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Author Topic: Jan and his adventures  (Read 67 times)


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Jan and his adventures
« on: April 01, 2005, 07:44:00 am »
Jan was new in a town of adventures and I really do pity the people who have had the pleasure of meeting this young gnome. Hlint was a city of adventures, epic battles and generally just weird stuff and it looked like Jan might be able to call it a home. He had learned to adapt to the sun but not to shut himself up every now and then. Now.. the weird thing is.. well, let's start from the beginning.

A drow raid party left behind a hell hound, one of them scary ones with glowing eyes and burning breath yep. The wizard who brought him along didn't need him anymore and broke his legs like it was just a stick. It was destined to die if poor little Jan didn't come by. For you who have seen him, he's a bald little svirfneblin but he haven't been like that always unlike most of the dark gnomes. No, he did indeed have hair and that was probably the only reason any gnome would envy this fella. But not anymore. He stumbled upon this creature when he was out exploring the udnerdark a little. He got a bit puzzled at how it ended up there, with all four legs broken but began talking to the poor thing. It got annoyed and, you guessed it, he breathed fire on him, setting his hair on fire and giving him major burns. He ran around, screaming and asking for mercy, mostly in circles until he finally thought of actually applying water. It was fast put out and he made a quick prayer to Beryl to heal his body. The dog, amusing as it was, seemed to laugh at this presentation and got friendly towards little Jan, even though he kept talking, even when running around, being on fire and all. That's a lot of evens and Jan does have lots of bad sides but a caring nature.. or so it seemed. He tried to heal the hound's legs with his spells. it was a success, Beryl apparently had a little thing in store for this guy but it wasn't totally healed. Jan patted him on the head while backtalking a cousin of his and the hound just nuzzled him. It brought a spark to Jan, a feeling he have never really felt before. The feeling of being useful and cared about. It's really a sad thing to say, that he have never really felt he was someone, but this dog just made him smile and drop a little tear on the cold rock. The little dog followed him home, his father was upset about it but finally accepted it, knowing that Jan never really had gotten any friends.

This said dog was spotted in Hlint, even though he left it back in the underdark. Poor Jan can't even think of a proper name for the little fella so it changes all the time.


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RE: Jan and his adventures
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2005, 11:08:00 am »
Jan was a hard working man, he really have missed working with gems and he have forgotten all there is to it it would seem. Greenstones and malachites, probably the simplest of gems, he fails at. He kept giving the fault on Beryl, the gem goddess but that is all there is to that. Our black little gnome was just generally getting used to the surface as much as he could be. He long for his home in the underdark and all his friends. Fortunate, or maybe unfortunate for him, he does not talk as much as he used to. His stories about his distant cousin, sisters and brothers sadens him and he feels more the desire to try to travel back, through whatever drows he might encounter.

The drow thing is interesting too, for Jan have heard some rumors that drows travely freely on the surface and he have even met one who saved his life! It darkened Jan's mind but pushed it away as he believed this would be one of a kind encounter.

While most of Beryl's temples are under the surface, Jan had heard about one being on top in the so called "Stone" city which would be on Rilara. Jan shined up when he heard this and began his adventure with a dwarven companion. They quickly got lost and ended up helping a few people before they actually found Stone. It was mostly by coincidence that it was found but it was truely found. Jan's motives here was to ask for forgiveness from Beryl; for being exiled, for having killed and endangered his own race and for having failed in getting the perfect gem. As he approached the shrine, he held up the ruby he had found in his adventures and shed a tear that landed directly on the holy shrine. "Grant me a perfect gem." he whispered and took on his holy symbol.