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Author Topic: journal of a displaced ninja  (Read 66 times)


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    journal of a displaced ninja
    « on: April 06, 2005, 10:46:00 am »
    I have now been in this place called Mistone for almost a tenday now. Truly, it is a place of wonders! Mahoutsukai wander the countryside freely, Rundai and Shorusai plague this land as the lifestream flows from many here. There are many here who see my adherence to honor as troublsome. I see it in their faces. I am saddened that few know the ways of honor here. However, I have found a few souls to whom friendship is budding. Vyliath, a Child of Shindai has proven to be a valuable friend, and I have given the oath of honor to him for saving my life, and being my friend. Also, a pair of Ruzhu brothers, and even a goblin named Grovel have shown me kindness that I'll not forget.

    I am surprised that there appears to be many children of Shindai running about. I have encountered 4 already in just the couple of days here. Back home, they are viewed as vile, summoning Oni and working with the Shorusai to destroy those who live  above the ground. One thing is the same however, the Children of Wind and the trees are few and far in between. This is one of the only things familiar between my home, across the sea and here.

    The past still injures me like an infiltrator's ninja-to. I think constantly of the justice I will bring to the Daki-Snake Clan for the death of the Motoyoshi. Thankfully, none are here. I fear that if they find me, they will slay me before I can get my skill up enough to challenge them.

    I hope my uncle would be proud of me as I am trying to be all that he has trained me to be. I am still new to this place, and many things are strange to me, such as the language and the words these people use, but I am enduring, as a ninja should.

    May Toran, Guardian of truth, the Justicebringer guide my steps to honor.

    Shadochi Motoyoshi, Stalker Ninja


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      RE: journal of a displaced ninja
      « Reply #1 on: April 07, 2005, 09:47:00 am »
      *Shadochi pens this outside of Hlint, sitting in front of a fire*

      The wonders never cease to amaze me! I met a Kobito and a Chibi! An actual Chibi!!! Those small inventors still never cease to amaze me. I remember in my father's house as a boy, laughing as my mother made fun of father about something called an automatic acid bottle launcher that a Chibi invented. I find them fascinating!

      I ran into Vyliath again today. We caught up with 3 others, one I think is a Child of the Wind and the Trees...I have yet to see a real one, but I hear their beauty is awesome, second only to the Mother of Love. We fought Kyojin! actual Kyojin! We actually slew more than 20 of them! SUCH GLORY! Back home, if we did such a thing as killing 20 Kyojin, a week long feast would be prepared, and all matters of honor would be bestowed upon us. However, they are gone, as are the days of old.

      Soon the time will come when I will build the institution of Honor, and revive the Motoyoshi clan. Until that day, I continue to gain favor in the eyes of these strange people. However, I hear them laugh and joke about my different it sounds, and how strange everyone thinks I am. It matters not, honor will have its day, and I will bring justice on the Daki-Snake clan for murdering my bretheren.

      All Honor and justice
      Shadochi Motoyoshi


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        RE: journal of a displaced ninja
        « Reply #2 on: April 09, 2005, 09:30:00 am »
        AH! By the Justicebringer! I have been Dishonored! My soul aches to think that a Koldun of Toran has taken my honor from me! How can I continue? I can not defend honor if I have none. Nor, can I revive the clan that defends Toran if I am no longer a part of him!

        A great part of my chi has been stripped from me! Toran himself struck me down! Does this mean that he will no longer have me? Am I no longer ninja? Am I destined for the Hell of Eternal Seperation? The Hell of Forever Drowning?

        All I did was what my people do. Do not enter the holiest of grounds with shoes, or dirty feet. The pool shall cleanse them so you may walk on the stones of honor without judgement. The pool in the temple did this function! WHY did the priest become angry? Why did he call upon Toran to harm me?

        Now, I must bear this disgrace with maybe the Guardian of Truth will being me back under his grace. I shall don the mask of dishonor, and not defend honor until I am absolved of this travesty....How did things come to this?

        Shadochi Motoyoshi
        One of Dishonor

