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Author Topic: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations  (Read 161 times)


Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« on: February 08, 2007, 10:00:43 pm »
The Road to Hlint
{The following are notes in Jacrum’s little black notebook, written in Dwarven}

I heard a rumour that there is a dark cult in the town of Hlint.  I am not sure if this is the same cult that is responsible for the disappearance of Clari and Haldamir, but it is a start.  I wrote a letter to my brother Gothim and asked him to meet me there.  I expect his skills as a Priest would come in handy if there truly are dark cults on Mistone.

I arrived in Hlint without a penny to spare.  All I had were a few true, some cheap leather armour, my shield and my axe.  The first task will be to save enough true to buy a suit of Dwarven made metal armour.  

My brother and I have been doing chores to help out the locals; delivering letters, skinning rats for the pelts, and goblins for their ears, helping balance the accounts tax-books.  In our spare time we have taken to working the local copper mines.  It seems that my brother Gothim is becoming skilled in the smelting of ore.  Perhaps he will be able to make me a new suit of armour.

I have had much success in finding any leads on the location of Clari and Haldamir.  There is however a strange undertaker by the name of Erag.  I wonder if he is involved with the cultists?  Perhaps if I retrieve the Darksoul Essence for him he will tell me what he knows.  Either that or I show him my axe.

I though Leilon was a multi-cultural cesspool; Hlint is worse.  There was a half-giant by the name of Pig selling booze on the streets.   I don’t think is such a bad thing, but it is a crime that he doesn’t offer samples.  Worse there are Drow roaming the streets pretending to be elves.  I must take care to watch all hooded figure that past by.  There was a female Drow who fooled me into thinking she was an elf.  The evil truth was revealed when she removed her hood.  She drove me into a terrible anger with her insults.  She vanished soon enough when I rushed her with my axe.  A pity she got away, next time I will get her dark ear for my belt.


RE: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 10:45:03 pm »
Varka Warleader of The Bloody Gate

It started with a letter that my brother received.  

*As you open the letter from Varka you read the following in dwarvish*

[INDENT]Dear Kinsman

Now time has come to prove that our blood is thicker than even dark syrup ale.

On behalf of my King, Rory Rockfist, I Varka Cleaveson, Warlord of the United Clans of Bloody Gate hereby invite you to aid in the rebuilding of Bloody Gate.

All dwarven hands are needed for this task. Maybe it be the hands of a miner, a smith or a alchemist. The talent to build and create lies deep within us.

May you have interest in aiding your kinsmen in such an honourful task? Please send me word as quick as you can draw you axe.

I will ask you to bring miners picks, shovels, hammer, rope, chisels tool belts etc.
further we need building materials.
Depending on your skills and strength I ask you personal bring what you can carry along. A list below shows what different materials can be chosen to bring along:

Oak (not treaded)
Machogany (not treaded)

Medium clay molds (bricks)
Iron ingots
Bronze ingots

If you decide to bring more, I will be most honoured and so will the King and citizens of Bloody Gate
May I hear words from you and our kinsman as soon possibly.

Vorax bless you

Varka Cleaveson, Warlord of the United Clans of Bloody

Gothim and I agreed to aid this effort of kinsmen.  I have seen too many ventures of commerce fail through the misdeeds of criminals and thugs to realise if Varka wanted to rebuild the Gate, then there would be someone who want to tear it down.

Then she arrived in Hlint.  She was cute, but fay and secretive; a lovely young Dwarven lass. At first she wouldn’t tell me her.   But she followed me into the Forge as I was smelting some copper ingots.   She kept asking question about all the dwarves in Hlint, wanting know who we were.  Then she asked me to follow her to a remote location of Hlint, where she told me her name, Nola.  I asked where she was from, she answered, Rilara.  “Where in Rilara” I asked, “near the Bloody Gate” she answered.  It was like pulling teeth from a mule.  Finally we went to the tavern, for a few drinks.  I suspected she was a spy for Milara, or worse.  She wouldn’t reveal her clan name.   In the end she retired to a room in the inn that I purchased for her.  I had lost patience with gentle tactics.  I stepped into the room and proceeded to scare the information out of her.  I finally got her clan name, Tudor.  But the stubborn girl wouldn’t tell me what she was hiding.  

We arrived in the Bloody Gate with construction going smoothly.  With the extra influx of dwarves and materials we set about bringing the construction to completion.  I was placed in a team negotiating with the merchants who had arrived from Karthy;  a shifty group who used both magical and mundane means to spy on our supplies and the construction work.  I quickly realised that my talents would be better spent in organising the store and movement of the building materials.  Having worked in Dar’s warehouses in both Leilon and Ravenswatch this was a trade that I knew well.

Varka himself was an interesting character.  Not once can I recall him removing his helm.   However he was easily recognisable by the fine set of tattoos on his arms and legs.  He moved quickly and restlessly from one job to another, overseeing the entire construction process.  His endurance and foot speed reminded me, of the tribes’ people from Krashin; as did his temperament and booming voice.

At one stage the gate came under attack from Giants.  These assaulted our position, setting fire to one of the Gates.  We retaliated with a quick sally out into the mountains.  Varka and the Axes of Vorax made quick work of the giants.  I must ask Varka where he learnt his fighting technique.  He is a vision of speed, rage and destruction.

I met many kin and non-kin at the Gate.  I saw a large Cyclops by name of Hundir, who came to aid the construction of the gate.  It was Hundir who many decades ago initiated the vision of restoring the Gate to its former glory.  Nola Tudor was at the gate as well.  She only had eyes for Gilshem, a master stonemason, who did much of the actual construction work with Kobal.  Finally we had the honor to meet King Rory.  He congratulated us on our work in completing the construction and fending off the giants, demons and spies.  At which point he mention his niece... Nola Tudor.  I nearly choked in shame when I found out that I had scared the wits out of the Kings niece.  I knew she was hiding something, it turns out she was hiding her royal heritage!


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Investigations
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2007, 11:56:30 pm »
Merisa - Arena Hostess: Jacrum Shieldbreaker!!!

Grohin Silveraxe: 'llo

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *swing his axe with little control*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi, just practicing.

Grohin Silveraxe: better practice wit someon den

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *looks him over*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi that be a good idea, how yer been Grohin?

Grohin Silveraxe: Am foine

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *tries a big swing*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *roars and cuts air*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *grins* Recon I got em.

Grohin Silveraxe: *waits for Jacrum to finish warming up*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: So what yer got in mind Grohim?

Grohin Silveraxe: *pokes Jacrum teasingly with his spear* yer jus' a ninny

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *will check*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Will Check:  1 + 2 = 3
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *goes into a rage an attacks*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker enters rage.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: No quarter!
Jacrum Shieldbreaker : Initiative Roll : 14 : (12 + 2 = 14)
Sneak Attack : Jacrum Shieldbreaker attacks Grohin Silveraxe : *hit* : (11 + 13 = 24)
Grohin Silveraxe attacks Jacrum Shieldbreaker : *hit* : (16 + 20 = 36)
Jacrum Shieldbreaker damages Grohin Silveraxe: 20 (20 Physical)
Grohin Silveraxe : Damage Immunity absorbs 1 point(s) of Physical
Grohin Silveraxe damages Jacrum Shieldbreaker: 15 (11 Physical 4 Electrical)

Jacrum and Grohin spar.  Jacrum weilds his axe and shield.  Grohim his spear. Both score powerful hits.  However, clearly Grohin is the more experinced warrior.  The sparing ends with Jacrum near collapse.  Grohin heals Jacrum then immediately begins to taunt him again.

Grohin Silveraxe uses Athus' Touch
Jacrum Shieldbreaker : Healed 39 hit points.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *will check*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Will Check:  6 + 4 = 10
Grohin Silveraxe: *taunt check*
Grohin Silveraxe: Taunt Check:  18 + -1 = 17
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *will check*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Will Check:  14 + 4 = 18
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *roars*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker : Initiative Roll : 13 : (11 + 2 = 13)

Another short bout of sparing.  Jacrum does collapse this time.

You are bleeding to death.
Grohin Silveraxe uses Athus' Touch
Jacrum Shieldbreaker : Healed 26 hit points.
You have stopped bleeding.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *gets to his knees*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi what yer call that stick?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi yer got me good with it.

Grohin Silveraxe: It be a weapon forged bah Hargranar Craggenhilt ta defend da town ov Lyn from an' orcish invasion... it be made ta kill da orc god avatar himself

Grohin Silveraxe: It be given ta me bah Warlord Varka

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Why not an axe? (looks confused)

Grohin Silveraxe: *laughs* don' ask me.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi don't understand.

Grohin Silveraxe: ya hit gud, ya 'now

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: The warlord said he cant make it.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Another time then.

Grohin Silveraxe: ta bad... but ah don' hav much toime eider

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: And me brudda is on temple duties.

Grohin Silveraxe: les try dat again *grins*

After the first sparing session they rest, chat and recover.
In the second session Grohin uses his axe, but no shield.  Jacrum with Axe and sheild.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Axe eh?

Grohin Silveraxe: but no shield *grins*
Grohin Silveraxe casting unknown spell
Grohin Silveraxe casts unknown spell

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi *looks him over looks for a weak spot*

Grohin Silveraxe: Ya afraid *taunt check*?
Grohin Silveraxe: Taunt Check:  1 + -1 = 0

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *will check*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Will Check:  13 + 2 = 15

Grohin Silveraxe: *laughs*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi be seeing yer weakness.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker : Initiative Roll : 22 : (20 + 2 = 22)

Jacrum manages to get the first blow in by skirting round to Grohin weakside, where his shield normally would be.  Neverthe less Grohin is clearly the better fighter with axes.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Yer were open without yer shield.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: But yer fast!
Grohin Silveraxe: *laughs* attackin' from me weakside is nay very honorable lad
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye *grins*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Me brudda won't be proud

Again Jacrum ends up on the floor.  Again the rest and recover.  Grohin suggests a fist fight with no armour for the next session

Grohin Silveraxe: *gets ready for a brawl*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Rioght then.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi closer, yer be better with weapons *looks him over*

Grohin Silveraxe: *grins and holds a hand for jac*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Will Check:  19 + 2 = 21
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *takes the hand, and doesn't pull him to the floor*

Grohin Silveraxe: roight *laughs* how about jus' bare hand an' no armor?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye then.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *changes*

Grohin Silveraxe: when ya want

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *grimaces then roars*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker enters rage.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: No quarter!
Jacrum Shieldbreaker : Initiative Roll : 17 : (15 + 2 = 17)

*the two burly dwarves pound each other with their fists.  This fight is much closer.  Jacrum's misspent youth, getting into many bar-brawls appeared to be standing him in good stead here. *

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Yer taking a pounding!

Grohin Silveraxe damages Jacrum Shieldbreaker: 11 (11 Physical)

Jacrum Shieldbreaker : Damage Resistance absorbs 5 damage
Jacrum Shieldbreaker attacks Grohin Silveraxe : *hit* : (17 + 7 = 24)
Jacrum Shieldbreaker damages Grohin Silveraxe: 7 (7 Physical)

Grohin Silveraxe attacks Jacrum Shieldbreaker : *hit* : (9 + 13 = 22)
Grohin Silveraxe damages Jacrum Shieldbreaker: 2 (2 Physical)

*** The sound of thud smack thud, continues for many minutes ***

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *steps into a punch*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker attacks Grohin Silveraxe : *critical hit* : (20 + 5 = 25 : Threat Roll: 16 + 5 = 21)

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *grunts*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker damages Grohin Silveraxe: 12 (12 Physical)

Grohin Silveraxe is bleeding to death.

*** Jacrum knocks Grohin to the floor with one final punch ***

Grohin Silveraxe: *shakes head* och

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Thank yer fer that.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: yer be beyond me skill but twas nice ter deck yer honorable cleric.

Grohin Silveraxe: *laughs*
Grohin Silveraxe: *coughs and spits some blood*
Grohin Silveraxe uses Athus' Touch

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *sits on the floor laughing and spitting blood*

Grohin Silveraxe uses Athus' Touch
Grohin Silveraxe: a gud brawl

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *chuckles* *checks his teeth and face*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: How do I look?
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *cha check*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Charisma Check:  6 + -2 = 4

Grohin Silveraxe: loike a dwarf... who took a beatin' bah anoder

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Ya think the king niece still fancies muh?

Grohin Silveraxe: Nola?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *laughs at his own joke*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye, coldforge, I though she was a spy.

Grohin Silveraxe: Ya beder stay away from her... or ya moight get inta trouble wit me friend

Grohin Silveraxe: *sits*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye be staying far away honorable one.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *kneels*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *stands*

Grohin Silveraxe: *washes his head under the water tap and drink some*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: So yer think I'll still go ter the halls of Vorax if I hit muh enemies in their weak spots?

Grohin Silveraxe: *grins* ahm nay too sure about dat, lad

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oh well can't worry about that when yer fioghting
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *grins* Oh and make sure yer don't drop hold yer axe ter far ter the right when yer don't have a shield.

Grohin Silveraxe: *laughs* don' worry....  ahm nay foightin' witout me shield

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Way I see it I'll fight with all me energy and skill.

Grohin Silveraxe: dats da way

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi be an idiot ter not strike the foe where they be weak.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *shrugs* I'll have ter get me brudda ter say sum extra
prayers fer me.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *grins*

Grohin Silveraxe: stroike 'em on der strong soide... den dey be hittin' ya less

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: How does that work?

Grohin Silveraxe: If ah hit yer arm dat is holdin' da axe... den ya got hard ta hit me
Grohin Silveraxe: An' if ya can hit da shield stron' enough... dey moight jus' drop it

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *pulls his beard*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi never seen that happen.

Grohin Silveraxe: *grins*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi usualy just hamstring giants.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Kneecaps are good to.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi seen some who trip em up.

Grohin Silveraxe: Well... gionts be anoder ting... we cannae hit 'em on der stron' point... so we be left wit der 'neecap *laughs*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Figure then the be easier to cave der back of der skull in then.

Grohin Silveraxe: Ah try ta da dat... den ah can get a clean hit on der neck

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye, that be a weak point
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Now yer thinking lioke me!

Grohin Silveraxe: *laughs*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Then all yer have to do is collect the head
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Saves an axe stroke
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Me thanks fer the work out and the advice holy one

Grohin Silveraxe: Yer welcome lad


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 07:15:05 am »
"Wealth dies. Friends die. One day you too will die. But the thing that never will die is the judgement on how you spent your life."
"I make the judgement of my life."
"I walk the path of the kuldjargh."

Varka Cleaveson: 'annur Jacrum

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi Warlord *looks awed*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: My Lord *clasps hand on chest*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *then absently pulls his beard*

Varka Cleaveson: oi 'ear ye wanted to learn de way oi foight, mate
Varka Cleaveson: *knocks on his plate three times*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi be intersted in learning, I taught meself ter fight

Varka Cleaveson: ye know wha ye be askin fer is somethin many young dwarves 'ave asked me fer lately..

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Oi didn't know that.  Oi never got no formaly training
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:*looks interested* There be a path?  Oi just hit muh enemies

Varka Cleaveson: de reason why many young dwarves  'ave asked is cause dey know a Axe Idiot is nauw a WarLord
Varka Cleaveson: and nothin has anythin' to do wit de odders
Varka Cleaveson: so...wha' is it wha' ye want Jacrum Shoildbreaker?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:I be no idot, but I think your not an idot either
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Well I never really spent much time with my kin.

Varka Cleaveson: *folds his arms*
Varka Cleaveson: dat yw 'ave to change

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Aye I spend most me time on the wharfs
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:I was wondering if yer could use a fella like me

Varka Cleaveson: De Clan, the bonds of our blood, de teachin of our ancestors and Elders, our pride is what makes us dwaves

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:And perhaps me Dah would be proud of me
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *nods a bit*

Varka Cleaveson: kinsmen and kin-lasses are always welcome so far dey walk de path of our ancestors

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:What is the path?  I ain't no priest like my brother
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *mutters he is Dah's favorite*

Varka Cleaveson: ye guts is wha ye need to follow, ye instinct and de 'ead...Ye know wha is roight an' wron by 'eart
Varka Cleaveson: foinlly de proist are good fer guidence in 'ard toimes.. oi tend to use 'em meself

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Oi roight that been fine then, me brother is me conscience, he keeps me outta trouble
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:A good brother he is

Varka Cleaveson: listen to ye brudder nauw and den. It is only good if we 'elp each other
Varka Cleaveson: never go fer de easy coin or road,,ye become a cut throat or killer den

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Then there be Grohin, he be helping me too

Varka Cleaveson: Ye brudder be a proist of who? If oi may ask

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Me brudda Gothim, cleric of Vorax

Varka Cleaveson: den ye are mere lucky den most kin.. Ye 'ave two proist close to ye..
Varka Cleaveson: nay many git dat

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:*chuckles* I think muh Dar thought I mioght get into trouble
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Aye.  I tried ter make me Dar happy but me brudda was the favorite
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:So I though perhaps if I join yer Warband I could make me Dar proud of me
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Oi don't mean ter find trouble it finds me
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:It started when I got back to Leringard
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:My old friends were missing... dissapeared.

Varka Cleaveson: oi listen kinsman
Varka Cleaveson: a dark cult? drauw?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: But the trail went cold, Corathites most like
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Me dah through I was getting involved with the wrong crowd, so he threw me out
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *shrugs*

Varka Cleaveson: and ye fadders still thinks dat ye are on de wrong path?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Aye think I need ter make him proud some how
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:He sent me brudda to be a priest of Vorax since he was young.  I just learnt how ter brawl on the docks
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:figured I might best learn how ter fioght proper like, perhaps join a dwarven warband....

Varka Cleaveson:   *holds up his hand shortly and lowers it again*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *watches the hand*

Varka Cleaveson: Nauw Jacrum ned to listen

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *nods*

Varka Cleaveson: First ye will need to confront ye Dah, tell who ye are really

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *will check*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Will Check:  20 + 2 = 22
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: * looks confident! *
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi know I can do that.

Varka Cleaveson: Enterin' a Warband will never fullfil totalyy dat ye want to achive

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: It's time I spoke ter him without loosing me temper

Varka Cleaveson: Come clear wit ye Dah, bu of course ye can tell 'im of de path ye take

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Yes Warlord

Varka Cleaveson: Tell me, Are ye 'eart felt with envy, doubt, dispute? Cuae of de Dah favor ye brudder?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:No warlord

Varka Cleaveson: Do ye think dat de skills ye learned on de docks are less of value dan de skills ye brudder learned?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Aye liked the wharves, lots ter drink and plenty of brawls.  Aye woudln't have made a good priest

Varka Cleaveson: aye or nay kinsman

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:My skills are different then me brudda.  But I know yer will find me of value

Varka Cleaveson: do ye foind yeself of value?
Varka Cleaveson:   *varka looks most serious and examens the look on your face*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:I never asked meself that... Give me a moment.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:I was too late ter save me friends from the cult
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:But I did help me Dar run his office in Ravenswatch

Varka Cleaveson: aye or nay kinsman

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:And I did the same for yerself at the bloody gate, I know how ter handle goods
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *hangs his head*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi have value ter others, but little ter meself.  I just know how ter help other Warlord.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *growls at himself, yanking the beard* Nay

Varka Cleaveson:   *walks forth and graps his shoulder with the left arm, with the right hand varka kncoks hard three times on his plate and one time on your chest*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *str check* *tries to hold firm*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Strength Check:  8 + 4 = 12

Varka Cleaveson:   *in a strong and hard voice he says* Never.. do Never doubt ye "inner strenght"... Never think anything is impossible fer ye. There is always a way....... Doubt is worse than loosing a battle..Oi rather die wit me moral high sdan win wit a felling of hesitation

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye, I ain't afraid of death, aye have done it many times now *stands firm*

Varka Cleaveson:   everyone of us is special.. We 'elp and aid each other. Warlord, Kight, Priest or the end we are all kin. And dats wha' matters

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye Warlord.

Varka Cleaveson:   in me young days oi 'eard a rime oi will give ye nauw...

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *stands stills*

Varka Cleaveson:   Der answer fer it ye foind in ye "inner" knocks at his chest...

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *looks surprised*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *remains still*

Varka Cleaveson:   "Wealth doies. Friends dioe. One day ye too will doie. Bu' de thin' dat never will doie is de judgement on how ye spent your loife."...

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *listens solemly*

Varka Cleaveson:  Do ye understand the question in dis?
Varka Cleaveson:  *still has his hand placed on his shoulder*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: I see no question warlord
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:I follow the life of Vorax.  Warlord.  I see no question.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *minutes passes and Jacrum starts to looks a bit fustrated*

Varka Cleaveson: De judgement of ye loife. Who makes it ye...or ye Dah?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:I do... *pauses* then Vorax is the final judge.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *clenches his muscles in his hand hoping to have found the answer*

Varka Cleaveson:   har! *with his right arm he graps the other shoulder of Jacrum* dats ye spirit lad

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: enters rage.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *LETS OUT A MIGHTY CHEER*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *grins*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: I think I was gonna burst then.

Varka Cleaveson:   *lets go of jacrum after a while*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi this be harder then fighting with me axe.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *calms down a little after a while is breathing becomes normal*

Varka Cleaveson: remember de fraise and de answer..Dats why oim wha' oi am nauw

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Warlord, I have a question.

Varka Cleaveson: De warband? Den ye should try to Gate as oi dont 'ave a Warband unless dere be war

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: No, it was about me temper.

Varka Cleaveson: oi listen

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: But I think yer might have given me the answer
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: meself

Varka Cleaveson: den it be good...

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: I control my temper, is the answer
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *waits a moment*

Varka Cleaveson: Dat be one way of de Ragers...The Rager within ye is reflected in ye face..
Varka Cleaveson: *looks at Jacrum* We are different

Varka Cleaveson: When oi was young oi simply let it go, and I coudlnt control it..Dere is nay shame in it and oi still do it
Varka Cleaveson: ye "temper", "inner strenght" or wha ye call it...listen to it

Varka Cleaveson: dere is nay answer to dat. It depends from kinman to kinsman. If dat wha ye be askin fer?

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye, that be what I ask fer now that yer have shown me the answer.
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: I don't need ter make me Dah happy.  I be needing ter do it fer meself.

Varka Cleaveson: oi can only guide ye. Ye 'ave to foind it within yeself
Varka Cleaveson:   *nods agreeing*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *kneels and offer his axe handle*

Varka Cleaveson:   *accepts the axe*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:Varka, not as warlord but as yerself, will yer guide me on this path, fer meself
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *holds still*
Varka Cleaveson: it be an 'onor to do dat, Jacrum

Varka Cleaveson:   *place his hand on his shoulder and mumbles a few words*
Varka Cleaveson: uses Necklace of Prayer Beads I

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *a small smile, before he stands*

Varka Cleaveson:   *hands him the axe back*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Me thanks Varka *he uses his name not his title*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: What axe do yer use?  Battleaxe or Dwarven Waraxe?

Varka Cleaveson:   oi use a heavy dwarven waraxe..
Varka Cleaveson:   nauw..

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *nods determinedly*

Varka Cleaveson:   many will nay understand ye use of me name...but
Varka Cleaveson:   as long oi do....den nothin else matters..

Varka Cleaveson: remember though one thin'..

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *listens*

Varka Cleaveson: ye judge ye own liofe...Fer ye Dah oi would come clean...Bu' it will be ye judgement

Varka Cleaveson: nay all see it simple and clear and oi do

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:I will talk ter me Dah.  I won't loose me temper Varka. *looks determined*

Varka Cleaveson: dat is good to 'ear

Varka Cleaveson: nauw Jacrum, if ye be needin' me again or oi ye,,,den we meet again

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:My thanks for your time Varka, I will return to my practice

Varka Cleaveson: and oi to da Gates

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:   Oi got me inner temper ter find.

Varka Cleaveson:   *walks out of the door*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:   *returns to his practice and chops at imaginary opponents*


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Investigations
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 07:51:05 am »
Jacrum Shieldbreaker returns to the large house overlooking the warehouses in the port district of Leringard; the Shieldbreaker family home, and the main office of Shieldbreaker exports.  Jacrum stops at the door to the shop front and unlocks it without thought, letting himself in, and then relocking behind him.  He stands tall, holding himself erect to his full 4’8”; he is a large imposing figure for a dwarf.

He reaches the door to his father’s office.  Knocking, three times he waits for an answer.  

“Elral have ye got de lastest accounts?”  Darhim Shieldbreaker asks.

“Dar, it’s me Jacrum.  I’ve come to talk to you about me life.”

“Ye back from hanging with ye no-good friend?”  Darhim snaps, already rising to anger at the thought of his youngest son and his friends.

“Dar, Clari and Haldimar died decades ago.  Oi have been looking for them; I think they fell victim to a cult of Corathites.”

Jacrum proceeds to tell his father about his friends, and his life on the wharves.  He explains later finding out that they had vanished, and then following the rumors of a dark cult to Hlint.

Finally Jacrum speaks to his father about his future, about his path in life.

“Dar, Oi have found me path.  I have made my judgment about my life.  I will walk the path of the Rager.  I follow the Warlord Varka Cleavson.”

After some tears, emotions of anger, pride and reconciliation, Jacrum and his father Darhim open a shipment of Rum from Dregar.  They drink long into the night, talking about the past and the future.

Darhim Shieldbreaker’s forgotten son has found his path in life.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Investigations
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2007, 09:57:17 am »
I left my Father’s house, saying good bye to both Mother and Father with out any feeling of guilt.  My father noticed me for who I am.  I return to the life of the road and the axe to find my inner temper, the path of the Kuldjargh.  The name, originally an insult, is worn with pride and honour by the Warlord, as will I.  

For the first time in my life I have focused consciously on my anger, my rage.  While battling Kobolds in a cave, I notice that my strength and stamina are greatly increased.  My mind is consumed by the rage of my axe; I can ignore the tricks of the kobold shaman’s while enraged.  But this comes at a cost, I forget my footwork and shield work; so focused am I on the destruction of my enemies and the cleaving of my axe.   The little blows matter not.  Is it possible to enter this state rage without neglecting my footwork and shield work?  This is the path I seek now.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2007, 10:11:51 am »
Shak Xer: Jacrum first met the 'familar' of this goblin feeding on the horse of a local merchant in hempstead.  He Jacrum does not like the goblin and considers him evil.  If he had encountered him in a cave and not a city he would have not hesitated in killing the goblin.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #7 on: March 31, 2007, 10:26:47 pm »
16th Skirmishers
{ A 16th Skirmishers quest, Quest by Mixafix}

To continue my training with my axe I joined the 16th Patrol of Skirmishers at Fort Wayfare.  The Captain, Devon, seemed cocky for a human, I hope he was speaking from experince.  There were a mixed bunch, with both Orcs and Aeridinite’s in the group of prospective recruits; I didn’t hold very high hopes for our performance in battle. I hesitated for a time before joining.  However, the cause was noble and the battle just so I signed up for three seasons.

We were given a task to protect the Tribesfolk of Ill from a small band of Giants.  Our goal was to scare the Giants out of the forest.   There was an army of giants, not a small band.

My rage was great and my axe sharp.  As we battled our way through the horde, trying to link up with the other companies, my skill and prowess grew.  

** Jacrum gained another level in barbarian, midway through the quest **

In the end we reached Captain Devon’s company, he had fallen heroically in battle.  However, the nomads were slaughtered to the last women and child.   The giants appeared to have been aided by a darker evil, perhaps vampires.  They were looking for a specific item, and took something from the nomads locked chests.

I should speak to this “Quantum” that Captain Devon mentioned.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *looks the group over considering*

Captain Devon: Okay, settle down!
Captain Devon: Heres where its going
Captain Devon: There is routine pay, covers shelter food and drink *eyes Dwarf* of a reasonable nature
Captain Devon: The attraction is succees, the bonus country

Angela Swann:  *chuckles*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi be a reasonable dwarf.

James Hearth:  *wispers to Jacrum* In other words do not drink like usual
James Hearth:  *grins*

Kalin Sundar: Whats reasonable to a dwarf might kill me *grins*

Captain Devon: Out first, training mission will have 2000 gold for each

Erugor  Baridon: Awh shinies!

Alleina Shiante: *She murmurs for herself more than for someone else.* Why are people always talking about the pay first... as though that's something interesting us at all.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye! That the spirt lass *to Allei*.  Tis be the battle and fighting we be here for

Captain Devon: Need you to go down Wolfswood country....trailing some stray giants been tracking some nomads down that way

Jacrum Shieldbreaker:  For Glory!

Alleina Shiante:  ...


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #8 on: March 31, 2007, 10:38:27 pm »
Death and Bravery

I have been traveling with both Thak (Sasha) and G’ork to the Dragon Isles.

My feelings on the adventures are mixed.  With Sasha we battle cow-men in a cavern system.  We were headed out when we were amushed by hordes of the cow-men.  One of the shamans cast blindness on me.  I ran around slashing wildly with my axe, unable to see.  My vision has always been good, even in the darkest caverns, so to loose it was disconcerting.   In the end I fell to unseen axes.  

My body was called to life again by Vorax to battle once more.  I left the bindstone to seek out my grave.  Alone in the cave once more, weakened but not yet without hope I tried to battle my way to my companions and to my grave.  Once again I fell.  I felt the price of my death, I lost hard won lessens and experiences about battle.

There is a fine line between bravery and foolishness.  I decided that a third attempt to reach my grave stone would be foolish.  

Vorax give me strength so that I may be both, fearless and wise.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Investigations
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2007, 11:01:06 pm »
Anger and Control

Never go fer de easy coin or road, ye become a cut throat or killer den. - Varka Cleaveson

I had just met two kinsman newly arrived in Port Hempstead Stumpy a young sailor and Gumar an older dwarven warrior.  I had helped them deal with the kobold threat outside of Port Hempstead when a strange goblin camp past.  It saw that we were splitting the loot from the adventure, and gleaned to demand some of the treasures.   Its rude mannerisms and filthy self angered me with its demands.  My dwarven companions Gumar and Stumpy were similarly angered by its demands.  I contemplated killing it, a simple motion to ends its life with a single stroke of my axe.  As I watched the goblin caper and demand, stumpy said a comment that jarred with the lessons I had been taught, and my inner nature.  He said killing the goblin was worth the sport.  In an instant I had control of my temper.  I would not slide down the slippery slope of becoming a cutthroat.  I follow the path of the battle rager, and my rage is reserve for the enemies of Vorax.  This pitiful creature had done nothing that warranted me attacking and killing it.  My rage burnt hot and controlled within me.  I scared it off with a few words.

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Gurmar can yer divide the loot.

Gurmar Rockhelm: Aye.

Feefty One Ear: *jumps about as if to get attention*
Feefty One Ear: *makes a snatching motion at the air* mine!
Feefty One Ear: gimme gimme!
Feefty One Ear: *a short unkempt goblin, his hunched back causes him to have to crane his neck up crookedly. a scar mars the right side of his head where his ear is now missing*
Feefty One Ear: *makes a snatching motion at the air* mine!

Gurmar Rockhelm: begone, filthy stump, or oi make ye more of a stump

Feefty One Ear: magic papers!
Feefty One Ear: *reaches out, making a grabbing motion at nothing in particular, his eyes squinting*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Aye gobbo, yer looking ter cut ter bits?
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Magic papers?

Feefty One Ear: *slaps a hand over left ear* not steal! feefty for one ear!
Feefty One Ear: magic! strong magic! *makes a snatching motion*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Yer nay be getting magic from muh yer gobbo.

Gurmar Rockhelm: nay from me either

Feefty One Ear: get magic! *nods enthusiasticaly*
Feefty One Ear: *reaches out, grasping at air with bony hand* gimme! gimme!
Feefty One Ear: *dressed in naught but a loin cloth, feefty's looks to be the epitomy of a dirty goblin. a tattered cloth rucksack slung over his shoulder seems to be the extent of his worldly possessions*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker says in Dwarven: I'll circle around it eh?

Gurmar Rockhelm says in Ear for Dwarven Language: aye, you do that

Feefty One Ear: *looks to each of the dwarves*

Stumpy: what ya want ????

Feefty One Ear: want magic! strong magics!
Feefty One Ear: *scratches absently at the scar on right side of head where his ear once was*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker says in Dwarven: should we kill it?

Stumpy says in Ear for Dwarven Language:  Aye, sounds good
Stumpy says in Ear for Dwarven Language:  It's worth the sport

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi there gobbo, where did yer get yer magics from?

Gurmar Rockhelm: *spits on the ground before the goblin* we nay have any magics fer ya

Feefty One Ear: magic papers! *stuffs crumpled scroll back into bag*
Feefty One Ear: gimme gimme!

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *looks at the goblin as it deciding it's fate*

Feefty One Ear: *scratches absently at the scar on right side of head where his ear once was*

Gurmar Rockhelm: *eyes the goblin with anger* begone!

Feefty One Ear: *looks at the dwarves*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Yer best run gobbo, I don't know why yer still alive, but yer life hangs in the balance.

Gurmar Rockhelm: Aye.

Feefty One Ear: balance? *jumps about* no balance, strong magics!

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Yer nay be getting any magics from us

Feefty One Ear: *looks to be pouting and scampers away into the barley field*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Trickery is nay the way of Vorax

Gurmar Rockhelm says in Ear for Dwarven Language: aye, if it won't go, I'll not suffer it's presence for long
Gurmar Rockhelm: azoa, awa ak zhurr'k kur, A'nn rurk th'wawaah ak'th rhhatharzia waurh nurrk

Stumpy says in Ear for Dwarven Language:  whats he hinting at

Jacrum Shieldbreaker says in Dwarven: he wan'ts magic spells, don't give the foul thing anything
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Yer still here gobbo?

Stumpy: whats yo got for us goobo ??

Feefty One Ear: *looks confused as to why he cannot move*

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Nothing it's already lost it's ear, so no bounty fer killing it.

Gurmar Rockhelm: aye, an' dere it goes
Gurmar Rockhelm: run away little gobbo!

Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Roight let split our true.

Feefty One Ear: *jumps around at edge of barley field*

Stumpy: Rrrazza my... son of a... rrghr!


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2007, 08:42:15 pm »

[INDENT]The clan,
the bond of our blood,
the teachings of our ancestors and elders,
our pride,
this is what makes us dwarves.

-Varka Cleavson

My brother Gothim had returned from his retreat to meet with me.  He was in search of the mineral topaz.  Having been unable to locate the mineral in Mistone, we set off for the far lands of Dregar.  Remembering the words of kinship I was grateful for the chance to aid my brother in this endeavor.   The sea journey didn’t bother me, having worked loading and unloading merchant ship for most of my life I knew enough to keep out of trouble, and stop from spilling my breakfast overboard.  We arrived, two dwarves in the rather unwelcoming town of Hurm. Hurm was a rough port town as expected.  The kinsman Stumpy who I met a few weeks back is from Hurm.  We quickly headed out of town and were ambushed by pirates.  I fell defending my brother.  It was a glorious death, but I was ready for vengeance on the pirates.  Fortunately, we met up with a local of sorts, the famous brownie Bumblebee.  We were also joined by a halfling named Jack.  The four of us were more then a match for the pirates.  We the blessing of Vorax we were able to break through their ambushes.  Unexpectedly, one of the rough mercenaries hailed us instead of attacking; it was the tribeswoman Karim.  She joined our group, with the promise that she could lead us to topaz.  She was as good as her word.  We entered the desert, plagued with ant and giants.  Karim knew the location of a cave, in it was more topaz then we could carry, and plenty of giants to battle against.  With the might of Vorax the giants fell before us.  Their tricks and fireballs merely inflamed my battle rage.  I was able to keep the fire of my rage in tightly disciplined.  Every axe stroke was delivered with precision and controlled anger.  I tried to practice the method of knee capping giants I had seen Varka use at the bloody gate.  With a little more training I should be able to use this technique with success to bring the enemies of Vorax to their knees.  My brother left the desert with a full load of Topaz.    Battling giants and mining rocks was the least I could do to aid my blood kin.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #11 on: April 15, 2007, 07:10:32 am »
[INDENT]Kinsmen and kin-lasses are always welcome, so far as they walk in the path of our ancestors.  -Varka Cleavson[/INDENT]

I met dwarf lass last week, Brunhilde.  When I saw her something happened.  Suddenly I could not speak, and when I did my words came out in an incoherent jumble.  My heart started to beat faster, but not with anger or rage.  I introduced myself to her at the fountain in Hempstead, and made a fool of myself.  I felt the heat rise to my face, I am sure it went the same colour of my beard.  Suddenly I needed to be anywhere but the fountain.  I raced off with the feeble excuse that I needed to work some metal at the forge.  I quickly found that I had run out of copper.  I returned to the fountain and asked Savon Strongarm to join me to mine the copper.  All of sudden Brunhilde had joined us.  The battle to mine the copper went smoothly until we were ambushed by mercenaries, Savon fell, but we pressed on grimly.   We managed a few nuggets of copper and Savon was able to reach his gravestone.  I couldn’t help but look and not look at Brunhilde.  I fought with the utmost of my strength skill and rage, for Vorax and her.  In the end I couldn’t endure my fumbling embarrassment any longer and as soon as we were safe I ran off to the forge.  I have found a new way to bring strength and endurance into my limbs and it’s not anger or hatred.  It is Brunhilde.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #12 on: April 15, 2007, 07:11:20 am »
The Kiss.

I was headed into the mines in gloom wood today when I ran into Brunhilde and her friend Drexia.  I think I made a fool of myself once again.  It is strange, I can speak five languages, but when Brunhilde is around the common tongue escapes me.  But somehow I told her.  I told her that she is beautiful.  She must have seen something in me despite my tied tongue.  For later she kissed me on my nose.  My heart is aglow with a bright fire.  We easily managed to defeat the dark creatures of the gloom wood, and mine the copper from the cave..  

** Jacrum is speaking to Drexila when Brunhilde arrives **

Brunhilde: Sorry i took slo long
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *smiles* Brun is ... *pauses*
Brunhilde: brun is what jacrum? smiling
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi Brun I was saying um .. yer look .. Lioke well... *suddenly he can't speak again*
Brunhilde: *smiles
Brunhilde: uh huh
Brunhilde: cat got it agin?
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Muh tounge ?
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *nods his head*
Brunhilde: *smiles
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *looks at Brun, then smiles and blushes*
Brunhilde: umm...alroight
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi was saying .. that .  Oi think that Oi was saying.  
Brunhilde: *arches her eyebrow
Brunhilde: what were ya sayin
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *tries hard to spit it out*
Brunhilde: *pts him on the back
Brunhilde: ou twit it
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *Jumps*
Brunhilde: oi swear yer like a kid in school lookin trying to answer da teacher
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Beauty Lioke an Axe!
Brunhilde: *eyes widen*
Brunhilde: *she blushes a bit
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Oi mean not lioke and axe, but lioke how an Axe is.
Brunhilde: *nods with her eyes still wide
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *yanks his beard unable to talk*
Brunhilde says in Dwarven: thank you jacrum

** Later while they are outside the Gloom Wood cave **

Brunhilde: ya wanna kiss?
Brunhilde: *kisses his nose*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker:  *will check*
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Will Check:  16 + 2 = 18
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: *stays standing but wobbles woozily*
Brunhilde: *giggles*


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2007, 10:36:42 am »
Battle and War.
[INDENT]I use a heavy Dwarven Waraxe... Now...  -Varka Cleavson[/INDENT]
I have been training with my axe.   The axe I use is a common iron Battleaxe.  It was forged by a human smith, Xandrian Mor.  My mentor, Varka, uses the Dwarven Waraxe.  It is heavier then the common Battleaxe.   It requires both strength and skill and training to wield it.  The difference between the axes is the difference between Battle and War; Battle is what happens around me, War is the larger struggle.  Following the path of the Rager, I am required to be always ready for Battle.  Following the path of Vorax I must treat War as sacred, an act that must be never entered into lightly.   I train hard with my Battleaxe, seeking the skill of battle.  Yet also I know I must also learn the art of war.  One day soon I will put down the Battleaxe and take up the Dwarven Waraxe.

On of the battle skills of the Kuldjargh is the ability to knockdown their enemies.  I have been practicing this battle technique with the priest of Vorax Grohin.  Grohin showed me some of the methods that will work to cut the enemies of Vorax down to size.  

First he took me to a coal mine, where creatures of the earth lurked.  For earth elementals the technique is a powerful side swing to weaken the monsters legs.   Hit hard and they will topple over.  

Next he showed me where Giants hide amongst the tall trees of the forest.  He instructed me to aim for the kneecaps and hit hard.  It is amazingly difficult to hit a kneecap.  If only Giants stood as still as trees.  I found I had much more success if I called upon my temper, my inner strength as Varka called it.  I managed to knock the Giant down.  I found that it was already dead by then.  My wayward axe had stuck it a mortal blow to the artery of its left leg.  My kneecapping technique needed more practice.

Finally Grohin took me to plain where a large Griffon prayed on buffalo and cows.  Here Grohin explained the technique was to hook the beast with your axe, then pull it down towards you.  This advanced version of the technique was difficult; even Grohin had trouble demonstrating it.  Nevertheless, I found this instruction in battle technique very useful training on my path.


Re: Jacrum Shieldbreaker - Investigations
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2007, 09:37:04 am »

My brother Gothim (a battle-priest of Vorax) and I were mining topaz and then silver from the desert mines in Dregar.   In those mines we were fortunate to meet with Kurgin Stormbrow a priest of Dorand.  The honourable dwarf was gracious and hospitable.  He was able to grind Gothim's topaz stone into topaz dust.  Topaz dust is an important component in the blessing of stone that Gothim uses.  The two priest's of Vorax and Dorand got along quickly, with two priests the blessings from the Gods were flowing freely.  Kurgin showed us his house and gave us gifts, boots for myself and gloves for Gothim.  We gave him our silver ore in return, he even offered to pay us fair price for it.  I asked Kurgin about purchasing a Flaming Dwarven Waraxe made from iron.   Kurgin offered to make me one.  But as he was part of a trade guild I would need to purchase it through them.   The guild was called 'Orc Bashers', truly an honourable name.

I picked up the completed axe a few days later for the sum of 6000 true.  I have not used it yet.  I am hoping to have Varka's blessing before I take up the Waraxe.  It will need a name.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2007, 10:11:42 am »
Packages, Puzzles and a Lich
{Quest: An opportunity or two, Mixafix}
I was on the road heading North through Fort Wayfare with my brother Gothim, when we decided to stop in the Inn to wet our throats.  There was a good crowd in the inn, with adventures and commons folk from all parts of the land.  We overheard a merchant requiring help to deliver a package to the Gulf of Bagira.  He mentioned a Beholder had taken to patrolling the path through the desert.  I recalled that there had been mention of a beholder in the spirit dunes at Port Hempstead.  I quick word to my brother and I dashed back to Port Hempstead, here I found that a reward for the removal of the Beholder had been placed.  Returning to the tavern I found the same group still squabbling over helping the merchant.  A mysterious box had been found by the inn-keeper and sold to one of the adventurers.   Eventually we made our way across the desert.  The beholder was gone, slayed by another group of adventurers and the reward already collected.  Emboldened we proceeded at pace and were ambushed by a group of giants with fiery blades.  My brother Gothim was killed in action, may Vorax honour his soul.  When we reached the Gulf we found a priest of Beryl who was able to raise our dead, including by brother for a fee.  It was there that we discovered a riddle.  There was a parchment in the box that Clover bought.  The riddle was:

Unless I am here I am in my tomb
Now you must my diary find and riches yours then for
Dive into the drink of the strongest if you dare
Evoke fire in the dark beyond less undeath tough be toxic
Reach no under yonder obelisk and wait for the lich.

The answer is UNDER BRECH, the first and last letter of each line respectively.

We sailed to Vehl then marched to Hempstead.  There we spoke to Quantum Windword about his knowledge of the puzzle.  He told us a story about the Lich Mechild.  Quantum fears that the Lich may be escaping it's prison.  The grim tale he told would put fear into the hearts of many stout warriors.  I have fought undead before, in storan's crypt.  I am ashamed to say that I ran from the mummines in fear.  Each time I charged they put the fear into my heart and I ran.  The experienced battle-rager is immune to such fears.  I ask for Vorax's strength, to drive the fear from my heart, so that I may battle this foul Undead.

Our next investigation lies under the Brech Mountains.

I will not run in fear.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #16 on: May 07, 2007, 06:09:28 am »
Krandor Crypts.

I met my brother Gothim outside Krandor Crypts.  The little human lass Nikki had lost her grand fathers ashes in the crypts.  To stop her crying we offered to retrieve them.  In the crypt we found that the dead walked again.  With my brother’s blessings the trip into the crypt wet smoothly.  Till we reached the acid laden undead that held the ashes in its clutches.  It aim was surely to lure unsuspecting adventurers or little girls to their death.  Alas my brother fell, and I was grieviously wounded.  With the rage of Vorax I gained new strength and was able to defeat the creature despite my fatal wounds.  After the fight I quickly quaffed a healing potion before the adrenaline left my limbs and my heart stopped from the loss of blood.  Narrow success, at the loss of my brother; the soul mother had touched him once again, may Vorax Honour his soul.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #17 on: May 07, 2007, 06:10:24 am »
Fort Vehl to Ulgrid

I met a bard of war by the name of Farros Galdor outside of the Storm Crest Hut a few days ago.  I encountered him again as I waited to meet my brother outside the town of Fort Vehl.  I spoke to him at some length and he mentioned a story about a Dwarven Axe Rager.  

[INDENT]Farros Galdor: Aye!  axeragers, the ultimate giant slayers
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Axe rager?  Yer be knowing any tales?
Farros Galdor: Rek the Troll Reaver.  Was a dwarf long back who cleared the swamps around these part of all the trolls.  One day he just had enough and kept hacking and hacking until all the pieces stopped twitching
Farros Galdor: let's see, other than him... no, none I've known personally
Farros Galdor: they seem to be secretive and live way up in the mountains near old Shoufal
Jacrum Shieldbreaker: Rek der Troll Reaver oi be looking in fer his tales den.
When my brother recovered from his passing we decided on a trip to Ulgrid and the temple of Vorax there.  I wished to bring my new Dwarven Waraxe to the temple there that I may have the weapon blessed in the holy fortress.  Many years ago my brother’s holy words and Varka’s faith had moved me to wanting to take a holy pilgrimage there.  The journey was a glorious battle through the yeti and ogre filled mountains.  Farros, Gothim, and Hotaru made a strong team.  We decided to stop to gather some crystalline spirit essesnce and explore a nearby cave on the way.  Inside the cave we found giants and precious minerals, topaz and platinum.   The trip went well with no serious injuries to the party members.  Secretly, I was searching for the evidence of the Lich’s Lair under the Brech Mountain. Of the Lich’s Lair I found no sign.  

Once at Ulgrid we were honored to see the king.  Then my brother led us to the temple of Vorax deep within the mountain.  Here I prayed with my Dwarven Waraxe in my hand, asking for the blessing of Vorax, that I may find the heart of the battle rager within me.  My Brother blessed the axe.   Then he bid me farewell as he took the time to have a longer holy retreat at his old home.

I found the axe performed well on the journey back to Fort Vehl.  The blessing of my brother sped my journey home.  The enemies of Ulgrid fell before the Dwarven Waraxe.  I now have the skill and the Axe.  In my mind I have a name for the Axe, but I will wait till it is formally named before I write that name on paper.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2007, 10:59:08 am »
Merchant Greed
{One-off-Quest, Shadow}

I was at the Storm Crest hut looking for a drink to wet my throat.  There was large gathering of adventures and story tellers.  We must have appeared to be a formidable group as we were approached by a merchant to remove an Orc menace from his friend’s farm.  Something was not right when we got there.  The Farmer and his wife were missing with no sign of a struggle, no Orc sign around the farm at all.  I have been involved in enough unsavory deals in my youth to spot that there was something amiss here.  We find a recently constructed mine shaft.  It was a narrow sloped affair.  It lead into a cavern system.  I recalled from my time working with the Shield-breakers shipping and export that several companies had successful prospected for gold in this area.  This was a gold mine.  We encountered the local Orcs.  By Vorax I wanted to do battle with them.  But clearly they were not the culprits in this case.  The Orcs it seems had got along with the farmer and his wife; the farmer trading food for gold from the mine.  I explain my discovers and reasoning to the group as best they can.  I had to drag Thak (Sasha) back from slaying the Orcs as she believed they were in the wrong.  We returned to the merchant who hired us.  With a few choice words he broke down and confessed to 'buying’ the farm off the farmer at a 'cheap’ price.   The merchant stood trial and the end the farmer and his wife were able to buy back the their farm at the 'cheap’ price.

Darkness comes in many guises it seems, greedy merchants are commonplace.  But it was a shock to meet a tribe of Orcs that happily trades and coexists with humans.  Perhaps we are not entering such dark times.

*Jacrum looks down to his yet unnamed Dwarven Waraxe*

If darkness does come, my Axe is ready to serve the Father of Battles.


Re: Jacrum Shieldberaker - Investigations
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2007, 12:27:23 am »
A Name for an Axe

Jacrum waits outside the gates of the temple of Vorax until Varka passes on his way out. In his hand he holds a dwarven waraxe, faint flames can be seen glowing from it.

"Oi Varka. Der Father O Battles with ya"

Jacrum salutes with his dwarven axe in hand to the approaching warlord. He appears to hold the waraxe competently.

"Aye kinsman" Varka responds.

"Oi got muh a new axe, a dwarven one. Kurgin Stormbrow made it fer muh. Oi be wanting ter name it. Oi got sum idea's fer a name. But oi would be honoured if yer were ter name it fer me."

"It be an 'onour fer me to name ye axe bu'.."

Varkas pauses in mid sentence and a grin crosses his face.  A glimpse of half wisdom and half madness is seen in his eyes.  Varka looks to Jacrum and then to the Waraxe strapped to his belt.  

"When battle is at his 'igest peak and the air be so thick ye can taste Vorax presence and feel 'is moight.  Listen to 'er."

He nods once more to his axe.

"When "she" cuts de air in ye rage of madness. Deir she will tell ye 'er true name.. "

The warlord grins.  

"Maybe "she" already done dat Jacrum"

Varka claps Jacrum on his shoulder proudly and walks out into the mountains alone.

Jacrum looks down at the flame-red axe in his hand.  He stares at it for a while in silent communication.

"Listen to ye "inner strength". Remember lad!" Varka calls back.

Jacrum looks up to the distant figure.   Jacrum's reverie is broken and determined look appears on his face.