, the prophetizer, yes its a neuralgas that allows you to see what it would be the last time of your life,  I used a strong hallucinogic to work with that and so far has worked well for keeping me alive of those bulling giants,  they are well resistant to it , but well has saved me more times than i can pray in thanks to Father Invention for it.

Well . I am using this gases to learn about affecting people as well, has been a very intresting discovery of how this kind of things work , more experiment may come,. . Maybe even if a bully bothers Melody ... mmm..  why is that I put her name here anyway.. I must return to my studies.

**Added a gnomish date and signature*

Armand Dawson.

Lance Stargazer

Re: In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordina
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2012, 06:25:07 pm »
Entry 4  
Sickness, mania , the study of the older sickness in the world

My studies have progressed so far to a tense calm so far, my mind is distracted and i need to refocus my studies into important things, There has been improvements on the golemology, able to move a couple of rocks into a slow strenght application, pretty much like a small lever but hey the Tower academy was not built in a day, its a slow process to get there and even Professor Mcblowitall had this hard times when he started i am sure.

And yet i must not waver, after all i have a gift, being a gnuman it doesn't comes without a burden, I am supposed to use the gift that evolution has given me, and yet i am starting to notice the drawbacks of my condition, is life a sickness as well?  I am starting to notice that my body uses and burns a lot of energy,and it goes consumed way faster than my fellow gnomes, it seens that somehow, the improvement on my body comes with a price, which only means i have to make it count, and work harder than i've done in the past, I need to go out there again, and see the wonders of the world, The Arm-and prototype is getting more and more sophisticated and able to channel the energy in very different ways so far, And yet its way from done

Its been a time and I've analyzed that i needed some low profile for myself, its not of course that i consider the words of that elf in center about melody to be true of course, they are always so biased, so thinking on useless things as the art over the function, there are places for fashion and looks but one should not sacrifice the functionality of things, that is how things blow, and i mean yes blowing things allows you to understand things, but blowing things and something failing just because we wantred to it to "Look pretty" its nonsense.

Back to the sickness, maybe as this happens it turns that this disease has the same symptoms as love, seems like a good hypothesis, maybe this maybe the salvation for a lot of people who eventually gets "convinced" that are in love and they are really sick of this allergy, and i really can't see how is that no one had ever noticed that, maybe i am able to see it due my advantages as a gnuman, The next step on evolutionary scale, And its my social responsibility to discover the truth about this evil sickness that mimic the "love" symptoms. Its a reliable possibility that there has been other cases in the past, but no one ever was able to document them due the beliefs that they were in love.. I wonder since are those elves always looking upon this, maybe this sickness is part of an evil plot and the sickness was done by their design, so they can convince people to marry other people "out of love". They must be stopped.

I need to get back to work., well one last night i can spend here in the hold, I've gone disguised and under my disappearing dust to watch her, I wonder if I could help my case as I did with that bully Lacee, but Melody is by far a non bully, and i should not use the science for self gain, but to make the world better, I don't see myself doing something to her, If i do so I'd cross a line where i could not be able to turn back, Lacee bully deserved it and it made her a better person which in the end was something good,

I will take this night again to watch her again , again from the shadows of the crowds, Again listening to her music and the perform she does, tomorrow will be other day to go back to work, and hopefully saving the world of this nasty disease.

Armand Dawson, Engineer Extraordinaire.

**The gnuman stands and closes the book, pulling a neutral color cloak over himself and his arm and vanihing of sight, heading towards the Silver buckle , in his mind for last time in a while, without knowing that he'll find an excuse or a new symptom to study and return the next day *

Lance Stargazer

Re: In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordina
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2012, 04:02:45 pm »
Entry 5  
Closer than what the eye sees. Threats that enforces the lies.

Intresting has been the reaction of the elves when mentioned my theory of the sickness that mimics they symptoms of love, at first that elf that has all the ilsarean colors and attaire over him seemed to not be involved much, letting the idea pass, as if expecting me to simply discard the idea, not in my life pointy ears, once a gnuman sets on one task its not simply discard due vague and fluffy attitudes, and yet his colors were shown again, next time that I met him, he threatened with his bow if i keep persuing my investigation, this elf SehKy, dared to threaten me, an obvious attitude that shows nervousism as the truth are closer to get unfolded. This also compromised the beliefs that elves doesn't lie, and yet this was confirmed by other elves blatantly as well.

Well this happened on the territory of the outpost named Center, intresting place indeed that seems the hub of some strange people, as the good professor Mcblowitall said, Cross of town is where you might find demons, as if refereing that the most intresting things happen on the hubs of activity.

On the last year i was shipwrecked and found a group that was shipwrecking as well, Goran migthy his holy oiled wheels are deemed needed to teach me a lesson that day, It turns that I met with all the Silver Buckle staff, yes including the propietor and filanthropist Andrew Reid, yes the very same bard that is the boss of Melody, well... Melody was not with them though which first make me sad, perhaps for the very same sickness i am having.

It turns that my read of this people was wrong, At first i must say that this woman Jetta was the one that was being the less bulliest posible, forming a bond of respect beetwen everyone , not leading, just being profesional and all, This soon changed, this crew was supposed to be figthing pirates, when we confronted one wizard that was working with the pirates, and was about to escape, I used my neurogas to gain power over him, it worked ...again, but this time I learned a lesson, In this I lead him to his death, somehow the neurogas did not seem to have the best effect on the man, since he stoped following my orders, and then eventually was killed in cold blood by this Jetta, no one of all the crew said something on that, and then when speaking of saving the kids they threw away all the recomendations and set a bomb on fire killing every kid there, They got raised  ... but still..

This people are evil people, not just bullies but evil people, even worse than the pirates that they say they were trying to fight, they made my science corrupt, they used it for wrong doing, just to think that it may happen to Lacee make me shiver... or even worse to Melody, when i was tempted to use this with her, something to remember here, I am affraid that Melody would be a lost cause if she sides with them, and ... she seems to be happy with them, so ... *the note seems that he stopped to writte here then resume*

This sickness is affecting me in new ways, Now i am feeling hopeless desires to walk away of her now that she seemed to be happy, Running blood test under this conditions its imperative.

Anyway. After all this events we found a fellow gnomes which I was able to take to Stone, leaving that bunch of killers away.

For some reason i am losing the will to write here now, and strange conglomeration of wet is getting in my eyes as tears start to flow now.

Gnuman needs inmediate atention ... and maybe refocus on more constructive tasks, Back to Golemonology.

Armand Dawson, Engineer Extraordinaire.

**The gnuman stands and closes the book, looking at the sky, observing the constelations without noticing that despite not wanting tears are falling off his eyes *

Lance Stargazer

Re: In the name of Science .- Journal of an Engineer Extraordina
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2012, 02:22:05 pm »
Entry 6  
A lesson about life and sparks

*Over a moment of quiet place in Lockwood, after finishing his chores for the day and the notes on his own diary and schematic plots, he takes off his journal*

The path is comming to a roadblock, so far I see where the success of this elven sickness relies on, even if at times it seems as if its no sickness at all, but it can't be, its just another mistery to be unvelied, .... it has to be. I am bound to the burden that my status bring, what use is to have be rhe next step of evolution if ending doing anything? Or better said, just another someone, living a life that will make no change on society, just passing by as the records of story would be passing, just another man er gnome.. er gnuman.. What weight of history a simple life has? None.. And I must refocus, I am feeling that I may fail in the end, and yet Professor Mcblowitall always said that fear to fail should never stop someone to persue their goals, Cause the only one who doesn't fail is the one who doesn't do anything. But what if in the end in the main goal one fails as well?  would all this is worth it?  Is persuing this life worth in the end. **he closes his fist and strikes down the piece of wood where he was writting, the strenght of his metallic arm broking the wood to splinters, and making his journal fall to the ground , the gnuman snaps back as he looks the scene and with haste he pick up the book and start to move in an obvious ankward and guilty way of the place, going towards other place to keep up with the writting *

Its a lost case, and yes Melody is better where she is, she is a caring person and she is happy with those murderers, They will take care of her, Its ... the way it should be... She is a sentient as well, same as me, and her passions are driven to the sentients indeed, I've tried to feel bad for what happened to that boy, it was not fair and he had no blame for anything, but I am getting too detached to feel?  Why is this anger more strong than the pity I feel for the boy, Science is supposed to serve for help the society to be better, then why those brutes destroy something that may make their lives better. . It has no logic. . .  no sense, But that is how it is. Melody is wonderful though. Her hair, her voice, even the way she eat pie. **she stops writting there for a moment*  And why I am returning to this subject again? I feel good to see her and to be her friend, she has been aside Sho the only one of my kind.. well closer to my kind that I've come in contact with. Sho is something on its own, and Kyrs is just ... well. . tough. but .. still kin, despite his lack of appreciation for my science. Still I am glad Melody is around, she is a beacon despite our interest are totally oposite, Which confirm that emotions are just a mess, the hightly improbable friendship came to be my beacon to keep closer to my own self, to my kind and all that i believe. Its good to have her around. With the scarce the gnomes in the world. I can say she is a Goran's blessing.

Any test to the sickness to the common methods of healing have proven useless, and people who hears of it discards it inmediatelly which its indeed understandable, they are blind to it, and they think its love, Part of the strategy is to make everyone who found it to be taking as a crazy man, and years of getting the idea in the common culture has brought to that conclussion, its of course a logical outcome .. yes.. must be.

I am good thought that The Fuzzy one was here too, he is way too much more better person than me today and reminded me somehow that there are good people in life, he saved that dwarf that was destroying the golem, I swear I was going to put him down with the "other" neural gas. It won't have been a pleaseant situation, but he proved to be a real hero, and the fuzzy one saved the dwarf of being hit by the angered golem. He is a true hero with noble feelings in the end, Better person than me right now.

On more positive situations I was visited by my past and my future at the same time already, Jenna is alive it seems, she seems as distracted as always, at least she didn't sit over me this time, still wonder about that night in Center after our discussion about books and the way one can enchant without proper device. She remind me somehow to that witch Rose, that was there when we faced those pirates. All this made me wonder about Lacee, we had lost contact in a while, I may look for her, need to see how the progress is going. That is another subject. *he places a mark over the project "F" On his notes, then resumes his writting*

Also It turned out that Proffesor Morbius was here as well, presenting a golem which apparently have some kind of living spark, to put it somehow, I am not even sure how this was achieved, the consecuences of this may be incredible, and yet It escapes my mind how the work should be done in order to achieve. It is giving me a lot of understanding and well all my hard work also served for some as i was able to fix one of the golems.. the steam one, seems that the motion and the vibration had some kind of consecuences on the poor construct leaving the trap that gives the power to its core loose, freely given some of the steam inside the chance to go out, this is as dangerous as any other thing with this, it was a very definitive flaw on the design, of course it was fixed even if now this model has shared the spark of Proffesor Morbius golem somehow, *There is a lot of notes regarding theories attached just referencing this particular phenomena *

I think so far Its all I can do, I must return to work.. and get some sleep too, not that i want to, but this body has its own exigencies that I shall met in order to keep it as much as I can, its worrying how much faster is spent than the gnomish ones, but hey the power comes with a price they said, why is that i am more indebted to the powers that gave me this chance, and for Goran oiled wheels I won't ruin it.

Armand Dawson, Engineer Extraordinaire.

*he takes a painting that depecits a young gnome attaired in a square skirt and a serving plate, putting the small painting on one of the folds of the journal he without noticing it sigh and closes the journal heading to bed before the next day begins, he is well aware that there is way much more work to do *

Lance Stargazer

 Entry 7The entrace to other
« Reply #7 on: July 29, 2014, 06:14:35 pm »


Entry 7

The entrace to other worlds.

Armand looks at the piece of mirrors that he managed to snatch, the reflection had something odd on it, the sigils had dissapeared, and he was unable to decipher them back then, and now closed and maybe away of his clasp, maybe forever, alas .. what would be of science if all the answers were easy to get, he had done some research upon the now broken glass, the chrome and silver on the surface had been studied to turn out into a just a high quality work, any traces of magical energy stored gone, and maybe for good.

This was one of this days where he wondered if this knowledge was indeed something good to untap, he had this doubts in the past, he had crossed the line several times, and so far he had dodged the main consecuences, mostly because he thought his inner talent and his evolved kin, gnumans after all were the next step of evolution , and hence it was natural that he had faced the risks that no other had ever faced, or better said to be successful so many times. .. other people with less understanding of his being would say that he was just lucky.

Other pits of existance maybe, or maybe just an evil being trapped inside that mirror, he would find the mystery for sure, he had to, he felt so useless last time, unable to find the answer on the mirror, this mystery has been so far one of his most taxing challenges, those who say that ignorance is a bliss, know less than the people who actually invented the nail.

Pit wise he was wondering, he planned some test to do with the mirror, similar to those he did on the day he was appointed as Adjunct Professor on the Clockwork academy, That day, he had faced the creatures of the limbo and the chaos, the creatures trapping the soul of those light beings into a golem gems, that was indeed something similar to waht he had seen here, but maybe not the same.

So far his two theories had to do with either a small pocket plane that serves as a "host" for the creature or the opening to another world, one from where this creature could have come out, he wondered about the consecuences and implications of both theories, alas both had its merits,  the first step would have to spark the kind of energies that would react on the mirror, to study the kind of magic and science involved in its creation,  But the dangers of unleashing it would be at this point uncalculable, but also the chance to gain knowledge is it, is the risk worth? he wondered in silence,  Well something was for sure at the point, the chances are that maybe this magic has been lost forever, yet the enchantment process is what comes of importance here, he was convinced that he had not to recreate the mirror again, those pieces were taken by that wizard from Hilm, and hence this small píeces should be unable to call the full power of the mirror, or so he expected,  the enchantment of the mirror should be still there laying in the background as a mystery just beyond his reach, teasing, testing him and challenging his own nature and curiosity, and even in the worst of cases that it could not be used to understand the mysteries of the previous use, it held an enchantment once, making it suitable for other uses, a good quality material and maybe the quality of the reflecting cristal had to be used as a catalist, or as part of the elemental enhacer ... the posibilities were limitless on his mind.

This he thought as he was moving away, towards the Hilm Castle and the way forward towards the capital city and the port back to. .. well.. wherever its not Belinara.