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Author Topic: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins  (Read 1088 times)


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2006, 08:43:46 pm »
The twins are just adorable...

I went to Krandor to find Elgon....and met Rain and Sonya. Sonya had been cooped up in their house ever since the birth and is getting cabin fever. They needed a I volunteered. The look on Sonya's face...priceless. She so wanted to get out of the house. They were going to meet up with Kyle...Ferrit and Mercas to go to Rilara or Dregar...maybe both. So they left me with Sarah and Tristan.

They are so small...and precious. Tristan made a little mess...which I did my best to clean up. Looking at them...makes me think...Wait.'s too early to be thinking that. Don't even know if he wants kids. It's way too soon. And he has his sword to deal with.

Maybe after that...who knows...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2006, 09:13:31 pm »
I must be a horrible woman...

Elgon must think I'm avoiding him. I don't see him for days on end...and I may be losing his love. I sent him a bird to tell him I love him and will try to be around more for him. I hope I can rekindle his love...if I haven't already lost it. I don't know what I would do if I did.

I got a present from Rain. An iron shortsword. Much better than the dagger. And I like using it. It feels well made. But I can't stop thinking about Elgon. I may be hurting him...and I don't want to do that. She looks at the shortsword in her hand. I'd as soon take this sword and...She shakes her head quickly.

Stop it Jenna. He loves you. Wait until you see him again. You will see...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #22 on: August 05, 2006, 08:02:42 pm »
I...I...did see him again...

And...The writing is a little wobbly as if written by a nervous hand* And he asked me to marry him!!! Gave me this beautiful ring...I...I...

I will write more later...The ink trails off...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #23 on: August 07, 2006, 02:39:39 pm »
Must I be treated like a child?....

We went to this swamp near Fort Velensk. It was filled with trolls. But I was really unable to do anything. Mercas kept throwing invisibility on and got mad whenever I attacked and dispelled it. Said..."We will not have any risks...". But that didn't stop Rain from falling. Poor Sonya...beside herself with grief. I said I will go and find Kyle...and that's when I heard something I thought I'd never hear...

"Maybe I shouldn't have let you come love." Elgon's words hurt. He let me come. This is a man who I promised myself to...and he treats me like a child. Mercas too. I just went to find Kyle. I didn't want Elgon to see me cry.

Maybe I'll be away for a while. Then he won't have to let me go anywhere....


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2006, 11:52:37 pm »
I have been unfair to Elgon...

We had a fight over what he said to me in that swamp. But...when I think about it...I was being unfair to him. He just wants to keep me safe...and I love him for that. I was more angry at Mercas. Mercas casts an invisibility on me...and expects me to just watch as Elgon takes a beating. I just can't do that. So...Mercas is just going to have to live with the fact that I will help protect my love from harm as best I can.

As for Elgon...

I feel awful. I go and don't see him for long periods of time...and he is wondering about us I think. So...I wore the dress he likes so much....and told him I will try to be around more for him. He deserves that from me.

Just as he deserves all of the love I can give him. ALL of it...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #25 on: August 21, 2006, 07:04:54 am »
I must go home with Kyle...

He said Mother is ill and could die. He leaves Ferrit in charge of the guild he runs...but I know he wishes she could be there with him. As much as I wish Elgon could be with me. I don't know if I should go home....the magistrate may throw me back in the city jail. I still haven't paid his son back.

I hope Kyle can smooth thing out at least for a few days....



Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #26 on: August 24, 2006, 06:23:40 pm »
Thank the gods for Kyle...

The guards were waiting for me at the North Hampshire docks as we stepped off the boat. Kyle spoke to the Captian of the Guard and they let us through.

Mother was deathly sick. The healers used all their skill to cure her. If I didn't know better...I'd say she was poisoned or something. But who would do such a thing? Mother has no enemies. She is resting comfoprtably and Kyle and I went back to Mistone.

Something smells fishy. And I don't mean from the docks...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2006, 10:31:17 pm »
I haven't written in a while so it is time to catch up...

A couple of weeks ago...Elgon met me at Lake Palden where we sat on the little island just off the shore. He told me that sword of his had shattered. At first I was glad...for he said the sword somehow wanted to control him and that since it wass no longer...he was free. But he says that demons still haunt him. And that he must leave for a while. No amount of talking could convince him that my place was with him. That I love him and wish to see this though with him. we sat there next to the fire...we showed each other how much we loved each other. And we held each other till the dawn light broke over the lake.

I know now that I must stay with him as much as I can. He deserves it....


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #28 on: September 01, 2006, 08:57:43 pm »
I have been spending more time with Elgon now...

And it may be a little too late. *tear stain* Elgon fell on Firesteep Mountain. And he lost another piece of his soul. And he tells me the next time he does...*more tear stains*

We showed how much love we have for each other again. But I sense fear in Elgon. Fear of leaving me forever. And it shows. He hardly goes out with the group anymore. And it tears him up inside. If that isn't death...then I don't know what is. I must not be the cause of that.

I won't be...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #29 on: September 03, 2006, 08:39:19 am »
Is it a punishment for me?...

Elgon is betrothed to someone already. Some sort of arrainged thing done when he was very young. Some sort of family tradition. Some tradition. Now...he said I am his life...the one he wishes to spend the rest of his life with...and that the arraingment means nothing. That he hasn't been in touch with his family in years...and that the only reason he remembers is because his cousin came to tell him that the time draws near.

Elgon now must fight the brother of the woman to the death to be released!!! I am so afraid for him...despite his assurances that he will not die. He has only one more strand of his soul left and if he should get another visit...

I...I....*the ink trails off*


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2006, 09:09:45 pm »
A lot has happened so I'll be brief...

Elgon has returned to me safe and sound. I'm so glad I nearly knocked him over when I saw him. We have a lot of things to talk about. Our wedding perhaps?

And Ferrit is pregnant. That will make me Auntie Jenna. More babysitting for me I guess. Ferrit will make a fine mother. And Kyle a terrific daddy. Maybe Elgon and I could...

Well...I'll go and see him. Like I said...we have a lot to talk about...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #31 on: September 17, 2006, 09:38:27 pm »
Rain scares me...

We had gone to Haven...and something came over Rain which frightened me. His eyes glowed golden under his mask...and he was filled with a blood lust that filled me with such fear...he looked at me like I was like one of them ogres. And he kept on stabbing the bodies...even after they were dead. I was mortified and frightened out of my wits. Thought he was going to kill me too.

I was glad when we left Haven. I never left Elgon's side the whole time. Rain ran off and when we found him...he was unconscious amidst a pile of slaughtered animal carcasses...I kept my distance from him. Then...when he came around...he spoke of a curse. A curse that causes the blood lust...and he doesn't remember what happens when he gets like this. He may even hurt one of us.

Rain is Elgon's friend...and I love and trust Elgon. But...I think I'm going to keep my distance from Rain and my hand on my blade.

I am so frightened...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2006, 09:04:38 pm »
I can't stay away for too much longer...

By staying away from Rain...I'm also staying away from Elgon. They are like brothers and it is wrong of me to hope Elgon would stay away too. I'm still going to keep an eye on Rain. I still am a little wary of that blood lust of his.

I have a nephew...

Cole is his name. Ferrit gave birth to him a few days ago. I'll have to see him soon. From what I was told...Kyle had to deliver him because Cole wanted to be born quickly. They didn't have time to find Sala Stonehill to be midwife.

That must have been something...Kyle delivering a baby. I would have paid to see that. Well...guess I'm going to have to make some baby clothes for my nephew. Cole...a nice name. It has a nice sound to it...Cole Pandorn. Very nice sound to it.

If he is anything like Kyle...he will out grow them as fast as I could make them...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2006, 06:49:14 pm »
I now know what it feels like...

My poor love Elgon has felt this nine times. The one they call the Soul Mother. I fell in a place called the Berhagen Mountains to a beast called a yeti. This was no ordinary fall...there was a cold touch and the pain was exquisite. Like a thousand arrows hitting every spot on my body. And I thought I heard...laughter. As if someone was takikng great joy in my pain.

Elgon...he says it will only get worse. I believe him. And he is one more touch from being taken from me forever. I hope that it never happens...

I had to face Rain...

He says he can control this...this...curse. And that he would rather die than hurt any of us. I believe him too. He also told me that he swore Elgon to end him should he hurt any of us. That is like asking Elgon to cut his own head off. It shouldn't come to that. He has controlled it for two years now...and he can control it again.

I hope so...for his sake and ours...


RE: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2006, 04:30:27 pm »
*A very drunk hand writes this page. A number of tear stains dot it throughout*

Oh my dear sweet Elgon...

My heart...why? Why did you have to leave? I'll never see your smile...hear your laugh...take you in my arms at night...ever again.

Why did you have to go into that cave? Was the minerals and ore really worth it? Was it worth your last strand? And I wasn't there by your side like I promised. I was busy being curious about Hurm. Hurm. The last place we were together. The last night we spent together. In the morning you were gone...a rose on the pillow. I thought nothing of it usually gave me a rose before leaving.

I said to myself...'I'll see him in Hlint or Port Hampshire. I can help him get iron or something. We can cuddle the night away after. And plan our elopement.'

But now...your funeral is being planned. I will wear the ring you gave me for our engagement. I will even think about taking your name anyway. I...I...

I love you my sweet Elgon...always...

*the writing trails away as if Jenna has passed out.*


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #35 on: October 05, 2006, 10:09:17 pm »
There maybe something of Elgon that lives on...

I have been ill lately. Usually during the day and it comes and goes. afraid to say it...but I may be with child. Elgon's child. It has been 4 months since we...were in Hurm. That last night we were together. That last night I saw my beloved alive. I am sure I am...but I'll need someone to confirm it. I'll have to find Drogo.

I am both happy and sad at this. Our child will never know his or her father. But a part of Elgon will live on. And I will see Elgon in him or her every time I look at our child. I hope I can be a good mother...

And somewhere Elgon is looking down at us and smiling I hope...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #36 on: October 08, 2006, 11:48:04 pm »
I've been to the healers...

And they have confirmed it. I'm having Elgon's baby. And I'm starting to outgrow my clothes. I can't go venturing belly makes it harder to sneak around. So...I walk around Hlint...trying to craft my clothes.

I also watch Cole while Kyle and Ferrit are out venturing or working for the guild. 'You'll need the practice Jenna' Ferrit says with a grin on her face. Cole is walking around now...and I'm constantly running after him. Little bundle of energy he is. Just like Kyle.

Time to go rest. I get tired a lot now too...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #37 on: October 10, 2006, 11:31:07 am »
I am getting huge...

I had to take out my clothes every week. Has to be a boy...the girls in the Pandorn family aren't that big. I need to come up with a name for the baby.

I think Krindo if a boy. After my father. A proud warrior...just like Elgon was. My gods....haven't written them and told them. They will be surprised. Me...always getting into going to be a mother. Who would have though?

If a girl...maybe Ardora...after my childhood friend who died while we were young. I loved her almost as much as Amith and Dana. Just like a sister she was to me.

I have a few more months to decide. Now...I think I'll waddle over to the craft house to make baby clothes. Some for a boy some for a girl.

I need to keep busy...gods I'm big...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #38 on: October 16, 2006, 09:25:23 pm »
The baby's coming soon...

The kicking is getting more frequent. would have to be just like Elgon....fighting his or her way out. Seems this is the time for babies to be born. Rain and Sonya had triplets!!! One they named Elgon. *tear stain* I will have to go see them on Dregar.

Not a day goes by that I don't think of Elgon. How he would have reacted to me carrying his child. I think he would have been happy. Someone to carry his bloodline on. *Jenna touches her belly as the baby gives a good kick*

Ow...that one was hard. Time to get some rest. I need to make leathers tomorrow. Anything to keep me busy.

Goodnight my child...and to you Elgon my love...


Re: Jenna Pandorn-The sentence begins
« Reply #39 on: October 19, 2006, 09:27:50 pm »
He's here!!!...

Krindo Merrick Pandorn. A son...our son. He looks a bit like Elgon too. I was trying to work deer leather when the first pains hit. Dora was there and we tried to get to the Wild Surge...but Krindo just couldn't wait. So...we went to the barn.

I was sooo scared. But Dora helped me through it. She is a healer after all. Little did I know that she never delivered a baby before. Just her being there was enough. Then Rain...Lance and Omer showed...and helped me to the Surge. Lance was especially worried and made sure I got to my room. He is just as kind as Elgon was. Must run in the Merrick family.

I look at Krindo and see a lot of Elgon. I loved Elgon so much and now...I love our son just as much. I need to sleep now. It has been an eventful day...