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Author Topic: Dear Diary - Miriel  (Read 91 times)


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    Dear Diary - Miriel
    « on: September 14, 2006, 09:12:22 am »
    Full name: Miriel
    Gender: Female
    Age: young (around 110)
    Classes: Bard
    Race template: Dark Elf
    Alignment: Neutral good
    Deity: -
    Planned abilities: Str:12 Dex:16(14) Con:12(14) Wis:10 Int:16(14) Cha:16(14)
    Ability gains: 4th Charisma (17), 8th Charisma (18)
    Feats: Strong soul, 3rd Expertice (combat dancing), 6th Weapon Finesse, 9th Extend Spell

    Physical description: Dark Skin, Green eyes), silver white hair, slighlty under normal height, has a lithe build, with athletical and trained features... Moves with a flair of grace, has a inspirieng persona, ewen with a earie touch to it, sharp and witty intelect, and acts with cousion and common sense...

    EDIT: I choose bard as a class due to it serves well as a jack of all trades, Miriel is a survivor, a colector of knowledge, her lost memory, makes her desperet to learn and understand, her performance is that of dance both mundane and comabt wise, her agile dance, like a grace like wardancer is what inspires people in here pressence... At start the only language i will speak is broken common, and if other racial language are later unlocked will be up to the discretion of GMs... I choose a rare race, but tried to incorprate it with a story fitting for me as i will be new to Layonara, and it leaves alot open for GMs to work with...

    1 - I fully understand that before i can claim or roleplay anything from my amnesia i first has to clear it with a GM...

    Biograghy & History
    I looked around in the cramp room, a plain bed, table and a chair, i took a deaph breath from the thick air inside, shut the door behind me, atleast blocking some of the loud noices from the inn below, stroled ower to the bed and sat down on it, leaning my back to the wall, well this wasent luxury but it was atleast better from where it all begann a year ago, with a tired breath i closed my eyes a dreamed myself back, back to where it all begann...

    I still could remember it so clearly, the pain, the foul smell of the oozing little pond in the forest, the crashed and vrecked vagon half burried in the pond, and me battered and bruised in that cage, why was i in a cage, what had i done, where people still searching for me, that were question i had asked myself so many times during this year, but i couldent remember what had happened or why i had ended up as i had... i took a deaph breath reached for the mug on the table and took a sip from it, a grimage spread across my face, yuk, the wine wasent at its best date, but i forced it down...

    I could remember how i had crawled out from the broken open cage, there where dead people in armour, as i had looked ower the battle scene, i figured i had been lucky, ewen if i could easilly have drowned in that pond, but who ewer had attacked and killed my captors, had hit and run, and left me for dead or drowned... I could remeber how i had scouvered the site, grabbed what i could and stumbled away from there as fast as i could, falling, crawling my way thorugh the forest till i finally just colapsed of fattigue... i let my finger play around the mugs edge before i decided to take anouther gulp from the sour wine...

    I dont know for how long i strugled in the forest wilderness, sleeping at day avoiding the foul sun that burned my eyes, at night i scavenged for food, anytihng i could get my hands on, rats, squirrles, wild apples, berries and occasional mushrooms, a wicked smile spread through my face, and not all things i ate was that smart, but then again when your hungry and starving you try most things once, and by the gods had iwe been sick...

    It might been months i cant say, when i entered more open woodlands, and i heard faint voices at distance, it was with both relief and fear... it was early night and it was easy for me to move unseen towards them,
    there were four of them, standing with lanterns around a fifth one laying motionless on the ground, it was fairly obvious that their sight were not adapted to the night, and i stepped up closer behind a tree, just some meters away from them... The four had a upset conversation, i couldent understand it all, but something about that the healer was away, i examined the person laying on the ground, he had a nasty axe cut in the leg, and his pants were darkened around the wound, and his coulor was rather pale, he was loosing blood, and if no one did anything he would die... I cringed behind the tree, i felt a surge inside me, i couldent just stand here and let the poor soul just die there...

    I took a deeph breath, pulled up the hood of my cloak and stepped with confident steps up to the dying man laying there on the ground, i sat down beside him, placed my hand on his neck... the other took a step back, i guess my sudden appearance must have startled them, but i guess they knew the situation was desperet as well... he had a pulse, but it was faint, flickering, there wasent much time, i ripped open his pants around the wound on the leg, it was a uggly wound, the axe had cut deeph, and there was a trippling stream of blood from it... almost with instinct i placed my hand ower the wound, and in my mind i started to picture the wound closing, with focus and absolute will the magic answeared my call, i felt the surge of the arcane rushing through me, and strands of light started to glow between my hand and the wound, i forced myself to let two three charges of the arcane fuel my healing cantrip, but the wound was beyond my skill to fully heal, doubt spread, and the concentration flickered, enough to break the last atempt, a heavy moan escaped me as the last spell failed, i hadent fully healed the wound, but it had stopped the bleeding... a smile crossed my lips, he would live, i pulled down the hood and looked up to wipe my forehead... The look of the villagers that met me was fear, and it made me almost recoil back, one of them held a pitchfork with he had lovered tovards me, i gulped... one of them said something about darkelf spawn, anouther something about i had saved their freind, i couldent fully understand them, more then something that my kind couldent fully be trusted, the man with pitchfork motioned towards me step away, i did, they picked up the hurt man and walked of towards the village...

    The next night i walked near the village, i had atleast learnt i was something they feared, but why ?, so many thoughts that had crossed my mind the last night, my walk took me back to the spot, outside the village, where i healed the man, i stopped next to the tree, just to recall the scene, i guess i was lonely, hungering for other people, ewen if they saw me as some kind of freak or monster... at the spot where the man had laid, stood a basket, i stepped up to it, opened the linen wrapping inside the basket, a gasp of joy escaped my lips, freash bread, cheese, ham, a bottle of wine, apples, i looked around, almost instictivly, was it a trap, i couldent hear or see anyone, hmmm a thought crossed my mind, could the food be poisoned ?, i shook that thought away, my hunger was stronger then my instincts for paranoia... i grabbed the basket and ran into the trees with only one thought in my mind, Mmmmm food, i felt like a savage, and in this state i surely was...

    I opened my eyes took a look at the room, i let a lazy yawn slip passed my lips before i got up from the bed, i plased the mug on the table, and went ower to the storage chest, more to make a final check, it was empty, all my things, atleast the little i owned had been packed down into the backpack, i let my eyes sweep the room, it was all packed down, i sighed heavilly, i wonder if id ever could get accepted, treated the same as every one else, i let the thoughts blend in my mind, before i went back to the bed, i grabbed the mug and sat down on the bed again, closed my eyes, and let myself dream away, where were i, oh yes the forest...

    with alittle embarresed smile, i let my mind drift to that little forest lake, it wasent far after i had saved that man, three four days, it was night, one of those warm summer nights, when the stars glimmers in the sky, a little lake cut into the forested landscape, laying there like a mirror... i had went there to take a bath, there were a small rock going into the lake, where the water was shallow, almost like alittle basin, i placed my hand on the rock, it was still warm from the days stining sun... i let my clouthes fall to the ground and i slipped into the water, lovely, despite my conditions, i felt a need, a urge to keep myself trimmed and toned, atleast as best as i could, the touch of the water was refreashing, i dipped my head into the water and let the water run through my long white hair, and started to tangle out all the knots and tangles in it... i heard a snap, i froze imeaditly trying to locate the source, i turned my head slovely towards the source, beside a tree maybe ten, fiteen meters from me stood a man dressed in woodland clouthes leaning rather arogantly against a tree, in his hands he held two pieces of a broken branch, i felt so stupid, he had sneaked up on me, i had been careless, let my guard down, why was i so paranoid ?, i shoock the thought out of my head, his eyes looked upon me with a grin, i let my body sink deehper into the water, he let out a chuckle and said something about being sorry... he turned to leave, but as he had turned he stopped, picked up a dead rabbit from the sack on his back, and tossed it on the ground, like when you tosses something to a dog or animal, then he turned again and walked of... i humphed, i felt so cheap, i waited alittle into the water before i got up from it, got dressed, i glared into the night where he had walked of, i took a look at the rabbit, no way, would i take that, it was beyond me, i started to walk of, only to stop some steps away from the rabbit, i cringed, turned and walked back and picked it up, i felt so cheap and ashamed, but i was hungry...

    The days had passed, i let myself walk towards the village at night, like a shadow prowling its outskirts, i had made numerous little trips, just to hear a faint voice at distance or catch a glimpse of someone, it was on one of these trips, perhaps two weeks after i had first encountered the village, when i catched a person sitting in thought atthe spot where i had healed the man, i let myself walk up closer, and soon i recogniced him, it was the man i had healed, i could remember the smile, the relief that passed though me, he had survived... I stood there silently in the dark eyeing him, wrestling with my own mind, battling with myself if i should dare say anything, my curiosity won, i made a coughing sound, he turned his eyes towards me, and i took a step forward into the moonlight, he lifted up a lantern and let his eyes examined me for awhile, moments passed that felt like a eternity...

    We started to speak, ewen if we had alittle problem understanding each other, One thing led to anouther, he obvisiously vanted to thank me for saving his life... and after some talking he had offered me some work, it wasent much but as i understood it, it was the best he could do for now... i got a work as fire watch during the night, but it would earn me some coin, and working with them, would give me a chanse to earn the locals approval...

    It was obvious from day one that these simple villagers saw me as a outsider, i had done what i could to wash and better my ravaged clouths, ewen under the conditions i have lived the last months, being clean and proper felt important, or perhaps it was vanity, but i did what i could with the little i had... We understood each other barely at start, ewen if i could see they were uneasy with me, they gave me a chanse... What could i say, these were rough people, earth bond, simple, but with good hearts... i took what work i could, and soon i could improve my life standard, i was a lone wolf among them, i shouldent say accepted, more like tolerated, but my time here has let me learn, i have listened, iwe picked up on the language, but also learnt more about the region and its suroundings...

    Again i lifted the mug to my mouth and took a last sip of the sour wine... but the questioned remained who was i, where had i came from, what had happened there at the forest pond and why... i opened my eyes, looked around at the simple room, i got up, lifted up my prepared back pack, slung it ower my back... this place had served its purpose, it was time to move on... it was night, the moon was high in the night sky, and the people had long since gone to bed, theyve been good to me, but i doubted theyd miss me... i gave the village a last look in the night, then i turned and walked off along the road...


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      RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
      « Reply #1 on: September 14, 2006, 10:00:25 am »
      As i look back on my first time in Hlint, i find myself lucky, im glad that the road had taken me to this multicultural little village, ewen though i havent seen much during the time i can remember, i find myself atleast tolerated, some regard me with suspishon, some hostile, but many been helpfull and friendly ewen if they, i think watch me... I am alittle worried though, i hope my pressence do not influence people to let their guard down, couse if what is said about the dark elves, then i understand every caution people take in my pressence...

      Iwe done what i can to gain friends and trust, iwe learnt three crafts, wich i train regualry in, Gem cutting, Alchemy and Tailoring... Some of the things i made, iwe managed to sell for some extra coin, but i have had alittle hard time advertise my goods, it isent like i can go to the square and openly sell them, atelast not yet...

      I think many know who and what i am, afterall i have helped several people in the village, mnay are uneasy with me, and simply ignore me with a cautious eye, so i try not be a trouble i stick to the backparts of the village, atleast when im alone... Its alittle bit easier to travel when im with people, atleast those that are known...

      I have many to thank that i have come this far, most of all i think Praylor, he shown me around, learnt me about simple things that most take for granted, but for me they been important, its given me a chanse to understand and to adapt... and with all the things i got, and most of all the help with adapt to the social life, im glad i can help him back... good ole Praylor, honest, loyal, brave, a shinig paladin of toran... A candle in the Dark !

      Then we have Roy and to some extent Drogo... Now Drogo is alittle special, he speaks poor common, but he made me understand some things of nature, and for that im gratefull... Roy, is one of them rangers, we traveled together alittle, and i find him calm, and with both feets on the ground, my tailoring made me go looking for game to hunt, and Roy helped me alot with how i should hunt, how much i should take and when i should hold my arrow... Good fella, free spirited and friendly

      Ael and Daniel, those two that helped me regain my soul essence when i had fallen up in them ogre infested hills... What can i say Daniel is kinda rash and straight forward, brave, perhaps to brave at times, but friendly and with common sense... Ael, is one of my kind, i must say ewen though hebeen nice to me, im uneasy with him, guess that couse he is my kind, kinda trust him but is alittle jumpy... But regardless, i like him and i owe him alot !, something  tells me he has plans, guess im curious, we will see what happens...

      A yes Regidor, we travled alot together my first time in Hlint, also a paladin of Toran, friendly we learnt alot together, and i think he is reliable, perhaps alittle rash at times, but he is good fighter... We still team up at times, guess we both been busy of late...

      Then we have Gili, halfling friendly little one, i ran into him when he was new to hlint, and i fullfilled my promisse i made to Praylor, to help those that are weaker, so i showed him around, helped him with some goblin menace for the Hlint guards... also showed him alittle about crafting, tailoring and gemcutting... Iwe given him some items, as Praylor gave me things, gave him agood start... And Gili has grown, looking forward to see him with us soon... Sneaky and Relaible little bugger, cant help to like him...

      So many i think of, Mith and Mercas, both has helped me with some little things, and i have run some errrands for them, mostly simple things, but im glad i can be of help... Mith, how should i say, friendly, well spoken, helped me with the language, but also abit of, hmm how should i say, mentally sneaky, well i like him, but there is something about him i cant put my finger one... And Mercas, openminded, fair and with a good fashion sense, been nice given me a chanse, and i hope i havent disapointed him, feel comftble with him, dount know why, i just do...

      Oh well i rant to much, it looks like it has stoped raining outside... hm yes, i have to write something about that Pendar, nha, he is just scared inside and unsecure, hmmm wonder if thats couse he is alittle round ower his bellie, well thats thoughts for anouther day...


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        RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
        « Reply #2 on: September 19, 2006, 12:28:36 pm »
        So much training, my arms and legs ached from the trials, i took a heavy breath, Ael smiled *noded* in aproval before he moved up to the ogre brutes, it was so easy for him, i admired his skill and presicion, with a stubborn almost defiant expression i cosed my eyes and focused on the weave, i felt its surge, i saw its strands, like wavering music i attuned myself to flow of the weave and let myself dance into battle, fatigued, tired it was almost easier to just let go and use the weave to fuel my battle dance, the first ogre must been three times my size, his axe, i saw it like in slow motion, i cought it with my shield, the brute impact of the axe sent my flying, but i bent, i turned the brute force of the impact, with a tvist of my body i let myself just wheel with the blow, my rapier slashed at the ogre as whirled around it, angred by the dancing little bumble bee the ogre raged, its axe made deep crack in the stone ground as i simply just side stepped it and lunged my rapier into its chest, The ogre roared a deafining cry at me, i couldetn have cared less, i was like in a trance, riding the strande of weave, fueling my dance, the ogre grabbed the axe with two hands and sweeped with it in waist height, the force behind the sweep would porbably have cut a ox in half, i simple bent like a reed in the wind, i felt  the axe sliding of my shield as i dodged it, my rapier slashed its legs again drawing blood, Fatigued and exchausted from the little stings and slaches i inflicted the ogre made one last effort to crush me under its axe, as it lifted its axe above its head, i had already seen the move, anticipated it, and with a spin of my body i let my rapier slash its throat, cutting deeph, there was just a gurgling sound from the ogre before it fell backwards with a heavy thud... i took a heavy breath, it was ower, and as i returned to my sense i met Ael smile, he nod with aporval, then he turned for the next targets... did he ewer get tired ?... i focused myself and stubbornly followed, and again i let myself get lost, slip into the weave and loose myself into the heat of battle and the passion of dance...


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          RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
          « Reply #3 on: September 20, 2006, 01:38:31 am »
          I looked around in the room, i let my hands play ower the bed, my bed, this was my bed, bought with my own earned money... there was a tear of yoy rippling its way down my cheek as i realiced, home, i had a home... I rolled around in the big four poster bed, kicking and flailing around with my arms as i let myself get carried away in burst of yoy... Ael and Sahala had given me a home, and this ment so much for me, it was the first real home i could remember, it was a place i could go home to and sleep secured in, a place where id not be afraid that some one would throw me out, just couse the colour of my skin... I let myself fall back into a army of newly bought pillows,  i just lay there and smiled... a home !


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            RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
            « Reply #4 on: September 28, 2006, 09:18:10 am »
            The candle burnt softly in the black room, it was a single light source dancing alone in shadows playing around it... i let my breathing grow slower, focused as i entered a medative trance, my green sprakling eyes fixed on that one light source... I could feel myself drift into trance, and as i drifted into it, the weave slovely took form, i saw beyond that flickering candle light, i saw its fabrick, its strands of weave that burned around it, the shadows around it, both existing in a symbiosis... Magic i was so fashinated about it, i had allways wondered about so many things, i dident read any tomes, i dident memorice any prepared spell patterns, i just knew, as if i had a intuative understanding of it, magic came natural to me ... my focus was still on that one single flickering light source, dancing in a sea of darknes and shadow, slovely i let myself percive the weave pattern in that flickering light, i raised my hand, raised my hand palm uppwards, in my mind i done this a thosend times, it was a simple cantrip, yet i did it to practice, to sharpen my mind...  with a focused breath i set my will against the world, and i bent the strands of weave, forced them to do my will, and in my hand a second flickering light started to dance in the dark room, and with the lights creation, came new shadows... it wasent a perfect copy, but it was better then the last time, it was fashinating, my creation, my will had created this light, and with it came a consequence, shadows... i watched, studied as the two flickering light sources danced in the dark room, and with them the corresponding shadows... as i released the created flickering light, let it fade out of existance, and with it its corresponding shadows, i thought to myself... to light a candle is to cast a shadow

            I quickened my breathing, the weave faded away, and the room took normal shape and form... i smiled to myself sitting there in my big fourposter bed... i leaned ower to the dresser and picked up the last appple pie slice, and munced it rather unlady like, i giggled to myself, if Ael knew i ate this much pie, hed put me on exercise on daily basis... as the final pie chew greedly slipped down my throat, i let myself fall back into a sea of pillows...

            But yet, why ?... how was it, i could use the arcane, the raw weave to heal with, neither wizard nor sorcerer could... how was it i could, both those arcane users held much more power, i wonder... My thoughts  drifted to what Ozy said, old links to nature, what links, and in what aspect, what other creatures wielded raw arcane powers, and were tied to nature... my fingers trummed my lips, as i let my thoughts balance this riddle, i had asked Ozy, if dragons might be conected, hehad answered awoiding, kinda in a negative way... still i wasent sure, that elf was a enigma... What other creatures, hmmm there are the fey, old anchient, nature bound, is the bard magic a legacy of theirs ?...

            I let my green eyes turn to that one lonely flickering light that danced in the darkness, i took a deeph breath, i think i shall try have some talks with the master bard, one way or anouther i need to understand, with understanding comes focus, and of course simply becouse i was currious... a yawn slipped my lips, i realiced how tired i was, it been a good day, and it was time to meditate, to fade away and dream, i closed my eyes and let my breathing slow as my counsiouness faded away... a final thought escaped me - riddles in the dark


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              RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
              « Reply #5 on: October 01, 2006, 06:00:34 am »
              I stepped under a tree, to avoid the rain that was pouring down, i moved a wet hair lock behind my ear... I was kinda stunned, as i let a gasp escape me as i watched Rosa run of towards fort Llast, what had she ment ?... The words of the conversation, echoed in my head, i slumped down on the ground, and leaned my back to the tree for support... Bloodpools, power, destroy, i hardly new what they were, what did she mean ?... And why had Ozy said said these things to her anout me, a million thoughts swarmed my confused head... i trummed my lips, i sure needed to speak to Ael of this... it was probably just a missunderstanding, i nodded to my self, yes, i mean what could i do ?, i hardly knew myself, yet i had that awkward feeling, and i couldent shake it off... i got up, let my eyes probe the surounding area before heading off...


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                RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
                « Reply #6 on: October 01, 2006, 06:35:54 am »
                i leaned ower to the breweing kettle and poured me some warm herb tea... i took a deeph breath and leaned back in the chair eyeing the papers littering the table infront of me, i let myself endulge the herbal scent from the tea before i took a rip from it... It been clear to me, the short time i was aware of, that my people on the surface, were scattered, hiding, shunned and hated... Ael had spoken to me about a hidden city for darkelves that shared ouer belief in life, but yet it dident do much good for those left, abandoned on the surface... i was happy that Ael had liked my plans and ideas, to forge and create a place in secret for ouer people, here on the surface... It woudent be easy, and many were those that would move against us if it would become common knowledge, untill we ahd safely secured ourself we had to build this in secracy... i had looked on maps, looked for little islands out in the sea, iwe seen several that could prove usefull, ewen digged into books and tomes, for places uncharted and roumored about... yet so much that needed to be asembled, tools, suplies, two sea wourthy cogs, people that could be trusted, and all this in secracy without being noticed... i let a sigh escape me as i sipped the tea mug... i let my eyes watch the map, my eyes was set on the ocean outside leilon - port hampshire - point harbour...

                With me, Ael, Sahala, Alnatha and Cym ... we would have a good starting ground, i hope Ael will be able to convince them to yoin up on this yourney, and if we could pull this off, we would have something our people on the surface newer had... a place of their own

                With this, we could make us become something, not just shunned and hated, we could act together, show that we oppose that baron of the eternal dark, my fingers trummed my lips, i took anouther sip from the tea... if we can unite we would have secrets of our dark people in the deeph, united we could hopefully gain others trust by showing ourself usefull, a smile escaped my lips, together we couldent be just negelcted, weed be a force to reacon with... i set down the tea mug on the table as my eyes turned to that single light that flickered in the otherwise dark room, around it shadows dances with the flickering movement of the light... This sure will unbalance things, i smiled to myself, it will all be a matter of secrecy, if we can do this right, we will be set untill anyone will have noticed us... shadows, night, secracy, allies in the dark


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                  RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
                  « Reply #7 on: October 08, 2006, 12:38:48 pm »
                  The blade just missed me, as it swished ower me, as i let myself fall back wards, i twisted my body in the fall and landed and rolled away... the three masked and hooded figures manuvered around me, i waited, i focused on their movement, focused on the room and the weave around... i let a surge of weave burn through me as i saw them move in, the one in front lunged at me, i easilly side stepped it, the second came at me at my shield side, i blocked it and rolled with the blow, at the same time i let my wooden training sword slash ower the chest of the one that had lunged at me, i could hear a gasp of pain as the sword hit, but at the the same time i felt the stining pain at my thigh, the third oponent managed to slash me, its weapon ripped thorugh my training clouthes and left a open bleeding wound, it wasent deeph, but the pain still stinged... i pushed myself, bit toghether and took some fast steppes towards one of the two remaning oponents, he slached at me in belly height, i flipped ower it in the air, and blocking the other as he came up behind with my shield, with my momentum of the flip i passed the one that had slached at me, i sliced him in the back as i passed him, i hit him hard, i heard a groaning sound as i rolled and got up to my feet... I turned and faced the last one... he had lowered his weapon and looked at me with a grave expresition on his face -Miss, he locked at my leg, i looked down... my white training clothes were not white any more the thin slik was stained red of the blood that had bledd from the slash i had taken on my thigh, - I think its best we stop here and let you attend that wound... I nodded at them and excused the three sparing partners, i turned a walked towards the bath room, as the magic, the weave started to leave me the pain of the wound grew more intense, inside the bathroom, i undressed and let my clothes fall to the ground, i sat down on the floor and took a look at wound, it wasent deaph, but none the less it bled rather well, i took acalming breath as i slowed my breathing, placed a hand ower the wound and focused on it, the magic came to my call, and a warm soothing feeling burnt through my thigh as intense glow started radiate from my had as i channeled arcane magic into the wound, and slowly before my eyes the wound started to fade away... i kept working on the wound for some time, just to be sure that there woundent be any scar... happy with the result i moved myself ower to the bathtub, there was a warm heath comming from the water, a smile passed my lips as i let my slender dark body emerge into the warm soft water...

                  As i lay there in the water, leeting the warmth of the water sooth my tired body... i let my thoughts wander... the reasent time been good, perhaps iwe spent alittle to much on my crafts, perhaps forsaken the company of friends, but that was a tricky middle way, i dident want to spend to much time in hlint, the worry that my presence there would ultimately make the commoners lower the guard of my kind, so choose i to be there just what was needed, and when there keep myself hooded and keep to the sides of things... So this had led to alot of time of my own, had been plenty of time getting hops in berghaven, thistle and hazelnuts near velensk and Aloe in high forest... my skill with my blade and arts in dancing as a combat teqniuqe had come to point where i now could get topaz in that ogre infested mine on my own, and when i did i dident venture far inside just to the first mine sight, it was enough, i knew if i ventured to far in, i risked getting oposed by to many oponents, and ewen if they could hardly hit me, and the ogre smages had difficuly in affecting me, there are just somuch you can dodge and block, and im not risking my life for some gems...

                  I knew i should have spend more time to learn the darkelf language, but iwe just been to busy working my crafts or study the weave, The weave was just to fashinating and my powers with it had grown, and i poured my thoughts into how i could bend it, make my spells last longer or experiment with bending the weave around me, using it to make myself vanish... i hadewen started to try using my dance, in combination with illusions and stealth, analysing how to be able to use shadows around, to use those patterns into a tequnique how to improve stealth and disapearnace, but it was hard, everything i wanted to learn i had to try, practice... i couldent go to a library to try and read up on it like a wizard, ewenthough we used the same weave, my powers were personal, they were no clumsey rigid preprepared spell patterns, my magic flowed through me, it was dynamic, alive, wild, and i folded it as i liked and when i wanted it... i giggled to myself, i simply needed to figure out, what went where and how to tamper with what... with out killing myself in the process, i laughed at myself, not all training had without pain, i recolected the time when i had tried to make myself fast, mages phrase the spell as haste, it had left me forseveral moments in a rather hasted fit of spasms, the memory of being locked into those spasm was a rather unpleasent memory, ewen if it was alittle funny, atleast when you look back at it...

                  Oh well, what to do today...


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                    RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
                    « Reply #8 on: October 13, 2006, 09:35:27 pm »
                    The rain drops hang heavy in the old forest, there was a thick humid air, mists dancing among the trees... Id walked many times up in High forest, i kinda liked the old place, but somehow it felt like the forest was in pain, anguish, kinda hard to explain... As i neared the spot where aloe grew, me step went softer and silent, i knew my illusion would keep me hidden from normal sight for a long time, as i had strengthened the weave pattern in it... Soon i could feel or hear the heavy steps from the two guardians in the glade, it was with alittle awe a watched the two big huge tree spirits moving around doing their tending and groaming of the place... As i with light steps and under the cloak of invisibility moved in among the two tree spririts, in some sense i think they knew i was there, but ignored me couse i choose to not violate their surrounding, atleast not in normal sense... i moved up to the first aloe bush and took fourth my little knife and cut carefully of some leaves, idid it as carefully as i could not to harm the plant so itwould grow more leave in future...

                    As i was done colecting the leaves, i stopped by a rock in the middle of the grove, i thought of this for a long time, and i wanted to give back alittle of what nature given me, on the rock i placed tventy vials of barkskin, ten healing potions, a wand of healing and a blueberry pie... I dont knew why i placed the blueberry pie, but it seemed that everything seem to like pie, so it felt right... As for the other things, they were not thecreation ofwizard magic nor the calling of gods, this was crafted by my bardic magic, and i hoped that it would aid the tree spirits toprotect this grove, i mean they grown the aloe for me to keep me and my friends safe, this was my way of saying thank you and give back and protect them...

                    Later at dawn when i lay in my bed, i couldent help to feel alittle sense of justice, i hope next people that come to that grove to kill and harm those that grow and tend for what we need, will get a nasty suprice, i really hope that my potions can aid the tree spirits defend their own home... andas i were to drift into dreams as i got that kinda funny mental picture inmy head... i laughed to myself as i pictured the two tree spirits sitting on the forest ground eating pie merrilly...


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                      RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
                      « Reply #9 on: October 15, 2006, 06:20:40 am »
                      I finally started to eye the papers Ael gave me, iwe takensome moments each morning before rest to work with the darkelf language, and at the same time iwe been studying the elven language, and i must say the laguages are wery alike, kinda one is like song the other like a whisper...

                      Its been good to travel with Praylor, Earl and Falon again, We made some trips to dangerous places for resources to ouer crafts... We got some good chunks of topaz ore near Valensk and lots of thistle in swamps near valensk...

                      In a trip to the Saudria desert, with Ael, Praylor and a elf named Quil, in search for Silver, i ran into a elven girl, i think her name was laeth, and she used some illusion, shadow based teqnique much like what i would like to accomplish with my dance and magic, it was inspiring to see her fade and reapear almost effortlessly, truelly amancing, and i got some glimpses of how the weave was affected, interesting ill need to ponder upon this...

                      My magical skill in divination is growing, iwe trained lately to but myself into a medative state and try to project my senses to areas i wish to see, places i wish to scry for, its hard but my skill is improving,  i learnt that water and insence helps, to gain focus, yet im not wery good at gaining sharp images, im kinda held in a dream landscape, where area scryed for is misty and foggy... Also iwe gained a powerfull divination spell, legend lore as mages would call it... with it i can, well it feels like i can reach out and gain knowledge from within, kinda like a collective dream mind, its a bit spooky, and im not sure its safe to use this to probe into to old stuff, yet its wery fashinating... i will start to use the spells on a shield and badges of dragon heritage, its interesting to see what knowledge i can get or dream images, regarding these items, hmm i should perhaps tell Ael and Sahala first, it might be dangerous to poke into the old...

                      Oh well, time to go get a slice of Pie !


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                        RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
                        « Reply #10 on: October 19, 2006, 06:12:33 pm »
                        Havent really taken the time to reflect much of late... but alot has happened, i feel sad with the loss of Mercas, a good and kind person he was, and the blade i wield, icefang, enchanted by him, will remind me of him and hopefully i can do the blade he enchanted justice...

                        I continuedto study the darkelf language and the elven language, not as much as i would like but alittle at a time... much come easy though, and many words i remember simply by looking at them... but ill need somemore training and time to get it right...

                        Iwe also been up to high forest alot, both for aloe and to enchant, and alsotime to relax up there, its a nice place to clear your mind... also i gave the tree ents some more potions and a healing wand... As i walked home i encountered a blackbear on the path, i got him off the path by placing a cooked trout a bit into the forest, i dident want him or any travlers hurt, any way i headed up to near leilon to fish more trout, and justas i had landed a big one, that blakc bear ponced the trout, i guess he fansied free food, kinda supriced i jumped back, he took the trout looked at me with, i think grinning smile, then the old bear run off...

                        I spoke alittle to Zan about a place for us, she was alitle sceptical, but she will help if it can be done


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                          RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
                          « Reply #11 on: October 23, 2006, 06:28:27 pm »
                          Days pass by... i feel my languagewith common work better, i still work on my elven and dark elven, still not as much as id like, but alittle every morning before i rest alittle, some progress though...

                          My crafts have developed nice, itsbeenalot of work, long days colecting andlots of hours with brews and the needle, but it has grown, and i finally make alittle coin out of it, i probably sell my goods to cheap, but most i sell to friends, and im happy i can keep them safe and well protected...

                          I was glad to meet Freldo again, i think the yourney hes been on, done him good, he is still hurt inside, and weigted down, will have to put alittle energy to get the wind back in his hair, he is fun and charming though...

                          Good old Praylor, we been doing alittle together, not as much as i liked, but alittle more atleast, was glad he got that ring... Was alittle concearned for him, he felt rather down after his insident in broken forest, but hes strong im sure he will rise above it...

                          Spent some time with Brielle, shes nice, frindly, and i hope her idea for cloth designing will work out... she designed working on a nice dress for me, im currious to see what will become of it...

                          So much id like to do... magic, languages, crafting... *chuckles* pie pie pie pie... *lumbers of to the kitchen*


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                            RE: Dear Diary - Miriel
                            « Reply #12 on: October 26, 2006, 09:58:28 pm »
                            i stepped into the house, slammed the door shut behind, heard the door slam shut with a loud bang... damn i hated when i was right about these things, its utterly anoying, in somesence it be better if i dident know, now i have to battle my consious if iam to tell or reamin silent... i turned around, looking around, i had a urge to break something just out of frustration... my eyes landed on a vase, and without hesitation i veiled at it, it felt so good to let out the rage, the frustration, it was alittle with fear i saw the vase explode into a myrriad of pieces before me, in somesense it felt good, itfelt niceto ride the wave of anger, yet it freigntened me... i took a deapth breath, calmed myself down, looked at the pieces on the floor and walked up towards my room, i guess i owe Sahala and Ael a new vase !...  As i walked up my thoughts went to katrien, Jharl, Freldo and Atlanta, Atlanta was atleast out of danger, but what about the others, who else could get hurt in their vake, he said to let them figure it out by them self... to tell or not to tell...

                            Weeks gone buy, my studies with magic goes on, i realice that the price of my dynamic, wild, more flexiable magic is that ill newer be able to form many spell patterns, i guess thats its weekens compared to wizards more infelxible, static and more structured magic... My understading of magic grow, i worked alittle more on divinations and scryings, im still not happy with it, im still having hard to get clear focus, but with time and patience ill get there...

                            My crafting with magic grows as well, i managed to crate some elemental enchants, and have been starting to work how create wards against elements, with time i guess, in some days ill try to craft my first rod, just need a second circle rod to bind the magic in...

                            Been some time since i met Ael and ewen longer since i saw Sahala, i hope theyre alright, guess im worried for them...

                            Been talking alot more to Drogo as well of late, we understand each other alot better, gave him 20 more healing potions for the tree ents, he would make sure they got them...

                            And i have to admitt, i am alittle amaced by the old bugger, scheming bastard, but he uses his head... and if he does that to me, ill kick him where it hurts !...

                            Oh well, language papers, nha i want pie !

